itlpe J or «Sh appien ites 2 f Sit UtRerohant int # red w the ga ohn an 1s cemnztvnt or stare 6 Memorandom of Conversation NCR ontetareh 9 2959 summtem sio oventitents 18 wrrom urs oha se L rarmeimit®s one retin Secretory Hire Amold Keeney Conadien inbessater fe Sord Rae Canidion tinister fire Livingston rerchant Assiatent Secrctary Bit cont to s s — 2 Eu Ree ba a sul « 5G pooassy ortase for Astaientor $5 Mientenores afe Lind Dhe Lif m 1g The inbassador of Canada conbined substance with his courtesy se11 this morning on the Actin secretary and handed is Sevier b mos stvatt mote ivins the Canadian Governzznt‘s approvil to prom extensive SAG overtMthts over Canadian tevettory scheduted in # accordance with a test exercise covering the fext four montho Anbessador Feeney had two sotnts to make The Pirst wns that the Cenaéian Zevermmons had considered our request for epnrovel in 8 this matter sontonsty ond at the Mchect level in Licht of the tiniac 0 dn relation to the Sertin erssts he sate thet the Informetion ivan hin on a nost restricted basis conterning the development of our continceney plenninc with reanecs So ceria had been the decisive glezent to the Prins iinteteris spproval« The ansiet of the Oanedion Goverment rename hovever lest future actions on our part as the ertate unfords mialabenty Adat the soviet Goverment to eoieulate thet we are planainc to take procuptive sevion x4 Berontly the Axbassedor setd thet he ves instructed to sey that 53 unhapsiny actions taken by the Unites States in the econonte field J having a daracinc effect on canada could not escase on Interrelation with Canadian cooperstion in peronso matters as least in certain N2 Canadian overtens In this conneetion he snectffcally reformed to 1 2 our £mrending announcesent of mandatory oti inport qustce he asked 1 2 pn offees that this fess be mere by bo th and 3 cpfte _ — mth n con ouit Lts Hhogint — oimsassons06 cs Heri tep Q nt % 9 Bla» 1 quads — i ca 3k 9 4 % 3 mtigrt m mvt nna rrovite hi crine 6 te have laararninne rpaiiine February 6 which sought the acproval in principle of the Canadian Governaont ror ne P moan a np aeacy eee o ns T iin nna te ane we ie mvally bo pootie fr une eva tmc a fan dpt aaa s denne aaami noo ane eavipae fad consideration to the possible effect which an extensive SIC test exercise ei t n o in cnn a neagra numer ne onne aan as crmimat ver oe poing on n eet e eee e rit m he n n n in paal Pn a connate rraayss co n n n n at eines ians er t n o Te Anon prea a as se n t n o aguas mean bor U o n Damen r an mn er were ames sil e t i eo o nin oi fa reala sot on n n onne io oe 2 thang Foes Sn tects somes be sies in ont a a imminimminan Moon ennagins eam aia nef terreres that sich an interpretation could only Sncrease the difficulties of mome cootmnmatmmccmncni Uuiam In spite of these concerns hich have in part been resoved as a result of consultation with the United States authorities the Canadian SE nee Cosme e amoapn nge ema aon LD pee Ha Tonite on ieinies fannies ois mam napa ias Nmence ron rsmnnmnectastara a period of tension as part of a gereral sobilization That reuctance uummeme Tne Canadian Covernsent understands that the tost exercise under Eirini nan moran s e ramen rams ammmsaamnnd amma rateain i nnnmenanmnran an rans Mane ranmen nein iin renemienomn a moatoag Cuno oesnere Hrant angoma s overilight of Canaon by SAG aizeraft clearance for Sndivicual flights will sconst bo Wtlsgry will be responsible for obtaining ministerial clearance Wille no — obstacle can be forescen at the moment to the provision of the required Canadian clearances St will be recognized that etreunstanccs might arise in the four months ported which vould necessitate further consideration by the Canadian Government of the desirability of particular overflights and which could justify the suspension of the exercise It Ss understood that technical discussions on the exact procedures for daily clearatce of the destzed overflights are continuing between the ROAF and the USF The Canadian Covernment would wish as well to be assured that no publicity wi2l be given to these overflights in order to prevent the danger of a misunderstanding arteing in the minds of the press or the sue pile as to the purpose of the Sights References to last year‘s test exercise in furtherance of the concept of airborne alert have appeared airborne alort should be instituted in order to convince the Soviet Union of the determination of the United States to gverantee the security and freedom of Berlin The Sanadian Government beldeves it essential that IIP 200zitp Hashington D C M au Haren 6 159
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