Qlt'f V lt' -1' f1 1t vkr @ ASSIST ANT SECRET ARY OF DEFEN SE 2400 DEFENSE PENTAGO N WASHING TON DC 20301-240 0 INFO MEMO - 2ID7 Jl M t 2 i H l'J 23 INTERNAT IONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS 1-02 008551 · · C ····F ····· l •'· rrRHI RY OF DEFENSE v i· 11-t FOR SECRETARY OF DEFENSE a1 FROM Assistant Secretary of Defense lnt on al S ty PeterW Rodman 695-4351 U N 2002 SUBJECT Deputies Meeting on North Korea and Colombia 4 June 2002 U lJ USD P Feith and I attended a Deputies Committee meeting on 4 June North Korea Deputies considered how to choose between -- or how to blend -- two distinct approaches to North Korea -- the roadmap approach with a message to be conveyed to North Korea by State Department envoy Jack Pritchard seeking movement on the familiar agenda missile and nuclear restraints the conventional military threat and -- a ''bolder approach suggested by the President raising directly with Kim Jong-II if possible the fact that his regime faces a fundamental choice between reform which we will assist or demise which we will also seek to assist This message could be conveyed by a higher-level envoy e g Steve Hadley or Rich Armitage • The problem in a nutshell is that State prefers the · oadmap and is wary of the second option DoD has doubts about both • USDP expressed uneasiness about a high-level envoy carrying a bolder message This could be seen by Kim Jong-II as a threatening message Had we thought this through He also argued that Kim Jong-11 was unlikely to be receptive to such ·a message but the approach could be useful if the audience we were trying to reach was the North Korean people and elite SECRE'f ' Cl ASSIFIED BY PETER W llODMAN Reason • 1 S d ' ft DJ CLASSIFY ON 4 June 2012 -- 06-06-02 16 55 IN a EFOOIITIIOII XO1 7 42 I O2 SEf R E'f' rJf_ After discussion Hadley asked that the paper be recast along the following lines -- The U S should start off with the bolder'' approach appropriate ly refined so as to avoid a provocative effect If this failed we could either 1 let it sit for a while 2 use the conventional roadmap as a safety net or 3 apply a negative roadmap of penalties L 1 Hadley also asked for further study of sequencing and the level of the contacf SecState Powell could signal the North Koreans that a new initiative was coming at the ASEAN Regional Forum on 31 July • Hadley also asked for a strategy paper on the flow of refugees and asylum seekers from North Korea This would be a possible eleme nt of U S strategy as well as a problem to manage 1 State's envoy Pritchard is scheduled to contact the North Koreans in New with a place-holding reply to their overture of27 April Principals will meet on the issue hefore he goes and his talking points will be circul ated Kr1c Colombia l_ Deputies agreed that Colombia's choice ofa new President should reinforce the course on which U S policy was already embarked Much of our and Congress's inhibition had been rooted in concern that the Colom bians under Pastrana were not doing enough Uribe promises to furnish the politic al will • Deputies agreed that Uribe also had to show he had a strategy j Deputies agreed at JCS sugges on to move quiclcl_y to nullify the Chnton-era PDD-73 that confines U S pobcy to countemarcotics A document would be prepared shortly to do this while preserving any legal autho rities that the Office of Drug Control Policy might need to retain In the meant ime a new NSPD would be drafted in the interagcncy process COORDINATION TAB A l'Rpared by ASD ISA Rodman -4351 SEPR'lt' T 2 This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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View the Document >>Deputies Meeting on North Korea and Colombia, 4 June 2002