«coverpmwerne «sen nanonat security councr snsmeston 00 asce gure 15 1993 inpommzzon 4 weorntoom ror anrvow taxe meoven rover c seu POR Neusee hersagy o reo steven r goues suasscr President‘s Decision Meeting on Space Station Yesterday Rose Gottenseiler and 1 represented the MSC at the decision meeting on the Superconducting Super Collider SSC and Space Station ‘The memo primarily documents the space station deciston The President‘s decisions generally followed the recommendations as set forth in the draft decision memoranda Tab A There were however some shifts in emphasis on the space station as highiighted betow Based upon the recommendations of the principals in this meeting particularly the Vice President Dr Gibbons Mr Panetta and Dr Goldin the vest Panel report and consultations with the international partners and key members of Congress the President decided 1 To select a modular Freedon—derived design® this supports Option A with the flexibility to add some elements of Option B as further study consultation may dictate ‘t was decided not to portray the decision as simply option A or B 2 to include flexibility for the international partners and stress future Russian partnership Such partnership would include the higher inclination orbit as well as use of the Proton launch vehicle for transportation and the Soyus Capsule for assured crew rescue Caution vas expressed about Russian participation until proliferation issues are satisfactorily resolved 3 to increase space station funding to approximately $2 0 bilMon year increased from $1 8 billion this may require a corresponding reduction in the $500 million technology package 4 to stress need for Congressional support of NASA management changes Vest panel concluded if NASA is not streanlined and given more management flexibility it may not be possible to build any station DECLASSIFIED —— PER E O 12958 conpsonuszesr gmeanme oon A AS AMENDED Deciassity on — OWfRrmioyiyf peomat ms — Shjor _ —oretdenlI commzesnszas The president stressed the historic nature of this decision and the technological and geopolitical consequences of not maintaining U S leadership in these areas He emphasized that if the SCC or Space Station were out there vould be a net loss to science and technology investment That is the savings would not be reinvested in other S2 but vould go elsewhere Next steps are for OSTP to draft final decision language the 5CC and space station decision will probably be announced together with an emphasis on the Administrations commitment to support basic sciences and international cooperation in ST concurrence by rose Eftrencetter Attachnents Tab A — Draft Decision memoranda Tab s — NSC #4318 on Space Station Syk 3 m aecse CxcboltBOilt G ben reniie an oe
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