Department of Defense DIRECTIVE NUMBER 03609 01 August 14 2606 5813 1 SUBJECT Information Opera ons IO References Directive S 3600 l Information Operations December 9 1996 hereby canceled 13 Section 165 of title 20 United States Code i REISSUANCE AND PURPOSE This Directive Ll Reissues Reference to update 10 policy de nitions and responsibilities in the Department of Defense DOD to support the objective of making i0 3 core military competency 1 2 Provides authority to develop separate instructions for implementation of the guidance contained in this Directive 2 APPLICABILITY This Directive applies to the O icc of the Secretary of Defense 08D the Military Departments the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff the Combatant Commands the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense the Defense Agencies the DOD Field Activities and all other organizational entities in the Department of Defense herea er referred to collectiveiy as the Components 3 DEFINITIONS 3 i IO The integrated employment of the core capabilities of Elecironic Warfare EW Computer Network Operations CNS Operations PSYOP Military Deception MILDEC and Operations Security OPSEC in concert with speci ed supporting and related capabilities to in uence disrupt corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decision making while protecting our own 095 tugm sum 3 2 th terms 12th in this bircctivc an dctincd in Enclosure i 41% it is Del policy that i It shalt bx it suppert full spectmm dumittancc by taking advantage of tt taittlalttittg strategic dmt iinancc in mtwurk lCttim lOgiCS and capitalizing upon near realwtimc gli ibal itSSC tlnaiiGn oi nt onnation to aflth advcr aw dccisiun cycles with the gum ot achicving informatiun superierity for the Unith States 4 11 in peacetime Ct ttatitmal primarily by influencing perceptions and ticcisimi-makittg in crises Sh K can bf used as a flexible deterrent option to demonstrate rcsolv and cemmunicate national intercst to affect adversary dccisiowmaking In ccm ict K may bc applied 0 achieve physical and results in suppart ofmilitary During past wntlict stability ogcrations l0 continues it natitmai ilgicctivcs and in uence foreign 4 cuntributcs to int'ormatiun superimin by bath alct cndittg military dscisian making mm attacks and by and degrading an dccisiun makiag capability thereby producing an int'ormatimz advantage IO Ctarttributcs directly to the national security strategy which uses all ot natiunal power in 2 and coordinated to influence adversary perceptions and behavier 4 2 capabilities shall be dcvciopcd that can be employed in concert with variants com supptming related and intelligence capabilities to provide it fully integrated wartigltting capability 4 2 1 Curt IO I'ttgabilitics K critpioys tivc core capabilities to achieve desired Combatant timmandcr effects or prevent the enemy from achieving his dcsircd NO PSYOP MILDEC and They are in a direct and immediate sense they either achieve critical upcrational effects or prevent the adversary from doing so They are interdependent and need 0 be integrated to achieve desired 4 3 2 Supporting Capabilitics 4 3 21 Ci inx cstigatim ts operatiuns collection analyxis ptoduction and dynamic t tmctienal scrt'iccs shall be employed in Stippurt to activities to detect and mitigate Foreign intelligence hacker and insider threats t0 and information systems 5031 0 36003 At ng 14 2005 4 2 2 2 Physical kinetic attack may be employed alone or integrated with man - kmenc mack optima ta in uence 0 disrupt adversary decisian-makcrs er gmups and pmvidc support far full spectrum dominance 4 2 2 5 Cemhat Camera shall provide clear timely unaitercd documentation 0f military operatians to the Combatant Commander This documentation provides a source at videa and still images that can be used to cauntcr disinformation misinfarmation and propaganda 42 3 gglated or opinion 4 2 3 2 Civil-Military Operations CMO activities shaii support DOD informational objectives by in uencing developing or centrailing indigcrxous in 'astructures in foreign operaticnai areas and can be an alternate means ta communicate with the host na ca and foreign public IMO shall be performed by designated civil affairs other military forces or a combination of both 4 2 3 3 Defense Support t9 Public Diplomacy DSPD ensures the Depamnen sends a coherent and campeliing message in concert with other USG agencies The prevalence of strategy and support the National Security Strategy 3 3on 613608 01 August 14' 2290 4 2 4 Stigma Intelligenco shall be developed consistent with the National Intelligence Priorities Framework to provide data about adversary infonnation systems or no vorks produce politicahmilitaxy assessments oonciuot human factors analysis and provide indications and warning of adversary 10 including throat assessments 4 3 To achieve the objective of establishing 10 as a core military competency a cadre of IO Capability Specialists and 10 Planners shall be developed 4 4 10 shall be integrated into Security Cooperation Guidance for theater planning as well as deliberate and contingency planning to support national policy and snategy 4 5 10 activities shall be coordinated and appropriately during peacetime and crisis actions and will include coordination to ensure decon iction with othor agency programs oporatioos and activities 4 6 Tactics iochniquos procedures and technologies shall be shared among the Dot Components to fully facilitate and integration ofIO 4 7 capabilities shall be inicgratod into joint exercises and join training regimes to the maximum extent possible 4 8 The Information Operations and Space Executive Committeo shall serve as the senior corporate body advising the Secretary of Defense on issues relating to 10 5 RESPONSIBILI 1 $8 5 1 g1 a USD I shall 5 1 1 Serve as the Principal Staff Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for 10 5 1 2 Develop and oversee Del 10 policy and integration activities 5 1 3 Assess the performance of Befenso and Military Intelligence and the responsiveness of intelligence activities to support BOD IO 5 1 4 Serve as the DOD lead within the Intelligence Community regarding IO issues 5 i 5 Coordinate oversee and assess the efforts oftlio DOD Components to plan program dovolop and execute capabilities in support of IO requirements 6 Establish speci c policies for the development and integration of CNO MILDEC and OPSEC as core 10 capabilities 4 moo 04600 01 Azegmt 14 2006 5 2 7 Ensure the Dimtgg National Agency will 5 1 7 1 Support IO planning and operations with Signals Intelligence toohnoiogy and access 5 1 7 2 Support proposed 10 courses of action with the intoliigcnco gainfloss assossmoots and potential targo ng strategies 5 1 7 3 Host and serve as Executive Secretary for the process to decon ict Department ONO activities with the 1C 5 1 7 4 Assess the ovorail security posture of national security systems and conduct CND activities as directod 5 1 7 5 Provide OPSEC assistance products and services 5 1 8 Ensqu tho Director Bofenso Intelligencg Agengx will manage Do alt-source intelligence coilsction analysis and dissemination in support ofDoD IO intelligence requirements 5 2 The Under Socrogg of Defegso for Agguisitiog l ggbgology ang Logistg'gs shall 5 2 1 Establish speci c policies for the development and integration of SW as a core IO capability 5 2 2 Develop and maintain a technology invostment strategy to support the devciopmont acquisition and integration of EW capabilities 5 2 3 Incorporate IO threat countermeasures in acquisition programs 5 2 4 Invest in and deveiop the science and technologies needed to support IO capabilities 5 3 The Under Socrom of Defense for Policy snail 5 3 1 Provide oversight of IO planning execution and sciatod policy guidance including the establishment of an 080 review process to assess IO pians and programs submitted by Combatant Commanders to verify that proposed employment of IO capab itios are appropriately coordinated and consistent with Doll policy and the National M litary Strategy 5 3 2 Load intoragency coordination exclusive of the IC and international cooperation involving the planning and ompfoymont of IO capabilisies 5 3 3 Establish speci c policy and oversight for the development and integration of PSYOP as a com If 5 0091 @3600 01 August 14 2006 5 3 4 In coordination with U830 and ASWPA establish specific policy and oversight for the development and integration of DSPD as a rclatod 0 capability 5 4 The - - v shall 5 4 1 Develop policy and procedures on matters pertaining to the establishment and management of an 10 career force in coordination with the Secretaries of the Military Departments the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff the the USDCI and others as appropriate 5 4 2 Provide training policy and oversight as it pertains to the integration of all 10 capabilities into joint exercises and joint training regimes 5 5 The 2 1 3151 Chief Information jceg 311311 55 1 Establish Speci c policy for the development and integration of IA and Computer Network Defense CND as related to CNO as a core 0 capability a 5 5 2 Overscc and assess the efforts of the Heads of the i300 Components to plan program develop and field and CNI capabilities in support of CNO 5 6 The Assistan Sam'ng of Defense for Public Affgigg shall 5 6 1 Establish speci c policy for the relationship of PA to K 5 6 2 Oversee PA planning and coordination efforts as rclatcd to 10 within the Department of Defense 5 6 3 Oversee the development and conduct of appropriate training and education that defines relationship to ID for PA and visual informatioa personnel at the Defense Information School 5 6 4 In coordinaiion with USDO and oversee and develop DOD policy that addresses Del efforts to communicate information to the public and the media 5 7 The Heads of the Do shall 5 7 i Assign responsibilities and establish procedures within their organizations to implement the policies in Section 4 of this Directive 5 7 2 Inform PA of cials of military plans and operations and establish 10 and PA efforts 6 - $3633 01 August M 2006 5 7 3 Develop policy doctrine and the capabilities to execute 10 across re range of military operations 5 7 4 Develop and cooduot education training and exercise programs to provide for the successful planning integration and execution of 5 8 The the out 0 Def shall provide legal advice and assistance to the Secretary of Defense and other Doll of cials on Do 10 including the 10 planning process and execution 5 9 The rotarie ofth Wilt on and U S 3min Comang shall develop 10 doctrine and tactics and organize 1min and equip for 10 within their respective responsibilities pursuant to Section 165 of title 10 US Code Reference and Major Force Program ll responsibilities roopectivoly 5 16 The Chaim o the Joint Chiefs of Staff shall 5 10 1 Servo as the principal military advisor to the President of the United States the National Security Council and the Secretary of Defense on IO 5 10 2 Validate capability based IO requirements through the Joint Requirements Oversight Council 5 10 3 Devolop and maintain joint doctrine for core supporting and related 10 capabilities in joint operations 5 10 4 Ensure all joint education training plans and operations include and are consistent with 10 policy strategy and doctrine 5 11 The Comanciorg oi the ngbatant Commands shall integrate plaza and execute 10 when conducting campaigns across the range of military operations and shall ideoti r and prioritize IO requirements 10 shall be integrated info appropriate Security Cooperation plans and activities The following Combatant Commanders have these speci c responsibilities 5 11 1 The Commander U S ic USSTRATCOM shall integrate anti coordinate D0010 core capabilities of EW INC PSYOP MILDEC and OPSEC that cross geographic areas of responsibility or across the cone 10 areas in addition to the roSponsibilities in paragraph 5ecial USSOCOM shall in addition to the responsibilities in paragraph 5 9 and 5 21 5 1 1 2 1 Integrate and coordinate Do PSYOP capabilities to enhance interoperability and support operations responsibilities and other combatant commanders' PSYOP planning and execution 5 1 1 2 2 Employ other special operations force l0 capabilities as directed 7 - 0303 03600 01 August 14 2005 6 EFFECQIZE DATE This Simtz ve is effective immediately GordonEu Enciosurc 1 El De nitions mum WW mm noon 3600 91 August 1'42 2006 El ENCLOSURE DEF m1 IONS l l Computer Network Attack CNA Operations to disrupt deny degrade or destroy infot'mation resident in computers and computer networks or the computers and networks themselves ELLB Corn titer or Ex loitation CNE Enabling operations and intelligence collection to gather data from tarch or adversary automated information systems or networks El nggtitex Network ngrations CNO Compose CNA CND and related CNE enabling operations 51 1 lorna DSPD Those activities and measures taken by the DOD Components to support and facilitate the overt public diplomacy efforts of USG Departments and Agencies designed to promote foreign policy objectives 51 1 6 Electronic Warfare 8W Any military action involving the use of electromagnetic energy and directed energy to control the spectrum or to attack the enemy El l 7 Human Factors The cultural behavioral and other human attributes that influence decision making the ow of information and the interpretation of information by individuals or groups at any level in a state or organization Information Facts data or instruction in any medium or form with context comprehensible to the user 81 1 9 Information Assurance BX Measures that protect and defend information and information systems by ensuring their availability integrity authentication con dentiality and nonurepudiation This includes providing for restoration of information systems by incorporating protection detection and reaction capabilities Note CND provides operational direction and guidance through global nemorlc operations and defense for employment of IA in response to a CND alert or specific threats 9 ENCLOSURE nonconcmnose @er moment me Capability Specialists and IQ Planners should be fully educated and trained to understand the planning principles associated with OPSEC and MILDEC Elli l infomiati riori The operational advantage derived from the ability to collect process and disseminate an uninterrupted flow of information while exploiting or denying an adversary s ability to do the same El 1 2 In fmtion sxstem The entire in asuuemm organization personnel and components that collect process store transmit display and disseminate information 51 1 13 Militm Deception MILDEC These measures designed to mislead an adversary by manipulation distortion or falsi cation to induce him to react in a manner prejudicial to his interests craticns Securi OPSEC A process of identifying critical information and subsequently analyzing friendly actions attendant to military operations and other activities to El l l4 l identify those actions that can be observed by adversary intelligence systems El l 4 2 Determine indicators that hostile intelligence systems might obtain that could be interpreted or pieced together to derive critical infomation in time to be useful to adversaries El 1 14 3 Select and execute measures that eliminate or reduce to an acceptable level the vulnerabilities of 'iendly actions to adversary exploitation El 15 ngration PSYOP Planned operations to convey selected infomation and indicators to fozeign audiences to in uence their emotions motives objective reasoning and ultimately the behavior of foreign government organizations groups and individuals The purpose of PSYOP is to induce or reinforce foreign attitudes and behavior favorable to the originator s objectives 81 1 16 Public Affairs PA Those public information command information and community relations activities directed toward both the external and internal audiences with interest in the manipulating public actions or opinion 81 1 17 Rublic Diplomag Those overt information activities ofthe USG designed to promote united foreign policy objectives by seeking to understand inform and in uence foreign lO ENCLOSURE I 9050 3600 01 August 14 2606 i 1 18 Smutim These activities canducted with and ends in accordance with Secretary 9f Defensa Guidance In HI I Build relationships that pramotc speci ed U3 3 1 182 Build interests and 'iendiy capabilities for sclf efense and coalition opemtionsi 811 183 Provida farce with peacetime and contingency access i I ENCLOSURE I
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