Unofficial translation Dear Mr President Thank you for your personal message of greetings conveyed to me in Moscow by General Thomas Stafford I would like to use the occa sion of the visit to your country by cosmonauts Aleksey Leonov and Valeriy Kubasov to respond to your letter I view as symbolic both the successful accomplishment of the first in history joint international space flight of the spaceships SOYUZ-19 and APOLLO and the joint tours by the crews of the spaceships in the Soviet Union and the United States In both cases our cosmo nauts and your astronauts act as messengers of good will representing the aspiration of the peoples of the two countries toward peaceful cooperation In this I see yet another confirmation of the fruitfulness of the course of the comprehensive improvement of the Soviet-American relations we have jointly undertaken I willingly share your remarks regarding the necessity to continue this work and wishes that the mutually beneficial cooperation and good relations between our coun tries should be further developedo Please accept Mr President my congratulations and best wishes to you and your family I would like once again to convey greetings and best regards to American astronauts Stafford Brand Slayton and their families who have recently been warmly received here as friends by our people October 10 1975 His Excellency GERALD R FORD Sincerely President of the United States of America The White House Washington D C • L BREZBNEV • YBaJKaeMLIH rocno n aH ITpea a n eHT Enaro n apro Bac aa Bame naqHoe npaBeTCTBeHHoe nocnaHae nepe n aHHoe MHe B MocKBe reHepanoM ToMacoM Cra¢¢op n oM Xoren 6bl socnoJIL3oBaTbC H noea n Ko H B Barny crpaHy KOCMOHaBTOB ArreKce H JieoHoBa a Banepa H Ky6acoBa qro6LI OTBeTaTL Ha Bame ITHCbMO MHe npe D CTaBJI HIOTC H CaMBOJiaqHbiMa KaK caMO ycnernHoe OCyi QeCTBJieHae nep BOrO B aCTOpaa COBMeCTHOfO MeJK IJ yHapO D HOrO KOCMaqecKOfO ITOJieTa KOpa6JieH Coroa-19 a AnOJIJIOH 11 TaK a COBMeCTHbie noea n Ka 3KanaJKeH Kopa6ne H ITO CoBeT CKOMy Coroay a Coe n aHeHHblM lllraraM H B TOM a B n pyroM cnyqae Hama a Barna Koc MOHaBTbl BbiCTYITaiOT KaK ITOCJiaHIJ bl IJ 06pOH BOJia OJIHIJ eTBOp H H CTpeMJieHae HapO D OB o6eax CTpaH K MapHOMY COTpy n HHqecTBY Jl BalKy B 3TOM ei Qe O IJ HO ITO Il TBepJK IJ eHae 6narOTBOpHOCTa COBMeCTHO B3 HTOfO HaMa Kypca Ha BCeCTOpOHHee ynyqrneHae COBeTCKO-aMepaKaHCKaX OTHOrneHaH 0XOT HO paa n eJI HIO Barna BbiCKa3blBaHa H 0 He06XO D aMOCTa npO D OJIJKaTb 3TY pa6ory a ITOJKe JiaHa H TOro qro6bi B3aaMOBblrO D HOe COTpy D HaqeCTBO a n o6pble OTHOrneHa H MeJK IJ y Ha rnaMa crpaHaMa nonyqHJia n anLHeiirnee paaBarae llpaMaTe r-H llpe3H IJ eHT MOa IT03 D paBJieHa H a HaHJiyqrnae ITOJKeJiaHH H BaM a Barne H ceMbe MHe xorenocL 6bl ei Qe paa nepe n aTb npa ser a n o6pble noJKeJiaHa H aMepaKaHcKaM KOCMOHaBTaM Cra lJ lJop n y lipaH D y CJieHTOHY a HX ceMb HM KOTOpbiX Haiii Hapo n He D aB HO TeiTJIO npaHaMaJI y ce6 H KaK n pyaeii 10 OKT H6p H 1975 ro n a Ero ITpeBocxo n areJibCTBY J JKepanL n y P I op n y ITpea a n eHTY Coe n aHeHHLIX lllraToB AMepaKa 1i enbl H n oM B arnaHrTOH • JI EPE l HEB f EfO llPEBOCXO HTEnbCTBY KEPAJih Y P I OP Y llPE3U nEHTY COE HHEHHhiX lliTATOB AMEPHKH BawHunou 6eJJblii JI OM '···' rt # '