Rensooe squssnd inn rarmaie a by vemon Br 6 Mm C Fc O framssun G Owree camyis i yinowons2ie ——TOP SECRET Nowe Ca ratecomnuson rom sere more ER LT —L TBE sw sevanttery 33 imanails __ f —A 3 were or mm Assromum ceonenatt or promise Weahington D C International Secusfty Affatze 12 September 1962 Refer to 1—259T1 2 weemie or wnirmir snorts isknioror Amesinont rowe 3130 P M 12 September 1986 Purtfcipents f United States United Kington Astral tee Acting Chatman tort toot Generel Gray 308 Me Brooke Colonel Ansotzong 180 Colonel Meechan Ith Zrance Ano T6s o 3 Catone Crtet dco vsrmppc Tofchns Ms Beveect fon W kinsite mac inte Me Kranich State X Peien Colonel Migathen State Colonel toms Me Maurer State Mr Kein White House germy Dr wtesk Captain Ousgenberger Mr You Magnus Discussion of Pioal Drafe of Preferred Sequence Peper Astral teo cpened the meeting at 3 30 with the statement that he beltered everyone vas instructed and that the group vas cpernting under considerable pressure of tine He expressed the hope of getting the paper to Ambassador Rintetter by Priday There vould be an Anbassedortal Oroup meeting tonorro For ts final position the 0 8 had four proposed changes tvo of which vere ccupletely minor The fizst change he spoke of danlt with the question of atz access Bren though the new vording vas Tess clear than the original he tels that 1f the paper vere ever to full under Mr Mirushcher‘a ayes ve should not be in a posttton to give him the opportunity to challenge our ate access knowing we planned to stop flights tenporazily here 1s danger in stating the Lact with certainty Ne stressed the fact that this was not in any vay a change n evbstance Lord Hoot sata that he did have an anentzont to that parsgzaph vhich vas a change In eubrterce mxtimen reow Arrowanc Cory Zipot 50 Contes momBmicy Dob pm 3000 20 nose nor Avett Page 2 of T Pages ooas netuassineo Caw Aubsrt y won nfl TOP—SECRET A Antral Lee asked 1f there vere other changes euegenting that 18 there ¥ were then 15 might be best to proceed on a page—ty—page baste Tord ood ansvered that he only had the one change and that t dealt with the persgraph 9% Antral Leo had discussed He suid that his anendaent related to an Besiter tert She U S had chonen the words LIV OMK snatend of JhCk PTB TIT because the latter vould be XASo s responsibility The VX postion vas that the vords should be open for possible tripertite action He felt that the governments seated at the table should have the wbLttty to make necessary decisions and that the vord deliberately should be Anserted before extended cutetde the corrtdare Astral Lee stated thet he vas in agreement ‘ General Gruy asked for clarification comenting that there was a certain potnt viere operations under JCK PINE had to cone unter MHS Tord Hood comented that 1t vould cose under 10 £f necoupanted ty ground nppression action Astral Lee satd that this could be done tripertitely General Grey antd that action folloring the first action vould come under nico Astral Zee said that that point was covered in the MMto—Zripertite paper and veferzed to the French potnt that we might want to try another tripartite prove Mt Winckter satd yesy that they had Atscussed that in the Jnst meeting Adsizul Lee thought that the U X wording adequately reflected the 0 8 position — Tort Hood asked Antral Teo to repent the reasoning behind the U changes« Mdatral Zee said that he realized the first version vas much clearer and that the second lapMeitly presented a new probles of yossthle ntetnterpretation But he explained this vas preferable to the possibility of the exey‘s predict— Ing our actions vith certainty — M Hinciter matd the change vas ecceptable to him Matra tee confirmed with Lord Head that the U had no more muegestions ut thas point le then added that the Phase IX language reganiing az access as he understood 1% indicated that other HMO nations —— not ala mations —— should partiotpate 1f they so desized but that the tripertite povers should An no way be hindered by a reluctance on the part of others« Tord eod and M Wincklex both expressed agreement TOP—SECRET Page 2 of T Peses CRERE serussnto ___ ik mo I ‘ Aum tat C Antral Zee tured to the proposed change on page 5 mtying that the IP — intetiston of has agaressive comotattons and that the U 8 vas therefore anggeoting to resort to e atd that there was mo change in meesing Tn making this eugsestion the U S had constdered M Winciler‘s suggestion of earing out the purase aitogetien Tort Heo accepted the change Adstzal Tee anid of the final U S proposed change to delete the con— clustony thes 46 vas not substantive and there ws no reason not to delete 1t M Wincider said that he could 2ive with tt 7 Dr Wieck preferred to have it out Adstret tes comented that the U S had no more changes« M Winokter expressed the French feeling that Phase TY vas extresely stort us expreeseds An 1t stood it seemed to atate that in Phase IV ve had reacind ihe end of the road but an doing so 16 seemed a bit veake The second point was that the French preferred deleting the consluaton And thirdly he satd What as the others knew thay nad sorting to any about the WB poretiittys Mio fnstructions from Parte were to put the 2anguige under bracket with French reservations Astral teo asked 18 he hnd any apectfie formilation on Phase TV M Winckter anid mo that At was Just a feeling they vented to express Dr Wesk setd that the Germans had aomeviat the sane feeling Adstzel Teo referzing to the U ll question asked 1f 14 vould be better to shiv 15 as a for Instance with a Preach reservation or to delete t M Winckler afd that the French agreed that the question vould artee and that Re could accept either alterative Me Eventch asked 1 there vas consensus on how the paper ves to be tatzo— duced as a U S or quadrtpartite paper If mn a U 8 peper then he suggented that incluton of the reservation vould nticnte that the U 2 had voriad in commtation with the others and bence we might not vant to accept that Mtermative mme French vould have an opportunity to make their reservation in the Comet Antral tee wondered ° 46 vouldn‘t be better to delete the shzase and ation 15 to cae out in the Comeii e said that mentally he wi voting for an unnpldt papery but f othere thought 15 better the French could indicate Thats reservation in the paper Lost Hoot seid that the U preferred to have the point kept in that 16 was can of the actions bound to be tntroduced TOP—SECRET— raesort r» Famammnraat® oecurssinen hiss 1 Aust won oneffZil W Dr Weck euggented that 1 vould perhaps be better if the point vere ¥ — inteobaiod orglly fnstend of fomaiiy as a French reservation The potnt Wild certainly tome up — 1t was he felt only a techntoul consideration Astral tee vas concerned that this might revit in focusing attention on a relatively miror point Lord Hood said that the French vere making 16 an tuportant one M Minciter oatd that ve couldnt reslly any what other actions vould be und this 1 wee not the French dntention to exclute porstbie U action But Thie be meth vas a military paper and there vea no reason to stzens this fom of poritton retion Pause Adatzat tee sugested changing vould seen to aay be but on second thought added that Lt vas the reference to the U M to which the French objected w Minciter ontd that that vas the case Agatrat fee satd that thts var a problem which vould face the Permment Repreptatative In busta Por the present he uagented leaving in the French Mtervation and detring the Asbaasadore fron out that problen br Wieck satd that as he had intfcated alzenty the Germans had reservations snout the Phase TV language e setd that hie purone in offering a change wss to atress the frammvork He proposed the addition ital NAO aime will then be achieved only by HMO nations being reat to face general var tie continued Tak he reatised that reference to genera var atzendy exfoted but nonetheloss zeit that £6 vould be appropriate to add this sentence to Phase IV Tord Hoot asked for the optaton of the IMO experts DIG that seem a suitable mote to close ont Pose Astral Tee sata that he vas concerned about the vesimess not the etrensth or tt ShitERIE bo hin 16 seeged t be a plug for deterrence But vhen we aet %o the mslens stage we are not Just ready to face He mided tas his Lon of a grund finale might be soething like dontonted ty the nuclear equation _ too Tate to bello tine to charge he added — Use of the wort vital interests wetued vent i vould be a question of survival W WinciGes asked for Astral Lec‘s language Could he find laxgunge Atke thas for the textt Antral tes repeated his dontnated by the nuclear equation phrase and wited dominated ty mucioar action He ontd that hin purpose vas to unterline The point witout aeping anything too deftntstve — TOPSECRET mebor T mes ‘ ¢ ot nepuassincd C wow oneffolal f Tord Hoot aatd the addition was atzight with hin i Bea Wieck setd that he wanted to convey the iden that ve must face msctsar Ter Desonetrattve use does not meen an aln out strike nia to vhat we want to being to MMRO s attention Doutnated by the nuclear equation voat dose 16 meant That control to no longer possinlet we vould attempt to «roid genera ver with desountenttve use and proper phasing ne other formation tzpltes that there tn no way of stoioing several ias Matza Zee supgented that Dr Wieck s potnt vas covered ty the Bettiah sentence General war 1s tustnent Pose M Minetter 2ked Antral Teo‘s formila« By thet tine he said dts not gust Besitay its the glotat ptoture % Tort Neot ania that the grow was not attempting to define action that we wnt to ways Af and when mucinare might be used you vould be moring into a resln where different values will prodontoate He liked Astral Teo‘s vording «though he vas perfectly happy with the vording as at stood at the besianing of the meeting» This 1% shat Iondon had approved Prose Astral Ime remarked to br Weck that anything of substance is already o BM aret Busse Tod Hood asked i Winkler how he vould trenalate Adntral Lee‘s proposai Passe Dr Wieck felt that the problem was that in the preceding paregrazh the test remaining pressure was not stated clearly enough Ne wanted the Sden that now nuclear action vould be resorted to baie is Piase 1 Lord Hoot anavered that as acon as we take some form of nustesr action general vir dn tontnent Mat Adee in in Poass Ti atso — Pause Tord Rook thought the group could go no further Tes Wieck asked Af the group vould prefer dontnated ty the moloer equntiou We anid that he vould prefer to inave the questice to the Abessadontal Group M Minckter comented that ve couldn‘t do thet TOP—SECRET Page 5 o T ages incoommat pepussnco ___ ——— ik ata or won one fffl Prose Y Be Wieck enegented that maybe hts Asbassador vould have new instructions Tord Hood suggested that in the meantine they put in the vords as suggested Pose Me Kcmntck at Antral Teo‘s fnvitation comented that 1t would be useful At meabére of the group coud now exchange views about procedures for introduoing the paper in the MMC — An Aabassadortal Group meeting vould provably cccue the next day at 3 30 or 5100 Also 6 vould be useful to exchange view on hetter they wore greed on the role of the Permanent Representatives from heve on out and of Btikers The U % concept vas that the Permaient Representatives vould carry on from here making any necessary changes in Jangurge e asked if the others were in agreement The U 2 vould so dnotruct to Permanent Representative Also In view of possible difficulties erfeing from asking NMC to consider the three pepers all at once —— preferred sequence RRCON MNCOT pians and 1tKG0— Tripartite retationsitps —— he hoped that wo or three prinotples lnt epply An XAG In adattion to thorough commutations with Octzker he said thas the U 8 tels £6 usefut 1f tt and the others could send experts to Pasts to pertiotpate with the Pererope and Stikker They vould be there also to pro— vide data mnd information on the broader renge of BerZin contingency planing as tt retated to Poole Masket Por instonce the oubject of the Inter relatfonhtp of political ant econonte measures to milttery ones vould require some kind of briefing The U 8 wss therefore planning to have les Mitee Me« Ausland and Colonel Armetrong go to Parts for this purpose He hoped that in view of the need for cutting time that the group might consider aaing Stikzer to schedule meetings Thareday and Priday to Insure expeditious handling here 4s now a meeting planned for next Wednesday The 0 8 vould propose that the Council procond Rhureday and Priday no ve can get as much Tn1d out as poontbte ALM the papers and interralattonhipe can be seen before gorerments ask guidance X6 wan also the 0 5 thought that because of some Aitferences pecticularly in Faases HIT and TV —— now well cloased n rather nevtral ingunge there could be some mnderatanting between the Somtries present that they vould mintnize baed confrontations mong the four pevers as they spoke to dttferencess They abould not he felsy involve TAT0 in the nore difficult fopen of stenteay fhe Secretory of State would evoak to this point in the Anbessedortal meeting The U S vould interpret TAT agreement on PQD¥—20 Rripastize A20 relations as a consenmus of the Mainnce that they accepted the transfer of control principle Pertape ve can get agreement te then aoltetted the views of the otters here vas a brief discusston of the time of the sex day‘s meeting mo Cerame anid they vere unsure whether thete Ambassador could attend the Prench Anbassator vould attend and the Reftsh Asbsssndor vould not Jord Hoot satd that his thoughts on the ale of the Pernzeps cotmetded with ley Eeanlons that he vould have them confer with Stiker and that they should have the Mattitude to alter vording shere necessary Go fur ms the arailabiltty of experte was concerned be doubted vhether tit wuld be necessary» He thought the necessary requizessnte vould alzendy be met in Paris His deingation has the encyctopedia BQD—00—1 he ontd Regarding the Pernreps TOPSECRET— Puse 6 ot T Page feconinim@rt peussinto — __ a 1 Avil a wow oneffZal — neating that vould have to bo decided in Parte On the tsportent tome of how they handle Aifferences he saw no advantage of mryone‘s mexintsing differences Peshnpo 14 vould be better that each have a slightly different approach These approtches wouldnt energe as a confrontation but as good altermativens The Reftish were interested in vhat others would have to vay M Hincites sata that as fur an he vas conterned 45 vas tmperative that the Fersanent Representatives got togother He agreed with vint hnd been sald no fers On the question of experts he did not know but supposed Pasts would provide then as needed Poots f Antral Ime comented on a remark by Lord Hood that the question vse whather as wll as ho or when o seid that the Rriparttte—ARO peper wae a valuable tool tn holding problems in balance Without 1 the BIRCOY MAROON plans would be out of context Jord Hoot sata that the tinal dectaton must rest in Parts Des Weck antd that he had no objection to tabling the sequence peper Whether 14 Were a quadefpartite or nattonal paper vould depend on the Reruzene dectaton« But he mccepted the need for a paper even though he tad reservations There ts consensus an to proferzed sequence for Instances Tate votld get German support without doubt The Germans vould send exporta to Parto us meaded — They hoped tnat the paper vould to dfacunsed with the other two As to details in 0G he vould report the anassstion that the Perureps make the decston He also hoped that the discuaston vend not load to a conflict of ditferent views The present vording he felt vould lead to a good Afecunton but 1t 1s tnportent that the four governments try to minimize that differences Of course each has hta approach as Tord Rood pointed out e noted thet the Berean Rermrep was in Washington two veeke ago and that there vould be so worry about nis accepting the peper He maked vint the fomat of the now sequence paper vould bet Matzal Ins said that new coptes of the peper vould be out ty noon the noes day AMM with a new date 26 wound be Hieled Bgptc3o Reviend Lord Boot asked 1f they might muber the perugrests« There vere no ohfections Prom the State Department Mniral fee said he would oblige Tord Hoody f he coud Ze mesttng was adjourned at 1 50 TOP—SECRET Page T ot 7 Pages
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