oge —oA_— mmm sist ‘R2 comm ocerey sreter sit 1 itt wort re our iPrec tnneotare «tuas eccser cosat verson ore ostesiz ree on orte rn wirte wouse DECLASSIFIED sto re castnet orrtce —— PERE 13526 rermoren — 201— os 3HMC oobcicacecr vin comer cnmmieis T dela ‘ase ‘ense oeuiver rue rououmme messaee to charles Poueti reon iment scoucrort at orehtns or sustness ‘ean cuanuess is we co turouen he ruro week or ware 1 ruovent t ment sree ance ino oren you a eenerat overvrew or rrosress th Tue suur 1 vouto lercone your conxents we are tuznrzne asout eutrine Tocemice a irchray orterine ream thay ‘mew cone oy con00h on rue wks Furure 5 ino shame an even nore pevazieo ercrure utr rue erine whizsrens £ iurrceneurine tue tnrornatzon ue are arrenor sharzic ony or oar 7 me wrurrkry prerure ts ourre pronrsrne rue ernst enase or our are £ anpazen ts essenTinty compere The rhaor Atk rorce ako ate £ iérense system ts NOU rovencess to mnremfene with our orerarions ie seureve me rurent or sone or ruezn arremart To temi ts syieronatic £ ie a oesperate adpenent rhat russ ‘vas the ones why to Mave even § chance or rreServime sont or tete eetrer Arecaner ror rhe rururc i ie Whye woreo rue assurmnces rrow ren®an AsoUt these atrcrart ie cover ther vicu‘se Reensloreo th rhe une nonthor us ue wive 7 ‘een wo stons or reeranirzon ror such use Ano ar vous se orfrrcuur ‘o Prceare Ao matktazn rhe arscaart rom such orerations witte thev cemmtn tn rman rhe rmanzans Will orspose or These Atrcrart in iecoromnce utTh tmmirs mrencsrs ar ther are Usep Akthst us i€ wiuu oe rear to sen vith muat irwen ongectaves in the mutrzat rontron or rhe ar canraton recuunce ‘we orseurrzon or teers wiclenr ChentedL Ano stocoor cnt werrons Apnezctr Ano peersontion or ire nartounc comma wo cortrot mmsten those oedccrives wive ocen acrtcveo nere maRriCyLA ‘ncrurrres surrense our rastra oAmeee ve hee Nou rotCovine‘ le ro thtsh the soo natronat contano ano controu atone WTH communs ine controu my «bart Continues to ee wet ti or 20 Marton connie crlrmzes wave seen Arthcreo Ano coutines to serertorate 7 —»mu—revirus—sumstnutzn stotes or crentent verrous — actnovon sone wuen as mustar cns mY rose a thrent rok sont THE to cone mie leave Ascurs wnct ocrcrtonare in weeks mio sA61000 uric have sfrrcucty excoucine nore on rrcurme then tito woutrzous rene«s rerense thous rates ‘etecrercat rower eNceAtion Avo eethocuentcat mhts wave at surrerco severe onmace as We ie nave aureno sesun the secons evase or the carrazons tue rsouation wb oestaucrzon or mnars Forces in Kou®tt ‘1 sX00L0 hote eke rate urmouen we courrnut to sive atrentron to Tne stub threat Cemars $p—200 sorvres x oars tars crrort has Aurehoy rato orr mn aevucro f — 1 t nre rnm whes or mtostLe Arrices Ano is wor an unoue suroen on The overaue caneazen« theke 15 aodvonnt evioeuce rhat ve wave orsrurreo texars iencrty to supper trs rorces tw kuwatt Ano mat mie Sormzne 1s taxine ww thcxemszne TotL on vie Forces rwenseives it Auso arrears Tit wer 75% or the 1ea0r av Mas weew sul on orghstror Ano sumvivine smart are rnferesteo omer zn There own survival As You oue your ‘orces MAve ibe an esreczatuy raro conrrturzon ro thts naval seront — recent mae orrensve rroees tuto savor «rior» avons wrth itremers to rerosrvion rher® rorces —— rosstaty ror ruamite »rreusve actzon —— mave orferco New orrortuttzes ror our irreover ue secreve our statkes mar aurtnor wive mhoren ur at least on atihck ay rz cores who wave cAuseo Heavy Lossts to renar inzrs the rerustrcan suAros wre seme WTT ony aio wront AlTHOUEN rmeme ts sowess were seout anY toss or our souorers wo atrhthe tmme‘s nppatent error vo enoron us In costly Group batries ts »movixe costir oncy ror eaewonp ruere Are tous or worate rrosiens ww rie rear untts one zhrirmy orvzston ts Rerortine that rmousawos or tts troors wave orsaerenreo reon the rants ie centazty so wor ree conruacout ruete may weit oe aoorrronat «tssite arrhcxs on orrenerve satires The mireat of chewicai » iearons use s ourre wiew» Authouen 1 actreve us are reesnrco to £ wer rm rhe are canphron will courruu ve uri wor on peau thro LaDwckzne Axt erouno canrazey meron wetne renoy on merort wen AErro ts Necessary ro achteve our gomts mecent ate athers $ lave stentrreanter repuceo rmae‘s woruITY T0 Labnh AtTacts That f jon r€eutrRE A suestawrin counrercorrensive ay The MUcYinattonnt E forces rourtremuey tne concrtzon remazns soure _ our rostrzon on wnat i snpoam must no To eno rhe vat ts uncanero at thous ve are % wrenoy vometwe on tue rmwce or rssues rnvouee mn war Yernination ¢ wo rosrunr arnakeenents ano uni want To otscuss Thcs ouesrzons $ tw enekter betazt werm vou soon There wns asn sont otscutsto® $ wour eurce comeutne or A conpkenensrve rnTerviTrouat couretcuct $ to Aporess ait or the routrrcnt issues rw The Mtoole ehst af you «rer cuess ve tuzik suc ruans are rrcnaturc i Loox rorvaro to speniaine men vith you soon Hincersiv« rent scoucrorr 1 f ctecrosecrzons or or or «sai ot2 «tom etozositseer wscosvesesrtor Evomomas L « i gg — f—4
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