ros restate rerease sermansen 20 1963 orezce or mss wizre wouee sass secaemart Hew York it % me uitrs nouse anvasss or rns mestosit zo mms 26 omenat assuwott or me vurmeo marron wes you i ¥ as actuator veraveaso Me President —— me one who has taken some interest in the erection of Presidents I want to congratulate you on your erection to this high office —— ir Seorstary—General Delegates to the United Nations Ladies and Gentlemen we meet aeain in the quest for pease Zwenty—four months ago when T last had the honor of addrersing thts body the shadow of fea lay darkly asross the worl The freedon‘ of Yest Serlin was in Amsedtate peri1 Agreesen lon a neutral Leos seemed remote The mandate of the United Wattons in the Cono was unter fire The financtal outlook for this organization as in doubt Dat fammarskjold wae dead The doctrine of troika was beine pressed in his prace and atmospheric nuslear tests had been resumed by the Soviet Unton Those were anxious days for mankind —— ant some men wondered aloud whether this orsantzation could survive Bus the 16th and 17th General wesembiies achieved not only survival but proseas Reine to ite responstbility the United Hations helped reduce the tensions and helped to hold back the darkness Today the clouds have lifted a little so that now rays of hove oun break through The pressures on Hest Seriin appear to be temporarily eased rolitical unity in the Conro has been lareery restored a neutral coalition in Laos while st111 in difficulty is at least in beine« Te Antesrity of the United Nations Secrdtartat has been reaffirmed A United Mattons Decade of Development is undervay« And for the first time in 27 years of effort a specific step has been taken to limit the nuclear oras race I refer of course to the treaty to ban nuclear teats in the atsospnere outer smace and under water — con— cluded by the Sotiet Union the United Kingdon and the United States —— and already sizned by nearly 100 countries It has been nailed by people the world over who ure thankful to be free from the feare of nuslear fallout and T an confident that on nex Tuesday at 10 30 o‘clock in the morning it will receive the overshelming endorsement or the Senate of the United states The world has not escaped from the darkness The tons shadows of conflict and ortsts envelop ue st111 But we meet today in an atmosphere of riving hope and at a moment of comparative calm My presence here today to not a sien of ertets but of confidence I am not here to report on a new threat to the pease or new signs of war I have come to salute the United Nations and to show the support of the american people for your datty deliberations Por the value of this boty‘s work is not dependent on the extstence of emergencies —— nor oun the winning of peace consist only of dramatic victories Pease is a daily a weekly a monthy process sradually chansine opinions stoxi eroding ord barriers quiétly buildin new structures And hovever un— dramatic the ‘pursuit of peace that pursuit must go on wore Is Pace 2 Today we may have reached a pause in the cold war —— but that to not a lasting peace A toot ban treaty lo a mile atone —— but 1t s not the millennium we have not been rez leased from our obligations —— we have been sven an opportunity And 1f we fail to make the most of this moment and this mosentus—« if we convert our newfound hopes and understandings into new walle and wea ons of hosttlity —— if this pause in the cold war merely leads to its renewal and not to its end — then the Andlotment of posterity will riently potnt iss finger at us all But if we can stretch this pause into a period of cooperation —— Af both sides can now eatn new confidence and experience in consrete collaborations for pease —— if we can now be as bold and aretehted in the control of deadly weepons as we have been in their creation — then surely this first small step can be the start of a long and fruitful journey The tack of building the peace lies with the leaders of every nation larse and small For the «reat powers have no monopety on conflict or asbitton _ The cold war is not the onty expression of tension in this world —— and the nustoar race ts not the only arms race Sven little ware are duncerous in a muctear world The lone labor of peace is an undertaking for every nation —— and in this effort none of us can remain unalizned To this gos none cun be unsonsttted The reduction of «lobal tension must not be an excuse for the narrow pursuit of selfeinterest If the Soviet Unton and the United States with 421 of thetr global interests and clachine comsttmente of Adeolosy and with nustear weapons st11l atmed at each other today can find areas of comon interest and asressent then surely other nattons can do the same —— nations ceusht in restonal conflicts in rectal issues or in the death throes of old colontalion Cnronts disputes which divert precious resources from the needs of the seople or drain the enereies of both sides serve the interests of no one —— and the badge of responsibility in the modern world 1s a willinemess to seek peacerut solutions It 1s never too early to try and it 1t‘s never too late to talk and it‘s hich time that many disputes on the ase nda of this mssembly were taken off the debating schedule and placed on the negotiating table The fact remains that the United States as a major muctenr power does have a special responsibility in the world Tt is in fast a threefold responsibility —— a responstbi1ity to our om citizens m responsibility to the people of the whote world who are affected by our dectstonss and to the next generation of humanity ‘we belteve the Soviet Union also has these special resonetbi1ittes —— and that those responsibilities require our two nations to concentrate less on our differences und more on the means of resorving thea peacefully For too long both of us have increased our military budeets our nuslear stoskpiies and our capacity to destroy all life on this hents« phere —— biman animal veretuble —— without any corresponding increase in our security Our conflicts to be sure are real Our concepts of the world are different Wo service is performed by failing to sake clear our dsasteenents central difference to the be— lief of the American people in self—deteraination for all people we berteve that the people of Germany and Berlin must be free to reunite their capital and their country we betteve that the ptople of Cuba must be free to sesure the fruits of the revolution that have been betrayed from within and exploited from without wore base 3 In short we believe that all the world —— in Bester Europe as well ms Western in Southern africa as well me Northern in old nations as well as new —— that people nust be free to choose their om future without discrimination or dictation without coercion or subversion These are the baste differences between the Soviet Union and the United States and they cannot be concealed So lone ao thev extet they set limits to aereement and they for— bid the relaxation of our vieilance« Our defense around the world will be maintained for the protection of freedom —— and our detersination to saferuard that freedom will measure up to any threat or chalence But I would say to the leaders of the Soret Union and to their people that If either of our countries to to be fulty secure we need a much better weapon than the H—bomb — a weapon better than ballistic missiles or nuslear submarines —— and that better weason is peacerul cooperation de have in recent years aareed on a Lintted test ban treaty —— on an emercency commtnications link between our capitals —— on a stateaent of principles for disarmament —— on an increase in cultural exchange —— on cooperation in outer spa0e —— on the peaceful exploration of the Antarctic —— and on tempering last year‘s crisis over Cuba I belteve therefore that the Soviet Unon and the United States torether with their allies omn achieve further acreesents —— asreesents which spring from our mutual interest in avoiding susuat destruction There can be no doubt about the acenda of further stems we must continue to seek aersements on measures which prevent war by accident or niscntoutation We must Continue to seek mezeesent on safecuards aainst surprise attack includinc observation bosts at key pointe e must continue to seek acres went on further measures to curb the nuclear arse race by con— trolling the transfer of nuslear weapons convertine Flestonable materiale to peacerul purposes and banning undersround teatine with adequate inspection and enforcement We must continue to geek aereonent on a freer flow of information and people from Bast to west and Mest to Bust we must continue to seek agreement encouraged by yesterday‘s ufiraative response to this proposnl by the Soviet foreien Mintater on an arrangement to keep weapons of mass destruction out of outer space Let us eet out negotiators back to the nesotiating table to work out a practicable arrancesent to this end In these and other ways let us nove up the steep and dirfioutt path toward comprehensive disarmament securing musual confidence throuch mutuat verification and building the institu— tions of pease as we dtamantle the engines of war wo must not let Patlure to agree on all pointe delay acreesents where arree— ment 1s possible and we must not put forward proposals for propaganda purposes finally in a fleld where the United States and the Soviet Unton have a spectal capacity —— in the Meld of space —— there is roos for new cooperation for further joint efforts in the rerulation and exploration of space _I include amont these possibilities a joint expedition to the moon Soace offers no propleas of sovereianty by resolution of this Assembly the meaters of the United Nations have forsworn any claim to terri« tortal rishts in outer space or on celestiml bodies and de— clared that international law and the United Nation® Charter will apoly hy therefore should man‘s first Flight to the moon be a matter‘of national competition Why should the United wore pase states and the Soviet Unton in preparing for such expeditions become involved in tnmense duplications of research construc— tion and expenditure surety xo should explore whether the scientiste and mstronaute of our tyo countries —— indeed of all the world —— cannot work torether in the conquest of apace sending some day in this decade to the moon not the renreson— tatives of m single nation but the representatives of all of our countries A11 these and other new steps toward peaceful coopera— thon may be posstbre Most of them w11l require on our part full consultation with our allies —— for their interests are as much involved as our on and xe will not sake an aereesent at their expense Most of them w111 require lone and careful mesotiation and most of them will require a new approach to the cold war —— a desire not to bury one‘s adversary but to compete in a host of peacerul arenas in ideus in production and ultimately in service to all mankind me contest will continue —— the contest between those who see a monolithic world and those who believe in diversity —— but 1% should be contest in leadership and responsibility in— stead of destruction a contest in achievement instead of Intini dation Speaking for the United States of America I welcome such a‘contest Por ve believe that truth 10 stronger then erfor —— and that freedom ts more enduring than coeroton ind in the contest for a better life all the world can be a winner The effort to improve the conditions of man however is not a task for a fex Tt is the task of all nations —— actine atone acting in eroups acting in the United Hattons for plaus and pestilence and plunder and pollution the hasards of nature and the hunger of children are the foes of every nation The earth the sea and the air are the concern of every nation And sotende technology and education can be the ally of every nation Never before has man had such capacity to control his own environment —— to end thirst and hancer —— to conquer poverty and disease —— to banish illiteracy and massive husan stzery Ye have the power to make this the best generation of mankind in the history of the world —— or tomike 1t the last f The United States since the close of the war has sont over $100 biliion worth of assistance to nations seeking econontc viabtiity and two years ago this week we formed a Peace Corps to help interested nations meet the needs for trained manpoer other industrialized nations whose economies were rebuilt not #o tong aro with nome help from us are now in turn recomnizing their responsibility to the less developed nations The provicton of development assistance by individual nations must go on But the United mations aso must play a larger role in heloing brine to a12 men the truite of sotemn science and industry A United Mations conference on this sub jest held earlter thisyear at Geneva opened new viates Tor the developing countries Next year a United Nations Conference on Trade will consider the needs of those nations for new markets And more thin four—fifths of the eentire United Nations system can be fount today mobilizine the weapons of sctence and tech« nology for the United Mations® Decade of Development sut sore con be done —— a world center for health cos munications under the World Health Oreantzation could warm of epidemics and the adverse effects of certain druse as well as transmit the results of new experiments and new discoveries —— Rectonal research centers could advance our comon medical knowledge and train new scientists and doctors for new nations —— «lobal system of satellites could provide communication and weather information for a1l comnere of the earth wore pae 5 —— worldxide prosran of conservation could protect the forest and wild game preserves now in danger of extinction for all time—— tmprove the mazine harvest of food from our oceans and prevent the contamination of atr and water by industrial as well as nuctear poltution —— and finally a worlduide program of farm productivity ant food distributon —— stutlar to our country‘s Poot for rease program —— could now «ive every child the food he needs But man does not 1tve by bread alone —— and mesbers of this oreanization are comnitted by the Charter to prosote and re spect human rihts Those rishts are not respected when a Buddhist priest ts driven from hispasoda when a smarosue is shut doin when a Protestant Church cannot open a mission when a Cardinal ts forced into hiding or when a crowded church service ts boubed The United States of Aserica is opposed to dtsortmination ant per secution on srounts of race and religton anywhere in the world including our om nation We are working to richt the wrongs of our on country Ireoush leetslation and adninistrative action throueh moral and losal commitment this Government has lnunched a doter wined effort to rid our natton of disortmination which has extated too long — in education in housing in transportation in euploy— ment in the Civil Service in recreation and in places of pubic accommodation ind therefore in this or any other forum we do mot hesitate to condemn racial or religious injustice whether committed ar peraitted by friend or fos T know that sone of you have experienced discrimination in this country But T ask you to believe me when I tell you that this is not the wish of most Americans —— that we share your yeret and resentment —— and that we Intend to end such practices for a11 time to cone not for our visitors but for our om citizens as well I hope that not only our natton bat ali other aulti— ractal soctettes will meet these standards of fairness and Justice t are opposed to apartheid and all forme of husan oppression ie do not advocate the rights of black africans in order to drive out white africans Our concomn is the rich of all men to equal protection under the lax —— and since husin richts are indivistble this boiy cannot stand aside when those rights are abused and neglected by any menber state New efforts are needed if this nsseably‘s Declaration of Human Rights now 15 yeurs old 1s to have Full meanine ind new means should be found for prosotine the free expression and trade of ideas —— through travel and comunicution ant throush Increased exchanses of people and books ant broadonsts ror as the world renounces the competition of weapons competition in ideas must flourish —— and that competition must be us full and as fair as possible The United states Delesstion will be presared to sus— «est to the United Nations initiatives in the pursutt of all the moals for thiss an oreanization for peace —— and peace cannot cone without work and vrocress The peaceksepine record of the United Nations has been a proud one though its toske are alyays foraidabie we are for— tunate to have the skilis of our distineutahedseoretary—Seneral and the brave efforts of those who have been serving the cuse of pease in the Congo in the Middle Bast in Korea and Kushat in West New Guinea and Malaysia dus what the Inited Hations has done in the vast is less tmportant than the tasks for the Puture we cannot take its veasekeepine machinery for «ranted That machinery sust be soundly financed which 1% cannot be 1f soe wenbers are allowed to prevent 1% from meeting ite oolications by fuiline to meet their om The United Nations must be supported nore faze 6 by all those who exersise their franchise here and its opera— tions must be basked to the end Teo often a project to undertaken in the excitement of a criste and then it begins to lose its appeal as the problems Arag on and the bills pile up ut we must have the steadfast— mess to see every enterprise throush It is for exemple most important not to Jeopardize the extraovitnaty United Nations eatns in the Conso The nation which sousht this oreantzation‘s help only three years aco has now asked the United ations presence to remain a little longers I believe this nesenbly should do what io necessary to preserve the «mins already made and to protect thenew mation in its struscle for progress Let us complete what we have started for Ho man who puts his hand to the plow and looks beck as the Sorptures tell us Wo man who pute his hand to the plow and looks back 1s f1t for the Kington of God I also hope that the recent initiative of several ses bers in preparing standby pease forces for United lations cull will encourage stailar commitments by others This natton re— mains ready to provide loxlotio and other material support« Policing moreover is not enouch without provision for pacific settlement ‘Ye should increase the resort to special missions of fact«finding and conciliation nake ereater use of the International Court of Justice and accelerate the work of the International Law Comntasion The United Nattons cannot survive as a static oreani— zation Its obligations are increasing as well as the size Its Cnarter must be changed as well as its custous The authors of that Carter dtd not intend that it be frozen in perpetuity The sotence of weapons and war has sade us all far more than 18 years ago in San Francisco one world and one human race with one comon destiny« In such a world absotute soveretenty mo longer assures us of absolute security the conventions of peace must pull abreast and then shead of theinventtons of wars The United Nations butlding on its successes and learning from ite failures must be developed into a genuine world security avates But peace does not rest in the charters ant covenants alone It Mes in the hearts and minds of all people and in this world out here no aot no pact no treaty no oreant— zation can hope to preserve it without the support and the whole hearted commitment of all people So let us not rest all our hopes on parchnont and on paper let us atrive to build peace a desire for peace a willingness to work for peace in the hearts and minds of all of our people I belteve that we can I believe the problems of human destiny are not beyond the reach of husen beins Two years aso I told this body that the United States had proposed and was willine to sien limited test ban treaty Today that tieaty has been stened Té will not put an ent to war It will not remove basto conflicts ‘It will not secure freedom for 11 Sut it cun be a lever and Aronimedes in explaining the prinstoles of the lever was said to have declared to his frients 6ive me a place where I can stand —— and I shall move the world My fellow inhabitants of this planets Let us take our stand here in this nssembly of nations And let us see 1f we in our oun time oun move the world to a Just and lasting pease mip