THE VICE CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF WASHINGTON D C 20318-9999 MEMORANDUM FOR CHIEFS OF THE MILITARY SERVICES COMMANDERS OF THE COMBATANT COMMANDS DIRECTORS OF THE JOINT STAFF DIRECTORATES Subject Joint Terminology for Cyberspace Operations 1 U On behalf of the Chairman I am pleased to announce a further step in the development of cyberspace as a war-fighting domain-a standard joint cyber operations CO lexicon Recent efforts in both Joint and inter-agency channels have highlighted the inadequacy of current terminology to describe our CO capabilities and missions Though the language of Computer Network Operations developed in the Information Operations context has served us well CO has matured to the point where it should be aligned with the other domains 2 U The military has developed a common joint vocabulary to describe mission sets in terms of objective limitations and authorities involved Terms such as defensive counter-air provide specific data about a mission that it is defensive in inte nt- responding to an attack or imminent attack that it targets the adversary's air capabilities and that it involves the use of friendly air assets to counter the attack In contrast computer network attack can describe anything from corrupting a database to destroying an electrical power grid to responding in self-defense against an attack on our own critical cyber assets In short cyber's unique vocabulary doesn't discretely describe the nuances of its mission sets lend itself to established legal interpretations of authorities and limitations or reflect the standardized vernacular of the other domains 3 U For these reasons I have tasked the Joint Staff to develop the attached lexicon to align CO vocabulary with standard joint terminology This lexicon will be used as the starting point for ·normalizing terms in all cyber-related documents instructions CONOPS and publications as they come up for review 5 U My POC is LtCol McPhillips USMC J-3 Computer Network Operations Division 703-571-1991 christopher mcphillips@js smil mil JAMES E CARTWRIGHT General United States Marine Corps Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Atch Cyberspace Operations Lexicon Attachment 1 Cybe rspace Operations Lexicon The following definitions align key cyberspace operations CO concepts with doctrinally accepted terms and definitions used in the other joint operational domains For explanatory purposes in each case the current Information Ope rations 10 doctrinal def'mition for some aspect of CO is presented followed by its conventional analogue if any and the current terminology it would replace Where an existing JP 1-02 doctrinal defmition is applicable as written or with very minor modifications that definition is used with the modification if any n oted Note 1 Because IO doctrine uses just thr ee terms CNA CNE and CND to encompass all mission areas each of those terms is replaced here by more than one standard joint term reflecting the broad array of discrete missions that comprise CO as they are executed today Note 2 This lexicon does not attempt to include every cyber-related term but rather is focused on those for which the current cyber terminology does not align with an analogous tradition al military term Thus many terms especially those related to NetOps are not captured here because they reflect missions that have no analogue in the other domainsthose terms are unaffected by this lexicon but remain important to any comprehensive understanding of cyberspace operations 1 Advance Force Operations - An operation which p recedes the main effort in an objective area in order to prepare the objective for the main assault by conducting such operations as reconnaissance seizure of supp orting positions- including key network systems or nodes- pre-emplacement or clearing of weapons--such as minesweeping preliminary bombardm ent u n derwater demolitions or cyber accesses and or weapon implants -and air su pport See Advance Force Operations DOD NATO An operation which precedes the main effort in an objective area in order to prepare the objective for the main assault by conducting such operations as reconnaissance seizure of supporting positions minesweeping preliminary bombardment underwater demolitions and air support Replaces CNE when used to describe cyberspace operations intended to support facilitate a specific planned operation or set of operations via clandestine means e g by delivery of software payloads that may facilitate preparation of the battlespace and or provide effects in support of an operation 2 Aim Point Derived from Air Warfare TIPs After compensation for such factors as course speed turbulence target and for terrain characteristics target depth elevation and weapon characteristics the point at which a weapon is aimed in order to achieve the desired effect at the target location Multiple aim points may be assigned to a particular target location in order to m u ltiply or complement the effects of a single weapon or propagate those effects to a target location not directly accessible to the 2 weapon If the target can only be affected indirectly a geographically separated aim point such as a supporting facility or component may be selected in order to achieve the desired effect at the target location Replaces n a 3 Collateral Effect - unintentional or incidental effects including but not limited to injury or damage to persons or objects that would not be lawful military targets under the circumstances ruling at the time Includes effects on civilian or dual-use computers networks information or infrastructure Such effects are not unlawful as long as they are not excessive in light of the overall military advantage anticipated from the activity In cyberspace operations Collateral Effects are categorized as • High Substantial adverse effects on persons or property that are not lawful targets from which there is a reasonable probability of loss of life serious injury or serious adverse effect on the affected nation's national security economic security public safety or any combination of such effects • Medium substantial adverse effects on persons or property that are not lawful targets • Low'' Temporary minimal or intermittent effects on persons or property that are not lawful targets • No Only adversary persons and computers computer-controlled n etworks and or information and information systems are adversely affected See Collateral Damage JP 1-02 - unintentional or incidental injury or damage to persons or objects that would not be lawful military targets under the circumstances ruling at the time Such damage is not unlawful as long as it is not excessive in light ofthe overall military advantage anticipated from the attack Replaces n a 4 Computer Network Attack CNA - DOD A category of fires employed for offensive purposes in which actions are taken through the use of computer networks to disrupt deny degrade manipulate or destroy information resident in the target information system or computer networks or the systems networks themselves The ultimate intended effect is not necessarily on the targeted system itself but may support a larger effort such as information operations or counterterrorism e g altering or spoofing specific communications or gaining or denying access to adversary communications or logistics channels Note This definition modifies the current definition ofCNA to 1 clearly identify it as a form of offensive fires 2 differentiate CNA from counter-cyber ops which specifically target the adversary's use of the cyber domain and 3 identify CNA as a key component in IO and related efforts Replaces Existing definition of CNA see note above 3 5 Computer Network Exploitation CNE - DOD Enabling operations and intelligence collection capabilities conducted through the use of computer networks to gather data about target or adversary automated information systems or networks See also computer network attack computer network defense computer network operations Note In order to support the effort to more finely parse intelligence and enabling activities in cyberspace the definition above changes one word in the current definition of CNE from JP 1-02 from target or adversary systems becomes about target or adversary systems This change differentiates CNE from ISR conducted via cyber means i e SIGINT Collateral Damage JP 1-02 Replaces N I A -slightly modifies existing definition of CNE see note above 6 Counter-cyber CC - A mission that integrates offensive and defensive operations to attain and maintain a desired degree of cyberspace superiority Counter-cyber missions are designed to disrupt negate and or destroy adversarial cyberspace activities and capabilities both before and after their employment See Counterair JP 3 -01 - A mission that integrates offensive and defensive operations to attain and maintain a desired degree of air superiority Counterair missions are designed to destroy or negate enemy aircraft and missiles both before and after launch See also air superiority mission offensive counterair Replaces CND-RA active defense and dynamic network defense where used to connote offensive cyberspace operations to defend DoD networks 7 Countermeasures - That form of military science that by the employment of devices and or techniques has as its objective the impairment of the operational effectiveness of undesirable or adversarial activity or the prevention of espionage sabotage theft or unauthorized access to or use of sensitive or classified information or information systems • Defensive Countermeasures includes actions to identify the source of hostile cyber activities protection mitigation at the boundary e g Intrusion Protection Systems IPS pre-emptive blocks blacklisting hunting within n etworks actively searching for insiders and other adversaries or malware passive and active intelligence including law enforcement employed to detect cyber threats and or actions to temporarily isolate a system engaged in hostile cyber activities • Offensive countermeasures might include electronic jamming or other negation measures intended to disrupt an adversary's cyber capabilities during employment 4 See Countermeasures JP 1-02 That form of military science that by the employment of devices and or techniques has as its objective the impairment of the operational effectiveness of undesirable or adversarial activity See also Security Countermeasures JP 1-02 Those protective activities required designed to prevent espionage sabotage theft or unauthorized use of classified or controlled information systems or material See also Technical Surveillance Countermeasures JP 1-02 Techniques and measures to detect and neutralize a wide variety of hostile penetration activities that are used to gain unauthorized access to sensitive and classified information See also Protection National Infrastructure Protection Plan 2009 Actions or measures taken to cover or shield from exposure injury or destruction In the context of the NIPP protection includes actions to deter the threat mitigate the vulnerabilities or minimize the consequences associated with a terrorist attack or other incident Protection can include a wide range of activities such as initiating active or passive countermeasures Replace CND-RA where the response is purely technical falls below use-of-force thresholds or generically addresses activities pursuant to defensive countercyber 8 Critical Cyber System Asset Function Draft NCIRP Feb 20 10 An information system Is considered to be vital if a physical or cyber incident affecting the confidentiality integrity and availability of the system asset or function would have significant negative impact on the national security economic stability public confidence health or safety of the United States Replaces n a 9 Critical Infrastructure Draft NCIRP Feb 2010 Systems and assets whether physical or virtual so vital that the incapacity or destruction of such may h ave a debilitating impact on the security economy public health or safety environment or any combination of these matters across any Federal State regional territorial or local jurisdiction Replaces n a 10 Cyber attack A hostile act using computer or related networks or systems and intended to disrupt and or destroy an adversary's critical cyber systems assets or functions The intended effects of cyber attack are not necessarily limited to the targeted computer systems or data themselves-for instance attacks on computer systems which are intended to degrade or destroy infrastructure or C2 capability A cyber attack may use intermediate delivery vehicles including peripheral devices electronic transmitters embedded code or human operators The activation or effect of a cyber attack may be widely separated temporally and geographically from the delivery See Computer Network Attack JP 1-02 Actions taken through the use of computer networks to deny degrade disrupt or destroy information resident in computers and 5 computer networks or the computers and networks themselves Note cyber attack is proposed in place of CNA not because the definition differs substantially but because CNA is inextricably linked to a larger Computer Network Operations CNO paradigm doctrine which differs in many substantive ways from that presented herenamely that the connotations of CNA and CNE are much broader and the definition of CND much narrower than the set of related but more contextually and operationally nuanced definitions presented here Replaces CNA and offensive cyberspace operations where the action meets use-of-force levels or is specifically intended to disrupt deny degrade manipulate and or destroy adversary computer systems or data 11 Cyber Defense The integrated application of DoD or US Government cyberspace capabilities and processes to synchronize in real-time the ability to detect analyze and mitigate threats and vulnerabilities and outmaneuver adversaries in order to defend designated networks protect critical missions and enable US freedom of action Cyber Defense includes • Proactive NetOps e g configuration control information assurance lA measures physical security and secure architecture design intrusion detection frrewalls signature updates encryption of data at rest • Defensive Counter Cyber DCC Includes military deception via honeypots and other operations and redirection deactivation or removal of malware engaged in a hostile act imminent hostile act • Defensive Countermeasures See Defense in Depth JP 1-02 Mutually supporting defense positions designed to absorb and progressively weaken attack and to prevent observations of the whole position by the enemy See also Computer Network Defense JP 1-02 Actions taken to protect monitor analyze and detect and respond to unauthorized activity within DOD information systems or computer networks Note this doctrinal definition of CND is more restrictive than current and planned defensive cyberspace operations as demonstrated in multiple national-level exercises and USSTRATCOM's SECDEF-approved Implementation Plan for USCYBERCOMMAND The replacement definition focuses on mission assurance introduces the concept of maneuver by allowing for proactive measures and military deception and allows the future designation of networks outside DoD such as critical infrastructure as systems falling under DOD's homeland defense role in cyberspace Replace CND active defense Defense-in-Depth and Dynamic Network Defense where the terms are meant to connote overarching defensive constructs 6 12 Cyber Incident Draft NCIRP Feb 2010 Level2 or Level 1 Incident on the Cyber Risk Alert Level System A Cyber Incident is likely to cause or is causing harm to critical functions and services across the public and private sectors by impairing the confidentiality integrity or availability of electronic information information systems services or networks and or threaten public health or safety undermine public confidence have a negative effect on the national economy or diminish the security posture of the Nation Replaces n a 13 Cyber Operational Preparation of the Environment C-OPE Non-intelligence enabling functions within cyberspace conducted to plan and prepare for potential follow-on military operations C-OPE includes but is not limited to identifying data system network configurations or physical structures connected to or associated with the network or system to include software ports and assigned network address ranges or other identifiers for the purposes of determining system vulnerabilities and actions taken to assure future access and or control of the system network or data during anticipated hostilities See OPE JP 3-13 Non-intelligence activities conducted to plan and prepare for potential follow-on military operations Replaces CNE or CNA when used specifically as an enabling function for another military operation 14 Cyber-Security All organizational actions required to ensure freedom from danger and risk to the security of information in all its forms electronic physical and the security of the systems and networks where information is stored accessed processed and transmitted including precautions taken to guard against crime attack sabotage espionage accidents and failures Cybersecurity risks may include those that damage stakeholder trust and confidence affect customer retention and growth violate customer and partner identity and privacy protections disrupt the ability to conduct or fulfill business transactions adversely affect health and cause loss of life and adversely affect the operations of national critical infrastructures Replaces n a 15 Cyberspace NMS-CO Domain characterized by the use of electronics and the electromagnetic spectrum to store modify and exchange data via networkee systems and associated physical infrastructures Replaces n a 7 16 Cyberspace Operations CO CM-0856-09 1 Sep 09 The employment of cyber capabilities where the primary purpose is to achieve objectives in or through cyberspace Such operations include computer network operations and activities to operate and defend the Global Information Grid Replaces Computer Network Operations 17 Cyberspace Superiority- the degree of dominance in cyberspace by one force that permits the secure reliable conduct of operations by that force and its related land air sea and space forces at a given time and sphere of operations without prohibitive interferen ce by an adversary See Air Superiority JP 1-02 That degree of dominance in the air battle ofone force over another that permits the conduct of operations by the former_ and by its related land sea and air forces in a given time and place without prohibitive interference by the opposing force Replaces n a 18 Cyber Warfare CW An armed conflict conducted in whole or part by cyber means Military operations conducted to deny an opposing force the effective use of cyberspace systems and weapons in a conflict It includes cyber attack cyber defense and cyber enabling actions See Undersea Warfare JP 1-02 Operations conducted to establish and maintain control of the undenuater environment by denying an opposing force the effective use of the undenuater systems and weapons It includes offensive and defensive submarine anti-submarine and mine warfare operations Replaces Network Warfare NW Network Warfare operations 19 Defensive Counter-Cyber DCC - All defensive countermeasures designed to detect identify intercept and destroy or negate harmful activities attempting to penetrate or attack through cyberspace DCC missions are designed to preserve friendly network integrity availability and security and protect friendly cyber capabilities from attack intrusion or other malicious activity by pro-actively seeking intercepting and neutralizing adversarial cyber means which present such threats DCC operations may include military deception via honeypots and other operations actions to adversely affect adversary and or intermediary systems engaged in a hostile act inuninent hostile act and redirection deactivation or removal of malware engaged in a hostile act imminent hostile act See Defensive counterair DCA JP 3-01 - All defensive measures designed to detect identify intercept and destroy or negate enemy forces attempting to penetrate or attack throughfriendly airspace 8 Replaces CND-RA active defense dynamic network defense where used to connote operations outside the DOD network perimeter to counter a hostile act or demonstrated hostile intent in cyberspace 20 Effects assessment EA The timely and accurate evaluation of effects resulting from th e application of lethal or non-llethal capabilities against a military objective Effects assessment is composed of physical effect assessment functional effect assessment and target system assessment See Battle Damage Assessment BDA JP 1-02 The timely and accurate evaluation of effects resulting from the application of lethal or non-lethal force against a military objective BDA is composed of physical effect assessment functional effect assessment and target system assessment Note BDA is a specific type of effects assessment for damage effects Re places n a 21 Flexible Deterrent Option FDO JP 1-02 A planning construct intended to facilitate early decision making by developing a wide range of interrelated responses that begin with deterrent-oriented actions carefully tailored to produce a desired effect The flexible deterrent option is the means by which the various diplomatic information military and economic deterrent measures available to the President are included in the joint operation planning process Note Cyber operations to include defensive counter-cyber options which if known by an adversary to have the likely effect of rendering his operation ineffective and would thereby deter that operation can be part of the FDO spectrum Replac e s n a 22 Hostile Act- Force or other means used directly to attack the US US forces or other designated persons or property to include critical cyber assets systems or functions It also includes force or oth er means to preclude or impede the mission and or duties of US forces including the recovery of US personnel or vital US Govern ment pr operty See Hostile Act JP 3 -28 and JP 1-02 - An attack or other use offorce against the US US forces or other designated persons or property It also includes force used directly to preclude or impede the mission and or duties ofUSforces inchiding the recovery ofUS personnel or vital US Government property Re place s n a 9 23 Hostile Intent The threat of an imminent hostile act Determination of hostile intent in cyberspace can also be based on the technical attributes of an activity which does not meet the hostile act threshold but has the capability identified through defensive countercyber or forensic operations to disrupt deny degrade manipulate and or destroy critical cyber assets at the will of an adversary such as a logic bomb or sleeper malware Because an individual's systems may be used to commit a hostile act in cyberspace without their witting participation the standard for attribution of hostile act intent for defensive counter-cyber purposes is 'known system involvement ' and is not witting actor or geography-dependent See Hostile Intent JP 1-02 The threat ofimminent use afforce by aforeignforce terrori st s or organization against the United States and US national interests US forces and in certain circumstances US nationals their property US commercial assets and other designated non-US forces foreign nationals and their property When hostile intent is present the right exists to use proportional force including armed force in self-defense by all necessary means available to deter or neutralize the potential attacker or if necessary to destroy the threat A determination that hostile intent exists and requires the use ofproportionalforce in self-defense must be based on evidence that an attack is imminent Evidence necessary to determine hostile intent will vary depending on the state of international and regional political tension military preparations intelligence and indications and warning information Replaces malware Trojan virus and similar technical terms where they refer to operationally significant targeted efforts to adversely affect DOD or other vital US systems 24 Information Assurance lA CJCSI 8500-1 Actions that protect and defend information systems by ensuring availability integrity authentication confidentiality and non-repudiation This includes providing for restoration of information systems by incorporating detection protection and reaction capabilities Replaces N A 25 Interdiction An action to divert disrupt delay or destroy an adversary's military capability before it can be used effectively against friendly forces or systems or to otherwise achieve objectives See Interdiction JP 3-03 - An action to divert disrupt delay or destroy the enemy's military surface capability before it can be used effectively against friendly forces or to otherwise achieve objectives Note If surface is deleted from current Interdiction definition Cyber interdiction becomes a subset of this type of operation Replace CND-RA where preemptively removing or rendering ineffective malware targeted at DOD or vital national systems on the adversary system or in transit is intended 10 26 Intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance ISR JP 2-01 -An activity that synchronizes and integrates the plarming and operation of sensors assets and processing exploitation and dissemination systems in direct support of current and future operations This is an integrated intelligence and operations function Replaces CNE when used in defensive countercyber or in support of offensive USC Title 10 operations in cyberspace Where CNE is intended purely for the collection of foreign intelligence it is cyber-enabled foreign intelligence CEFI or computer network exploitation CNE Where it is in support of planned or current kinetic operations it is JIPOE see below 27 Intrusion JP 1-02 Movement of a unit or force within another nation's specified operational area outside of territorial seas or territorial airspace not specifically approved by that nation for smveillance intelligence gathering or other operation in time of peace or tension See also Intrusion NCIRP Unauthorized act of bypassing the security mechanisms of a system Replaces nja 28 Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment JIPOE - An analytical methodology employed to reduce uncertainties concerning the adversary environment and terrain including cyberspace operations Intelligence preparation of the battlespace is a continuing process Also called Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace IPB See JIPOE JP 2 -0 An analytical methodology employed to reduce uncertainties concerning the enemy environment and terrain for all types of operations JIPOE builds an extensive database for each potential area in which a unit may be required to operate The database is then analyzed in detail to determine the impact of the enemy environment and terrain on operations and presents it in graphic form Intelligence preparation of the battlespace is a continuing process Also called Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace IPB Replace CNE when used to describe cyberspace operations intended to identify or map network topologies and cyber capabilities in order to support facilitate a specific planned operation or set of operations 29 Mission Assurance Category MAC DODD 8500- 1 Applicable to DoD information systems the mission assurance category reflects the importance of information relative to the achievement of DoD goals and objectives particularly 11 the warfighters' combat mission Mission assurance categories are primarily used to determine the requirements for availability and integrity The Department of Defense has three defmed mission assurance categories •Mission Assurance Category I MAC I Systems handling information that is determined to be vital to the operational readiness or mission effectiveness of deployed and contingency forces in terms of both content and timeliness The consequences of loss of integrity or availability of a MAC I system are unacceptable and could include the immediate and sustained loss of mission effectiveness MAC I systems require the most stringent protection measures • Mission Assurance Category ll MAC II Systems handling information that is important to the support of deployed and contingency forces The consequences of loss of integrity are unacceptable Loss of availability is difficult to deal with and can only be tolerated for a short time The consequences could include delay or degradation in providing important support services or commodities that may seriously impact mission effectiveness or operational readiness • Mission Assurance Category lll MAC III Systems handling information that is necessary for the conduct of day-to-day business but does not materially affect support to deployed or contingency forces in the short-term The consequences ofloss of integrity or availability can be tolerated or overcome without significant impacts on mission effectiveness or operational readiness The consequences could include the delay or degradation of services or commodities enabling routine activities Replaces n a Used to determine appropriate ROE in response to lmown or anticipated hostile acts or other threats 30 Mitigation US CERT CONOPS NRF Solutions that contain or resolve risks through analysis of threat activity and vulnerability data which provide timely and accurate responses to prevent attacks reduce vulnerabilities and fix systems Activities providing a critical foundation in the effort to reduce the loss of life and property from natural and or manmade disasters by avoiding or lessening the impact of a disaster and providing value Replaces n a 31 National Military Strategy for Cyberspace Operations NMS-CO The comprehensive s trategy of the US Armed Forces to ensure US military superiority in cyberspace The NMS-CO establishes a common understanding of cyberspace and sets forth a military strategic framework that orients and focuses DOD actions 12 in the areas of military intelligence and business operation s in and through cyberspace Re places n a 32 Network Operations NetOps JP-1-0 2 Activities conducted to operate and defend the DOD's Global information Grid Re places n a 33 Offensive Counter-Cyber OCC Offensive operations to destroy disrupt or neutralize adversary cyberspace capabilities both before and after their u se against friendly forces but as close to their sou rce as possible The goal of OCA operations is to prevent the employment of adversary cyberspace capabilities p rior to employment This could mean preemptive action against an adversary See Offensive Counter-Air JP 1-02 Offensive operations to destroy disrupt or neutralize enemy aircraft missiles launch platforms and their supporting structures and systems both before and after launch but as close to their source as possible The goal of OCA operations is to prevent the launch of enemy aircraft and missiles by destroying them and their overall supporting infrastructure prior to employment This could mean preemptive action against an adversary Replaces CNA where it refers to a SECDEF-directed cyber attack presumably in a period of hostilities spe cifically aimed at damaging an adve rsary's ability t o use its cyberspace capabilities against friendly forces It differs from the generic use of cyber attack in that the latter can be used to affect non-cyber systems including but not limited to infrastructure lADS transportation and other networks etc and is not specifically tied to imminent or ongoing of hostilities 34 Offensive Cyberspace Operations OCO Activities that through the use of cyberspace a ctively gather information from computers information systems or networks or manipulate disrupt deny degrade or destroy targeted computers information systems or networks This definition includes Cyber Operational Preparation of the Environmen t C-OPE Offensive Counter-Cyber OCC cyber attack and related electronic attack and space control negation Replaces n a 35 Sensitive Reconnaissance CJCSI-3250 0 1 Recon naissance operations which by virtue of their collective objectives means of collection or area of operation involve significant military risk or political sensitivity 13 Replaces CNE when referring specifically to specific high risk politically sensitive cyber operations which require additional interagency deconfliction coordination or execution authorities 36 Special Reconnaissance SR JP 3-05 JP 1-02 Reconnaissance and surveillance actions conducted as a special operation in hostile denied or politically sensitive environments to collect or verify information of strategic or operational significance employing military capabilities not normally found in conventional forces These actions provide an additive capability for commanders and supplement other conventional reconnaissance and surveillance actions Replaces Can replace CNE used specifically to denote cyberspace ops executed in highly sensitive areas or for highly sensitive purposes using means or capabilities not normally employed by Service component forces e g direct human action in gaining accesses or implanting tools or specific target development in support of planned operations Will generally apply to CO conducted by special forces or via other nonconventional means 37 Target location The specific location at which an effect is intended to manifest If a cyber action will result in kinetic or kinetic-like effects e g changing the function of a physical system or file manipulation that results in a financial loss the target location is the physical location of the effect The target location may differ from th e aim point s of the action- e g generating or blocking a command at a server or router to generate a desired effect protection from malware rerouting of packets or an end-us er being u nable to access a site at another node Note Derived from Air Warfare TTPs Target Location is the specific physical point at which the desired effect is intended to manifest E g a bomb m ay have an aim point calculated to create a shockwave effect at a nearby target location or to destroy a remote power or communications node feeding a command and con trol function at a distant target location Replaces n a 38 Weapon action JP 1-02 The effect-producing mechanisms or functions initiated by a weapon when triggered Note The weapon actions of a kinetic weapon are blast heat fragmentation etc The weapon actions of a cyber attack weapon might be writing a set of software commands or other information to a memory register transmission of a radio frequency RF waveform etc Replaces n a 14 39 Weapon categorization A binning of cyber weapon capabilities into categories based on risk assessment and the release authority required for their use that is used to determine authorization level for its use Example categories might be • • • Category I - Combatant commander release Category II - Pre-approved for combatant commander use in specific OPLANs or under specific warning weapon status ROE Category III- President SECDEF release only Replaces n a 40 Weapon effect A direct or indirect objective intended result a weapon action typically specified by a specific target scope desired effect type material behavioral and level and start time and duration A direct or first-order effect is an outcome created directly by the weapon's action An indirect effect is an outcome that cascades from one or more direct or other indirect effects of the weapon's action also known as second third nth order effects etc Because of the interconnected nature of cyberspace indirect effects must be determined to the greatest extent possible and evaluated for acceptability before weapon use These assessments will feed the Weapon Categorization process Replaces n a 41 Warning Status WS Established by Combatant Commander to identify threat and support implementation of appropriate rules of engagement ROE Standard WS levels are 1 White Attack by hostile forces is improbable without adequate warning 2 Yellow Attack by hostile forces is probable 3 Red Attack by hostile forces is imminent or is in progress Replaces INFOCON and use as significant component of CYBERCON conditions evaluation 42 Weapons Control Status JP 1-02 NATO the degree of fire control imposed by appropriate command authorities upon units with assigned attached or organic weapons WCS is established and adjusted based on friendly and enemy dispositions and may be modified for specific operations to prevent unintended effects or fratricide or to facilitate rapid target engagement WCS may differ from unit to unit depending on situation For example JTF commanders may have the authority to direct permissive WCS within their theater to protect their forces or aid in achieving wartime military objectives yet may impose greater restrictions in areas where friendly forces are known to be operating WCS is paired with warning status 1 15 The three WCS in descending order of restriction are 1 WEAPONS HOLD SAFE JP 1-02 NATO A weapons control order imposing a status whereby weapon systems may only be engaged in self defense or in response to a formal order 2 WEAPONS TIGHT JP 1-02 NATO A weapons control order imposing a status whereby weapon systems may engage only targets recognized under the ROE in effect as hostile 3 WEAPONS FREE JP 1-02 NATO A weapons control order imposing a status whereby weapon systems may engage any target not positively recognized as friendly Note WCS in conjunction w WS is used to develop effectively implement supplemental SROE1 Replaces n a 43 Weapon system JP 1-02 A combination of one or more offensive capabilities with all related equipment materials services personnel and means of delivery and deployment if applicable required for self-sufficiency Source JP 1-02 Note Offensive cyber capabilities though they may be available in the wild or developed by a single individual go through a process of effect determination characterization categorization and crew training before they are considered weaponized and available for use by DOD operators Replace tool or toolkit where weaponized offensive meets use of force criteria capability is intended 1 WS and WCS arc paired to provide awareness of and control of operations For example under peacetime circumstances WS and WCS will likely be White-Hold during escalating hostilities they be set as Yellow-Tight or Red-Tight during major conflict they may be Red-Tight or Red-Free Though WS is likely to be common across an AOR WCS may vary according to local or temporal conditions 16
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