state Summary April 6 1982 - 3 - 3 ARGENTINA FALKLAND FALLOUT Argentina's drubbing on the April 4 UNSC resolution probebly surprised Buenos Aires The extensive plannin for the oeeupaJ tion of the Falkland Islands does not appear to have a qUately addresse the international aspects Calculation of abort-term domestic benefits undoubtedly outweighed all else in Arqentinats decision o ' Until the April 2 invasion it appeared that Ar nt1 vao explo i ting an unant iciQ ated incident on South Georgia II-land 1 0 pressure the UK In r'et rospecc the incident 'may have btten 1I nufacturedto legitimize an invasion for which 'considerable preparations already had been made The rema1 kably 'smooth and 'efficient x out ion 'of th oecupation argues 'for a period of preparation -tar lonqer than theo 15 days between the beginning of the South r9i ff ir nd the invasion Argentina's UNSC -defeat indicate 'dip tic ef forts d id not keep pace wi th -military planning In 'Nev York -the so 1ea abstained iven the J e l of Arqent ne qra n sales to the Sov ts and -a recent 6ov 1et request or -credits Argentina had probably hoped 'for lIIOre - Five of the bc HAM members of 'the heur i1 y cOtlftCil ala l' - '3 oted against Argentina--Jordan 'Togo ' Oqanda' Gayana and- Saire Only Panama stayedw1th Buenos Airea Def r - of Argt ltina's embership in the NAK had always cit d the v 1uable upport Argentina received on the Falkland i ooue President and Army Commander Galti ri had reoftal 11 -es An insti tutional interest in explcitLl19 ' the ' ' alkla XalM d situation He wants to hold on to 'the ermy'll 'top lIIlot %hrough 984 end perhaps the 'presidency through 2987 e Arqent1 leader 1nay have been -excea a i vely shortsighted however ' 'be popular -emot i on that Welcomed tile invasion ill subside nd Argentina ''8 -econom i c -problems 1nay nave been eade eore ditficul't by 'the 'costs of a mini-war _