senenneinurammmermmmmmmmmmenmmmenns _____ Creel nol COMMAND FILE —— ——— POS 1 GFG DESLASSIFIED y biG mim smees ane roms 4y to misrear amaimto aro reprmreurean PA Meatquaztors of the Comanter in Chief C m euysas x3 pe 24 Pebmary 1960 sour Pron Commander in Cater 0 9 Naval Forces Rpiom Itlantle ain fedtiecramen Tor Commnter in Caiof United States Puropeen Comant Subys CIICEXM Annual Miatorieat Reports eibniaston of Refs — a Hondquators Uaited States Buropean Comant Directive No 56 BOJS—A dated 9 July 1959 u Enoks 1 CHIOMEM Ann Historie Report 2 Pursiant to referance s CHICIBIN Inmoal Alstortot Report for the calenter yer 1959 is aubsitted 2 AUko ‘ t i 1 » 1 Iisapittee ir Aemaneen ap A $ 20 Year oin ieesren izy 2000 Sintecurie Revife og wo usecon conmot nos wass SHEZ__ a se 254 07° row parmer commoner ammount ruvome Rovend the ont of 1958 CHICK ven aterted to the fact that the poussfent afintion in Vorleco yas ouch paat contitond operation of Horst Aotivition Part lynutey wan in doubt d CINOIR van dizectet ty C10 to prompy contingency plana for the withireval of all Nery ficilitien in Morocco A plan for the energency withiraral from Horecco Monit‘ al perso of atx monthn was propered ant mubsttted to C10 for tpproval Tus section of the pian covering the relconting of the Nara1 Connuntcation Pacfltty at Port lynitey reconmanta that the rosponnibtlitien nor asaignad to NIMCOM®HC be divided ant relocated to Amaze Maples Rota Londonderzy and an Aapitbious Comet Ship in the Mediterranean seam struirtor In February 1959 while Port Iysatey planning wae continaing military action in reepoune to the Beshin situation seemed Snevitaile as 6 result of Soviet pressure ant Us CHIC mesiguet epecial commmications—olec tronice responsibilities to the component commmnta to eure that there aecvicen vere not ddarupted 4 CHICM2Aa mont fuportant task uae pro— Thding a MU on It trengnition for the dntrery of Sertin traffic mnd developing a corer plant to concent the puszose of this transaitier ‘his IP transmitter wae activates on 3 lay 19598 ant used tor Tenant Burzier Porce operations Then the Berlin attuation tprored the BCHD Londonderry Broatcaat van seauzed on 30 Jume E the dosent trime mitter placed in a stantly statue on 2t—hour notice enwiexw or—stXe wemon In onter to improve the MHM on—line capability CDCR requested in ey 1959 that C10 approve the mp iliahaant of a CHICII adie net to mst groring loon emenined co ye this requst ant the net work vent into operation on 1 Deceber 1959 I C10 1tz sez OOLOOTMO of 28 Nor 1350 2 Cio te nes G010820 0 of 0 Jan 2959 3 oniomza ortalt 101—59 ite wee 00979 of 23 itor 1959 4 os cneirm moo—696 Dre 0513062 reb 2959 enemu 1216562 lay 1959 $ eno andie way 1959 7 cnomar aéous Jun 1959 3 enor ite ser 0n19 of 29 hay 1959 3 Ci se ses O10122994 of 14 Aug 1559 36 oro zzi3us wer 1959 molonire 1 to ontimtat Serien novon a 24 Feb 1960 swomst on the pert of sich supporting activition An sore ind sore Reckgrount fnreetszntions on Werni persomnd tnrotre pertota apent orersets in the Hk the case oat boing eptztin upeart ant the pinch in increasingly fun an man and money beccan scarcer By Apett of 2960 CBIR wii have lost fully Sof of the untt‘a officers ant 206 of esitated persome1 without reltefe C10 DMZ has recmnty ateined tat a CHIURM po— posed reorsntaction toon not appear Sensible at prevent mad that funting ¥1x1 have to continue on ite present unsound bectss Sone tuproremsat xi1t renitt from the anvounset DH proviaton of one addition otriliin agent beinging the totat to five one etvitimn counter—inteiligence wsaizat ant one otriian cterk Wt even when these neviy authortzet pectonnta ase eventually abound the copebility to mot the groving cane— Mond wil not exiet Purtor ropresentations will be mate to C10 on this sttuation arm som wire meow Comper Dutng this periot consttorstion wan stven to the poneibitity of dropping the 132 000 ant 22200 000 seate monton from the Mir Sergut Materiate Program ABG replacing then with 1 50 000 ant 11200 000 scate moontcss In sary cases the greater ense in profuctng mnt stocking the emalter soale ncmstcn‘01d inttente that they would e suitable repincementer hovever the loan of detain and sccurney would in nome eases have reduced operational eftsotency ant the cepanttity of ntzike ptiote to‘carry out sosigned ntontonss An all—Nary conference determined that the targe noste mosnice should be retained tor targete nonineted by CHIGPICitS Chictaimrit ane onrohoza whize the 1150 000 ant 21200 000 soate monton mutt e mccepted for sl1 other tarpute Yat efficiency ant ateike reatinase are expected to be faprovet as a result or thin method of tergnt materiat peodustion pemszomee sorevery in sure coomm A J08 atesotive to 060000 resutted tn major attention being ttrectet f torent miittary intelatgvnce ectivition condustad in Perkin with the ain of Increasing coontination «itntnating dupttontion of effort ant reducing perscnnet« _ Stnow the Mery‘e Bertin operations are atroaty at‘a atniuum rith only 3 officers 3 enliatel ant 11 intieesous otvtiians tnroived no personnel reductions are expected On the other hand the nearuzee atroaty Inatituted will remit tn an incroase in the renihte wich the Nery vil1 oviatn trom the overstt efforts mersuroncy coomnurior commperrun Inprored couetination of ntelitemce afforte in many Eieite to be atnbing to resslt trom the folloring events during this reporting periods amaweare uy to vincmnin Beriat corde or 24 ren 1560 1 same AMMitwome——— 202 J and naval qintise support ablp to shore movement in tenting eratt unt hetfcoptera beach oporntions commntentions and tactical j operntions astors Tus Landing Force witch tostuted both 06 Yartnes and Royal Yasines unter the contioh of a 18 Yurine officer landed prior to davm on 23 June Tt wss eccomptisted without cepialty or serfous Incident Cooparetion aod coontination via the Matest onder With ony minor exseptions the ambtblous portion of 1AETEOAT® van most suscenstut 12 Tus ate defense and anti—sutearine warfare portions of the exeotons wee less effective dus to various commntoation problems and material Ancompatibiidty bowirery from the overall atamdpofnt the training wis mast valuable for a11 partioipento 3 seomior c « mmm sures marea oremirions am exesersss or serous stortF rone svearne commriom storet Piftesn ditterent avimasines were assignnd to operete vith the inst during 1959 inclusing the mlear povered avimrine SCTPTICF Tee subuaricen petticipeted tn formlly scheduled exnrotses such an BMISE and MDM9HXs opeonnd fioot sort entetea and sortine rendensd services tor bests AS¥ tainings vire provided with targete to conduct pro—subnarine trataiings andy conducted several routine protograpaic I reconnatssence mtestonss The SEHPIICK izst muctenr shtp to operate in the tttterrensan completed an oppoded bnt undetected tramett of the Strett of Gibralter on at Augunt 2959 A speed of tinnty knote at a depth of 500 fest ven used to contuct the trenatt Te compotion of the opposttion Insures j air avetuce ant sutmerie Gnites SEEPYICK operated in the Yiditerzansen for 20 dae During thia perfod avven minor exsrolan were conducted I In mddttton port calle were made at te Sporto Ttaly ant Olbrelter where appromd visitors vere mosinnd and given oppertunity to funiitarise thomsetves with this now typo aubmarines smu oooner A szatket to a Aa ropearonl by SIEM Mest of the fatto or YM Atomto Strike mans Bqutnalent tergnte tn a friently nation are se in ttew of ecturt targete Surface Monto Yepons replenisiment 1a conducted Interged atromft are used to exerctoe the First 3 ore 61 Contiaeiter iso anidoss aur 29s 2 ore 62 oontisentier eo aszones 5 om 1950 3 onieiezn inet conrtamntiat 100 amianée $t 2959 sez ©0i28 ot ah Pos 130 a seour flittmicww——— 60s 20% « FBA SS IFE aS defense caped Atty _ The most otgntttcent STRIEEX wss DLG DEI 1 Tata Stooid SIER SEME Pinot Enerotae conducted 25 dprih I Yay ‘in the Vertarn Meditazzanemn provided higly profitable training in sustained strike ae defense ASV ant BOW operntionss Gradual ‘taprovenent in alt atpecta wes noled throughout the exercises A copndtmatad four day STI® STRI® CPL was conducted ertectivaly against squtvatont targota in Spain and Italy 83 percent of the fargnte wire successtully struck Strike cleeranoe weather and AGD grounding caused some slippage tn strikes Bustataed Ms Detonse Exarotons during the contuct of strike unt n a Lntted BOY enetzonmentprortded naxton M Cefense training and pernitted fits teat of Fiset procedures and capeBMitttes me ruining conducted waa reeltatle ant profitable Te greatest benefit was the denonstrated abi24ty of the participating ships and atatfo to contime active alr defense for over 30 consecutive hours rmvore rt onasstr During the perfad 16 Movenber 4 Decesber 1959 mations of the CHITO PACT contuoted their anminl Combined Mritize Training Bxeroise WDI tt One SUAM Fieet avimarine ant two CORTDMSTUR destroyers particinatad The reports received inftoate that the exerotas provided vatualte expertence for all pertictpating untte vith exselient coontination and cooperation mntfosted asoung al partictpante we wiipere oremrioe courtonimty The deployed minsswseping diviston participated in atl sobeduted SCXIW Fine asmhibtous exircises and owipt shoud of the usphiblous forces The present dtstoton of ntnessmepers deployed to the Meatterrenaan conetate of 4 180‘a Minesweper Oonen — non— magnetic The 160 has excellent somvorthiness moderate sen keeping ablatty and do the 0 8 Mevy s sont effective mineaweper for all purposes exsopt awsentag 2n very shuliow or confined water M11 weoden or non—nmgnetio materia wan used In the construction of thess ahtps and they can sweep effectively the moored magnetic and acoustic mines and combinations tnereots Those mineninepere ere equiped vith the AN IGS1 mize hunting soner which provides a 1inited mine hinting capability Minchunting an an alternative counter to any type of mine n the pruotioe of 2 Comanter Second Pieot 1¢e of Instruction aer OL4 dated 26 Jamiery 2959 Enione 0 to sougs as — swat SHHNNNHRHHENHERENrrrrrirrrrmrcmmmnremmmmmmmnmonsnmmmemmanmmeanmmmmsmmmzatain w J EQLASSIFEL locating mines by sonte or electronic means Tt 1s affective apainot sored mines but sHi11 relatively inetfoctive for botton mines which presont the greater threat Isproved ninahinting sonar an‘ nine Classification equipment 1 under development In accition to the 1501s five sot of enrgency small bost ninesweping goar is stored atoond the AIA attached to CIP 61 Thia goar io mounted on LOP type asoust boats and 1s also used n achacued SIEM Fient exphibious exercises Tt ts effective for moored mines only Since 21 August 1959 the Belton 150 RIFPIUT has been operating as an integral part of the SIXTH Ploct mire dtviston Opornttons have proved that the TUPPAUT do a well trained mtoenvesper epapble of porforang all tasks reauired of an 10 The TOUPAUT vill remain vith the SIM Fiect mine divioton unti 24 Jantary 2960 when sho will return to Belgum sveare comeaice crown During the pertad 12—18 Doceater 1959 patrol afreratt of the ¥ 5 UK and France participated in tracking 4 Soviet aubsarines ant one T—43 minosweper from the faltic fleot during their transit of the Wediterranomn to thai base at one Alenia The successful and coondinated tracking once again proved that this trilateral operation anaites the partictpents to matatain surveillence of transiting Soviet unite without undue strain on the perce—tine force and bnignt of any one mation semuzm corer Bcause of the antdefpated Berlin orfate in ay 2959 the SITI Piont wae brought to an advanced state of readinans and deployed in alert posture Gpootie measures taken Included During the period 4 Yay to 2 Jue one Carrier Task Unt ves maintained at son at e11 Hime for most of the perfod both Carrier Task Unita wore at sone Pach carrier maintained at leant aix atroraft in Inediate Jeunch atatus The aren of operations was shifted to the astern Nediterransan — Tontan Son and onatvnnd en for an 30° Rast The atefleld at Sate Ray was aotivlated Frum 4 lay to 2 June« Continous ASH ant abdpping surveiliance patrols wore flown from this airstrip Bnclonure x to cocina se cored of 24 Pub 1960 as stort One subnarins vas on patrol in the Tonian Sen during the pertad 1—30 ly with the mtaston to observe and report ahip movements particularly avimarinesy in the Tone ares One submarine vas on patrol 1—11 ty ant 16—28 tay off Aezandria to observe VMR and Sues Conal Shipping A deatzoyor pateol vas maintained off one ard another off Aesandria during sost of the month of tay An adttttonet 10 ves deployed to the SIIB Fiost to supply adtftfonil demands for ship and atzoraft fusls wprsoor icuassterm ‘The Naval Component of US CHICZUR played an appropriate tole in Operation hlGoot 0 3 8 MCOWC Itsa transited the Suez Genel on 23 November and remained in Karachi fron 2 to 14 Decenber to provide commnteatton festlittes and other nervices for the Presidential party In addition 0 5 5 IRRAMGE LoD—34 CHOPPED rom LANTLE to SUXRILT on 18 Weventer exchanged som betfcoptera with 0 5 8 SIDA 18028 and visted farmobt from 2 to 15 Dectaber to provide helicopter services for the Preatdential party SMOHRL carcled her hellcopters to Tataninl whore they flow to Ankers to provide heldconter services for the Presidential party during the Ankara visit _ Te President and Anmediate party travelled in 0 5 9 DBS 10093 OL—134 trom ations on 25 December to Tinta on 27 Decenber and dSsentarkad in Touton on 28 Docenber« The SUM Mook escorted the Presidential aghip ant provided an tnpressize Mot faview andt aerial denonstration ty carrier atroraft Preas representatives bad a Aine trip and exontlent communications in ¥ 8 9 ROGET which was one of the escorting shipa In ad¢ttlon four destroyore were on SAR ploket atations in the eastern Attantio during the Presidential fitght from Casablence hoevord bound on 22 Decenter aresteross oremarious During the perfad of this report the SII est conducted anchhious exercises on a Ereauency of about one per nonth otter as an independent exerctan or as part of an ovrnll Moot exercise During 1959 in addition to the Joint or conbined aphtbious exerotses previously mentloned national exercises ware conducted ore or nore time at thane Likes Porto Souto Sendinias Sterronttony Gretes Ansto Ztatys and Dildi1 Murkeys in ench instance the exersians Anvetved the anphiblows squadron and Marine bottaiton 2anding team viich atanen fry as armen ser onr2e or 24 meo 1960 an stour
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