Jo DE 'L SIFIED JdfP ByJq NJ JU Date- f 1 - Authority - t'hi1 oo ol I _o r I 1 r-r tmbe o THE FO EIGN SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RME-6o-ltr 1A Amerioan lnbusy Rome Ital 7 DOV 'ic - __ - - _ cc - T 1 0 _ i Dear Jakes fi a i 1 lllVl1 - ' tl - -' __ o - u- GOi'' ' l' ' - o - 1 ' '- Y r'R P 0 '- o j l l D C - -i _ r u us 1975 ror 11 21 196 4 r -v Thank yourl tter ot June 15 oonoeming the lbbassy'a Deapatoh 1088 I look forward to reoeiving the Department's reply to our deapatoh but 1n the meantime I have a queat1m to ask whioh haa been battered about here 1n the mnbaaay 'lbis question may at first seem naive but I believe it mq be worth oonaidering The question is this Why have a stookpile agreement With Italy it the United states is going to bear the expenses What is really served by negotia1 ions leading to a stockpile agreement whioh would simply legitimatize many bastard oh1ldren who are already here and are being taken oare of very happily Without a stookpile agreement Aa we examine the agreement the basic purpose there111 is to get the Ital1anar to share the expenses involved It they do not share the expenses and the agreement 1a reworded so that the United states takes upcm itself those tinanoial reaponaibilitiea whioh we have beretotore env1eaged as falling UPoll the Italians doest-he atookp1le agreement have any real merit You will reoall that I 1ntroduoed this subJilot into our oanversatian when you were in Rome the lut time and neither of' us was able to oome to a really satiataotoey answer I would like to have your personal reaoticm to it eapeoially 1n view ot the tact that we alre have nuolear weapons here without stookJ ile ae ement and there does not seem to be any bu1o problem about 1ntroduo1ng more nuclear weapons when and it they are required 'l11e best ev1denoe of this is the IMM inatallation at Gioia del Colle along with others well lalown to you - Sincerely t Edwin M Adad John Y Millar Esquire ott1oer-1n-cbal'ge Politioal-M1litary Attaira mm RA Department of state Washington 25 D c ----------- --------- This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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