fptnrzint covssne N nmap ¢ a c aree ioo oaulflge 4 p fast wmp 965013 TOP SECRET we wan n c rofsfued ow speatstery 2 cevice or om ssomnum seme or vermee fesningtoo 5 C Internationnt Securtty Afatze refer to 1—25000 6 30 any 196° reseme or iezew sveorore wienoron meissiocnes crove 5100 Ball ddly 30 1966 a pertictpento unites states nites Rington hes mitre matrmen Tort mot Matza tee iss General vest Cstonet Spragiasy IG Matzan Grete ticoeh Restrony sa les momon Captain Contes ton Ye room Cnlonet machen inn Emeatos tom ino Snus ter he foinnd State Sas we Mitgen State w Taber Me» Meentch State General Brame He metes brate h Poyee Ne Helm White nose X RolGerac cermmencrsnte Ofsncistn 0 Gupe sus __ Comer meomendipenc_—— $1 AfDiinay G hn pur wt wove vem Generel Stetshott Peth gorge Coronet Semverttregen e —— ©Ton mams mssale — pegr Macusston of the U Moring Peper on Fnastng Ye itee opened the meeting by eussoeting that the dtscusston conte on dard Reosta pepe D Weck emounced that the P20 vas prepared to make a contetin« rion E the Shure dincumnion by entmisting a paper on Phase I vitch in Brateibotse Wes Mitee after reading the papery asked 12 tt vas the German Antertin t Tae a centrivation to baste 11 11° andt TV b Weck anda the PRG version of Phase TE fe Adentionl to that or the is Bil 22 lak titermative vermtons of thase IHH ond TV Ecum mox arowete Revie 1oo om 5200 20 oms nor are ‘ Cory A of 50 Coptes rorsEerEp #‘ ‘® wore s—w pasarzent scussne «zr wan __ mst k R a wow oaeffZl tors foot asked vhat the atternattves vere be Hfesk setd stat he had in mind vas the suggestion in Tord moot‘a paper that the Jerger ground operations shoud be relegated to Te berloe or the Mat share thay might be considered an an aiterne I tive to miclees actions n Puase TF _ The PRO prefered a shorter aise IIT relying upon CHR OMR n Phase IV al lane that voriez on genered wae sound be put together 11% 3 tfi tvo imaro CHARLT O and POUR vith melour ames ol C we Mize asked how vith this arrangement we vould fnttiate expend wtifiany operations after Soviet resistance mad been entab THIS Re tren bussed to ford Mmod‘e peper and anked Af there vere any further comente on Paase TIL e questioned the lust sentence in persgraph 15 which reads Aternatively the Musion® RIGke thablnlgn the btockate end tats vould be Aikaty ‘to lend to Efe Tar ai see video tne Aiton vound have to vage unter very wnferitelle blepnastanctsy atzce trey vould not be apie to attack the Bovies sutmezine bases e noted that ALM4ed bases vould not be 2 Gier uTiie sitar and expressed the view that ie etroumatances of a Mdntted var at son vould fevon us in mtlttery action« Untoubteiiyy be Toil have 55 sustain anigy ng dosten but the over alt renult Wold not mecensactly be untovorebia to the vert Lord Seas thought the den of a Lintted var at sea vas contrery to Wey dovtitne Toreover 26 in a great problen to conroy and mrotect antpping on a vertdzutde bests mdnteal tee potnted out thet the Sorteto are at a geographtoet Afendvantage for abtacking abtzptng on a verld—wide puts wes Mtee noted that a secent vargame on this problem inttcnted tint B¥iz goecbnie o the Boviet nubomzine forcee vere destroyed in Thies Zeotin of a 1tntied ver at nee ‘tite romult vas not vith mcteer depth chargen but with 1M Mh torpedoon Our 2osses were not ex setaive Autre Gretg eat this vse not the Rettish view To a Itatted wes ve Tite Sot fetack Soviet mtsarines tatt tey attectnd our whipht The aauage to our trade over the short tern vould be eub Preotilat hign wiil refuse to eats and great Figoet aitricution His ite D a Halted var at sen ve witt suffer more thin the Whvoriiey Fertioutanty in storaite comet te dtd not dount hov— ret that ve cound prevail over the dong term we Mice satd in assessing the sequence of actions the t protere‘mavek measures to come early jasteel Tes thought ve abou take the tnttiative in maritine sesnifth TorsEcrgy ne «1 iereamritett® cecussnen Aunt E _ nee um ofl b 7 TOPSECRET— W htatves oretg onserved that 15 takes a Jong time to bring a intmicine var under controt« Atatral Tee thought the etto of nntmstnes aftont to thore surk woud not favor the Sortete matical oretg egroat to thts assessment of Soriet Tomes but was concerned nbous Abdad losses Lord Hoot ested for ctasification as to vhat nevl measures ¥132 uctuatly be wnt Wes Mitee thought this vas a planning gop that shout be Sized ‘n mie 46 That ve mom by mbtiization should atzo be clarified Re then turica to discuss Pnase TT be Wieck wondered £f the Subgroup dntented to Afecure the types of vaye for using nuclear 20 26 envisaged further constder— hRon ty the Youe Be referred to pessgraph 5 First sentence of We UG paper in seying tnat not every use mate o einatus Paps ¥or—mctoes operations and certain mclear operations mould be velghed agatmat each other we Nitze sata the Us concern to that 28070 an an Snctated eperation vill not have mich affect agsinet the Uhon Tov inl it Teolore our visah intecente tn Beritnt ne A10 not nee hov the Russians vould eel BRAID ves anything nore thin a deconstzatton« e thougt nrusbober vound not be frightened and vould counter— qemonstente be Weck thought BYO would be fectated only fn theory but not ihfacte Ire pltuatton at me time vould ve tense because other Untretions vound ateendy be unter ray _ BND vould be comected in T Uatly fasion sith other measures ant ite atgntttomnce coun Infory Te MMefocked by tne adversary to change sorter poltey ve WHS lave to amaitenge the moleer integrity of the Uho® ant the dersttortal fntegrity of the Ci We liitze asked Drs Weck £ he had In mind thet the CMRITE eet operations vould be undervey vien ve vould resort to MYO MM Line page c _ 1 be iitesk thougt they vould be because Fpase THE stud Antotally be non—auciean Once they fetl howsrer Shen ve have to weigh an increase in non—mttoes cperetions agatnet the toaly messege of 2000 % we Mitre thought this point vas atuilez to persgroph b of Lord feod‘s paper He asked If AVO snound be used In support of curtar som N g gue TOP—SECRET meso 1 mes ppaermnitar oecussred ——— tlk ns t won onf br Wesk entd he needed etartficetion as to how to chamnel the setectid use ot morose Ms Zabel satd tt vas bio personal view not to reserve mclean uctton unti Paase NV e thought there vould arrenty be an exceot« Thely tense sttwation brought tout In Phase HIT Tf we flad i Rfetonty to enter Bape Hy 15 woutd only be because we were unsuccess— RS n Base HHC Ie ve welt vaste Phase MH me we of metoene fond set afe as sthcors yess B ve oonbtoe vith Phare THl certain Tioeints G2 Fuige TZ theny the situation with ve dose tems At that point the desonstrative use of misleers wound tell the Soriete l Taty I2 ve login land eperationsy much operations witt fave mctees bross wes Mize anked i Lebel if he vould favor the use of mctoare pies S B08 wd ols ¥ Sabet set thet he wouid Yhen we are pretty reaty for Sand 2 eperetisnes t Uioprtrprion seit menttent at a Le when tersion is not gotten ont of hand that we are willing to use melears we Mitre anted f the Sortets just respond to our use of one or two siiiates Bit tres or four of theis om nittout reltering seriin Het to ve do next bo ve procect alouly wits moe ww and outers The ie semomstoes eresstioen oo as ve wae the OMRRG mstses anahta ® I moines notion vere to foltow would 46 not be better to mike a larger stzatesle stzike Jord Bood thought 1 the Soviets cerpond vith four mclease of tmet oun they signify thet acceptance of the stake of general viz Pitleg maine 14 we have attempted by atl mame short of repressive 3 wction to change Sortet poldcy and have girded ourselves for 239 AihHtery actiche Mes hove fn tint ve wile be esccesstul in Prace IZ TE wot the nevertng of pescetina setations and massing of Ines Press‘ tat Pelion Witt produce a vesy erittcms etountion Operations in Phase IIT should fnttfatty be non—mcioar and he thought the dingrety was aprons on this point Contrary to shat 1 Satel fac said he thought the ftzet demonstration should be noromeloer thly‘s2 that fora should ve consider the intttnn use of meteors Tt is concetvable hovever that our Sixst nowmicloas actions may Zead ws nto a ettutton vhere self—defense requires mcloare Re Curkte plats might very sapidly lead on tote tats attuntion H Zabel thought his postion vas not fae apart from Tord Toot‘a 16 wld be Ease 417 when the fizet use of msleare cooure If you die mncletia before the Fase Itt operations have rin tiate cones te stturtion vill be lees tense than 1t vould be Zater on We Mitse asked how the situation would be more unter contro in ase HZ thas Sates on TOPSECRET meto r proses nepusstneo i Aut I or won onf 7 R w Zebel thought the noo—mcioar ver at nee for exante wound ¥e seiattvety easter to controt than Paase TV operations me — use of mcloars at sen vould be ester to control then their use ye nitee thought et2 thts vould do 2tttze to reltere Bertin x Zabel objectad for he thought 24 would being to bea n Moscoy the ddee That thei next move may be thetz last They will get this messege 18 a mciees veepon has been exploded nomentere Lox Mood agreed in that it seemed to him that the fnttiel neansces Teken in Phase IHT are 2tkaty to be more readily controllable at sen than on land ye Mitre concurred that measures at sen and in the tz are nore controlittie except for ABMA 710 Pit 2intted mclear ection at sen in poltticar nctiony not ntattery The question in viat counter politic action vit the Soviets take Peringe they vill beck off inder cover of a conference Or they might reson vith an eye Lor an eye or an aye and a Text ‘ mus it in Aizticutt to envisage I reopenning of access as a rem of our sing meloass That happens then We cammot ataply return to novmcloer cperations« Ne w have to bepin mictons bergaining n vitch the dangers of preeuption vi32 mitttpty We are on very uspredictable ground when we have come thts fer M Zevel asked Me ltitee 1f the U coud dtsttngutsh at ann petveas a resity destructive umof melou and thei poriticnt usnge« The Antessadors in the countries vill be aie to tell the difference Me tre agreed that the demonstrative use of micleare 1s of some Amportence« W Zabel thought a vay out should be ett open for the Seriete tt vill ve eater for then to find a pretext 19 muclears have ben sed They vill see the donsnstzation as the verning thet 16 1s Me lfitre sald he reserved great skepticism for an exchange of mtsar desonstrattons M Zeber agreed skepticton vould be verrented 1f there vore qust an exdlisngs but he 014 not think the Soviets vere eccustaned to a nere exchange Me Mitee pointed out that a mere exchange will leave us fn a nore dangerous porttton having cat off other options te agreet with Dr Wieck that the weight of micioars should be added at nome point to the sequence of nction but the quention is vhere to add 1t Frere are sereent ways ot adding 1% TOP—SECRET nesot me Theme cetussned _ ra p m won on ffolt f De Hels thought we should be prepared to select a moment for the s polttleat use of mciears After naving tated to change boriet portcy by engaging tn a butliwp in Yost Cermany ve should conduct another witchan probe to ascertain 1f Puase TI has brought resulte In he event that they do not Must the probe imediately 1s ound I fndonte they hat mate a dectoton to mesottate If thay do bunt t I should vey at thie pots add me velght of mloars for political 1 Berporest‘ Or atoutd we wat for the outcome of nonmetons ate ant ground mcttont Although he considered 1b urgent to reopen access me thought that probes of verious sorte should not be repeated Re i preferned a shorter Phase IHH an entarged nace 37 4 Me itee sat he vould prefer to fuplement mde om Cutie oue mad Rings incluing their ate amerss to Fiase TIZ mise eperetions vould be commnurate uith diplematio activity as the times They vould also give you time for deciding on the use of mclsars« Oce muctenze have been used hovever the opporeuntty Lor diplomatic action can be toss Jord Heat thought there sould be tine for diplomacy Te asked A vint She objective of PNDs WIXD vourd be be We Mitee thought te objective would be to assert tripartite Teget rights The hope is that 1t vill not be restated since the Soriete will cheerve the buildup bebtnd 24 The TRAE HID objective 4s to test our access to aee f we can get through to Berita It shourd be supplemented ty CHIE OM hacked up ty Gurti® simee Jord Beat thought we vould not need greater operations once we nave ectace a portion of O8 terettory e anted further it ve wound need CBRIE mhmz® £8 CHIRLIR OM were throm back» wc Mitre assumed ve wound tn order to have time for ¢iplomcy RNID WHD might only take a few hours but a three Aiviston attack vould take Songers Jord Boot asked 12 ve vould reinforce TiD TTD we Mitze ontd yos« Lord Toot asked 1f ve vond then throw tn more troops — we ttre aatd you bnt added thet £6 this procens does not becos miccoonnil vo with have to resort to muclens operations Bit then there vill be Mitte time for diptomey M Tebel ontd tito vas his reason for eussseting an cartter warning stot before ve get stuck in a ground operation Tord Mood thought wnat vas sel todey conttmed is view that the ground opecations are very questionable TOP—SECRET— me 6 or T ma goos nevuasstntp rs f an wow one fZl E 7 We Hitze objected for he aatd f ve have read the betance F» and revicetnta Rlcioes vax correctly the rations course tor the Bortate wouid be to get out or the CHR chat of operetions» Reny can trump our mucins demonstration vith one of thete on j ‘is‘nagt step vould be an extenatve msloer vae beyont enyone‘s I contron Jord Hood retterated that he though ground action in 2teelt 1s questionabte — we Mire thought grount action met be viewed in tte context Jord Hoos thought the Soviets could respond to our non—mciee operations ty setaing Beritn hen ve gut oun Fingers nto the Ci they vila grab sere then we put in our whole hand they wkd dreg the sent of us n tn the ate we vould here much more Ereeton of mncwres When the ate corsidore are menaced that to vase we shoud rersont es Mitre thougt a reltance on ate ection for access vould Aevotve ie tn RSA #0 APIA OMB in not fer removed from 2NCX Pie vith grount atte attacks added — Periage a SHCC PINE plus would be mize reasconble viare we would be taking stake eartter« He then muagented the Subgroup devote Ltael to discussing two mpectfie task the kind of mobilization to be untertaken in rase Tt and the kind of expending navel actions to be taken throughout the puasing After these terks are dfscuased we vould suggest preparing a paper tor the C w Zeber eussested a further Aiocusston of the suasing question vefore Bubnitting a paper on ft to the C Mes Mize pointed out in 1G 2B thet the Four have alzendy stated vhat 26 in dtepate betveen then Jord Boot engeneted that the Subgroup study the TRO peper Dr wend had atetetmted Ms Mitze adjourned the meeting at h 20 P M f TOP—SECRET neroims
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