Reproduced from me Unclassi ed Declassi ed Ho dings of the National Archives - DECLASSIFIED 2 - - I I 3 11% 4 i hOI'lty f ib 3 Cir 73 2 an I sh wa-affiag Of ce and O rer DEPARTMENT or STATE 3 SEQ a Memorandum of Con versahoo SECRET LIMIT DIS IBUTI TR ON 1 DATE October 23 1962 I Wig inf fray w d t aww K sig j I EE fg I Mr Denis Speares British Embassy Lj NE - Mr Robert Strong COMES To REA Amembassy LONDON NE TEL ISA 'Mr Speares came in at the request of Mr Strong who stated that shortly US intelligence people would provide UK intelligence a more detailed briefing but first we wished to inform the UK at the political level of the results in general terms of the recent brief visit of American scientists to the Dimona reactor We believe it justified to renew our confirmation of June 1961 of Kr Israel's assurances that the reactor is intended for peaceful uSes only There is no sign of preparation for weapons production Work is proceeding norma_ly and the critical date may be earlier than the two years from now predicted by the Israelis In Washington only the Canadians are being informed Nasser is bei Rh informed very shortly and in a few days a circular instruction will be sent to much the same list of posts as last time under which they will inform local leaders at a high level in confidence i Mr Speares expressed appreciation for the information He had no questio Retain Ciass n Changc'hiassiiy 8Q _mv GPO 86597
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