SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF INTELLIGENCE AND RESEARCH Research Memorandum REU-44 June 5 1963 1 TO THROUGH FROM The Secretary •• 5 S0 0 SUBJECT • 0 JJ INR • Thomas L HUjlhes Jwk 1' Evidence of Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction in European NATO Countries With the Lack of a Share in Ownership or Control of Nuclear Weapons At the request of Ambassador Merchant we have compiled evidence to show whether certain European NATO countries Germany Italy Belgium The Netherlands Greece and Turkey have been relatively_ sati sfied or dissatisfied with their lack of a share in the present UoSo-UoK monopoly of ownership and control of nuclear weapons in the Atlantic alliance France which is unequivocally committed to acquiring national control of nuclear weapons and Norway and Denmark which have been flatly and consistently opposed to obtaining any share of control are not studied in this paper nor are the three small countries of Iceland Luxembourg and Portugal 0 ABSTRACT A number of factors determine the attitudes of non-nuclear European NATO countries toward the existing situation in the alliance in which the United States and the United Klngdom have for the present a monopoly of ownership and control of nuclear weapons Among these factors is the acceptability to these countries of their own laek of a share in nuclear ownership or control To the extent that their attitudes on this point can be ascertained from positions taken and statements made by their leaders it appears that Belgium The Netherlands Italy and Greece are Q1 dissatisfi to have no share in existing arrangements Germany while disavowing any wish to acquire a national capability is becoming dissatisfied with its lack of some share in ownership or control arrangements to our knowledge Turkey has not taken an explicit position European NATO countries have taken widely divergent positions toward participation in the ownership and control of nuclear weapons in the alliance presently a UeS -UK monopoly At one extreme are the British who have nationally owned and controlled weapons and the French who are unequivocally detemined to get them at the other are the Danes and GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and de lassification SF£FJ JfjNO FOREIGN DISS 1 1 Authority I f SECRET N0 FOREIGN DISSEM m2 Nbrwegieneg whe oppose any participatien for themselves in ownerehip and central Between these pelee lie Germanyg Italy9 Belgium The Netherlands Gteece and Turkey Icelandg Luxemheergg and Fertugal are not considered here These six countries have not expressed a desire for national ewnera ship or control like the Britieh_and French nor have they unambiguously any kin of ehare for themselves in the one or the other ae have the Danes and Nerwegianeo Within these limite9 they_have taken varyingg though often unclearg positions The purpese of this paper is te Show what positions they have taken revealing relative satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their lack ef participatien in nuclear ewnership and central in the alliance as one significant factor influencing their attitudes toward propeeals ta alter existing arrangementso The evieenee here eeneiete entirely ef statemente public or private1ma e by respeneible leaders in the six eeuntriee under considera- tion In examining theSe statements it eheuld be_berne in mind that diedussion of this subject within the alliance has been marked by imprecision and beclouded with semantic and conceptual difficultieeo' A statement appear ing_te shew the existence in a given country 0f a desire for a ghgge in the cogtrel of agelgar weepene can eften be just ae readily interpreted as evidence of nothing more than the desire for eqyoiee in aliigj nue ea strate 9 net centre o Or a share in control may in fact be called for but only because it is believed to be the sole means of acquiring a voice in strategy Indeed in a eeneeg central of nuclear weepene kind-of strategyo Similerly ostensible evidence of a desire or a 0 18 may re ect anly a desire for a accompanied by a belief that the letter cannot be obtained witheut the formero Fuetheemereg etatemeete made and peeitiene taken even when they have seemed unambigueue9 have eheen a preteen ability to metamorphese when put to the test of an actual ease With the foregoing caveat in mind the etidenee collected suggests that have been relatively satisfied with their leak of a Share in the UoSer K menopely oi ewnerehip and control of nuclear weap0ns in the alliance which te them means a UaSo monopoly Where_they have locked feverebly en preposale to alter present arrangements it has been for net all of them at werk in all four-countries a belief that other countries were dissatisfied with existing arrangements and this would Weaken the allianeeg be ef that changes were in order te forestall or absorb ee the development of natienal capabilities especially in Germany a deeire te accemodate wiehes ascribed to the United States and others has become restate With ite To our Turkey has not expressed a peeitiona FOREIGN BISSEH Auth 7 BISSEM r a 3 a Thare follaw a summary 9f the patitions taken by leaders in each of the six tauntriatg and a compilatitn 0f remarks gutted from or attributed to these leaders arr mged chramalagiaally ty stuntryThe Germans have fellas- red mm lige in their ttatememtt tn 0' ership an tontrol of nuclear weapons Disavowals of any degira to alter existing arrangem ntt have been @ffset by calls for some multilateral sharing @f and by hints of an eventual demand for nuclear parity with_the British an Frencho It has not always been clearg haweverg parity meant the acquisitian 0f nuclear weapan3 by Germans 6r their renunciatitn by the British and French general the Gtrman poaitiem has moved in the irtation ef- dissatisfactian with the existing sitaatitno Italyo The Italians have Qgtlexprette dissatisfacticn with the Anglo American manapolyo They did make a proptsalg fer indeterminate reasons9 Ear the adaption @f a majarityudeeisiem U Sceveta arrangement on the use of nuglear farceso Belgiumo _The Belgians have Qg dissatisfaction with their lack 0f a share in ownership tr central 0f nuclear weapanso Their suppert fer prnpesals ta change the existing situatian in favor 3f multilateral sharing hat been basad tn a ler can ideratitnsg such at the belief that a multilateral approach i3 neQQStary in order t9 prevent the development of a German national ctpabilityg an that such sharing weuld have a conselidating effect on the alliance The Netharlandto The Dut h with ene minwr exception9 have said they were satisfied with existing alliance nuclear arrangementso To the extent that they have supported propasals for changa this sappart has Qg sprung from dissatlefaction with their awn lack of a share in ownerthip and control9 but tther reasantg at in the case 0f the Belgiango Greeceo Apart from ant regent statement of qualified satisfaction with the existing situatian which the Greeks construe as a Uo g-monopely of contr01 9 the Greeks have had n0thing_to say at the subject of nuelear control in the alliance - Turkggo have feund no authoritative statements by the Turks to show either satisfactian or dissatisfaction with the present situatian According to the ation in a luncheon Fenian DISSM I 7_77_77 - Authoriww FOREIGN DISSEM a a a ialk that the Bann governmeni vauld net favor the transfer of same nuclear warheads fram United Siaias i0 NATE caniral we are of the deap camviction that for the fareseeihle future 0f Enrope rests upon the United Stateai gecurity guaranteio we want in create no raundg for migtrusi mf thai guarantee The Timea queied Strauss as saying UNCLASSIFIED Dean l3 19609 SPD Bundaaiag MbmbeK_andwiefense eXue thri Erlerg In a canversation with General Nbrsiadg Erler exp sed his views 0n central 9f nualear weaponso He suggegied that the Earth Atlantic Council establish a Sari 0f general rules of engagameni for nuclear weapangg with the actual eaisi0 t0 these weapgns vasie in the President of the Umite Staieas SECRET FebA 6k 1 ill Defen ew imiqi W u no The fallewing exchange hock ea place 1 Febo 63 1961 I Haw g yum viaw the quesiimn 0f nuclaar waapons for A we Germans ioek a point of Viaw iaward the prapmsal 0 SecraiaryIHerier that NATO have its wn atomic force 1 Q3 Wbuld the present German gavewnmeni like to paasegs nuclear weapans of its am i A ammabanlutely n00 @f Cmurgeg we want and mead a certain nuclear i capability but we always Say nuclear armament cansigis 0f twa campananiso One is the mean8 of delivgry in the fialdo The oihir is nuclear warheadso- We should Have an own means of eliveryg but we are absolutely satisfied with nuclear warheads b ing under U080 cusia y'and being release eiiher by NATO or rileased by ihe' mariean Preaidemie UNCLASSIFIEB In an interview renamed in ihe New Icrk Times fallewing his reiufn from a trip i0 washingiang Adenauer denied that he had ranaunaed nuclear weapans for WESi Germany as iwm West German papers had reparig But he indicatedB accaiding i6 the Timg_9 that he might be prepar d to renounca th@ supplying ef'WeSi Qarman far as with ihair Own nuclear weapans if iha Qiher Atlantic powers did 300 When agked who Sh ld have @onirel aver the nuclear waapans 0f the alliancey he rapliedg vauld mat attach tae much importance ta iio He that the important hing was that the weapmng be availabla ta the alliance ani ihai there be aomplete agsuramee that ibay wnuld be used if necegaarym He alga in icaied that he did mat favar muliinational eonsultaiion 33 a necessary ia the ugi 6f nuclear weaponsg is the Timag 33w itg The Chancellorga appeared to comfarm t0 iha grwwing dpimien in thhingiwn that iha wait complicatians invalved in muclear sharing amamg the allies might bait b avmidad if thase weapems were retained primarily by the Uniied Staiaaw UNCLASSIFIED FOREIGN Dissm 1 DECLASSHHED Ath - - A a mam m 3mm f f 5 lx 333 1%61g In_amfimtEEVie gbraadcaat Strauggfgai g Wag ara und r HATQ 69mmitment'tQ hav _ tactical capability warheadge Th3 warhea $ ar umd@r ma temamcgo if at i3 the real si ua iwn th@ G rm@m Fr@m S can a$y Shawl Mf m 1mm far a win the United Stat@gg Wuam@@ll r rgpartad by a ta havg gai be a%l@ th mag @f atemie waapnns tf i haut tha prim 9f tharpwegidemt 0f tha Emitaa tatase F enauer rgpartedly gai that this was baggage in which an immedi te d ci$i n hag t@ be takem_wh@m th@ fat@ 0f all aau1d'be dami a in SHE and hg FT@Sident @f tha @amgmt ba reache o d namgr S i he m t Qua @f palitics 'lgr prastigeo arramga withim-H f that a dacisigm' ag ha takan ta guaa atomie-waapangr@vgn b@f@r@r ha Fragidamt i$ EQard framg ha Shanesllar 'H wna d that prag gal ha bagn mad@ by th Vf mgke warl vg famrth atmmic ma a 7 5i Hmiv@rsity W%ahing gns f $noaoIn tha pag%g str tegi f6 ha em irm -A11ian @8 bu ia at it mgm'an avidamt faet that in he aturgg Earmpe gmna pmav awcavgr Qw m ri@a jug ag m wiaa magi gravi a aavar WV'E roga fammar wherg mtyaffiey EVQS im hath dir@@ i m 9 a am rgla iQmahip will haw ha hage 417% 1 'F inca th 5gfg umtriag whimh m9t balang t@ the Eualea practia lly ag a% th@ de arrem effect af magl ar eap n not at thair am sin@@ @n thara her haa ther ara ganv ax gn iwm t9 ingraagimg numbar a3 @f h 'cmatrml evar muglaar with a graa deal mf'pali igal r lustamcgg ue havg ma d vigg @f guarantees and f rmnla uhieh give taItha - madiumm$iaadian $M ll nati@m$ a f@@limg @f par narghip and parmi than $9 play the rml f a tiV @ha praaent US Gawermm@nt a3 wall as w the hava ba h racagnizad the imgertance a hig prablam andXhava in iQata a waggih1@ apprmagh g its $ lutiemoyoeu 4 adwaeate th@7gr@atigm and reapgaaible pelitical - agencies in f which'waml agsuma which can he langer b@_dealt with at laval @f mati n l the which ths zgm Wye-sigma imatmmims which ma havg t6 ha Gw tf ll d by parliaM@mtamy autharitiea t@ assuma and ea1 with9 b in partiemlars mnn m l wam amalgam avar their amWim DECLASSHHED 7Aumo w- y7 3mm 1m FGEEIGN DISSEM 5 6 s Peli ln the opinian of the F deral_Gwvernment the plan fer a NATO atamic force should be realized as seen as pgssiblea Formation of such a force is necesgary in order ta raise the defensive capacity of the armed farces of NATO to the same technical level as that 9f its opponent o In putting forward this demand9 the Federal Gavermment refutes at the same tima the charga that it is seeking ta obtain atomic weapons far itaelf _ The Fedara1 anvavnment has never raised such a demand i UNCLASSIFIEDD fi f m xag uif The American in Bann reported an gaveral acceunts carriedxin the wast German press of a television interviaw with Strauss made in'thhington and televised on December in Germanyo According to these accounts Strauss argued that there should not be and second c1ass members within NAEO He expressed_the hope that England and Franee would agree ta an atomic partnership within NATO and he put ferward what he termed two necessities for such a partnership first the decisicn to resort to the use of nuclear weapons had to rest'in responsible political hands at a very high level and mat be surrendared ta local military cammanders $econdg the organization for release of the weapons and the cemmamd structure had to be very aimple so that the deciaion cauld be taken quickly Strauss reeagnized that in he last analy$i$ n0 resort ta nuclear weapans would be possible withaut aetien by the President 9f the United States He said that_he cansidere it necesaa y for all NATO members to have same influence an the principles and rules for use and nonuuse 0f atomic weapansg and that the country threatened or attacked should have more of a voice than it hado He disavawed any desire German ownerahip af nuclear armso Bonn Dec 6g 1961 OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOREIGN Authority magma a '7 an April 19629 nefense mater Straumo In an artiele in the newsla t'berg Strauw wrote in favar an a nualear partnership within Kim that 'g alearly m hasima the Fresidentgs right 01 decismn He Suggested that Amman-Ms paymers have a limited veiaa in the 0f nuclear weapmm Rash Eurapean mm partner shaul be infgme 0f le nuclear magamity an 1153 terrimry and should have a guarant e that these gamma warheaas will not b withdrawn or real-16963 mthaut- its knawle ge and appmva lo eparted New Kirk Times April 19625 WGWETEB June 183 1962'j gig arteng Secretary Gazeral Stikker 311 June 15 9 19623 the American aymsan ativ e an the North Atlantic 60315165 mada a statemen 4% the am that the 5 3mm had m urgent military requirement fer W i so A few days lately Secre ary General Stikker eld the US Permanent Represen ative that Wthe Gamma we Others were isturbed by the American policy 0f taking care of all targets of the alliance 9 as showing evidence cf an American desire interfere with and omna be Europe v a SWEET June 1962 233mm Minister Stratum mamas th intelligmee thwart deaeribe a mnmr atie betwem mimericm 5021ch and S rausso The gures asked Straws whether asmming that the French t a full-efle geci Inuc ear de errem anti thaw gremweei her present pasitiong politic-3 3 presgures fer a German naticnal e emn maid mi become merwhemgo S rauss replied as That such maid exist @Wn t be amia Hamver the situation as I SEE ibis as the U3 is and remains the eemem sone of the Wes em defense system But the burden is unequally distributeag with the US spending gammy mare bi ions than Eumpe' all togethero This is unser and eat 1 Reagang am palitical realitieigg as Europe has now became very much stranger than $119 911% wast Tec ayg power means nuclear pcwer r10 doubt about' that Emmy remgaiticn 0f reality demanda a more balancecl pic ur'e harm 33% US grammar pawer there 3 European nuclear powero Hhat ages Eumgem mean in this mntext Ei bher a Elm nuclear force or a purely Eumpwn am but in ee tras be General e Games - we see in this mat a i ia hxz lx ti fame - cutaide the HSA the USSR amt balancing them but rather a stranger part in an Atlantic partnershipo This is whera we differ with In diamwion ci a thir fame always makeg me nervous became it 511$ dangemug for Germany as it encm to awaken and encourage latent neutralist fmreesa I But 50 return 130 the questicm the yreasure for the aeqviai tion 9f Gemanma enal nualeiar dam- mews mulci became evemheh ng Only-if there were inaicatians that he U5 wag igengaging from Eurogae car at least that her interes s in Emepeg bar inmlvamn and guarantee and Enrapem security were t9 be mterially'makme a 9 the preaaure far a Gem deterrent mule act be resiateiia But there is indication that the is incised inclinec i to diaengage in any I meat therefcre even with the evelopment of a Fremh independent deterrent and the main enance of mcRET m mama 913m i I - DECLASSIHED FOREIGN DISSEM _ ths present UK policy German internal political for natisnal ssuld become if the US really rsmsins in Bumpsa But is used for NATO or nuclear fares The present ls snssusd _ From sn repsrt dated l9 1962 SECRET9 1 1 gs t 1953g General Stikksr i us of talks he had had is Boss with Asensusr in the wake of the If Nassau Conferensse Adsnsuss pointsd out that the Germans furnished the bulk sf NATG treeps and ssi these trosps csuld be asked ts to death if Germany had s0 voice in the decision an atomic Alttsugh the Germans had been assures by the that atomic weapsns wsuld be made available when needed Adsnsuer continued9 Germans had as control over and scald not be sure that American assurances would bs fulfille SECRET Vsigmta lf F9 si are In with Adlai is to have stated that if the Fares did not exist the Germans would ultimately status'with the UK ans Francs as 3 nuclear sewer said the Germans preferred the HEP as sslution principally for reasons they were happy to nets that UaSt considered it sf militssy value It highly that the ELF problem ts solvs giving Europe sense of isfsrisrityo implisd that hs was at the thought the U63 Vtiss might outweigh that of the although he that the need far the use sf the ELF arose was not likely to be tiss to weigh the pros and sons He thought say that wsuld staid the charge that the sews paying but the U585 controlling is utter respects CONFEDENTIAL Minister Svssisl as snfidants-sf Adena President Kennedy during a at the White Hsuss that the German policy on nuclear was one sf closest possible with the United Statese said he the View that had expressed by the ts Assistant Secretary Tyler st that since 97 of power in the Alliance with the Unitsd the ultimate must also rsst' with the us - - Ms 2 0 Mlsistss was -Is an interview with Where he had gone ts attend the NATG msstisgg van discussed nuclear matterso excerpts 0n the fares9 Minister was Hassel said that at the beginning the had to that the right of veto was ts bs sessr ss ts the As seen as it appeared that the multilateral sttikisg fares was SECRETKNG FOREIGN DISSEM t I -- DEC -- Authority -- I j mm mm mm @mmem camidwa Hay 25 1963 - @eq imm m Emmy rm Eta ima pmpmalg the dwisim ta military inatrmeantg it had its 5 36 p'mazsmle to mauaada the 32113316331 partner its wm- a majeritgr cal and military use 132 shim farms Them m si emtiom were 3396613115 impor ant with a View the mammal 6 33 mm gwmem It must b3 important Ba the Mag mm ix gram the Franck in to this multilateral swimg fw wh i3 3% may mast have madamtm mg far the Wh will - new Emmy Wig if the affe-c vmmg at their mamas swim can b l n tea by we may 3f Gm 3mm FEM Salaam if the gamblam whether means 'm fimt megs far msolu m aw thw hm akm' 3mm 3 MM Emmi haliea ma he mm ma mlimesal Wine 6 malti la eral Mamie farce fer ma F a ml qam e m i ma Alliama the strang mashing Ewapam anti maricgm im resm that msul in The Mlmtic' met hi hwm @m u ed ma Emma aide 9f interdepe d emm Prwisaly wlme r mama Marisa Gm mm in in gram a mile ma a amg hwma Thaw maid thus b3 gmatim My ma fame was m the 3 53 i m ie galidaxfity may W W a i m $hat awe mm be ma m amt wa gm far irth by my a ma mm'isilgtaml fame is cemls taly @ff track ma F eyal epmhi gieg in ma am mg e ham $33 3 mam I that all pmem @f aha 8111mm 3 maintaing tam pm in it Allgemeine 1m Jam 26% 196% mama Emth Wmh mgmm mg a visit tie the United S a aia by E ali m Pr g F z g mg mem then Fareign mmster Sagni had magma WEin mafermm $3513 aub m @f mam Faf mmclear weapms 7 321wme thamafmrg a mpmsemmive if the Italian Embaswg eon in rqu gavs the myartiaem If em mm infamal 7633139 5 twainme ympasal an emmlg mm am Emaima 3am wag rm de by amw ys affer mm s five WW3 MWRW and by gamma amalgam fax er mtg- 1151 he made by a majarity thaw Wt had 3335mm amalgam pmi ed that the H 310 Wted Bapar mm as @u sgcama airgraml wl to Rama mm dam - ma a 3193 why the Ytalims came forward with thi PWWL I It ian Embamy mpmaemmtive k maelf was 129% certaia Wha'bhez ma mirage sya em was magma apply bamiwi 33 well as strange nuclear fmrwaa- News was it 21m aethw ii mum wily es 539m nuclm- fare @2th tea mm Earth 18 1962 Emsidmiz iammi Manama Arm maavalma te intelligencu reper t appraiaal mi a cwaayg g ale-sad the Views If the mamas mam i - DECLASSIFIED a Authon' - swam 1m FOREIGN 1mmI r Italian Praaidaat on nuclear atratagyt Granahi tol the aauraa that ha canaidered it likely that the Saviata might not consider it advantagaaua in the event of a majar war to use thair mast destructive weapons against wastera Europe Tha Saviata might that while it would ha in their iataraat ta iafliet as much damage as on the United States the aama mat bald true for wastern Europe which the Soviets might well arafer ta apara at leaat to the extant af nat it uninhabitabla and far the elves for a lang timea If_tha Soviets did in fact thia way Granahi falt thara wauld ha no ta give NATB a strategic atomic capability af its awn Tha really daatruativa exchange af nuclear blows mania take over the heads of the Eastern Earapeana that 1a between the Best and the while the dafenaa af aatara Europa itself could be aan uatad by strengthened canveatianal anypliad with tactical atamia weapana Intelligence Rapart dated April 9 1962 GONFIDENTIAL GQNTINHED - Kaighing than prospects far Italian participation in tha MLF Alasaandriai tald Finlattar that he thaaght it waal ha if tha say something abaut tha praapaat at same af the manataly paaitiant evan if only as a langwraaga - Balgium' lament Under iaatrugtiana from Foraign Miaiatar Spaak Ba Staaraka daiivara ta Hts Fagmrap'Finlattar a letter giving Belgian gavarnmant views on variaua aspects of tha haalaar question in anticipation 0f the imminent Athena Miniatatial maating Relevant axtraata - The Alliance will aadoabtadly aata and under - which the Praaidaat 0f the Ean plans ta utiliaa the atomia of the U 3 whether ar act it ia placed at the of tha alliancea It will alao' take mate with tha aatiafaatiang I am stray af the intent by the gage of aanaaltiag inaofar aa poaaibla in the NAQ priar to the of atamia anywhere in tha warm a Finally it will aatabliah a graap or cammittaa which by virtaa of the infarmatian it will receive will ba abla ta at all times that tha ataaia dafanaa of at alliance it carried tat in the maat adequate manner All this which may yet ha dafinea more clearly and upaa befara Athena will real but will not liruentally altar tha aituatian g e I understand correctly there ia a NATE military aaqaiaamant in yaara ta came to an a cartain ambar of MEBM98 00 Tha U $o aauld probably maat this military raqairamant within the of the alliance aa it haa started to do whathar on the European aantiaent ag in the waters cf the Atlantic at But one might aak whathat mam No FOREIGN Authority SEGRETXEQ EQREIGN DISSEM 11 a such a Salutiee weel beipelitieelly satisfying er whether there migh be same way ef'fieding eele iem by retumning be the idea alree y'meny times ef libree ee freepe beleeging he the ellienee nI weeld like te examine thie idea frem verieus angleea 1% seems he me that it weul have eertein number ef advantages In he first place it ueuld ancher ehe U45 im e the Atlantic this weuld make it te'elley the hewever unjustified they -may be efre certain number ef peeple in verieue countries in the second and thie is an even greater e venteges of the edeqnete defense it would previ e tn the aetlentie Flees i would make the ereetien cf national e freppe unnecessary in Genetriee ether thee where they already exist it emul nee prevent already existing netienel de frappee te continue in existence hue the eeuntriee having them eeul in varying degrees5 to the ereetien en evelepment of the eemmen f f oaeo SECRET Ebbu 21a 1963 Defenee Mieieter Segefe In a conversation with MacArthurg'Segere said Belgium wee quite Brenared to have the United Statee assure its Haeleer defeneeg 7 - Fereign Minister-Speeko In-e speech on the floor of the Belgian SenateS Speak eeieg If'Belgium'were alene in his cause g m a It is not clear free he eentext whee Speak was referring to he apparenely meant the ef defense partnership with the Haited States 3 I weuld net be en cf multilateral nuclear erce Bee I accept Er Ke eedy e eemeeptien that estern aefenee is interdependent and when freeidene sake het ehe defenee ef Eurepe and hee ef the Bei ee Stetee ere inseparableg nething permits me to deube his werdo aI bee a lerge-eeunery such as France weuld want to pertieiw pate an sueh an element ef efenee es eue1ear The best way and the least expensive ie through a HAEO nuclear farce we shoula examine if there is not something better th e_the dispersion of nuclear ermeo a Hero 1A3 1963 UNCLASSIFIED Hay 28 L1963g Fereige inieter S eeke Asked by Under Seere ery'Bell for_hie Views on the meltileteral feree and en the an eventual German deeire fer a eetienel nueleer eepebilityg Speak he was ceevinee that unless the Germans partieipete in an ELF 9 they'weuld aehieve a nne1ear eepebility whether independently er in eeneerb with the French In the lather ease the Qermene weul have nuclear tee-or three years ethereieeg it weuld Such a develop ment weuld create serious prehieme for the smaller ceuntries Speak said Belgium was content with United States central of and responsibility for the nuclear deterrent and eagle else eceeyt the turning over of nee eerlresponsi bility to e_greun 9f ceuntriee es in the multileterel foreet'eu w1 -- sewer me 131mm Author Eurapean efferts assume their piper balancea mm 39133314 12 a The Netherlan a- July 13 33 1963 Bakkerg Director NATE Affairsi Dutcah Foreign Of cea In a ciiscussian rth an officer 0f the mrigan Embamm Tamen ms Bakke r smarized Bataan b23311 ng on allier nualear mattersa He saiti the Batch felt they 0011151 rely on present arrangemn oa and had me qualms abeut 6 03 willingness to employ- the aeterrent in aceerciance with meat guidelinesg and they were reasonably cement with present cho under bakings regarding information central They remained ready err to emigre the feasibility of establishing some aorta of fully integrated mltilfaterhl NATO nualear fmme 9 which in their view would 2 iravelve sam- Bart 0f integratien cf the ILKB and French forces They cansidered Sacha farce esira bleg 1101 for its own sake but as a means if preventing the creahin of Franc anti o her national farms Embassy The Hague Airng $4623 July 193 1962 SESBET gee 19623 Vice Wral Boa Head of the Study Center 1mm Eguivalen b m 13 30 Kati war College In a speech to an assmiation of Butch businessmeninterested inth matters Admiral Bos stressezi the absolute priMy af 1333 1mm States as the back-u beam of freemwwm 19me and the irtance of support fer the U53 th States lea ership in this dafense He emphasized maven- ability of the United States in the diaeharge of its ebligatienss- and said tha the nuclear asterrwce afforcwd by the United States was all the nuclear detawwce neacieei by the free initial which should therefore m1 endeavor w- e'mlap natimn l or EuropeanwKATO nuclear eapabili bieso Repar t from 13 3 - Raval Attache The Hagueg Dace 193 1962 GONEDESITIAL Jana 8- 93 1363 3 Cathmlic Party Spwkamm Sci qrnaz iLIJ cp 9 Labor Party Spckesu man Goedhart In a statement in the Dutch LParliamenh schuijt swarmed his views as follows shculd like 69 Say that the Ameriean mmcpaly regarding use if atemiemweapens Shuld in the leng be changed into 3 mm say the 'mrd a9 say 3331 33 30 be rmdered as central deeisim aukh ri by in ta which is realized within the Atlantic All-image In this say the -fean influence shall have to be invpmer cn ta cmpera ion achieved in Europe and as It goes hou b saying that may political integration in Eurape is a canditien fer realizatien of such a balanceg Replying Labor Party pakesrnan Geedhar t- said he saw no point in trying to gait around the fact that America had the atmics parser the 3131313330 He described 3 Empean atomic force as a costly useleas mad fatal illusion and na'b ienal European fame as even mere so He camplicated proposals for joint central only blurred re ity and would not achieve greater indepencieme fer Europe He felt that Eurpe iIsa task was to strength its canven onal forces and he saw no danger that Almeriaa might leave Eurapao' Bate-r in the debateg Schuijt backed away same of the implieations of his remarks and althoughhe had made clear that his remarks had bean deliver on behalf of his party there were indications that he had mt been anthe zed by the party towadmaate any depth from govemmemt pal-ism Embassy Th3 Hague Air'ng AMI-167 Jane 3 $1963 3 SE53 me FGREIGN DISSEM Authority Greece DECLASSIFIED mng m mm mm 13 a Jan 1963 Edema th Vissero Busing Parlith inter mgabe es an the 1963 defame Midget Vigsar stated tar alia that the Dutch gevemment had absal tia mm dence in the 315 125 1336 States premise to defend allied territmy mad had abjeati-Om to the U030 mmepely 01 nuclear armso He Sam was gamma-134mm recagnized the eastence of politieal faetors in Europe which migh b make it de rab le for RAW 69 have a nuclear T0169 but that this glamla take placer in st ctly integrated farm although it might be mammary to pmgeed French participatieno Report UoSs The Eaguag Eek 113-19633 Feba 262 19634EL Mimi Pemmem Representative 4 0 EM Boning The Dutch Femanent epresenta biw mm Mbaaga am Hemhmt Phletter that the Dutch govememft wag sat s e with nuclear but if the other Eurepea n alliw wantm a multilateral fame fear magmas of allied cohesion and because of a general interest in multilateralismg the Dutch muld be favorably ciispaseds WIMTIAL April 109 19635 Fmraig m iater Emsa In a briefing an the Nassau Conference Lung tel Farlianien b the gavarment was satisfied with e sting nuclear arrangementsu He said some of the allies did not share this View and any Event he gavement believe allied cooperation was desirable in order to avoid the aim- em @332 isi tegmti of the alligmewppsea by the Dragnec g 0f ad itional separam m mal gnaw farcesa 7 3 5 pril 1659 19639 Famigm Emma In a talk Merchant and Lime reiterated that the Dawn were on the whale mtiafi iad with the present NATO arrang grgn un er which the Unitec i States has the finger an the trigger SECRET 4i M1229 21 9539 Mme 'P ni star Karmanliao In a menmrsatiam with Imbagsadvm Merchant anti Labouisseg Karmamis suggested a pessible lappmaem to fiation i nuclear greawupa cma 0f the allianeeo He pmpoaed that the United States make a statement that its nuslear power was in support cf all NATE territory If Each 3 aba emm amid not be madeg than 'Karamamis preferred an agreement to the effect that a deci sion we auclear' forge a would be made- by majority armed He felt the influence of the Unitad States was so great that it amid be sure it mum always be in the-majo ty In Karmaan timugh b the question of naclear control was th aretical fcr in practice we country mz d be the 6186151035139 mice was aegep tm' able he the Greekg - 'Turl z K0 statements are imam be as revealing Turlgish satisfaction or diam satisfaction with e s ing alliae arrangements on omership and cat-rel of nuclear weapanso maxim WI
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