THE HOUSE - WASHINGTON June 7 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM SUBJECT U S s53 1 plots to as sas sinate I 013 - If have the summer rsport prep r i' ir' 15594 the results m Widener messes anega- tions of CIA involvement in plans to assassinate leaders The Commission's investigatibn pertained imarily to Castro and Trujillo Mr Belinis internal reviews of the same matters Inspector General in 1967 The Senate has sanitized versions of these 1967 reviesvsim Mr' Belints report also includes interV'ie WS 1130bli' loge Maxvvell Taylor McGeorge Bondy John'chgne Lansdale and others with respect to a Group Augmented -- a 40 Committee-like group November 1961 and October 1962 and covert action program against Cuba However the Commission did not have thehu'nderlying documents -- including NSC and Defense records MONGOOSE Consequently the materials compiled'by the Comnaission provide only a partial his tory They focus on the involvement in the assassination plots but contain very little with respect to involvement of others in the Executive Branch They create the impression that the CIA was largely- acting alone in these matters -- particularly in the case of Castro less so in the case of Trujillo Attached at T'ab A is a sununary memorandum of MONCOOSE and related records from the NSC's files and additional materials provided by the Defense Department concerning the Castro matter and covering the period from the Bay of Pius in April 1961 to the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962 - e 1 -2- Attached at Tab is a similar memorandum concerning Executive Branch involvement in the Trujillo matter based on NSC and State Department records As a practical matter I believe that the information set forth in the Belin paper and these two tabs is about as much as we will ever know from documents readily available to us about the Federal Govermnent's role in plots to assassinate Castro and Trujillo A reason is that much of the planning was probably never recorded in the usual fashion but there Ina r be many former participants in various aspects of these matters from whom information can be obtained by thorough interrogation Attachments Deckisifmd 73'sz WH 05 Emma 'le HW thut'lb BMwa va PM Jm 1972 214472 sz 5 awmwg'z 1km 501% tea
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