passt _ pepunssFHeD ene ele f wir Rls luisa Op Gaut nve vm one ffilel f law to O I wwo Fascors sanfac _ nferp TOP—SECRET— — »®as review 3 October 2962 tee Preferred Sequence of Miittary Actions in a Berita Conflict Canntetpartite pepor as dfsteituted to Torts Attantto Counet2 on 27 Sep 62 Geneve 1 In Ate Instructions to 1080 mtattery aithorttter QM€L 104 the Counet2 expressed severs considerations that cught to underite Reriin Banning ue Gente rith tie med foo mtitteny tad Stier motions to fre fogrtne in aa renntl otertemrs Phe Comeih has peovicuely yoon lecinies Corcerning the Eniperttte ine Gan mttczary phase mad the Gewacht mas Peers tt a maper in ine Mebctpetise rnasionnip ticam‘s ant SGthm‘e Piiony along vite toe eppretont by the Standing Gooey t oon nasation Hith the Rittary Engaition have por cree meriee te Onuieil Tt yot remstne to he sean how hese tiperitte ast MD elitiery recised ntghe She In relation to each other mnd to the restore rvariiiery nsttvibtee foos Hkovine moutt te past of the orernil stvetoey codling to Prosurte vied mitunse incoroots I 2 The Coun may therefore wish to give attention to vtat the four eovernments vould conceive to be the preferred sequence of military Retionn In the evens mtiitery erve migh bo wot fn the Sarita efGlation It cumot be too strongly enpeasiznt tat te mecount mass sutton mis Hiv be Aibdnct to me matice of foriet action mad In iits eumchion fre Mitence mnt bo peoparcd at sti Stes to uso morons veapiee Io the nature of the Soviet response ctesrly requtzes their use in accordance with 26 putesitzns on too ngroat at Melman 3 Bt the account vitch foltovs the extensive nonniiitery actions vhish vould be tates are broutly devertoed merely to mrpnpcmnfertece Bein penerst thing relative to mitttany eetions No eitrigt ins toon ‘mde to denorthe Mertorn reaction 12 Soviet eetimn should tntceten MGD Rerttiry on Antogetty bevont the point of a heriin olostate nioce 10 0 asmumas that ponent G0 statzey vould be sppited in auin svens A Any attempt to set out a preferred sequence of western action has to resain rather general and cannot enteblisn Lirnly seperated Satepntion andt concepte for various masse Soviet tetion nnines Hessers accase 5o Bertin cin be initiated in serious mays uitee dieree» Ang matures vould erd to intiuence Wevbern rescntare to a tarps degros 5 Covernsental dectstons vi12 be necessary for tnptemsntation of any Gf the niitary plans at the tine Severat Zactore itch bea decfolvaly on mon avotsions wiil remain or mmoertale mete and Ideteratiaite relative weight Buch fuctore are tor exsagter® Govier ppastion to prior mtiitary bad revatiitery meen tn a intehtmnee wrinie Te difger of stimulating uprioing mod revine In mot corniny or opmessoungines mente Me ie saairaes Rumutt _ TOPSECRET oB Alt Ouse fron BE _ £12727 Page _2 _ of 5 Pages meant —E1st mmmmnemum uepusomey pment mtoit see won one fol I B0—4—30 Revised TOP—SECRET ft nn sntenitts areas the etate of vorld ant home optatcny and the relative state of Weatern and oriet montiteation y 6 Gorermsente vi23 atso have to conetder snether steps are necersacy to envure that the Sortet Unton resize in no doitt as to the conttmed vettdtty of the existing Vertern guarantors for Hest Terito T Ere broad general considerations relating to progress through the serers1 stance ares a Tesco do a competing necesstty for the Alttes to succeed in protecting theis vitan Interests resting to Deritn and to emnuse that thas rurones in recopntzed tn the Pree World They should mie close to the forint Unton the excemous rks tivotved in cpportsg commntcations to Berlin by force The purpose of infperttte ant ITO operations beropers should not be to overpover the Boviet Onton or to diataiebrete the seteiltte aree Int to make the Sortet government change thet Pobcy on Berita merefore the Mites shoud give ths Sorter Onton cupertuntty to Crex back ant eves——withous creating ths appessence of fatlure on our pert——halp them to cover up this retrost b No military operations after the tnttian probes vourd typeer conrinotng to the Soviet Union untess preceded or ecceupanied Me segent Heatern actions to incromss theis mititasy etrenginr tad petdtnone for war The mont effective means of induing the Soriet Unton to change thate portcy my be Intensive mobilization measures themastves ¢ The Mites should take 411 practicable advantage of the Zettblistee of measures vitch do not tntetate otferaiye alitiery settee before taking etronger step Such measures co the stiitary aide might Include for exaapte mobtitzatton butld—up and deployment en foroes certain edere meanurce certain mrttine ait ate metouren and on the non—nttttary aide econcnte exbargo measures and diplomatto actions 4 The Mates shoud take at% practicabie advantage of the PerfMLibies of non—metear mitttary action pefore proceeding to tie Tae of molar verpons Tats does not necessaztiy man te inpies dation of e22 evetiabte nonemelear plans muss 1 8 3€ Sortet ‘0m atmtntetretive or other action nterteres vith Doree cogens by erount or ate me Afee vist initiate active destencd to inter Sortat 008 conttmaet or additions tntecference asd feflice Bhat to setabitan the act that the Sortet Untoo OMR dntooto to we force to Interfere vith Bertin access Cory __ ot __ contes TOPSECRET M ical bostee l pomme DEtLASsirED mm syeeeZ woh ouefffoal p »D—4—30 Revised TOP—SECRET— 3 Gctover 1962 9 Fanning for the appropriate action to meet a vertety of con 7 tingencten Interference with air access to Berita ranging from minor ¥ atminteteative harassment to a deterntnad Sortet effort to interdict atl tripartite transport Anterference vith ground access to Beritn txt partite and or Germany baresnmenta within Berlin 10 betng conducted anong the fou governments 20 The purpons of such ptamming to to agree an fer as yosstbtn in advance vhat n each contingency vould be the appropriate response and counternsasszes with final dectstons hoverer being reserved tor eovermmente at the time as is normally the case in contingency planning This planning 1s conttmious ent continuing 22 It ts hoped that a qutck and deterntaad Yestern response to the Antttal Bovtes more wi22 dater the Sortete trom contimed or addition Anterterenen This proved to be the cane in March 1962 vien the Soviets initiated barassmente in the ar corsidore 12 It however this hope io faltfied ant ven the degree of Anterference resches‘a pota where contimad acsons is in dcubt a tntpertite mlttery probe of Soriet 0M intentions vill be 2ninened without detay Selected LIVE OHK plans such as JCK PDB Pram orcs and mek STHOG® vite to an cperatton identiont vith rrzs oms but contucted from the Berlin and of the autobain v 11 be executed fy unblocked mote of access wound conttiie to be used 13 ‘Control of military eperations will remain tripartite bnt x20 mastary ant political authorities vill be keyt fnformad ant commited 4f time peruite and MCO govermmente vould be asked to unter« take appropriate states of vigilance or alert see peper on 2D— regnrtite atiattoubtpe Mtstrinted by U 6 Delegation on Reptenter 15 fomenty mipee Th western action shoud otter restore access or make 1t clear that force 18 betng used ty the Soiet Unton 00t to deny access to Berita ruse at 15 If the actions unter pase T have stown that force 1s betng used ay the Soiet Unon 0m to deny accens to Bertin the Mates vill wring increasing pressure short of offenatve comet to beer on the Sortete in an effort to tnduce then to destet ant re—open accens 26 ‘mite phase vould be ctarectertzed by Intense Atploantio activity s«4 representations 1n Moscow mobt3ization of vorld optaton againet the UBM ant any other botton witch vould seen relevant for Instance at the U M contuted agatzat the beckgrount of mounting Vestern pressuree hase vould dnclute a groving military butl up TOP—SECRET M 4d i—RABP gn 73 of 3 Pages peppy muses A mnt t wow oniff H TorsEcrer mis P 3 Gctoner 1962 ¥ navel measures mational teipertite and or MM and at measures and ¢ poamonlbee mdinedone last seni Rritize ant sis taille or cooling intamity ap to aad including a full eshargo together vitls restrictions on the movement of Soviet Bloo natfonale and officials vith the atm ultimately in this or a ater Tosses of inotating the Mocs Rie ain of alt thise meosseus mould te to Wing‘ increasing pessnice to bear on the Soviet Uhion to restore our mae ist re 27 A nger etement of mttitery action vill be tor 180 mations to stlite ae gi Imooy siiie aii nian meuenat The t mon pln nt ao minainaiing Tas while in ts ae time rapidly incroasing the coubet reatiness of all It hay fore with The that wparoone of 1 achtoving forte levels aod staten of readttess necessary to the defense of MO and the Ininching of nercou iuacor operations and 2 dioptaying to the Sortets that araed contiict will be the consequence of contiiuad Infringement on vital interest of the Thins 28 Any ushilocked access to Berlin should continue to be used Sillys n the event of partial or nternittent blockage of ate access the three Povers vould 1f necessary use fighter oncorta in an etfort to keep Fights going Should the riake ant los of atreraft be too wont to mevent furiter Hights unions ain sperationn wore delfvenstety Extentad outaide the coridors Le beyont duck Pine operations NEO vould heve to face in the light of the state of the military Infd—up and the general attuation the neceestty for taking appropriate wires Amenip HERE 19 The length of this hase camct be forectat etnce 1t vill gered m fhe deinimante oo micisas meiaily io tit ie potites ans In Berlin ttselt If the blockage of Bertin fo total and f the promeuren applied Tad to violent Soriet response the Alltance my be coupelind to nove on to operations emvioaged for Phase TII Put In the absence of such commision there are advantages for the Alico tn sre moving tos mioly into track Hn seomae it iroming mitting Wifld—up vill be a Firm demonstration of determination to assert Tese raree is seeioss mid Shs mat otmne Pane Io mopoioty Toos time fhm sar rte rie puse It 20 tt deeptte Aint actions tn Puase 12 Berita access has not pron sestoraty ta Hem wilt hare romp to trav in the snining of pias trom vith appropriate action could be selected by polttfcat muttor— Atfes in the Mtght of circumstances and vith the atm of applying Increasing prossure viich vould prosent vith unaiotatable clarity to the Goriete the enormous rinks in contined dental of acceon pare 6 1 or c—i 6ic4 or Coptes TOP—SECRET Mi3—iqfE rmmmome Detiaboineu Jms won onf TOPSECRET 8 rm 3 October 1962 A 20 At the prosent stage of the NIPO deliberations there 1s no F quertion of approving the execution of aay perticular plan since tt is datd down tn pare 8 of the HC Resolution that the execution of approved plane vil be the aubject of dectetons by governmenta at the tins the Coumef2 may hovever wish at this stage in the 2ight of the Standing Oroup‘s appratzat in coneuitation with the Miitery Committee wad in view of tho Puntamntatiy politica pusgoree Sf the witttary iperationa plamnod to consider the professed sequence in which Hae might bo inplascotens 22 It there ts comenaus on the general considerations set out tn the intrometion to tte paper to would som to fotion in accordance with the emeaye tint Cperatiom mtoutd be aradlaied but determined ‘tant the initied operations to be executed by tis Attance In this phase pooetMly atter a further appropriate tripartite probe should be non—mcieas and should not be open to mintnteryretation ty the Mustans as an attack directed at the staM2ity of the Soriet axteilite expire notaily Bast Germany or on the Soviet mies stetke cupabilty — Accondingly the chotce vould seen to ie mzong a« As ogerstione witch though extenting cutsite the coridors vould be related to recpentng air access v arount operettons vith tated objectives on one of the sato ecsers sories with sppedtrinte ais serpent 6 Intensified mrttine control or Mockage measures A Sous ormbeation of the ase 23 If theme operations fath to make the Sortete teck down the courses of ection viich nignt acitere MGO size vould be to fncremse comenttonally the acepe of the ection to ald another action or to Sake nome forn of motoar actions Hitlont kmoviodge of the aotont circumstances that vould extot in such a critical situation fo in hardly possthte to Julge viich of these courses vould be chosen at the tms Whichever course is adopted mere var vould be famtnent If he Course shoaen vere conventional action and thie fatls to make the Soriet Unton back dom and has not precipitated general was the Mady remaining premure to be exertad vill be to resint to som form of motons asvion puss a B4 ¥benever mcloar action vere taken and vhether 14 vere dencusizutive astastive or stervine eroite would hare moved tato a Tow thase — Car ot __ Contes TOP—SECRET— has IC ot T migo
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