c United States Department of State Under Secretary ofState for GlobalAffairs Washington D C 20520-7250 December 16 1998 SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED MEMORANDUM TO Todd Stern FROM Frank E Loy SUBJECT Management of Climate Change Diplomacy I am pleased that we had a chance recently to discuss the management of our climate change diplomatic effort and that we agreed generally how this might be best organized Close cooperation between the White House and State Department is absolutely essential to success I have sought in this memorandum to summarize the main points we discussed and the coordination organs we proposed Major Political and Policy Guidance - The Oversight Group As we agreed you will continue to convene meetings of the Oversight Group whenever warranted to facilitate timely resolution of major political and policy issues as well as the appropriate involvement of the President and Vice President The State Department would be represented by me my ence the Assistant Secretary for OES You will decide which other agencies should participate Diplomatic Strategy The Small Group A small group should meet frequently usually weekly at a set time to discuss climate change diplomacy Only the people who are responsible directly for the formulation of our diplomatic strategy should attend In addition to you and me the regular Participants would be Melin Kimble Rafe Pomerance and David Sandalow as well as individuals X r-»r rnit to fill two possible new positions — State's pieces As we aareed the State Department should maintain its traditional lead role on diplomacy As a consequence I propose to chair this group but you should play a very active to chair tnisg the formulation of agenda items erfu ThiV-trngfof this S all Group should be scheduled keeping your availability in mind Hrxr qi-r iteav Sessions Periodically we might wish to “ %r i'-'-3si5L'” ui e t'' i o ar “thos rersons ue evolve organically A qtr teaic Approach We agreed that our diplomatic early in January via the Small Group to define our po y objectives and game plan for the coming year including th countries on which we should focus I intend moreover to campaign ' 'Jgresslvely within the Department to Integrate climate change into the rtinlomacv “ I have decided already for example to a feature o HiiJi n rie ica ib °L“rSirh-rcrUfsL r£ir£m-£ e urk cf climate change briefings for country desk officers information Exchange - Assistant Secretaries Group «e should also meet f % 4fe e« ariv rfrom perhaps initially every 4-6 Secretary level The other agencies called the Roosevelt Room physical set up should be what you oaU d the format ” i e one or tepresent participate in a a table with others in the back „ limited fashion The purp taken by the Small Group disseminate information bt help coordinate fnjrrn ioial °actiiltfe once again you should have a large role In these meetings •4-4-roc i ic r as I believe you are too to meeting regularly Si the climate team from a particular agency e g Sr r S‘ii“u participate COP and FCCC Process - Inter-Agency Working Group ThP State Department through OES Dan Reifsnyder will •■Sr as much as possible from the r bottom up ar r Congressional Relations and frar irii usTusS rhLiurb srnifs VofvLrpuSi“ k ifrc-fd— some optimism Good l ions with the Hill will reg ro-sfoiiiii nrorb£ ail riirh trti 2«irabrwSher rhe Concerns raised by the Congress suggest the need to consider possible new directions Constituency Groups re trc-ete- L3-t --IndTtfy rr uj ei i£ e in foiitr uctiie yrwrfhou5rs rrve°t maintain a levei playing field Domestic Efforts Generally we both recognise the Importance f ss£f MEnSufr Sgufre' signifioant planning and oL ’' 'f t ateoiL on mrpart I will make the Department's experts T tillileTo V - appropriate for briefings of domestrc groups and other domestic climate change activities Cc Stu Eizenstat Melinda Kimble David Sandalow
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