rou mroe srsmssommezcce0 Risenhouent Papers 2953—81 — Thon whitoan rine honk — na cqomsscnt Apear 23 2959 momsom dod sunvects Discussion at the Special ecting ot the taticont Security Comei2 Rnrsday Apert 23 39%9 Present at this special Neeting of the 150 vere the Presitent of the United States presiding the Vice Prestent of the Vintted States the Secretary of State the Secretary of Intense ‘he Secretacy of the Sremsury the Abtormay General aot the Director 0 8 Znformtion Agency Also attenting the meeting vere the Chisromm Joint Chists of Statty the Direstcr of Con— fra Intelligence the Deputy Secretary of Deteass ine Under Secretary of States the Szectat Aestatant to the President for neticont Security Affaires the init Rouse State Secretary the Antstant itiite Huse Stagt Secretary the Rercutive becre— tazy 190 mot the Deputy Reecutive Secretary tc mere fottoun a emensy of the discussion at the meeting sot the sata pointe taken We Geny explatned the purgose of this Special 150 meeting wod the seserat mature of the pojere to be discunsed te ruge arsted that the meshers of the Comet bear in mind the fiom question hich vould be put to then masly vhat If my of the j dontenta of thase two payers should eibremently be tramattted to our Adltcnt Ne also noted that the Rrentdent bat atventy ap— proved transaisston of the stuites to General Morntad for his use In prepuring pretsatsary U pooitican in the tripartite Stat in musin Live Onk hereafter Me Cony muggested that the Coumei2 take up the s0—calted mtiftary paper entitled hn Amiyste of the Poldticat and Military Implications of Atersative usce of Forse to Mitatain Access to Berlin‘ Me Gray thought 1 woud be nore userut to ask for coment on the main sections of this paper rather than to atteapt to go through St parogruh by parec Graph A cory of Ne Orey‘a befacing note in siind in the faites UE tno meeting and another to attached to ts Mescrentim Upon comnteting hte Antroductory resarts ie Grny fnguted whether thace were any coments on the introductery section of the military paper Secretary Herter merely stated that the paper pecussnto — to rm seo a cyete ___ Froment care a f rmssesn pmpmucnmummcee ESserhovers Papers 153 Inn ¥hitzan £126 __ sooamrer was an agreat papers Me Crny then inquired 1 there vere say ccomente to be sade on the Third Section entities preparstery ant Supporting Acttons covering rge k to 10 of the paper here being so immediate coment lt Ory potted out the precveted srase in rerugrath 13 suggested by the Jotnt Cates of State and reading as follovss s me ‘niet Force elesenta in Centenl Burope which are actuatly Atentaced in support of ary Reckin cgeration should be resiaess vith unite pispmin a nancisie Me asted General Reining to explatn vi the Zotat Cntefe hat felt tt destrante to ade this shrnse sherens the mnjority bad Spparently not felt tt necessary to tnctate the phrase oeverai Svinteg turning to the President tnticated that the President hat brought up this question once before The purzons of the Joint Chiets was here staply to call attention to the risk of mni—deployment me mresitent sat he vented to foqutre tn the first piace what purpose vould be served by moving these forces town the Western ent of the Soriet Zone of Cersany General Trining re— piied that aln such forces vould be used ca the Autosihn to break fhe Soviet blockade 27 it vere instituted The President comen— tot that this would sean the Reinforced mettaiton ormerel ‘Reining anevered in the affiruntive ant ated or perhage a re— Anforcnd dtvieton me Presttent said that it ve vere nov get— ting forces of the size of a reinforeet divieton tt ma a pretty sericus satter e added that 3¢ we vere going to make eich eig— nificant atlitary nore tn ant or termed the Corridor such move must be specifically brouglt to the attention of the Sterstary of Tetense aod hiasel vefore they vere taken ‘his ws erpecially true of the sovesent of a forse ot dtviston stze e are Snralved here said the President with mounting a threst against the Soriet Union without having at our disposal a really grent force with viich to contzont the forces viich the Soviet Unton vould be in a posttica — to contront us vith Secretary Herter cnserved that these matters raised the vicle question of the tintng of these various sores ‘The timing of these moves bad not been spectFied on agreed to in the paper under discus sion Reverer Sf the question of retnforcesnnt ot our treope should arise Eining wuld becoun a vital autter ant ve vould bave to be prepared to go a very 1oog uny Secrntary Herter said taat ‘his peobien could be discussed tater e quertion of timing ins certainty rather fussy nor 2 poses Eiserhouers Papers 2983—00 9 « Ann Whitean 120 6008 E anmed ‘me Presttent stated that Section A covering pottttcat action under the general heading of Section Three on Prepare« tory ant Supporting Actions bothered hia a 1ittle inthe the political actions to be taken are specificity itsted nothing in sata tn thts section with respect to har there nctions are to be carried out Yor exaspts anted the President vould pb Motty be given to thts serfes of poittical actionst‘ then Secre— tary Herter zeptted that publicity veund ve gtven to them the Preattent asked vit kind of pbitctty Secretary Rerter anover« oa that the pticity vould consist of high—level speocice as veil as putiotty ty the 0 5 Informtton Mgeecy and in other — forum i Gecrge Mien the Director of 0 8 1 rentodet the Come12 that his Agrocy vould have to tie in tte vork to pre— Hintrary public epeeses by 0 8 officiate U 5—L A could not handle the pbttcity co these peittiont actions inteyentently of the guidance provided by official speeches Secretary Rerter con Zized btrsetf to stating that a great deat nore had to be done on vot of there papers ty wy of detei Me Ormy gotated out that the Atscasston hed now reached the Pirst of the Tour Altersative Courses of Action namely A Suretantia mrrort to Re—Open trount Access ty Teoal Action C We Gea pointed out on Page 15 a difference in the Tnteliigence Enttonte of the espouse vhich we might exzect from the Soviets 4f we undertook this irst Alternative Air Force Intelligence i—2 beitered that tiie course of action vould conrince the Gortets that the ¥estern Allien vere prepered 1f necessary to proceed to General Yer and that the Boriets vourd therefore Fina vays to case the crteis Me Cray yotnted out that this difference of view wms one factor to be comidered 1¢ this paper vere to be Ermussitted to other Alited Governments In such a case he asked should these aplite tn Intelligence Satizates be reflected at ail IC thay vere to be reflected should the identity of those ho held the differing views be sade clear or aitermatively should just the Mijority Eetisate be provided to the other Gorermentet Secretary Herter streased the very great tnportance of the Intel2ignnce Retisates in the pagers he added that it vis his persoott view that if ve carried out the First Alterntive nor tater dfscusstoo the Soviets were 1tkely to Fight uniess they vere zc Uy prepared to 2st our ntlitary forces either of battalion or divieton nize sure dom the Autcbana tato Berti Generel Tria Ing vondered vieiher #t vould not be poostite to express the Hnjerity vice ant the Dtosent in rather geoernitzed terus Me Allen Dalles thougt that General Teining‘s suagestion vas a got one but adrised against Sdentifying the source of Dissente in the InterMgance Beti— miten ie supported instead that the paper Just provide the Mrority s gosuren prignt o Rtonmover CBr B Eisebowers Papers 1538 Inn iitran rize © — s crone view as one hich differed from the Majority Intelligence Sett— sate If the paper vere to be stven to the Precety ie Alien matzes urged that it be sanitized first ‘me President sata that he bad asked several people about giving sich pepers euch an this to our Alites 1% vas all right to provide thts paper to Genera Noratad to ook tnto but 1¢ tne pepers vere to go any further should they not be tramsnitted in rather more geoernl terms than in the detailed fashion tn viich they were now veittent Secretary Herter expressat the optnicn that ati such papers would bave to be transaitted in a sanitized version me President exprensed his agreement tn favor of shorter papers smmonrtztng the contente or the more detaized ones we Gray pointed out to the Comsth that unite over the years the Beitish have been very aniious to engage with the U S in con Hingency aflitary planning 411 over the vorld they have een Firs n the oue exeeption as to jotnt contingracy planning on Berlin General Dvintng contiened e Gray‘s stateasnt or the British atti— tote while Secretary Herter pointed out that we cursetves had not dentred at first to join with the British tn contingency planning uoi2 we had gotten Parther along in ou om plaoss Me Grey pointed cut thes the Presttent vould vant to deternize shen we should go tor— ward with joint contingency planaing on Berlin Me epect¢ically to— quired vhather the peper unter dtscusston should be transnttted to the Brtpartite Stath in Parts Live Gub Berntary Bertet euegestet holttng off a decteton on this potnt until further discussion of the Croup here tt might be destrsbte to transutt the paper through diploantic chamete to our Alttcs ‘ere being no further Ascussion of Alternative One He Gery directo the Coweth‘s attention to the Second Alternative sanely A Sunetential Rtfort to Re—Open Mz Access f Mocked As to the case of the Piret Altereative he notes that this Atersative also Anvoived a difference in the intelligence Estiaate of the reaction witch we aight expect from the Sortets f this Alternative vere at— Zenptad Page 21 te muszented tht the sane considerations steuld arzly in the case of this epttt as applied tn the case of the split Estisate as to the First Alternative Me Geny then referred to the mated Aiternative that in Treseisnls Apntont the Coomntate tn Other Areas e 4 Hestern erat Controls on Bloo Shipping » Tattalty Mes Orey pointed out that the sane problen of timing extsted with respect to this Alter mmtive as vith the fizst tro Alternatives Secretary Herter oulted ¢ ® pesuume Deight D Htsestover bray Btectnouers Papers 1953—8 Inn Viitaan £122 c % Es attention to the fecteote on Page 26 reating as fotous here n a serious question as to vnetoer cae or nore of such actions vould constitute retaitation witch to regurted as belttgerent action Secretary Rerter s61 that he hiaself bettered tmat soee of the evggested actions under this Alternative night be cated aggressive ant bettigerent Secretary Neizcy expressed agreement with this view of Secretary Herter Me Gay proceeded to the Fourth Ateroatives eneral taz Mnsurea® tore again he potntad out that there uss a ditference of optafn as to the Tetelligence Eatisate on the reaction to be expected frou the TATO Governments 1f the Fourth Altermative vere vuptertaken Page 34 lr Alten Dulles counented that this tine ‘he Dtasent cane Pron the State Departzent rather than from the Military Intelligence Ageoctes Me Gray foqutred spectficatty of the Attorney General whether ‘he hat asy conment to make on this Fourth Alternative pointing out that vien we becase turotved tn Cenerat Her Mastzes we are gntting into the bustness of the Autos ant prerogatives of the Coomnterctn ief vieurie the 1 S Congress me Attormy Genernt reptied that he 81d not beiteve that this Alternative pre— f sented any great protien A groat dent of contingency ptanotng bad alzeady been done — sore thin bad erer been done in our bistory before this tiae Tife he thought ims not really a Tegal problen so much as weovien of miblie reaction to untertaxing Genernt Yer Yeasuress Me Geny repited that he thought thts nutter extresely Anportant frou the point of view of the srenident‘s appro of these papers Me Rogers proniond to review the tease again but stated that he vas contident that no severe problems vould emerge Secretary Herter pointed out that of course sach move in these mzere wae subject to the President‘s apron At this pont the President brought the discussion beck to —the Mhird Alternative that of reprisals sgainst the Commniata fn other areas ant s01d tmnt he felt that me hind Alternative was scomsint out of 2tne e feared that 2€ we undertook such re— prions as vere Mated under this Alternative we vould mange to nt the shots vorld peeved at us vithout actuelly improving our om attuaticn te seta he vas quite courtneed that vith respect Toithe Piret Abternative on ground access that the 0 8 must be aly prepared to act Roverer through this comtties here or by asking reretgn Miniter Ihoyd ve mat secure agreement From Not the Reitish and the Presch to Bh the Fing® and make 1t class that ve vere serious Hoverer 1t ve contenplate going be— yout the Fizet Altermtive tn our atlttary actions an opyosed to ove political actions we shoud realize that the eituntion vill s Acs comer seme see Eizerhowrs Papers 1953—61 ‘ Gen shita fi e n De sie ve ctanging day ty day hat is if ve untertate military action on‘a incger acolo and at 6 further stage than tant ot ‘The Ratnboreed Suttaiion ve wound encounter hor peoblecs ant ‘he need for new decisions in such a sontisqmcy ve have in the Rettoont Secartty Comet vould be meeting repuiarly in short said the Resident ve cxmnot expect to be min to res— pood univenticatly in tnoes contizgnacton to sight pane of Eevion shich ve tad sade in alrancer No sloply vould te unante To sen the resutte ‘Tor exaaple said the Preptient vould we to wilting to start a ms withoue the eupsort of ou aisiest If ve do to the Erestonnt bettered suss tetion would conmtitute a great Soviet victory Berefore said the Incstdent asytaing ve do after we mike our first move Ritermative One 1s going to lave to be played ty see Gevers mrining sid that of course CCB vas vel mvare ot the polats that the Preptdeot has sate e rrentdent went on to sty that of course if we uniectom the Pest Aitermative w woubd retaferce sar mores to ante grouod access to Reviin with Miz operation Generai vining sbservec tat the main thing ins to vile op the Ieipestite Drow In foretad‘a fenagarters in ferie to art tom to works Secrotary Herter commnten that of course the military comses of action must be dove—taiied with the political c compe of hebloh Me felt sensounbly mes be sat that o Allice wosld ao atoug with ow peogonnd miaitary action 15 they are con— Yincet Tant ve had exmmurted all the oice peosintiiticn Me Alten puites again cane back to the problen of reprieats ne pointed out that these was one type of saved reprioat which ve nigh well countter ant which night tot seen too teiignrsnt in The Soviets Reid up ose of our Bicitn commore te could retariate by holding one Soviet merchant vessel on ise peeiurt or apotoer 16 an Aiea pors We batten wss quite sure tnat the Soriets wuld deduce the neaning of such an notion Becretary Barter thought this vas a useful iden but of reprisals in general unter RMivtuative Sese he pointed oue tat the thise Alted Oorerments hnd definite Ingel rights vith respect to access to Bertin m tne other hand f ve held up Soviet shipping on the high sere ve could ‘ fot do so on the beats of any cleae logit rignts ‘the resident said Tort he vould not object to Hintted insossseate of the sort ecgeee« tnd by Wes Altes ratios We Gray sext toqutzed shatter the same considerations wound not epply to Aitrnative Avo an applied to Atersative toe wite respect to Goneeal Norntad‘s panning In reply the President Polited out fant stricunty ve could mot ccomct an ats battie in E iecentle wite connidue he» days bevevery sointed out that ve Could Mkrvise not conduct a grown bettie on an avtobane strip Rpresing the Ircstioot posted out tmat bon contingrnsten required ccocsomes Efzerhowers Paper 1953—61 — ‘ In witzan file c zn scan aprce suttiotent for a campaign Antd coostdersbte Inughter Gevernt tvintng pointed out that the paper under coostderation required us to confine our mititary action to the Corridor if posstote Me« Ceay then tnvited the Couneta‘s attention to the tima section or the pepers Reactions withtn Geroaay to the Pour Courses of Action mere being no coment or discussion on this section M Gray turned to the President ant anid he supposed that ths President wound wish to approve this paper in principle as the bests for further work by the four agracten vhich had pee— posed the paper State Defense 208 and CIM me President re— pind in the nffiruntive and added that he vould neod the paper to General Rorstad te vould not object to Generel Rorstad nen— Honing these Alternatives in dlscusstons vith the Tripertite Group but in so doing he should mike clear that as of the present nooit thee actions are not all practical Secretary Nertrey tnqutzed whether we should cutt Altermative meres in any onteriah uiich ve transit to our Allien ‘he Prest« dent thougie 14 vould be a good den to ontt this Alternative but ve shoud get at t y asking our Altes viat thay could suggest ¢ ‘by vay of repetsais ant barussoents Me Gem restated the CounoiT that i Robert Miriy to his covering nencrantn senting these two stuites to the President had asked the President to approve three recomentations e staged out n perticutar the third recmmeniation dealing vith the probles of the selection and timing of the general political econontc and military neesures outlined in these atuites mereaiter he astea the President whether he vould wish to have progress resorts frou ize to time on this recomendation me Prestdent satd he vould Wut added that he #14 not feel that much efective vork could be done at the present time unless a stogle intividuat vas appotnted wod given authority to Tock over the vhote range of our contingency planing on Reriin Thie range vould fnclude niso any Allied sugges fiom because said the President we neod sottd support ant agree— ment frou ou Alddens The President then miggeeted that the fnttvidual who sould most erfectively FHI thts gob vould be Hes Robert Mursty of the State Departaent If he vere not anilanle scne other State Repartzent official should be setected because ma‘the President seid in the early stages at least much of shat we vould be doing vit respect to counter—measures in the Berita erfets vould be in the reals of political planning and metion Secretary MeBlzoy con— curred in the President‘s view that the initridunt to have charge ot such a group should cour from the State Depertuent 1 monomsze pommumsrmmcom a Etzenbouers Papers 3953—61 Inn Jhitran rize ° _zmszug ‘me President said that the group soeting unter Me Mirsty shou conrene every day and shoud an necessery shock vith tne mational Security Comet The President added that he vas aevantng in enking this muegeetion that Prenter nrwboher bat really meant shat he said vien he stated that he ims not going to upsct the applacast once negotiations over Berlin had been started between the Mest ant the 0 9 8 8 Me Grny Snticated that this seemed to concute the dtscus— ston of the fizst paper ant sugested that the Come turn ite attention to the secoot peper novatlitery entities houlysis of Hon—Litazy Masres to Thauce the Sovict Unton to tesore Custructioas to Vertern Accens to Berita e prouptly called on Secretary Herter for a massy of the contents of this paper Secretary Rerter pointed out that the smazy ant cooctustons of the paper vere provided tn the Strst fom mass lost of the cournee of sction presented tn the paper vere to to stutied as posetbitittes Tone of then to necessarily going to change the mint of the Soriet Unton but at Teast they should alt ve dtecursed with our Alttes ore vork waa certainly mended on the question of the rete of the United lations n the picture That precisely c for example to meant by the phrase a United Hattons presence in BerBia®t this wss still a very fussy concept Incidentally added Secretary Herter the Prench attitude towrd tay United mation pestictpetion to‘ the Berta problen wms portttvaly perchopathte Revertnetess froa the polat of view of vorld pote relations the role of the United Mations can st112 be of great tnportance ‘me Presidect said he fount the course of action set forth on mage 16 of the paper that i# terntaation of Noo—Diplomtio Contacts with the 0 8 9 0 quite an tnteresting peovicn e President venteret shat the Sortete vould tnfer from a Wrosk to relations betven the 0 8 ent the 0 9 0 8 They might vell conn etter thts brosk tantencunt to a deciaration of var Yereovery such a brosk effected by the 0 8 alone vould not carry very much weight ‘ With respect to the paper te a vhole the President nnagested that ve shoud tey to act domn cur quertions and annvers fn very short aod terse form e sata that he had stutted thie pezticutar paper at considerate 2ength wt even so bad round it Ciefieutt to reach stone ant firm conctustons vith respect to ite content Apropos of the President‘s couptatnt Mes Alten Dulles said that in great secrecy he vaa having prepared 6 supplementary peper denting with Parsgragh 6 viich calind for an Incresse to the ex— test feastate of feasible aod disruptive activities vithin the s —rronmn Mee eee Bizenbouers Papers 1953—81 — — limn initzan ri28 azoncomen « Soriet Moo te puites felt that it vas tupertant to resesber hat the origtoai Soviet move agrinat our position in Berlin wms destgned to good part to solidity the Boviet‘s own position throughout Bastern Barope They requrd thetr status in Bustern Burope an a mutter of the greatest inportance ant they dreaded to see 1t disrupted Me should therefore coontanly reniné then of the Rengurtan aod Past Ceraan uprisings mite vas a kind of AchiZies® heex fo the Sortet Unton tn any case continued Me Putten the eupplenentary paper to which be hid Just referred was besed Sn the proposttion that 1f the Sortete betieved that ve vould sake reat efforts to subvert their yosttion in Buster Burope in the event that they tried to impede our access to Perkin they vourd become extresely worried If thts inon of curs t cor— rect ve should attempt to get 1t through to the Soriete ty corert neand If nuccerstut thin vould constitute a deterrent to Sortet action to dany us access to Bertin e President said that looking at the Perit crtete as a whore he fett that one of three eventuatities could cone to pass me first veut be sone kind or a dont through negstiatione betveen the Soriet Boc ant the Yost The best ve could hove for n such a deat vould be Sortet agreesent to antatatn the status quo for C Hhree or four years me second possibility vas a mcktonn ty the 0 8 9 0 me third possibility vas geoneal vse the President went on to warn that once we rescrt to the use of nllitary forse as opposed to portticat action there are reaity so Mintte that can be set to the use of force this vas a face that the rrosttent felt we mast took squarely in the face me President said be vas reninied of the circumstances of 1916 hen Preatdent Wilscn vould not even perult our Little waz College to ske ay etuites stout vhat ve wight do Lt we became tovoived in the Har or vould he perntt ary contingmmey vr planning by the ver or the Mevy Desert meats test such piamaing sem to constitute beitigerent acticn by the 0 8 Roday ve are of course taking the opposite course Cer— tainly there vere a maber of things we could tey to do to change ‘the Soviet stod bt ve should never forget the oostbtlity of var even though tn the Presidents qulgaont there vould not be var seerntary Herter commented that ue vere gotng to have a severe yeovtem shortly vith respect to the introtuction of atone veasous Anto the eters Repubtc of Cerzary and possibly tnto Turkey sot Greece as vets me Maintetzntionts deciston to do this mad veen faken as earty as the end of the year 1957 While we had not acted on this decision to introguce thesemepons fato Germany the shote matter would soon cons out foto the open when on My 1 cur propornt s mesas Eiserbower Papers 1953—61 Ann Yitzan file i i poméscross goes before the Jotnt Congressioont Comittee on Mosto ergy which muat pass on certain aapects of the transection Secre« tary Herter onid that the State Depertsent felt that it vould be disadvantageous to deplay these veryons only to the Federal Repsblic ‘he matter vould be ese serious if deployment to Hest Coreany vas accoepanted by desloyment of the veayons to other counties at the sane tine ‘In any event he felt that ve should proceed to deploy the verpons in Germazy Indeed wuch a course of action aight inticate to the Soriete hor ser— ous ve vere about the Berita erfate« Secretary Nemtzoy ex— reessed hia agreement with these views of Secretary Rerters me President thought that ve should take up the pechlen of the deployment of atonte veapoos to the Feterai Republic as a problen ty Stoelf We should attempt to see clearly just stat we vere guining and losing ty such a nore Secretary Anderson satd he had been vootering whether 1% vourd be possible tor mesbers of the State Deperteest to appreach Jeaders of botth perties of the Congress with musgestions that thay sake statements on the floor of the Touse or the Senate vith repost to our course of action on Berlin me statenente he 4 bad in aind said Secretary Anterson would not be cast in a bet Atgrent fore ut vould be designed s an Indication of the fire resolution of the 0 9 If such statenente vers carefully prepared wot dniivered Secretary Anderson beltered that they vould comti— tute a scurce of strength for the U S postion at the rorthconing Foretgn intaters® Moeting Miey vould also serve the purpose of preparing the people of the 0 9 for a11 the eventuatitics they fuced« Znstly uch etatenenta vould help M Alten and the 0 9 LA to sgbtiize vortd opinion in derense or the 0 8 and the Western postion Secretary Herter commntad that be bettered that the Prest— dent‘s recent epeech bat dove the best job tn expataing the prob Ten of Berl to the people of the countey Mr« Gecrge Allen was unciesr as to vhether the speeches eusgeted by Secretary Anderson vere to dent vith the Berita crteis or with the peovien of deploy— ng atente weapons in the Federal Republic or other Western Baropern countries te confessed that he saw no hope vmateoever of getting world pabitc opiaton behind a U 5 course of action to deploy these atcate verpons in Hestern Barope Tate vas an erve on wich ve staply could not vin over vorld optnion Seeretazy Herter pointed out that nevertheless ATO bad been very staunch tn support of the U 9 position on the desirability of ° deploying these atonte veapous fn Biroye Bren the British had t 10 ser—esenss Btsenbouers Papert 1953—61 « kon Whiten 128 f 6 asmsmm strongly supported the move Me Allen then suggested that per— hape the bent vay to sell this den vould be for neshere of the Goverment of the Peteral Republic to maze speeches in Tom fo« dicating that the rrzans vant these veezons deployed on their soin ‘e President pointed out that shen he bad given tnstruc thom in Decester 1957 for the deployment of these atcate veesons he bad been at great pains to assure that the 0 9 vould not atteapt to dragoon any of our Mites into accepting these veepons on hate sof e hed been deternined to avoid Dlacimat ant his order tad undo this point very clear Secretary Berter sovured the President that the Cereane vere pushing bard to grt there atonte vergons and also added that we vere now engaged in negotia Homs vith Turkey Greese and The Netherlands for deployment of these weapons on thet territories Reverting to theiten ortetoaity susgestet by Secretary Anderson the Presfdent onit tat he did beltere toat 1t vould be desirable to got Representatives ant Senators on toth sides of the atele to sake speeches to explain viy ve vere proposing to provide our Allies with these atentc weapoos Ouch speeches should strens the deteasive C character ot our proposed action Seczetazy Rester pointed out that the Jotat Comittee vould nave to approve the agreenente uy which these deployments vere carried out The President thought that if ve sade such agree— seats there ws bound to be a certain asoust of revelation of atonté energy information Secretary Quaries me tnvited to clarity the unterstanting of vat was Lmoived in such agreements Secretary quasies said that he ngreenente viich vould have to be approved ty the Joint Gomnittes vere not agreesente which vould ator us to mut etonte stockpiles on the sot of our foreign Ales me agremente watch require the approval of the Comittee vere thore which in— voived the exchange of atoute information which vould enable our Mies to do vhat they have to do vith these weeyons once they vere deployed ‘he matter of deployment of the versons wns a mutter between sovermments but as for the agreement necessary to provide our Alien vith information essential to the use of these weapons this was sonetiiing vhich required the approval of the Cone grenstoial Conntttoe The Comittee can consider auch an agreement sot hold 1t up for sixty days although Secretary Quarles did sot C as womonme memes Esennowers Papers 2953—8 nn Shitean A122 j fd @wrorren belfeve that the Comittee vas required to consider the matter for the ruil stety days ‘mme Vice President coserved that Secretary Antersca had mate a goo point in evegesting seechen ty Congressunn and Senators wbout our vositicn in the merit ertete Bevertheless as tur as mibite optoion of this countzy was ccocerned the President‘s speech on the meritn ortats mad been much the acet erfective state— nent thus far Nesbers of Congrens for exauple Seontcr Putbright have already talked a great deal about the Berlin crteis Tn these treunstances the Vice President bettered that Reriin might be the wibject of the tizst mbite statment by our new Secretary of State mis vould be bound to have a very considerable effect — such sore effect than any epeech by any mesber of Congress beverer distinguished ‘me President sata be thoight very well of the ¥ice mresisent‘s propose uch a speech ty Secretary Herter coud well take the form of a talk to the people in a hooely fashion Tt should be de— stgnot to expiata the conttmutty of our poltcy it shoud aroté in— tting to ferz ant Instead stress the contimalty of our fire policy with regard to Bertin Bcerstary Herter evegeeted that 4f he vere to make such a f speech 16 stoutd be made after he returned from the April 29 meetings in Paris at before he vent beck to Genera for the Foreign Mintters‘ Conference opening on Yay 12 The ice President comented that ho thought well of the proposed timing M Allen Dulles eugerted the Goonsi1 on Poretgn Relations as a gvot forum The Vice President ccommntoa that ite proponnl for a speech by Secretary Herter did not of couse exciute speeches aftervarts on the Hlcor of the Howe or the Senate A this potat Me« Orn eauned up stat be understood to be the action of the Counei2 cn these to papers ‘me maticoat Securtty Comet f 2 noted ant atecussed the two stuttes prepered at the dtres— tion or the President ant eoctoned with the reference seso— random for the President 2 notes that the President has srericunly approved the trams— nteston of the studtes to Genernt Rorstad tor his use in TTE In wnsertalh snether Secretary Qlztes pont in correct Tt say be anadatory foe the Joint Comittee to vitihold action for a yeriot of etity diys arter receipt of a proposed agrecaent ende by the Brecuttve Bessch with a Coreign goverment 12 anevomrene Bizenbouers Papers 1983—61 202 « Ann Whitean file ‘ c c — preparteg prelntoay 0 8 postions tn the tripartite State in rerte 3 Motes the President‘s view that with respect to the study of atiitary neasures ary ntvence planning re— garding the aiternative ute of force would mecosserity be mstiject to review and dectston in the Light of ciz— custances as they develop b Agread that the etuites tn their present form should not ve transsitted to our altes ant that any dieclorures to our altes vith respect to these stuites should be deférred peting further study under 6 5 below 3 Noted the President‘s approns2 autject to the above caveats of the utilization of the study of sitermative Cowses‘of nction requrding use of force by the Depertuest of Defense as a bests for the Initial planning of measures to be taken on a mettoot bests 6 totes the Prestaent‘s approval in peinetule of the stuttes tor use tn further pianaing unter the coorttsation of a group to be chaired by Me« Robert Mirzty Deputy Unter Sec— ¢ retary ot State with representatives fron the Departaent C of Defense the Joint Chiefs of Staet the Central Tatelt— groce Ageoty aod the Special Assistait to the President Lor Mettooat ‘Becurity Aftatre and s necessary on an at hoo mesis other agencies Spectfienlty thie group shoud Tnitme Might of the discusnton at this special meeting co— ortizate such further planaing fncluting a mhe results of the plamntng by the Departaest of Defese prsinat to 5 above b The development of genered political econsnte and ait Sary seasszes as outtined in these stuttes with perticu— Jnr‘ reference to selection and timing referring major dectstons tor the Rrestdent‘s approvat as they vecoue necessary a Recommmotations as to the Aiscionize to our alties ot Anformtion contained in the stuttes s mrmem crzison is gomcsmsr Rigenbowers Papers 1993—81 te BNL f msm « ion whitean £120 A Tor Special H5 Hesking f $100 a Tiurstay April 23 2959 as f 1 1 — Analysts of Politfcal and Mittary Tnpltcaticns of Alternative Uses of Force to Matztatn Access to Berlin prepared by State Detense 3G and CHA an — Aok for questions and coments seperately after prosect Ang each of the sections of the paper as follovst 1 The Introduction p 3 ant the Aomapttons p 3 f 2 Preparatory and Supporting Actions pA 3 Altemative Gnat A Substaziial Etfort to Beopen Ground Accern by Tool Action 2 20 Yote Intelligence dissent on p 15 4 Altematire hor A Susturtial Stfurt to Reopeo Mtr Access 28 Blocked pe 38 Note Inteltgence déapent on an p 21 5 Altemative Threat Reprisals Agaiat the Comuniste tn Othor Areas a 5 Nester Reval Controls on Bloe Shipping p 21 6 Alternative Fours General Ner Neasures 5 32 Hote Tnteligence comect on p 34 1 7 Resetous Within Gomany to the Pour Courses of Action p 37 « 2 — Anaiysta of Hooliitary Mesures to Toduce the Sorist Union to Besore Obstructions to Western Access to Berlin prepared by State cu ae — Call on Secrstary of State to present Samary and Conn f elustoos p 3 through A vith any additonal stateomts i be conatders dostratle — Shes dion dutis — Be — Gill on General Raining for 408 coments ge Ask for questions and coments 1 3 Covering Nesorantn for the President from Robert Murply Acting Sceretazy of State — ¢ me Bead or call attention to purus 2 and 3 TeRe Eisentovers Papers 2953—82 — 2220 p inn hitzan £126 © © — Be — Read recomendations in parny 5 Merah 2 Note that the President bas atroaty appromd pare 5—a auttortzing transntsston of studies to General Norstad for we in preparing 0 5 postions in the Tripartite Staff ° 2 Ask whether tt 1s understood that parse 5—e emtemplates that the develoment of measures will to on a ccontisated basta Integrating the ailttary ant neo—atlitery seasuree as to — their selection and tixtng 3 Ask whether progrees reports on inpleoertation of mame S—0 in developing neasures vith pertteslar reference to entectizn and Haing shoud not be made at stated intervals ery 2 weeln to the Presderk as will as referring major dectstons for his ajproral k The President‘s question repanting the transmittal of these stoties to our alties Ae — 0 F and Frencht Vest Gemanat ar t Be Delage Sdmtiftentto Intelligce dissentat Or stould Interligence dissects be deleted erttrety Or should those dissents be reardad as possiie modifications of the majority estimatess go Should other modifications or sanitizing of these stuttes be mde 12 Ca Memo of discussion at a special meeting of the NSC on political and military implications of alternative uses of force to maintain access to Berlin National Security Council 23 Apr 1959 U S Declassified Documents Online http tinyurl galegroup com tinyurl 6KtAV6 Accessed 13 Apr 2018
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