EXECUTIVE BUREAU Or INTELLIGENCE AND RESERRCH CURRENT REPORTS Hay 3 1962 I g FALYLALB - nf - 1 ov A I4 gy-35-- 3 EGYPT MUBARAK'S MAY DAY SPEECH I __ In a speech to labor leaders May 1 Pre5id nt Mubarak gave more details of his government' 8 domestic agenda Emboo IY Cairo reports Be reiterated the necessity to establizh a national consensus on strategic objectives and received the greatest applau when he praised the public sector as the corperstone of the development process The President elcomed Arab And other foreign investment And said Egypt would make every effqrt to provide a suitable climate for the investments to contribute td increa8e produetion vitho-ut exploitation Mubarak made no mention of aramatie dome tic developments such as new appointments o elections CONFItiENTIAL 4 US-SPANISH EXDIS_