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TSJIREL TD USA FIN-ET planned battle focuses on production deadlines that will feed daily briefings and intelligence requirements for policy makers and Combatant Commands - TD USA FRET Iran Division has held one VTC with Iran lead _ and his team with another scheduled for 23 April to discuss ongoing contingency planning efforts on both sides TSHSIHREL TO USA FVEY NSA has successfully worked multiple high-priority surges with CCHQ that have allowed us to refine maintaining mission continuity and seamless transition and maximize our target coverage These jointly worked events include the storming of the British Embassy in Tehran Iran s discovery of computer network exploitation tools on their networks in 2012 and 2013 and support to policymakers during the multiple rounds of P5 plus 1 negotiation on Iran s nuclear program 3 TSHSIHREL TO USA 3BR NSA-CCHQ-ISNU Trilateral Discussions In January 2013 during an NSA-ISNU analytic workshop on Iranian Leadership the first ever trilateral VTC on an Iranian issue was held with NSA CCHQ and ISNU artici ants The focus of the trilateral effort which was kicked off by the VTC is the the The respective NSA-ISNU and CCHQ-ISNU bilateral relationships had gotten to the point that each participant recognized the need for the trilateral engagement to advance this specific topic The trilateral relationship is limited to the topic o-and will serve as a proof of concept of this kind of engagement Potential Landmine 1' long advocated that it work with NSA and the ISNU in a trilateral arrangement to prosecute the Iranian target SID policy has been opposed to such a blanket arrangement and this specific trilateral should not be interpreted as a broad change of approach In other areas NSA and CCHQ have agreed to continue to share information gleaned from the respective bilateral relationships with ISNU U Date of Material 12 April 2013 UHFDUD originator 52134 Iran Division Chief UrrFoUm Alt 52E Foreign Partner Strategist Classi cation Review Chief of Staff Classi ed By Derived From 1-52 Dated 200'r'0108 Declassify On TOP SECRETHCOM NTNNOFORN
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