Author s Moore Ryan J Title Prospects for cyber deterrence Publisher Monterey Calif Naval Postgraduate School Issue Date 2008-12 URL http hdl handle net 10945 3740 This document was downloaded on January 09 2013 at 07 27 40 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CALIFORNIA THESIS PROSPECTS FOR CYBER DETERRENCE by Ryan J Moore December 2008 Thesis Advisor Co-Thesis Advisor John Arquilla Dorothy Denning Approved for public release distribution is unlimited THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Form Approved OMB No 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response including the time for reviewing instruction searching existing data sources gathering and maintaining the data needed and completing and reviewing the collection of information Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information including suggestions for reducing this burden to Washington headquarters Services Directorate for Information Operations and Reports 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway Suite 1204 Arlington VA 22202-4302 and to the Office of Management and Budget Paperwork Reduction Project 0704-0188 Washington DC 20503 1 AGENCY USE ONLY Leave blank 2 REPORT DATE December 2008 4 TITLE AND SUBTITLE Prospects for Cyber Deterrence 6 AUTHOR S Ryan Moore Captain USAF 7 PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME S AND ADDRESS ES Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA 93943-5000 9 SPONSORING MONITORING AGENCY NAME S AND ADDRESS ES N A 3 REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED Master’s Thesis 5 FUNDING NUMBERS 8 PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER 10 SPONSORING MONITORING AGENCY REPORT NUMBER 11 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U S Government 12a DISTRIBUTION AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 12b DISTRIBUTION CODE Approved for public release distribution is unlimited A 13 ABSTRACT maximum 200 words In today’s Information Age a nation’s dependence on cyberspace is becoming an increasingly important aspect of national security As technology has improved and more sectors of critical national infrastructure are interconnected in cyberspace the level of risk to national security has increased dramatically Neither security policies nor international laws have been able to keep up with the demands of the rapidly evolving cybersphere Nations need to examine ways to influence their adversaries against attacking critical infrastructure via cyberspace Deterrence concepts and policies need to evolve to a level that can be applied to various actors from the state to the non-state level The cost of entry to employ cyberspace capabilities is extremely low compared to what it takes to establish conventional or nuclear forces If the Estonia and Georgia cyber attacks of 2007 and 2008 have taught us anything it is that highly networked nations can be vulnerable to cyber attacks If a significant investment is made in successful deterrence strategies the outlook for adopting a fully networked society may not seem so threatening 14 SUBJECT TERMS Cyber Deterrence National Security Critical Infrastructure Tailored Deterrence Computer Network Attacks Computer Network Defense 17 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF REPORT Unclassified 18 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE Unclassified NSN 7540-01-280-5500 15 NUMBER OF PAGES 99 16 PRICE CODE 19 SECURITY 20 LIMITATION OF CLASSIFICATION OF ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Unclassified UU Standard Form 298 Rev 2-89 Prescribed by ANSI Std 239-18 i THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ii Approved for public release distribution is unlimited PROSPECTS FOR CYBER DETERRENCE Ryan J Moore Captain United States Air Force B S University of Pittsburgh 2001 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION OPERATIONS from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL December 2008 Author Ryan J Moore Approved by Dr John J Arquilla Thesis Advisor Dr Dorothy E Denning Co-Advisor Dr Gordon H McCormick Chairman Department of Defense Analysis iii THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK iV ABSTRACT In today’s Information Age a nation’s dependence on cyberspace is becoming an increasingly important aspect of national security sectors of As technology has improved and more critical national infrastructure are interconnected in cyberspace the level of risk to national security has increased dramatically Neither security policies nor international laws have been able to keep up with the demands of the rapidly evolving cybersphere Nations need to examine ways to influence their adversaries against attacking critical infrastructure via cyberspace Deterrence concepts and policies need to evolve to a level that can be applied to various actors from the state to the non-state level The cost of entry to employ cyberspace capabilities is extremely low compared to what it takes to establish conventional or nuclear forces If the Estonia and Georgia cyber attacks of 2007 and 2008 have taught us anything it is that highly networked nations can be vulnerable to cyber attacks If a significant investment is made in successful deterrence strategies the outlook for adopting a fully networked society may not seem so threatening v THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Vi TABLE OF CONTENTS I INTRODUCTION 1 A FOUNDATIONS OF CYBER DETERRENCE 1 B CYBERSPACE AND THE FUTURE OF WARFARE 7 C DEFINING CYBER ATTACKS AND CYBER WARFARE 8 D OVERVIEW 10 II FUNDAMENTALS OF STRATEGIC DETERRENCE 13 A INTRODUCTION 13 B DEFINING DETERRENCE 13 C FORMATION OF DETERRENCE STRATEGIES 15 D THE UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES OF DETERRENCE 16 1 Two Deterrent Situations 17 a General Deterrence 17 b Immediate Deterrence 18 2 Deterrent Methods 18 a Conventional Deterrence 19 b Nuclear Deterrence 21 c Tailored Deterrence 24 III THE GROWING CYBER THREAT 27 A THE CYBERSHOT HEARD ‘ROUND THE WORLD 27 B EXPLORING THE CYBER ENVIRONMENT 29 C TRANSFORMATION TO THE INFORMATION AGE 30 D VULNERABILITIES AND THE IMPACT ON NATIONAL SECURITY 34 1 Rise of the Botnet Militia 34 2 Other Critical Vulnerabilities 39 E THE NEED TO PREVENT A ‘DIGITAL PEARL HARBOR’ 40 IV DETERRENCE STRATEGY IN CYBERSPACE 45 A PREVENTING CYBER ATTACKS THROUGH CYBER DETERRENCE 45 B APPLYING PRINCIPLES OF DETERRENCE TO CYBERSPACE 46 C TAILORING DETERRENCE TO CYBERSPACE – ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL 47 D ELEMENTS OF DETERRENCE IN CYBERSPACE 49 1 Denial 50 2 Develop and Demonstrate Overt Punishment Techniques 52 3 Develop Thresholds 55 4 Develop and Articulate National Policy 56 E APPLICATION OF CYBER DETERRENCE METHODS 57 vii V THE PROSPECTS FOR CYBER DETERRENCE 61 A CYBERSPACE CHALLENGES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 61 1 Attribution 62 2 The Private Sector 64 3 International Acceptance 66 4 Understanding Nth Order Effects 67 B IMPLICATIONS FOR NATIONAL SECURITY 69 C IS CYBER DETERRENCE ATTAINABLE 70 LIST OF REFERENCES 77 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 85 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Number of Worldwide Internet Users From www internetworldstats com 5 Flow Chart of Questions on Deterrence After George Smoke 1974 p 102 16 Basic Botnet depiction From Business Week 35 Botnet evolution From Issa 2008 p 2 36 Number of Botnet C2 Servers Dec ‘05 – Nov ‘08 From www shadowserver org 38 Number of active Botnet nodes Dec ‘05 – Nov ‘08 From www shadowserver org 38 Course of Action Process Diagram After Miller 2006 p 37 68 ix THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me the ability to complete this thesis I would like to thank my thesis advisors Dr John Arquilla and Dr Dorothy Denning whose recommendations and guidance have been invaluable in my research In Donna particular Words special alone encouragement thanks cannot support are express assistance due my to my thanks and wife for never her ending optimism in addition to putting up with all of those long nights and working weekends enduring love helped me get Her emotional support and through the stressful and difficult times I am grateful to all my friends in life for all the camaraderie and entertainment they have provided me Thanks to my parents Bobbie and Tim Moore They gave me both the freedom and support that I needed to become the person I am today To my ending dog Cocoa whose companionship was never- No matter how long or bad my day was she would always greet me with a wagging tail and joy as I walked in the door She reminded me that every once in a while you need to take a break and have some fun Finally I would like to thank my grandmother Ruth Gumbert who will forever remain in my heart raise me taught me supported me and loved me dedicate my thesis xi She helped To her I THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Xii I INTRODUCTION technologies are morally neutral until we apply them It's only when we use them for good or for evil that they become good or evil — William Gibson A FOUNDATIONS OF CYBER DETERRENCE Weapon nuclear innovations weapons have such as tanks revolutionized the been waged during the past century airplanes way warfare and has Over the past two decades the world has seen a new emerging weapon system — networked computers among the list historically countless Computers may seem a bit out of place of kinetic responsible deaths for However weapons that massive destruction the have non-kinetic power been and that results from the use of computer viruses worms and denial of service attacks has caught the attention of both nations and businesses that rely on cyberspace to remain connected to the world market Cyberspace was founded on the principles of establishing a free and open society for the sharing and collaboration of information to all those who wanted it Leiner et computers al were 2003 Lipson networked in 2002 p 13 cyberspace As more products and resources were developed that could be used by consumers to make lives easier Banks and companies incorporated services for people to manage their money pay bills and shop for items from home In addition to commerce people were now able research information read books or articles 1 and share thoughts with one another found ways to network their Finally companies worldwide services via cyberspace not only allowing them to manage information but also to control portions of their infrastructure through commands issued to machinery in remote locations So how can computer systems which operate in a virtual electronic realm actually be classified as weapon systems A weapon is defined as a tool used in “ attack or defense in combat for the purpose of subduing enemy personnel or to defensive structures “Weapon ” 2008 destroy enemy through weapons equipment application of and force” In general weapons can be defined as the simplest mechanisms that use leverage to multiply force to deny degrade or destroy specified targets More recently development of non-lethal weapon systems has been adopted for use and designed to incapacitate and reduce collateral damage to property and the environment in some cyber attacks networked computers As seen can degrade and even destroy their specified targets deny Denial of service attacks can deny access to certain cyber systems and degrade communications nodes Additionally the Department of Homeland Security video of a cyber attack on a networked power generator illustrated how these attacks could physically destroy a piece of infrastructure Cyberspace is an enabling factor for computer systems to achieve their effects as a weapon Although there is still discussion on how cyberspace is specifically defined it is generally characterized as a man-made virtual environment without international boundaries and designed for the creation transmittal and use of information in a 2 variety of formats Rattray 2001 p 65 As a society in today’s Information Age it is difficult to imagine a world without cyberspace however those who initially developed computer systems worldwide kinetic in network and However of 1950s threat to infrastructure may computers non-kinetic the strategies the deter real cyber before have being attacks is not used against and adversaries on to an nations attacks imagined deliver adversary must their can a develop critical seriously affect their security In today’s post Cold War era a national policy of traditional nuclear deterrence is a strategy that revision to fit the present Information Age needs If the old nuclear deterrent depended on the frightful force of mass destruction total the new information digital war Der strategy Derian needs to 1994 win A the nation’s security can benefit greatly from policies that secure its dependence on information exploitation Nations technology need a cyber from adversarial deterrence strategy that allows them to tailor their strategies based on actorspecific models In order to build an effective deterrent against those operating in the cyberspace domain offensive and defensive capabilities must be built and sustained to operate in the environment is to examine the The purpose of this research prospects of cyber deterrence as an effective means of reducing the threat of cyber attacks Strategic deterring a deterrence nation’s in cyberspace adversaries from will focus attacking critical infrastructure both civil and military information systems that control 3 critical on its If the infrastructure are compromised it can impact national security and ultimately the lives of the populace Lipson 2002 p 11 Because information systems are a vital part of the critical infrastructure of a nation our way of life is potentially at risk if they are not adequately protected Critical infrastructure cyberspace-based refers systems to the essential to physical the operations of the economy and the government Mason University Protection School Program1 of Law defines Critical critical and minimum The George Infrastructure infrastructure as “what drives all the necessary functions upon which society depends on ” Critical infrastructures are complex and highly interdependent systems networks and assets that provide the services essential in our daily life They are currently critical organized into the following 17 infrastructure and key resource sectors • Banking Finance • Chemical • Energy • Dams • Commercial Facilities • Commercial Nuclear Reactors Materials Waste • Defense Industrial Base • Transportation Systems • Telecommunications • Emergency Services • Food Agriculture • Postal and Shipping • Government Facilities • Information Technology 1 More information on the GMU Critical Infrastructure Protection Program can be found at http cipp gmu edu cip 4 • National Monuments and Icons • Public Health Healthcare • Drinking Water Wastewater Treatment Systems Although computers operate in a virtual environment a computer attack through cyberspace can cause destruction both in the virtual and physical environments There are approximately 550 million hosts connected to the Internet today Internet Systems Consortium 2008 furthermore Figure 1 shows that the number of worldwide users has grown to approximately tremendous 1 6 growth successfully in tracking billion users cyberspace and the tracing today With deterrent value attackers is the of becoming increasingly vital to the survival of the Internet and the nations that depend on it Lipson 2002 p 11 Figure 1 Number of Worldwide Internet Users From www internetworldstats com 5 The age we live in is constantly evolving the world is becoming globalized in nature and interconnected vis-àvis the Information Age Within the Information Age we see there is a dire need to protect a nation’s critical infrastructure otherwise the next large-scale attack against a nation could occur through a coordinated cyber strike on the systems that control its infrastructure well-coordinated hacker attack on systems that A control nuclear power plants or hydroelectric dams could result in a devastating number of lives lost A successful strike could potentially kill hundreds of thousands of people and could cripple a nation’s stability Similarly a cyber attack on a nation’s financial institutions could have a grave effect on its national economy and create unease in its national security Cabana 2000 Networked discussed control among cyber systems are increasingly security experts because being these systems control the main portion of a nation’s critical infrastructure In October 1999 a hacker openly declared his intentions to release information on how to hack into power company networks and shut down the power grids of 30 U S utility companies Riptech 2001 Although many nations have seen occurrences of low-level cyber attacks on a daily basis national leaders are concerned with the possibility of a major cyber attack U S Department of Defense 2008 with the hope Strategies are currently being discussed of deterring those nation via cyberspace 6 who seek to attack a B CYBERSPACE AND THE FUTURE OF WARFARE The warning signs of terrorist attacks against a nation via cyberspace have been around for quite some time But how can attacks by small networked non-state actors be effective against powerful nations whose conventional and nuclear forces can not be matched on the battlefield Are nations not prepared for and better defended against cyber attacks that could affect critical national infrastructure It is likely that some nation’s adversaries would like nothing more than to launch a cyber attack that cripples the nation and its citizens Following the terrorist attacks on September 11th the United States launched many initiatives to deter future physical attacks within its borders However the growing dependence on technology networked within the public private and government sectors of a nation has created vulnerabilities to cyber attacks that could turn out to be a nation’s Achilles' heel Goodin 2008a Goodin 2008c Iverson 2004 Leyden 2008 Meserve 2007 Meserve 2008 Even actors though both capability to some state launch cyber and and security non-state sustain experts currently massive feel lack cyber many the attacks against an adversary’s critical infrastructure they may not lack this capability for long Greenemeier 2007 Some believe that an attack large enough in scale to cause mass disruption in critical infrastructure systems requires at least two to four years to develop the tools and another six to ten years to coordinate and prepare for the cyber attack Wilson 2008 p 18 7 During a speech to the United States Naval Academy graduating class in May 1998 President Bill Clinton stated that “our foes have extended the fields of battle from the physical space to cyberspace these adversaries may attempt cyber attacks against our critical military systems and our economic base” Newsbytes News Network 1998 This recognition by a world leader reveals that vigilance should be practiced over a nation’s cyber infrastructure as cyberspace has become a new avenue to launch attacks from anywhere on the face of the earth The issue here is that many countries have been complacent about protecting their information infrastructure The Economist 2007b The exponential technological growth and low cost of entry to operate within cyberspace have created a domain where state and non-state actors including terrorist organizations can safely hide in the shadows of anonymity that cyberspace provides Cyberspace is proving to be a powerful arena to recruit train and equip new hackers as well as to coordinate and launch cyber attacks Allard 2006 C DEFINING CYBER ATTACKS AND CYBER WARFARE Before progressing too deeply into exploring the concept of cyber deterrence it is worth noting that this research is not looking to deter every type of cyber attack that exists For example it is impractical to say that a nation is looking to deter hackers from penetrating and defacing websites However it is important to understand how this hacker penetrated the security in place 8 These situations further provide those understanding defending of the networks vulnerabilities that with must be fixed Computer network attacks also referred to as cyber attacks are spectrum a component of the information operations Cyber attacks are “operations to disrupt deny degrade or destroy information resident in computers and computer networks or the computers themselves” Schmitt 2002 p 367 and networks The core of cyber attacks is that a data stream is relied on to execute the attack Therefore the means used set cyber attacks apart from other forms of information operations vary widely they include gaining access These means to systems to acquire control over them spreading viruses to destroy or manipulate system data until using triggered logic on bombs the that occasion sit of idle a in a particular occurrence or at a set time inserting worms that replicate upon entry into a system and thereby overload the network and employing sniffers Schmitt 2002 p 367 to observe and or steal data Like many attacks there are often mitigation efforts to fix security vulnerabilities or deny attacks although sometimes they are accomplished reactively as opposed to proactively Typically the image cyber warfare brings to mind is one of generally bloodless attacks that remain in the cyber domain While some of the basic outcomes of cyber attacks have been looked at as solely virtual thus far ultimately what takes place in a cyber war may have consequences in the physical domain Shimeall Williams Dunlevy 2002 p 16 9 D OVERVIEW Prior to examining different tactics of cyber deterrence there is a need to introduce the reader to the concept of cyber deterrence This will acquaint the reader with its characteristics and will lay the foundation for discussing This the thesis feasibility application will of a take of a nation cyber heuristic applying concepts to the cyberspace domain successful cyber deterrence deterrence methods approach strategic to the deterrence The ability to deploy strategies may help a technologically reliant nation avoid becoming crippled from cyber attacks by other actors The second deterrence chapter which on the examines the evolution of methodology strategic and theory through existing literature is designed to serve a dual purpose First it will introduce the reader to the concept of deterrence its characteristics as well as its achievements and problems Some of these characteristics will a be examined strategy as a through part of brief a look nation’s at deterrence security policy Subsequently the chapter will suggest that an update to the concept of deterrence is needed to synchronize with the Information Age we live in today This will lay the foundation for discussing the concept of cyber deterrence later in this thesis The third chapter will examine the emergent cyberspace threat This chapter will begin with defining the concept of cyberspace challenges increased and Furthermore it will discuss the rising vulnerabilities dependence on nations cyberspace 10 face This with their chapter will discuss why strong offensive and defensive cyber capabilities are needed for nations that employ a large dependence on cyberspace The fourth deterrence chapter and look will build heuristically on at the analysis how of deterrence strategies can be applied in cyberspace to lower the threat of a critical attack The beginning of this chapter will marry the two concepts discussed in the previous chapters into how the concept of cyber deterrence can be defined Finally the concluding chapter will broadly review the analysis of cyber deterrence and discuss its prospects Furthermore it will look at how cyber deterrence can be utilized within United States the national security policies of the A review of the United States’ National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace will be reviewed to see what policies are currently in place to defend United States its interests in cyberspace and to make recommendations for any changes that may be needed to security strategy 11 include in its national THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 12 II FUNDAMENTALS OF STRATEGIC DETERRENCE For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill — Sun Tzu The Art of War A INTRODUCTION Before we can begin to discuss how deterrence can be applied to cyberspace it is essential to introduce the reader to the general concept of deterrence Understanding the been concept acquaints well as of the its deterrence reader with achievements and how it deterrence and has applied characteristics problems Some of as these characteristics will be examined through a brief historical look at the evolution of deterrence strategy as a part of a nation’s security policy Subsequently this chapter will suggest that deterrence needs to be updated to synchronize with the Information Age we live in today This will lay the foundation of the future discussion on the concept of cyberspace-based deterrence B DEFINING DETERRENCE Deterrence is generally defined as influencing an opponent either by denying potential gains or threatening the use of retaliation in order to prevent the opponent from taking an action that you do not want him to take Mearsheimer 1983 p 14 Morgan 1977 p 17 of a deterrent strategy is avoid the escalation of a conflict to the use of military force For 13 an attempt to The use a deterrent to be successful the threat must be at a level in which the opponent’s cost of taking action outweighs his benefits Furthermore the threat must be one which is perceived as credible therefore the actor who is seeking to deter an opponent must show it has the capabilities and intent to follow through with the threat Morgan 1977 p 32 Huth 1988 p 4 In a simpler form we can encapsulate the concept of deterrence by stating Actor A desires to prevent Actor B from executing Z by denying or threatening actor B with X if it carries out Z While this is similar to one of the definitions Patrick Morgan 1977 examined in his book Deterrence A Conceptual Analysis p 19 it differs in the fact that those we seek to deter today are not only state actors but also non-state actors such as terrorists Additionally the introduction of the variable X represents applying a tailored threat response that is relevant to what the opponent values further X could imply the denial of its objectives through a defensive posture More will be discussed on the stratagem of a tailored response later Furthermore extended a nation deterrence interests from to attack typically protect Huth its 1988 employs the allies pp 1 use of and vital 16 The deterrence situation is considered extended if the defender is trying to deter an attack on a third nation rather than on itself applies to For the analysis of strategic deterrence as it national security 14 the use of extended deterrence should be assumed to fall under any deterrent strategy studied and presented in this paper C FORMATION OF DETERRENCE STRATEGIES The use of deterrent strategies has been around in warfare for quite a while One Thucydides described in his classic example Peloponnesian War from writings involves instances where militaries sought advantages to entice their opponents away from starting or expanding a war because the perceived risks were too great George Smoke 1974 p 12 George and Smoke 1974 compare what we term today as deterrence to the notion of the balance of power p 14 The actor who held the advantage in the balance of power often determined how the conflict would evolve Nations in conflict sought advantages over their opponents to tip the balance into their favor Historically militaries with strong defensive capabilities have had the advantage in land wars The nation with the defensive advantage was typically able to impose the threat of heavier losses on the invading forces Quester 1966 p 3 deter the aggressor For this threat to effectively those leading the invading forces needed to perceive that the costs of attacking the target outweighed the benefits Most of the deterrence theory we see today was born from the introduction of nuclear weapons and the emergence of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union Sagan 1991 p 79 deterrence over In order to maintain effective adversaries the development and application of deterrent strategies follow a process based 15 on values perceptions capabilities and actions of the aggressing actor and defending actor George Smoke 1974 p 97-103 fundamental The Flow Chart shown in Figure 2 reviews the questions that need to be examined in the process of using deterrence Figure 2 D Flow Chart of Questions on Deterrence After George Smoke 1974 p 102 THE UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES OF DETERRENCE When the offense has the advantage in a conflict the balance of power is in the hands of the aggressor and the prospects for peace are severely threatened Quester 1966 p 4 The ultimate rationale behind a nation utilizing deterrence is to shift that balance of power back in favor of the status quo as both situation Effective deterrence should been seen and application examine below 16 specific as we will 1 Two Deterrent Situations Patrick Morgan 1977 discusses two different situations in which deterrence strategy exists the first situation examined is what he terms general deterrence The other situation is what Morgan describes as immediate deterrence a General Deterrence Morgan describes general deterrence as being a situation representative of international politics Applied in the context of general political and military rivalry where the potential for a conflict is present however neither opponent antagonizes the other towards an imminent military confrontation Morgan 1977 p 40 General deterrence is classically observed as a national policy stance on a given issue that could last many years For instance throughout the early period of the Cold War the United States retaliation against launch a recognized nuclear the policy the Soviet first threat promised Union strike behind the a massive should The general result in mutually assured destruction nuclear the Soviets United States policy would As the Cold War drew on the general deterrence policy shifted from massive retaliation to more discriminate methods Schelling 1967 p 190 General deterrence should adapt to match the general environment in which a nation operates As the general security environment evolves so should the general deterrence policies of a nation 17 b Immediate Deterrence Typically one practices and maintains general deterrence to avoid a situation that necessitates immediate deterrence conflict Morgan escalate 1977 p a point to 42 However where an should aggressor a is seriously considering launching an attack then the use of immediate deterrence strategies is applied Furthermore the actors who seek to deter must be aware of the looming threat and prepare their forces Immediate deterrence is based on understanding the aggressor’s intent to use his or her forces to achieve specified objectives An adversary merely having the capabilities to attack would fall under the realm of general deterrence Morgan 1977 p 34 2 Deterrent Methods The level of defense retaliation punishment ability deter to an denial play an aggressor and the enormous from strength role conducting in of the attacks Within the realm of deterrence it is seen as essential to be ambiguous about the specific details of a response however the actor who is attempting to deter must make it clear that the retaliatory actions would have serious ramifications upon the aggressor if they carried through with the action U S Strategic Command 1995 p 5 Currently the methods of deterrence on the battlefield are through conventional nuclear and more recently tailored means In John Mearsheimer’s 1983 he states There is deterrence a well known distinction between based on punishment which involves 18 book threatening to destroy large portions of an opponent’s population and industry and deterrence based on denial which requires convincing an opponent that he will not attain his goals on the battlefield pp 14-15 Within the context of this statement Mearsheimer argues that deterrence based on punishment has been historically associated with the use of nuclear weapons whereas deterrence through denial has been more typically coupled with the methods use of employed conventional by forces militaries on The the deterrence conventional battlefield have been around since the advent of warfare As briefly mentioned earlier the methodology applied in nuclear deterrence was born in the wake of World War II and the beginning of the Cold War Until recently nations like the United States often practiced a one-size-fits-all developing deterrence Defense 2006 p 49 mentality strategies when U S it came Department to of Unfortunately this method is not suitable in a time when the security threat is constantly evolving this is where the concept of tailored deterrence comes into being Each of the respective sections below will define and scrutinize the different methodologies in greater detail a Conventional Deterrence Conventional deterrence is based on threatening punishment objectives weapons or denying through the Mearsheimer effectively apply an aggressor use of 1983 conventional 19 his conventional p 15 deterrence battlefield forces and In order to the defenders need to project to the aggressors that they can sufficiently defend the potential attack furthermore the aggressors need to perceive that the defenders’ retaliation would overcome cost their defenses and impose a significant Only then can conventional deterrence have a chance of being successful Throughout time nations have sought to develop new offensive and defensive military strategies or capabilities to employ on the battlefield and shift the balance of power to their favor Once a weapon system was introduced to the conventional battlefield and showed its value there it became a war over which side could raise the most numbers or the most advanced version of a combat system into their arsenals Eventually if the aggressors were able to shift the balance of power to their favor the prospects of their being deterred from attacking would likely fail During the Industrial Age new offensive concepts and military successful airplane brought weapons conventional in 1903 about warfare further and eroded the deterrence the The introduction revolutionary change expectations in advent of the of armored of the tanks strategies of The introduction of air forces into conflicts brought with it a level of offensive weapons capabilities that severely disrupted the balance of power air firepower concentrate provided firepower specified area the and military impose a Offensive capability higher losses on to a Prior to this those who occupied the defensive area traditionally conflict The airplane shifted the balance of power to the 20 held the advantage in a offense in battle Quester 1966 p 2-4 Whoever went on the offensive first typically held the advantage Pre- emptive strikes were the norm in conventional battles even though no one actually desired war Quester 1966 p 4-5 Another example of conventional failure occurred during World War II highly mobile and mechanized deterrence The Germans employed military doctrine Blitzkrieg in their use of armored warfare termed The overall theory of the doctrine promised a quick victory at a very low cost Mearsheimer 1983 p 58 When aggressors believe that they can defeat their adversaries rapidly and decisively deterrence is likely to fail Mearsheimer 1983 p 203 The nature of warfare continued to evolve at World the end of War II After the United States developed and used the first and second atomic weapons on Japan a threat of apocalyptic proportions emerged in military doctrine in the form of nuclear deterrence b Nuclear Deterrence The premise behind nuclear deterrence theory was to influence an adversary’s actions by means of threatening the very existence of its homeland with a punitive nuclear attack Payne 1996 p 6 offensive in nature was considered concept of deterrence weapon would military a Nuclear weapons are purely Building a nuclear deterrent strategy extremely revolutionary retaliatory attack compared through to the conventional The retaliation through the use of a nuclear come forces without first to the need defeat Morgan 1977 pg 31 21 any to use conventional defenses in place The worked theory against behind those why who nuclear do not deterrence possess has nuclear capabilities is that it produces responsible behavior as a matter of self-preservation Although one could continue to improve anti-ballistic missile technology which aims at denial deterrence it has never guaranteed defense against nuclear missiles a perfect The cost of anything less than an infallible defense would be catastrophic in nature Morgan 1977 pp 30-31 One illustration of nuclear deterrence occurred prior to Operation DESERT STORM in January 1991 The United Stated conveyed a message that any use of weapons of mass destruction WMD by Iraq on any Coalition forces would be met with swift and severe consequences Russell Wirtz 2002 The use of an ambiguous threat led many to believe that the United States would retaliate on a massive scale with nuclear weapons When President George H W Bush was asked directly by the press if the United States would use WMD in-turn the president stated that “it’s better to never say what you may be considering” U S Strategic Command 1995 p 7 The rationale behind the ambiguity is that it makes the aggressor think very carefully as to whether the benefits of the attack are worth the potential risks In the case of nuclear retaliation the consequences may be as high as the nation’s existence Although there has been speculation about whether this deterrent actually succeeded in preventing Saddam Hussein 22 from launching chemical or biological WMDs one could argue the veiled threat was a success since WMDs were not utilized against coalition forces Although this threat may have been credible at the time subsequent information released by the leadership involved said Bush’s nuclear threat was nothing more than a bluff Bunn 2007 p 6 Unfortunately by releasing this information to the public should the United States leaders attempt to use nuclear deterrence again their declaratory threats are much adversaries is waning less credible in the eyes of their The deterrent threat of nuclear retaliation and new deterrence doctrine needs to be established to match the nation’s international deterrence policies with its operational capabilities The use of nuclear weapons has its fair share of opponents around the world who declare their use morally reprehensible because of the massive death and suffering they would cause Ethically could the United States or any other world power actually bring itself to use these weapons threat if it became necessary to follow through on a If a nuclear nation truly wanted to use nuclear deterrence doing so must be seen as morally acceptable to its own society in terms of retaliation Bunn 2007 p 7 Furthermore it may be difficult to use nuclear weapons against an actor who does not have weapons of mass destruction In a transcript released on September 12 2008 the Honorable James Schlesinger serving as the Chairman of the Task Force for Nuclear Weapons Management stated “what has been the long-time practice during the Cold War and 23 subsequent years of developing the theory and doctrine of deterrence has more or less disappeared the doctrine of deterrence has to a large extent been forgotten” U S Department of Defense 2008 The time has come to shed the Cold War nuclear deterrence mentality and look at ways to apply deterrence to the multiple actors that threaten the world stage c Tailored Deterrence Tailored deterrence is a new term coined by the Bush Administration in its 2006 Quadrennial Defense Review QDR however capabilities messages to that the aspects meet are a that make specific situation it up tailoring challenge dependent tailoring and tailoring actions to specific actors have been around and evolving over the past decade Bunn 2007 p 2 The application and use of a tailored strategy truly turns deterrence into an art form The art is in developing a message that is actor specific and tied to specific situations Whereas nuclear deterrence was focused primarily on the punishment aspect of deterrence tailored deterrence goes back to emphasizing the use of both denial and punishment Bunn 2007 p 2 To accomplish tailored deterrence the 2006 QDR discusses applying a particular mix of the New Triad capabilities against specific challenges Bunn 2007 p 1 The New Triad capabilities were described in the 2001 Nuclear Posture Review report2 as being composed of 2 The 2001 NPR was classified overall however the unclassified foreword by Donald Rumsfeld was released to the public 24 offensive strike systems – both nuclear and non-nuclear defensive systems revitalized 1 – defensive both active and infrastructure passive Rumsfeld and 2001 p The use of the New Triad capabilities for tailored deterrence allows for the use of a mixture of nuclear and non-nuclear weapons both kinetic and non-kinetic and may help a nation meet the cyber challenges in today’s Information Age Tailoring communications will allow a nation to focus the message of its intent to specific actors Bunn 2007 p 1 The message that a nation seeks to spread in deterring an actor peacetime and during each from crisis of these specific actions situations The situations would may message be a vary in conveyed part of a nation’s general and immediate deterrent strategies In the 2006 QDR the declaration for the need of a wider range of non-kinetic strike capabilities calls upon the use of cyberspace as a means for future operations U S Department of Defense 2006 p 49 realm of cyberspace the Department of Within the Defense 2006 recognizes that it needs to strengthen the coordination of defensive and offensive cyber missions p 51 to counter the growing cyberspace threat to its national security within Deterring actors from cyber attacks will be needed to meet the challenges in the face of the growing cyber threat 25 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 26 III THE GROWING CYBER THREAT The enemies of peace realize they cannot defeat us with traditional means So they are working on new forms of assault cyber attacks on our computer systems - President Bill Clinton 19993 A THE CYBERSHOT HEARD ‘ROUND THE WORLD For more than three weeks in April and May 2007 the government of Estonia was the target of multiple computer network attacks in both its public and private sectors The results of these attacks were briefly crippling as much of the country’s critical infrastructure is integrated into its cyber infrastructure The reported origin of some of these attacks was Russian government servers which led people to believe it was a state sponsored attack However further analysis showed that most of the attacks came from non-government servers in Russia and other countries Landler Markoff 2007 In the assault computer hackers used robotic cyber armies termed Botnets4 to flood Estonian critical infrastructure nodes with so much data that they could no longer process their legitimate traffic The data load targeting these nodes was measured by security experts at 3 The White House Office of the Press Secretary Remarks by the President On Keeping America Secure For the 21st Century January 22 1999 www whitehouse gove WH new htm1 19990122-7214 html August 31 1999 4 A Botnet is defined by Wikipedia http en wikipedia org wiki Botnet as a collection of software robots or bots that run autonomously and automatically often while hidden to the actual owner of the machine They run on groups of computers compromised by hackers and controlled remotely This term can also refer to the network of computers using distributed computing software 27 90 megabits Landler of data Markoff per second5 2007 for This 10 data straight stream hours cut off contact to online banking systems online news agencies and government communications What we have here is the first instance of an international cyber conflict It is believed that these attacks stemmed from the removal of a World War II-era Soviet statue in an Estonian city plaza The Economist 2007a for the attacks Russian Who should be to blame There was serious speculation that the government was behind the attacks because they appeared unwilling to quell them Evron 2008 p 124 There were many early warning signs of the impending attacks on Estonia’s cyberspace infrastructure Russian- language Internet forums had multiple posts with both basic instructions on how to carry out the attacks and target lists that maneuvered in reaction to Estonian defenses Internet provides made Evron 2008 p 122-123 The anonymity that the it nearly impossible to tie the Russian government directly to the attacks In the analysis following the attacks technical data seemed to confirm that at least one of the nodes in the attack was within the Russian government This computer could have been a command and control node which initiated the attacks however it could have also been a spoofed IP address or compromised machine that was a part of the Botnet Evron 2008 p 125 While the Estonian government took rapid defensive action in attempt 5 The data rate of 90 megabits per second Mbps is the equivalent of downloading the entire Microsoft XP operating system every six seconds 28 to thwart the attacks will the Estonian government maintain a grudge over this attack and retaliate in the near future If the cyber attacks were more organized and used viruses to target certain systems for destruction rather than denial of service seriously crippled attackers had the found the attackers Estonian a way could have government to more If manipulate the critical infrastructure control systems like power plants dams or transportation systems the results could have cost many lives Governments need to be wary of cyberspace and the threat it poses challenges that If they continue to ignore the potential remain in cyberspace these governments might just as well put a bull’s eye on their networked critical infrastructure This particular incident in Estonia may just be the beginning of future conflict in cyberspace B EXPLORING THE CYBER ENVIRONMENT In today’s originate from motivations cyber a environment variety of security actors with threats different The threat is no longer solely on a state- versus-state level as the world has dramatically changed since the Cold War inexpensive effects that and put Since the Internet provides a basic relatively national risk-free security in avenue to achieve jeopardy nations need to be cognizant of the various actors who exist and operate within cyberspace Evron 2008 p 126 In an attempt to establish defense against emerging cyberspace 29 threats merely understanding the modus operandi of one type of actor will not establish models applicable to other actors Furthermore actors bring to the table their own motivations for pursuing offensive actions in cyberspace A fall 2008 working group that examined the different levels of cyberspace analysis discussed a variety of things that may motivate different actors A few examples are that they enjoy the challenge are curious seek money seek notoriety are ideological want revenge want to coerce an opponent are patriotic seek to intimidate and look to demonstrate their capabilities Every actor brings their knowledge and motivation to the forefront when exploring and exploiting vulnerabilities in their intended target’s infrastructure for new methods vulnerabilities platforms are to found exploit within plentiful As hackers look computer hardware Take the code and the software Microsoft Windows operating system as an example The number of lines of computer the code in Windows is in tens of millions inevitably techniques have been and will continue to be developed to exploit the flaws found in various software codes Mitnick Simon 2006 p 35-36 C TRANSFORMATION TO THE INFORMATION AGE The world today is in the midst of a digital revolution which is influencing the way many nations and corporations operate on a daily basis Over the past several years the cyberspace threat has steadily increased to such a level that cyber dependent nations should be 30 cognizant of the danger It should come as no surprise that cyberspace has become a desired avenue for adversaries to attack as countless vulnerabilities exist within cyberspace technology that can be exploited by those who understand them further cyber attacks can be launched by hackers from anywhere on the globe small non-state actors like Cyberspace allows even terrorists a chance inflict damage against traditional superpowers to This is a result of the lower cost of entry for adversaries who would be considered conventional weak or 2001 p 48 or nuclear non-existent capabilities with Zanini regard to Edwards This should be a cause for great concern among state actors Although the Estonia cyber attack was dealt with swiftly and the effects were limited a lesson learned in the aftermath is that a nation’s cyberspace infrastructure can be targeted by its adversaries as a center of gravity Degrading or preventing access to the Internet can wreak havoc on a nation and undermine the trust the populace exhibits in the system An August 2005 computer security report conducted by IBM stated there were over 237 million worldwide cyber attacks reported in the first half of the year Wilson 2008 p 15 This equates to an astounding average of more million than connected attacks 1 3 to as the an daily Internet event or cyber The set of attacks IBM report events malicious and intended to cause damage on systems looked deemed to at be Approximately 64 percent of these cyber attacks were rather minute in scale and were nothing more than a nuisance examples include 31 reconnaissance probes to detect vulnerabilities defacements “IBM Report ” 2005 and web Meanwhile approximately 36 percent of these attacks had the potential to cause severe damage to targeted systems by shutting down services “IBM Report ” 2005 In 2003 cyber attacks cost worldwide businesses approximately $186 - $228 billion Cashell et al 2004 p 10-11 The estimate for 2004 by British firm Mi2g was around $250 billion Unless defenses Cashell improve et this al figure 2004 will p 10-11 continue to increase as the spread of and dependence on technology and the sophistication of attacks increases From a national standpoint governments should be worried by these figures and concerned about the security of their cyberspace infrastructure and the critical infrastructure nodes that ride on its backbone The only hope to reduce the overall cost both financially and to national security is to find a way to deter those staging the attacks In 1998 President Bill Clinton launched two presidential directives in an attempt to secure the United States critical communications infrastructure from attacks Newsbytes News Network 1998 Although these directives were launched approximately 10 years ago it appears as if nothing much cyberspace National has been done infrastructure Cybersecurity to secure the The recent Comprehensive Initiative is a recent nation’s program underway that highlights national resources being invested in securing the nation’s cyberspace infrastructure On December 7 2005 the U S Air Force changed its overarching mission to “deliver sovereign options for the 32 defense of the United States of America and its global interests – to Cyberspace ” fly and fight in Air Space and The main difference from its old mission was the addition of cyberspace as an area of defense for the United States and its global interests The impetus for the change is symbolic of how vital cyberspace has become to global powers the focus and cyberspace The addition of cyberspace highlights appeal from of those maintaining wanting our to technologically advanced society security do harm in to a The military needs to view computers as a weapons system operating in the cyber domain much like fighter and bomber aircraft are weapons systems operating in the air domain and assert that they must be treated as such Although nations the is United States increasing its along with attention many to other securing cyberspace it takes a good amount of time and money to develop robust offensive and defensive cyber capabilities Up until the infrastructure cyber in attacks 2007 on the Estonian governments typically cyberspace felt that security against cyberwarfare meant keeping hackers out of important government computers The Economist 2007b Much less thought had been given to protecting against a mass disruption infrastructure cyberspace for from cyber attacks against the public This leads us to develop a new arena in exploring the application of deterrence Exercises and real events like Moonlight Maze and Titan Rain have however proven these that events cyberspace have given is the far from United secure States an opportunity to study the outcome and apply new methods of security Only time will tell if the current “efforts” to 33 thwart crippling cyber attacks on national critical infrastructure were too little too late D VULNERABILITIES AND THE IMPACT ON NATIONAL SECURITY November 2 2008 marked the 20-year anniversary of the first major attack on the Internet the Morris worm Lipson 2002 p 5 Marsan 2008 The worm disabled approximately Internet-connected ten percent of all systems an estimated 60 000 machines at the time Marsan 2008 The effects of the Morris worm opened the eyes of those who were using the Internet to the fact that security needed to be taken more seriously Although the damage from the Morris worm was minimal the launch of an attack that large could be catastrophic today today The effect of disabling ten percent of the nodes would offline result in approximately 55 million nodes If every person of a cyber-dependent nation owned a computer and operated in cyberspace it would be roughly equivalent to the populations of the United Kingdom Italy or South Korea that could 6 If an actor were to develop an attack concentrate on an adversary on a scale of magnitude like that of the Morris worm in 1988 the actor could severely impact many nations 1 Rise of the Botnet Militia One highly increased growth damaging over the attack tool past several that has years is seen the 6 According to Wikipedia http en wikipedia org wiki List_of_countries_by_ population retrieved November 8 2008 the population of the United Kingdom is 61 million Italy is 59 million and South Korea is 48 million 34 establishment networks of are robotic made networks up of or botnets computers that These have been compromised with malicious code typically unbeknownst to the owner of the machine which can be controlled remotely from a command and control node through the Internet Issa 2008 p 1 Wilson 2008 p 5 depiction of how a botnet Figure 3 is a simple operates The “botmaster” or person who is responsible for distributing or controlling the bot program launches the malicious software that takes control of the victim’s machine infected it botmaster forming becomes and a a sometimes network zombie under the even spreads to that Wilson 2008 p 6 Once this machine is appears control other hierarchical of the machines in nature The botnet then can be used for various purposes like forwarding spam stealing personal information or launching distributed denial of service attacks DDoS Figure 3 Basic Botnet depiction From Business Week 35 Over the past five years we have seen an astonishing increase in the number of machines infected by malicious software that has been tied to a botnet Figure 4 depicts the various viruses and worms launched that connected their victims’ machines to particular botnets Along the y-axis the growth represents the numbers of machines that were tied to the botnets end-users opened Some machines have been infected when malicious e-mail attachments Other techniques have found ways to compromise machines without the need for end-user actions These techniques can exploit vulnerabilities when a user visits websites running infectious code through cross-site scripting and iFrames Bort 2007 Figure 4 Malicious Botnet evolution From Issa 2008 p 2 software has created an opportunity for botmasters to rent out their cyber botnet mercenaries on the black market the botnets The criminal cyber element coupled with brings a level 36 of sophistication to the computer network attack arena It makes it easier for those who rent botnets to target their attacks without much computer knowledge One such botmaster supposedly made $100 000 from advertisers to infect machines he owned with malicious software Wilson 2008 p 5 While the criminal element is seemingly using botnets more for fraud extortion and spam Wilson 2008 p 6 nations need to be mindful of the potential use by terrorists or other actors to launch attacks on vulnerable critical infrastructure that may affect national security If we examine Figure 5 and Figure 6 provided by the Shadowserver Organization 7 we see a trend in activity from December 2005 until November 2008 botnet In the first figure we see that the number of command and control servers has doubled from approximately 1500 to 3000 The more troubling figure is the latter as it explores the number of active botnets out in the wild If we look at the trends we see an average of 250 000 to 500 000 active bots however there was a spike in the number between April to mid-June 2007 that hovered around 3 million active bots While the significant drop in numbers could have come from security patches to compromised machines it is believed that there are a large number of inactive bots in hiding until the time is right remaining hidden as long as possible so that the nodes are not compromised 2007 7 Source http www shadowserver org retrieved November 15 2008 37 Bort Figure 5 Number of Botnet C2 Servers Dec ‘05 – Nov ‘08 From www shadowserver org Figure 6 Number of active Botnet nodes Dec ‘05 – Nov ‘08 From www shadowserver org As discussed in the Estonia example earlier the use of botnets information played flow infrastructure a to key role portions in of degrading the and country’s denying critical Even more frightening is that the spike in nodes from April to mid-June shown in Figure 6 coincided with the DDoS attacks on Estonia 38 The spike in active botnets may offer support that there are many inactive and hidden nodes targets waiting This to launch particular attacks incident in on unsuspecting Estonia provides evidence that the threats to national security from botnets are real A transportation concentrated systems such mass as botnet air DDoS traffic on control networks could disrupt command and control of aircraft in flight putting aircraft at risk cripple networked degrading emergency responses to Another attack could service emergency nodes situations slowing and or putting lives in jeopardy 2 Other Critical Vulnerabilities At the August 2008 Black Hat convention in Las Vegas security expert Dan Kaminsky unveiled his team’s discovery of a serious Domain Name System DNS cache poisoning flaw DNS is a critical function of the Internet which resolves web addresses like www cnn com into IP addresses such as 64 236 90 21 To simplify it further DNS is like the phone book for the internet The DNS cache poisoning flaw allowed the attacker to add a DNS entry to a targeted server which if successful could redirect a user to an alternate site with malicious intent This attack floods the targeted DNS server with multiple requests for a specific domain name with different variations – for instance xy36 yahoo com zb92 yahoo com and so on – while the attacker attempts to respond to the given server with the random transaction number assigned Goodin 2008b This random transaction number one of 65 536 possible IDs is used to thwart corruption of the 39 session Once the attacker responds back with a correct ID he can subvert the entry in the DNS server with the IP address of his or her choosing Davis 2008 Halley 2008 Once this flaw is executed the attacker can redirect traffic to a site that could install malicious software onto the victim’s machine or mirror the victim’s intended site The latter example could be especially problematic as the mirrored site could be set up to capture login and password information from the victims otherwise known as “pharming ” Pharming can be set up to appear legitimate to the end-user as the web address entered is legitimate but since the DNS server was altered it redirects alternate IP address Davis 2008 Halley 2008 of login criminal information element information could for be may typically financial used by be focused gain an actor to the Pharming on however looking the this for administrator access to control and exploit pieces of the national critical infrastructure E THE NEED TO PREVENT A ‘DIGITAL PEARL HARBOR’ Over the past decade the media have been focusing on how vulnerabilities within cyberspace could be turned to affect national security Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SCADA systems are being discussed by cyber security experts because these systems are increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks to control the main Since these systems are used portion of a nation’s critical infrastructure the loosely secured systems pose a serious weakness to a nation 40 Historically internal employees threats resulting or from other Iverson 2004 to SCADA accidents systems acts inappropriate were by mostly disgruntled employee activity Analysts have seen that from 1982 to 2000 approximately 70 percent of the problems came from insiders while the remaining 30 percent were from external sources However times are changing as the world is becoming ever more connected externally through generated approximately 70 the Internet security percent in incidents reports from typically run The number of has jumped to 2001 to 2003 Iverson 2004 SCADA systems console control systems two operating The first uses Windows or UNIX for the operator The security on this system is role-based determined by the employee’s position Brown 2002 second operating system is the actual control The processor which responds to commands with changes to the physical infrastructure system This is the system a hacker would use to shut down a power grid or enter commands that could physically destroy the equipment There is a great misconception that SCADA systems reside on a physically separate network Riptech 2001 This second operating system typically lacks security as it was originally designed to operate in isolation Ideally these systems should have been connected to the main control centers through private telecommunications links however this method was tremendously expensive and companies found a way to let the Internet carry the SCADA system information Brown 2002 41 A May 2008 infrastructure report of the addressed Tennessee concerns Valley that the Authority the United States’ largest public power company with over 9 million customers had multiple cyber vulnerabilities Epstein 2008 Goodin 2008a Meserve 2008 A quick look at the TVA public website http www tva gov shows that the company maintains 3 nuclear power plants 46 dams reservoirs and 18 fossil fuel power plants Vulnerabilities like this are not specific to the United States In the United Kingdom after recent targeted Trojan attacks a warning was issued that cyber-terrorists were attempting to take out their national power grid Leyden 2008 In September 2008 SCADA attack code was released to the public by a penetration tester following the software vendor deflecting 2008c the severity of the exploit Goodin This exploit would have allowed hackers to insert code into the system and given them authority to control the infrastructure of gas refineries While some could argue that the release of the attack code was to fix the flaw rather than instigate malicious intent it did convey a great risk to that sector of the critical infrastructure For those who believe that a cyber attack could not actually affect the physical infrastructure that controls critical national infrastructure the United States Department of Homeland Security demonstrated a cyber attack on a test power generator that eventually destroyed the generator Meserve 2007 Since the Morris worm was first launched 20 years ago we have seen an evolution of various actors and motivations 42 for cyber attacks Many of the early attacks involved individual hackers looking for challenges and notoriety as part of the hacking elite Over the past several years the to trend has organizations shifted that are more value these exploits bring being raised as individuals interested in and the small economic Now we are seeing warnings nation-states and non-state actors may soon possess and utilize their cyber capabilities to affect national security through attacks that could significantly degrade portions Meserve 2008c attacks economic 2007 of a nation’s Epstein 2008 critical Goodin infrastructure 2008a Goodin These warnings expound the greater risk of cyber by an adversary motives for Further more a than just successful criminal attack on vulnerable critical infrastructure could lead to an effect of disastrous proportions The level of sophistication and severity found in recent exploits has increased the level of risk associated in cyberspace should being Do these prospects sound alarming They There is a dire need to prevent these attacks from carried out by actors before it is too late 43 on critical infrastructure THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 44 IV DETERRENCE STRATEGY IN CYBERSPACE Safeguarding our own cyber capabilities while engaging and disrupting our opponents’ capabilities is becoming the core of modern warfare - Michael W Wynne A PREVENTING CYBER ATTACKS THROUGH CYBER DETERRENCE The threats in cyberspace are real and the stakes increase each passing day The hope to reduce the overall cost both financially and to national security is to find a way to eliminate or deter potential cyber terrorist attacks Although historically conventional and nuclear forms aggression of have been subject to traditional deterrent methods8 used by many nations these methods are expensive time consuming and potentially too extreme to be employed against an adversary that may be no more than a small hacker group of non-state actors In the information domain where equal damage can be inflicted by individuals or nation-states with an infinite variety of motives incentives and notions of rationality and in which traditional attribution notions of is deterrence an need unsolved problem rethinking The past two chapters allowed us to look at the concept of deterrence and explore the ubiquitous threats found in 8 Traditional deterrent methods are conventional deterrence which is more denial-based and nuclear deterrence which is more punitive-based Conventional deterrence says that the United States will threaten to send the physical military forces and weapons to fight an adversary Nuclear deterrence is one that the United States says it will threaten to launch nuclear weapons against an adversary if they attack 45 cyberspace for These chapters allowed us to build a framework analyzing how deterrence can be applied to the cyberspace environment In order to build an effective deterrent against operating offensive and actors defensive in capabilities the cyber must be domain built sustained to operate in the cyberspace environment and These capabilities will be engaged to meet the challenges actors inflict upon the cyber domain B APPLYING PRINCIPLES OF DETERRENCE TO CYBERSPACE In Patrick Morgan’s 1977 book Deterrence A Conceptual Analysis he defined deterrence simply as the “calculated attempt to induce an adversary to do something or refrain from doing something by threatening a penalty for non-compliance” deterrence threatening denying p 18 the gains retaliation if The from attacked fundamentals an will attack not change of and as technology and warfare evolve but the stratagems used to employ the methodology will need to change to sustain its effectiveness Unfortunately the practice of deterrence today remains in-line with the Cold War mentality Taking from what Mearsheimer Morgan and all other strategists who studied deterrence wrote we can apply core concepts to build the definition of cyber deterrence Cyber deterrence is defined as influencing an actor either by denying the potential gains of the actor or by threatening punishment through the use of retaliation in order to prevent the actor from utilizing cyberspace as a means to degrade disrupt manipulate deny or destroy any portion of the critical national infrastructure 46 Deterrent strategy attempts to keep a conflict from escalating to the use of military force ironically by means of threatening the use of force For deterrence to be successful the threat must be at a level where the actor recognizes that the cost and risk of taking action outweighs the benefits Furthermore the threat must be one that is perceived as credible so the nation seeking to deter an opponent must show it has the capabilities and intent to follow through with the retaliatory threat Morgan 1977 p 32 C TAILORING DETERRENCE TO CYBERSPACE – ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL In Chapter III we briefly explored the various actors and motivations that play a role in the cyber domain Since the end of the Cold War there has been a shift in the environment which now requires a nation to broaden its strategic Bunn deterrence 2007 p 1 towards Ms a Bunn more adaptable wrote that approach although the vision for the new environment emerged in official United States’ documents in 1995 the term tailored deterrence was not developed until the 2006 Report Bunn 2007 p 2 Quadrennial Defense Review Prior to this shift the United States typically applied the same conventional and nuclear deterrence model to its adversaries This model was out of touch with the modern world environment Patrick different deterrence Morgan 1977 deterrence which laid out situations describe how the general a two and deterrent fundamental immediate should be developed against threats to national security pp 25-43 Although Morgan may not have been aware of how effective 47 this would have been 30 years later what he accomplished provided a tremendous framework for how a nation should build effective deterrence policies understand the rationale behind It is necessary to each situation as it applies to cyberspace First there is a need to have a policy in place that is universally applicable to all threats to national security in cyberspace Gray 2003 p 450 this is the basis for a general cyber deterrence policy General deterrence relates to opponents who sustain offensive and defensive capabilities to regulate their relationship even though neither is anywhere near mounting an attack Morgan 1977 p 28 In Chapter II it was explained that immediate deterrence reflects a relationship between opposing actors when at least one side is seriously considering an attack and the opposing side is mounting a threat of retaliation to prevent the attacks Morgan 1977 p 28 Immediate deterrence strategies are considered situation and actor dependent have the Strategies that work with one actor may not context same Morgan effect on provides another in his actor book Applying suggests that the in cyberspace there could be more than one given immediate deterrent strategy at a time In addition due to the anonymous nature of cyberspace there is a level of unknown that permeates challenge that the will environment be covered This in is further an innate detail in Chapter V For an effective immediate deterrent there is a level of cultural intelligence needed to understand the attacker 48 Comprehending the cultural characteristics of an aggressor is important as it provides the basic understanding of what defines this type of actor Inkson Thomas 2004 p 62 is The value gained from accurate cultural intelligence that it allows for the development of immediate deterrent strategies which could have greater impact on an actor Building effective cultural intelligence averts applying “mirror-imaging” techniques that could be futile The basis of “mirror-imaging” is that a nation assumes its adversaries would act just the way the nation would act in a given situation Lowenthal 2003 p 8 A perfect example took place in 1941 when no United States leader would have believed that Japan would start a war with the United States due to the power gap between the two nations Lowenthal 2003 p 8 This gap in power was the very reason Japanese leaders believed that it needed to start a war sooner rather than later If United States’ leaders had effective cultural intelligence on the Japanese during this rising conflict they may have built more convincing immediate deterrence strategies to prevent a Japanese attack D ELEMENTS OF DETERRENCE IN CYBERSPACE In attacks order to four develop key capabilities elements are to deter necessary cyber denial punishment thresholds and a clearly articulated national policy While deterrence overcome to these there are strengthen elements still the are essential challenges deterrent that effect to cyber must These challenges will be explained in more detail in Chapter V 49 be 1 Denial The concept of denial within cyberspace is critical to successful deterrence strategy Kenneth Watman Dean Wilkening et al 1995 state the following Deterrence by denial attempts to dissuade an adversary from attacking by convincing him that he cannot accomplish his political and military objectives with the use of force or that the probability of accomplishing his political objectives at an acceptable cost is very low p 16 For denial in cyberspace the nation that is applying deterrence must first have strong defenses able to prevent the benefits gained from cyber attacks and demonstrate resiliency within its networks The concept of defense in cyberspace often conjures the notion of establishing firewalls to protect the perimeters of a network from those outside the network who intend to do harm network defense Firewalls are an important addition to however they are solution as they have weaknesses not the end all DDoS attacks against firewalls can easily be used to saturate the bandwidth of the intended target so that no legitimate information would be able to pass through the system Think of a firewall as similar to a medieval castle If one launches enough data at be it defenses one will eventually Moreover firewalls what they are programmed to do able only to overwhelm recognize and the repel Inevitably there will be openings within the defenses to allow “legitimate” traffic to pass Skilled hackers have no problems penetrating the defenses of a firewall Hackers often utilize tools to determine the types of traffic that are allowed to pass 50 through and search for Additionally hackers internal the to can find network vulnerabilities vulnerabilities weaknesses The within the in their legitimate which may hackers can networks as design computers have exposed exploit a way to the bypass firewalls The 2006 QDR suggested adopting a defense-in-depth planning approach to protect critical information from a nation’s adversaries U S Department of Defense 2006 p 51 A defense-in-depth defenses respond giving to the perspective the defender attacking the approach would more layer time adversary to From defense-in-depth network react a and historical approach has been superior for the defender to combat a blitzkrieg attack from its adversaries Mearsheimer 1983 p 49 As seen in cases of cyberwarfare one may view a computer network attack as a type of blitzkrieg strategy a “bitskrieg” employed through cyberspace Attacks are typically launched in such a way as to quickly penetrate any current cyber defenses in place steal or manipulate data place backdoors on the system and leave A well-designed defense-in-depth network may slow cyber attacks down enough for security experts to shift defensive resources in response to attacks and prevent large-scale attacks Next resiliency of the network should be exhibited to thwart attempts by actors attacking the national critical infrastructure scheduled Resiliency backups so that can the be maintained critical through information maintained within a system can be quickly restored after an attack Additionally alternate data paths and alternate 51 equipment should be readily available to contingency plans during sustained attacks and Some network paths governments contingency provides extra The in kept if adds strength may their to behind the necessary already current have cyberspace Reliable critical to These devices until inaccessible redundancy which offline organizations place becomes infrastructure network be and or plans infrastructure can implement backup nodes in the resiliency of its resiliency in regards to deterrence is that it drives the cost of a successful cyber attack up for an adversary to achieve his or her intended effects Finally nations should continue to develop and leverage tactics techniques and procedures from computer network attacks and computer network exploitation activities to improve overall network defense This means that a nation should use penetration testing to explore and find its own vulnerabilities before another actor can take action upon it 2 Develop and Techniques Demonstrate Overt Punishment Instituting denial via defense-in-depth and resiliency only presents the defensive portion of the New Triad in a tailored deterrence approach through cyberspace to build effective deterrent capabilities are needed as well cyber forces In order offensive The second portion of an effective deterrent is that a nation will need to maintain means for holding attackers accountable for their actions – this is through punishment The punishment of attackers is 52 predicated on the ability of a nation being able to attribute the attacks to a specific actor Punishment should not be leveraged solely through the use of cyberspace a nation should consider punishment over a broad range of all the instruments of power using diplomatic informational military and or economic means The choice of which instrument of power a nation uses as its threat of retaliatory punishment would depend on the type of actor who launched the cyber attack This returns to the notion of tailoring the deterrent to specific actors and leveraging threats specific to what the adversary believes is important Furthermore offensive a nation capabilities in should continue cyberspace so to that develop it can effectively launch attacks against an actor in this realm In some cases computer network attack tactics may be the only way to retaliate weapon discussed botnet 2008 by One such cyber offensive standoff Colonel Williamson is a military Unlike traditional botnets that compromise worldwide computers Williamson’s botnet would be comprised of military computers explicitly set up for this Williamson likened his approach to carpet Although bombing his analogy seems a bit sloppy as a botnet would be more like precision guided munitions Williamson’s notion of a nationalized botnet raises a question earlier regarding in Figure Shadowserver’s 6 Their data botnet data showed an observed average of 250 000 to 500 000 active bots from December 2007 until November 2008 however there was a spike in the number from April to mid-June 2007 that soared to approximately 53 three million active bots In the same figure from July to September another 2008 there was small surge in active bots although nowhere near the magnitude of the April to June surge which This may correspond to another DDoS attack occurred in August 2008 against several Georgia government websites that effectively took the sites offline Danchev 2008 A frightening hypothetical question to consider is if these attacks against Estonia were actually state-sponsored through Russia could Russia in fact have its own distributed botnet While some could argue that the use of unwitting computers from civilian non-combatants could violate the Law of Armed Conflict distributed botnets are not officially considered militarized weapons Further if United States leaders were to write off the possibility of a nation state compromising international computers to form a nationalized botnet they may fall into a trap of “mirror-imaging ” Unfortunately the question of a Russian national botnet may be difficult to answer as the anonymity of the Internet may hide the true explanation for the botnet surge and corresponding attacks What should be considered is that there is a strong offensive cyber weapon hidden within the shadows of cyberspace potential strength of a hidden massive botnet The army increases the need for a nation to build better deterrence through denial One issue cyberspace in centers developing on offensive classification capabilities concerns in A specialized tool or tactic may be classified due to the nature of an exploit that an actor may want to keep secret This is logical enough since once specific details are released then other actors may acquire the same offensive 54 capabilities actions to offensive launch or stop such such attacks secrecy its should to The focus and it tests could done capabilities was ability nuclear be able attack attacks once capabilities should be the take defensive notion on the ability of overt capacity to to demonstrate Even the nuclear weapon was developed in but demonstrated may an capabilities offensive Further actors be developed to effectively reiterated replicated with the regards use that if to United the the weapon offensive needed offensive States The same cyberspace A perfect example was the 2007 video release of the Department of Homeland Security cyber attack on a power generator Meserve 2007 employed the attack were not While the methods that publicly released viewers could readily see how the executed cyber attacks physically destroyed the commands may generator after several successful remote Publicizing successful tests of cyber attacks demonstrate that a nation has the capabilities to launch offensive cyber attacks 3 Develop Thresholds Until a deterring party can focus tightly on setting priorities about the assets it desires to protect and exposing noticeable actions to both protect and respond it seems likely to be in a permanent defensive posture The concept of a threshold suggests that a nation’s leaders will develop criteria as to what would constitute a cyberspace attack that would trigger an offensive response to the action thresholds are Without developed a to deterrence would not exist strategy measure in a place given where attack The nation can attempt to 55 understand its measures of tolerance through modeling and simulation scenarios The scenarios can provide data points for different outcomes – from there it would be up to a nation to classify the probable outcomes into its threshold levels A nation can build its deterrent strategies from the potential outcomes of cyber attacks A nation’s thresholds should not be public in nature as they would articulate what an actor may be able to get away with however a nation’s intent to respond to a given attack via cyberspace must be publicly known through its national security policy 4 Develop and Articulate National Policy In the case of cyber deterrence the general cyber deterrent policy of a nation builds on the definition of cyber deterrence given earlier and explains how the nation plans on handling any threats While a successful cyber deterrent can be built by a nation that has overt offensive capabilities and strengthened cyber defenses one cannot begin to deter without a clearly articulated policy Without a clearly articulated message that is received by relevant to and understood by other actors deterrence will likely fail Bunn 2007 pp 6-7 At a fall 2008 workshop hosted by the National Defense University on whether cyber a ambiguous in Cyber Deterrence deterrent nature The there policy was should majority debate be view as to explicit or was that the declaratory policy should be ambiguous in nature similar to Israel’s obscure nuclear deterrent strategy An example of cyber deterrence policy could be that a nation perceives an attack via cyberspace directed 56 towards any of its components of critical infrastructure as an act of war A nation could further compare an attack in cyberspace to a kinetic attack on itself or its allies and state that it will respond to that attack proportionately The policy should be worded in such a way that applies to all actors that threaten a nation’s security An ambiguous policy would keep actors guessing if their actions would generate a retaliatory However response an deterrence from ambiguous failure if the threat the nation can message once attacked sometime is not lead to received and understood by the adversary E APPLICATION OF CYBER DETERRENCE METHODS What must be remembered in deterrence is that for the deterrent threat to be perceived as credible the one who is seeking to deter must show it has the capabilities to deny the adversary its objectives and launch a successful counter-strike actors solely Although through it may denial be the possible lack of to deter retaliatory responses can inhibit the prospects for successful cyber deterrence follow The through defender with the must show threat of its intentions retaliation to The deterrence concepts through denial and punitive actions are the basis of a valid deterrent in cyberspace The problem lies with the need to overtly show that an actor possesses some offensive and defensive showing its full hand cyber capabilities without Since many cyber capabilities might be used in a single shot capacity before being rendered ineffective actors may use their tools solely in a covert or clandestine fashion a few of its Without making its intentions and capabilities known 57 to the aggressor the aggressor may not accurately perceive the message and cyber deterrence would fail Furthermore the deterrent threats issued by a nation must be morally acceptable to its own society otherwise the deterrent will be perceived as worthless by the opposing actor Bunn 2007 p 7 Once policies and thresholds are established the nation will need to quickly determine the proportionality of response once attacked A nation should take great care to determine the level of response to prevent escalation of a conflict actor The response should be costly enough to the that he or she can rationalize that the cost of further attacks would outweigh the benefits Additionally immediate practiced deterrence must prevent further escalation continue to be to There is a need to ensure the level of response does not reach a tipping point where the actor believes they have no choice other than to escalate When national asked how security the concern could be of cyberwarfare implemented in an towards Air Force Strategic Command the Honorable James Schlesinger stated “cyberwarfare is one of our serious problems and that it is – leads to the same kinds of considerations that one has with regard to nuclear deterrence – in this case deterrence of cyberattacks” U S Department of Defense 2008 Many believe actors found within cyberspace are ramping up to sustain a battle fought asymmetrically If one reads the articles being published one might think that doomsday deterrence national can is be security cyberspace a right around applied To nation’s to the corner alleviate effectively leaders 58 need art of threats to deterrence in the build to The understand the fundamental principles necessary elements and essential processes however there are challenges that still need to be overcome These challenges will be discussed in further detail in Chapter V 59 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 6O V THE PROSPECTS FOR CYBER DETERRENCE Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them — Laurence J Peter A CYBERSPACE CHALLENGES AND RECOMMENDATIONS Cyber deterrence may prove to be a wicked problem – one that evolves as new solutions are considered and or implemented “Wicked Problems ” 2008 As vulnerabilities are fixed in cyberspace or solutions are added to make cyberspace more secure new problems are often created To surmount these challenges further research and analysis should be undertaken derived from regulation The challenges in cyberspace are technological issues and limitations the ripple policy effect of and poorly understood changes When the Internet began its modest life in 1969 as ARPANET protocols survivability of were the developed network to However ensure the security was simplistic and sometimes even non-existent Lipson 2002 p 13-14 Mitnick Simon 2002 pp 7-8 As experts look back on the development of protocols now this lack of attention to security is seen as a serious design flaw Requirements international to track borders Lipson 2002 p 14 and may trace never malicious have actors been across envisioned Although this chapter addresses four challenges to cyber deterrence these are not the only 61 ones As cyber security evolves increasing security and building avenues to overcome these challenges new challenges may emerge 1 Attribution The first challenge attribution is a serious concern when analyzing Internet computer provides a network level of attack operations anonymity that The makes it extremely difficult for defenders to understand who may be conducting cyber attacks While intrusion detection systems and other sensors may identify suspicious activity within a nation’s networks it may be difficult to determine where this activity originates and what motivates it In real events like Titan Rain cyber intelligence techniques have been able to trace the source back to a specific region of the world Shannon Thornburgh 2005 However it has been extremely difficult to determine who was behind the attack or even whether it was a nation-state or non-state actor The lack of attribution for cyber attacks limits significantly the prospects for precise retaliatory actions The anonymity offered by the Internet allows attackers to conceal their locations use their international Botmasters for example often networks of computers to launch DDoS attacks on their intended targets The command and control that nodes compromised both are typically computers have been This leaves a network of nodes separating physically and virtually immediate sources of attack the botmaster from the The other methods of attack described in Chapter I also offer elements of anonymity 62 Cyber attack tools computer programs can be written and executed without revealing ownership of the “weapons ” While some networks require usernames and passwords to gain access hackers are often able to circumvent the security through social engineering or the exploitation of software vulnerabilities The possibility of actors gaining access to a network under the auspices of another identity only adds to the difficulty of attributing cyber attacks to a specific actor One recommendation for establishing better attribution of cyber attackers is to require stronger authentication For authentication in cyberspace to work the redevelopment of network protocols will need to incorporate global authentication features into the network address headers of IP packets This may assist in examining computer forensic evidence malware of as it spreads the protocols could provide the route to the originating sender of the malware identifying the specific person who launched it Stronger measures authentication that authentication could incorporate implement methods of security multi-factor For example many financial institutions and even the Department of Defense are incorporating twofactor authentication into standard processes before users can enter based their on using networks two of Two-factor three authentication security features is to authenticate access to a system something a user knows such as a password information-embedded something smart card a or user a has token like and an some characteristic of a user namely a biometric Mitnick Simon 2002 p 84 Three-factor authentication uses all 63 three factors “Two-factor Authentication ” 2008 Using three-factor authentication makes it even more difficult to repudiate a user’s identity The difficulty in developing new infrastructure protocols is that they are often expensive to implement and many people may not support them due to the freedoms lost with this overhaul level of implement of network security Further protocols could a take major a design while to While the cost of development and deployment may appear to be too high for some to support the cost of compromised data or a loss of national security could be immeasurable depending on the system Additionally the implementation of the new protocols could be difficult as multiple systems may have interoperability issues All too often solution platforms that are developed by different vendors are incompatible with one another and information from one others set of systems will not pass information to Incompatible security platforms can also increase costs by creating a need to find and build ways to bridge cyber security gaps 2 The Private Sector The private sector plays a vital role in national security as it owns most of the critical infrastructure of a nation Furthermore the private sector also faces the challenge of developing stronger methods for security in cyberspace Most pieces of critical infrastructure are not owned by the government but rather by private companies Currently with regards to cyber security coordination is still lacking in some areas between the private sector and 64 the government Some initiatives such as the George Mason University Critical Infrastructure Protection Program seek to combine security research inform critical communities explore concepts critical and develop infrastructure companies that infrastructure are solutions systems found national for However within a regulatory protecting to nation’s guidelines protect critical should be established Depending on the regulations it may be a challenge to get the private sector to adhere to regulatory guidelines for operating in a nation’s cyberspace infrastructure However it is in their best interest to get involved Critical infrastructure protection national security also but is about not the only strength nation’s competitiveness in the world market 9 about of a For example at the 2008 National Defense University workshop on Cyber Deterrence one panelist stated that the private industries operating within the United States’ national critical infrastructure contribute roughly $6 billon to the nation’s gross domestic product While the financial gains are critical for the government to be competitive in the world market security in cyberspace should also be critical to the nation Successful cyber attacks on any of the industries within the realm of critical infrastructure can severely jeopardize national security and the lives of a nation’s populace Lipson 2002 p 11 Furthermore cyber 9 The notion of critical infrastructure protection being linked to a nation’s competitiveness in the global market was raised by panelists during a collaborative workshop on Cyber Deterrence at the National Defense University from October 20-21 2008 65 security is survival critical for the privatized industry’s If the United States government should learn one thing from the $700 billion financial bailouts of 2008 it is that when trouble looms that can weaken the overall strength of a nation private corporations affected will look upon the financial private government bailouts sector a government would help challenge can developing to save the that create is day perception self-regulate system the when fully visions These that needed While regulated of a the by shift the towards socialism establishing guidelines for the critical private industry to follow may be a safe middle road 3 International Acceptance Cyberspace does not belong to any one nation however the physical openness of infrastructure information vulnerabilities to does across national Furthermore borders security has While the created closing a nation’s cyber borders to foreign traffic for a significant time may reduce damages from a cyber attack it could also arrest international trade and the nation’s economy cyberspace laws exist within many countries While these typically cease to exist outside the borders laws The only cyberspace laws that exist in the international arena stem from nations International acceptable that laws have and international treaties global with one standards cyberspace behavior another that need define to be established One such avenue would be to expand the powers of the International Telecommunications 66 Union ITU to include development standards of acceptable international cyberspace The ITU is made up of 191 nations and more than 700 sector members and associates within industry 10 One recent initiative the ITU is examining is the concept of IP traceback Rutkowski 2008 The overall concept calls for next generation networks to consider traceback methods to help law enforcement catch cyber criminals and initiatives international stemming scope this from a broad Regulations consortium may allow with for an greater international acceptance Understanding Nth Order Effects 4 As described in Chapter IV cultural intelligence gives a nation an understanding of its adversaries nation’s understanding weaknesses are the of core its for adversaries the threats in its deterrence strategy employs retaliatory threats in and nation’s A their retaliatory However when a nation its cyber deterrence strategy the nation needs to ensure it understands the second third fourth and Nth order effects For example hacking back or taking a demonstrative action that shuts down or damages computers or network links through which the cyber attack is routed may or may not reach the attacking party in a timely manner however it could cause enormous collateral damage to non-adversaries or to one's own economy society or security This means that any action taken whether it is kinetic or non-kinetic can 10 These numbers come directly from the International Telecommunications Union website at http www itu int retrieved November 18 2008 67 have consequences outside the scope intended thereby creating other concerns with which to deal Since the negative consequences of an action may be greater than the benefits the ability to understand Nth order effects of retaliatory responses to cyber attacks is critical to build effective cyber deterrence strategies In this sense the nation may stop itself from taking a particular course of action and select another course Figure 7 contains a course of action process diagram that allows strategy planners to formulate offensive threats that can flush out unintended effects an action may cause A nation may never know all the effects of an action but the best it can do is to plan around the effects it can surmise Figure 7 Course of Action Process Diagram After Miller 2006 p 37 68 B IMPLICATIONS FOR NATIONAL SECURITY Although Estonia came away from their cyber conflict relatively unscathed a good deal of attention should be paid to understanding the nature of these cyber attacks Gadi Evron an Israeli security expert who was brought in to analyze the aftermath of cyber attacks suggested that governments need to ensure they have a plan in place to defend against a cyber assault The plan should have a clear chain of command and provide the authority to take certain steps Nichols 2008 Evron’s rationale stemmed from his observation that the Estonian defense team lacked the authority to enforce its recommendations to the various government entities being attacked Additionally Evron suggested that law enforcement needs better resources to cope with the growing cyber threat and greater collaboration needs to take place Nichols 2008 The cyberspace ability worked of its a nation way to into the deter 2003 National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace aggressors Unites in States’ While the document does not discuss the creation of a deterrence policy in cyberspace the strategic objectives within the document are consistent with strengthening the denial aspect of a cyber deterrence objectives for strategy cyber The security overall stated p U S strategic viii are as follows • Prevent cyber attacks against America’s critical infrastructures • Reduce national vulnerability to cyber attacks • Minimize damage and attacks that do occur 69 recovery time from cyber The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace overtly informs the international audience that the United States takes the cyberspace threat seriously Although the National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace provides a sound foundation for defensive measures in cyberspace further strategies are needed retaliate against actors who conduct cyber attacks against the nation The United States has launched a classified program termed the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff describes the work being done in this initiative as the Manhattan Project for the Information Age Jackson 2008 The initiative is a step in the right direction as senior government leaders come to understand that the threats in the cyber world can be as serious as the threats in the physical world These threats need to be met with a strategy to deter attacks from occurring against the United States and its vital global interests C IS CYBER DETERRENCE ATTAINABLE Throughout this analysis the fundamentals of strategic deterrence have been dissected the growing threat in cyberspace discussed and the rudimentary characteristics of cyber deterrence examined The ultimate question is whether cyber deterrence will work if a nation establishes national policies thresholds for response defenses and overt punishment techniques the strategy stronger can defenses be successfully significantly While parts of applied more strengthened today like development necessary before cyber deterrence can truly be effective 70 is First a nation will considers a cyber attack need to if a nation’s what it Whatever a nation defines as its thresholds should be kept secret that determine thresholds The reason for this is were public knowledge attackers would knowingly get away with every cyber action up to the threshold level that defines an attack Public knowledge of a nation’s thresholds may actually increase attacks by actors attempting to operate just below them Conversely knowledge thresholds may that encourage a are withheld “try-and-see” from public mentality for aggressors to see what actions they may be able to get away with However publishing thresholds for response may force a nation to respond which may be inappropriate when all circumstances account of the cyber attack are taken into A nation that does not respond to a specified cyber attack that met a publicized threshold would ruin its credibility While the idea of having publicized or secretive thresholds may be a double-edged sword internal thresholds kept away from public knowledge may have a better deterrent effect by keeping the adversary guessing as to whether attacks The or not a nation established will internal respond to thresholds cyber are the foundation on which a nation’s decisions to respond and retaliate to a given cyber attack will be made Cyber deterrence policy will be based on a nation’s concept of its thresholds the understanding of its ability to deny attacks and the capacity to retaliate against a known attacker Second a nation will need to formally declare its policy to show that it will defend itself from or retaliate against the perpetrators of cyber 71 attacks against the nation’s place critical the infrastructure nation communicating that does it not will Without have a respond a policy in clear means of to cyber attacks therefore the deterrent effect is non-existent While it was argued by some people at the 2008 National Defense University workshop on Cyber Deterrence that a national security policy on cyber deterrence needs to be explicitly clear in nature the national security policy should be defined in an ambiguous manner The problem with an explicitly clear policy in response to cyber attacks is similar to the threshold issue A clear policy could give the attacker the advantage of building the response of a nation into his or her calculus for launching an attack An example of an ambiguous policy by a nation could be that it states it will retaliate against all cyber attacks against its critical infrastructure but the nation would not go into the thresholds of what it considers an attack nor will it describe its levels of response The advantage of a more ambiguous policy is that the attacker would have to fear more of the unknown The disadvantage of an ambiguous policy is that the attacker may misconstrue the signals and attack In the aftermath of the Russo-Georgian War in August 2008 some believed that attacks in cyberspace against the nation helped enable kinetic military in the region attacks by the Russian While there is no hard proof that Russia was behind these attacks it is interesting to note that there are similarities between the Georgian attacks and those adversaries against the Estonia capacity to Cyberspace inhibit a has given technologically dependent nation’s ability to use cyberspace 72 As actors across the international spectrum are gearing up for conflict in cyberspace stronger capabilities need to be instituted within international alliances Such actions must be accompanied by a revitalization of both NATO and the United States’ traditionally robust capacity to meet the threats in cyberspace Specifically some recognize that NATO must improve capacity to conduct both offensive and defensive cyberwarfare operations to prepare for the future of warfare O’Donnell McNamara 2008 p 3 In the aftermath of the Estonian cyber attacks the nation called on Article 4 Article 4 of treaty the within the states North that Treaty 11 Atlantic “the Parties will consult together whenever in the opinion of any of them the territorial security of any integrity of the Atlantic Treaty ” 1949 political Parties is independence threatened” or “North It is possible that Article 4 gave NATO allies an opportunity to analyze the attacks and prepare stronger defensive countermeasures for future conflicts of the same nature In cyberspace the threat is chronic yet there has never been a major cyber attack that threatened the lives of a nation’s populace Hackers are lurking within the shadows mapping the networks building their cyber weapons caches exploring their options and perhaps waiting for the most opportune times to strike patiently Some of 11 This information was presented by panelists at the 2008 National Defense University workshop on Cyber Deterrence The panelists were discussing the aftermath of the Estonian conflict and said that since there was no precedent in cyberspace as the attacks being defined as an act of war which would have triggered Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty it enacted Article 4 to receive support from its allies 73 the strength and adaptability shown in the Estonia attacks demonstrates that the actors are able to mass on a target and maneuver to circumvent defenses in place Much more work in overt offensive and defensive methodologies needs to be established before there can be successful deterrence in cyberspace Greater emphasis needs to be put on strengthening the defenses for national critical infrastructure – this will bolster a nation’s ability to deter through denial Basic perimeter defense is not the answer however nations like the United States seem to depend on it Defense Science Board 2008 p 19 the growing Some nations seem to be responding to challenges in cyberspace and resources to develop better solutions are allocating The United States 2009 fiscal budget allocates several billion dollars to the Comprehensive National strengthen nation’s the Pincus 2008 Cybersecurity defensive posture Initiative in to cyberspace Specific details are classified but one would assume that the effort includes looking at security across all critical infrastructures Finally a nation needs to examine its options for establishing retaliatory threats in its cyber deterrence strategies Since there are a multitude of actors who could attack a nation in cyberspace different retaliatory approaches are needed An attack by a nation-state should be handled differently than one by a group of ideological actors With nation-states there may be more retaliatory options against another nation-state a nation may apply a broader array of its instruments of power than against nonstate actors The confidence in deterring powerful nation74 states with threats may likely be greater than in deterring other actors because nation-states are more likely to be risk-averse Bunn 2007 p 3 Rogue states and non-state actors will be more difficult to deter as these actors may be more willing to take risks however a nation should attempt to deter them by understanding and targeting its threats against what these actors value Bunn 2007 p 3 Deterrence affects an can actor’s be relatively calculus for successful launching an when it 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