- ud aa a a ua -- 71' Statement fer the Renard of Danald M Kerr Assistant Direeter Federal Bureau efineesligatien Eefere the - United States Heuse ei' Representatives The Cemntittee an the Fudieiarj r Suheetrtmittee en the Censtitutien Washingten ELIE -- ned a erneen Mr Chairman and Members ef the Suheettunittee i am grateful fer this upperttetity te discuss the internet and data deveIeped by the Federal Bureau ef Investigatiert The use efeeniuute and the internet is grewirtg rapidly paralleled by espieitatiert netwerirs end data bases ta eemrnit erirnes anti te herin the safety seeming and prieaey et ethers Criminals use eamputers te send ehiid pernegraphy te eaeh ether using nnenytneus energpted eentrnunieatiens itaetters hreai inte itaneia sen-ice enmpanies systems and steal eusterner herne addresses and credit card in fennatiea eriminais use the intereet's inexpensive and eastr te eemrnit iarge seale fiend en trietirns all ever the eerid and terrerist hemhers pier their strikes using the Internet investigating and deterring weh 1rerertgdeirig requires testis and techniques designed te weds with rteu r and neuter-i teehneiegies- The systems empleyed must stritre a reasenahle hstanee heiween tempering interests - the pri vaezr interests at users the husiness interest et' set-tries reminders and the dutyr ei get'enunent investigaters te preteet puhiie safety i e'nuid Iilte te- diseess hate the Phi is meeting this eheilenge in the tires at eleetrenie rnaii intereeptien wealth ago r lite Wail Street Jottrnai puhiiehed art article entitled F l a wallow to cover- y search ii-niail raises privacy legal issues This story 1has immediately Followed hy a admirer of I sitni reports in the press and other media depicting oar lCarnivore system as sot-nethng ominous I I I - I and raising concerns about the of its potential to snoop without a court order intoqthe potato E-ntaiis ofiemedcan citizens I think that it is important that this topic he discossed openly-arid in fact this was the reason we choose to share information about this capalziitit r with _l o In 5 industry experts several weeks ago It is critically important as technology and particularly i communications technology a continues to evolve rapidly that the public he guaranteed that their governrnent is observing the statutory and constitutional protections which they demand It is also very important that these discussions he placed into their proper context and that the relevant facts concerning this issue are made clear I welcome this opportunity to stress that our intercept capabilities are used only alter court approval and that they are directed at the most egregious violations of nationni security and htic safely The FBI performs interceptions of criminal wire and electronic ineirtdirtg IntErnet under authorities derived 'ont Title llI of'thc nrnihus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of tiled as amended referred to as Titie and portions of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 193-5 as amended or Eucli fcderat government inteneptions with the exception ot'a rarely used emergency authority or in cases involving the consent ol a participant in the communication are conducted pursuant to court ordera Under emergency provisions the Attorney erreral the Deputy or the Associate Attorney Genet-at may it authoritted initiate electronic surveillance of wire or eiectronie - u-u serene-e1 Maine ht- - In - 0 L order but only if an application for sneh order is made within 43' hours after the is initiated a stmeillanoe laws apply the Fourth Amendments dietatee aeneeming reasonable sensahes endseianses and inelede a number ot'additienal provisions which ensure that this investigative ttdmique is used jadieiotasl with defetenee to the Jen-Wee r ol intercepted subjects and with defeneaee to the privaey ofthese who are not the sebjeet of the court order For example unlike seaieh t or physieallsr searehing a house under Title applications for of wire and eleetrooie eammooleatioos require the authorisation of a hi gh let-el oflestiee Dill of cial before the local United State Attorneys offices can matte an appliestion to a federal court Unlike typical search WElth't ES federal magistrates are not authorized to approve sueh applications and orders instead the applieations are 1eeiwed lay federal district eonrt judges Further interception is limited to eattaln speci ed federal felon r offenses Applieatiens for electronic sun-eillaaee must demoasnate pmhah-Ie cause and state with panintlarity and speei eity the offenses being committed the faeility at plane 'am Which the snhjeet s are to he a description at the type of conversations to be ioteteeptead and the identities of the persons committing the offenses and anticipated to he interdepted Thns erin1inal eleetronie aerateillanee Eaten feeds on gathering hard etddme nnt httelligence 5914301 Release Page 511 - -- I I x - I a - iieetieus indieate that ether nerrnal investigative teebniques bntte tried and failed te - 1_ gather evidenee ef erime er will net wet'ih er are ten dangereus and must ineiude iet etmatien any prier eieetrenie sun-eiilanee regarding the subjeet er in questien Ceert gs te 3e debts Wl 'l estemiees Pessihte and must terminate seener ifthe - ebjeetiyes are met JudgEs may and nsneally de reqnire petiethe repertste the meet tynieaily t - is etery te It days advising it ef the pregress ef the intereeptien This assures elese art en geieg eyersigbt efthe eieetrenie surveillanee by the United States Atlerney s e iee handling the erase end frequentt by the eeurt es neii Intereeptiens ere reettired te be eertdneted in sneh a way as te minimise the intereeptien eieemmuniestiens net ether-wise subjeet te intereeptien 7 under the law sueh as unrelated and nen-eriminni eemrnenieatiens ef the subjeets er etiiets net nerneti in the eppiieatien Te ensure the evidentiary integrity ei intercepted eetnrnunieetiens they must be teem-tied if pessibIe en magnetie tepe er ether det-iees se es te ere-tee the frem editing er ether alterntiens immediately unen the esbirntien et the intereenIien netied1 these must be presented tn the federat distn'et eeurt judge and seated under his er her direetiens The presenee ef the seal is a prerequisite fer their use er diseiesere er fer the nt evidenee deriyed rent the tapes Agpiieetiens and erders signed by the judge ere nise te be sealed by they-edge Within a reasenabie peried ef time after the terrninatiee et'the intereept nrder ineiuding es'tensiett the judge is ein gated by law tn ensure that the subjeeit ef the intereeptien nrder and ether parties as are deemed are tired shed en inventery that ineiudes netiee ef the nrder the dates - 3 dau n which the interceptions were eat-tied out and whetent or net the commemcation were in intercepted Upon motion may aise direct that portion of the contents of the intercepted oontrnunication he made availabte to attectecl person for their inspection in I Under Title 111 any person who was a part to an intercepted communieatioe or was a pony against where an interception was directed may in any a-ia1 itcaiing or other proceeding metre to suppress I the contents of any intencepted enieatiou or any et'idence derived therefmm if there are 2 - fiat gtennds demonstrating that the communication was not lawfuily intercepted the order authorizing or approving the interception was insuf cient on its face or the interception was not in eonfonnanee with the order at The illegal eent'inet of electronic surveillance is a federal criminal offense at i if 1 punishable by imprisonment for up to years a tine or both in addition any persen whose cations are intercepted disclosed or used may recover in a civil actien damages including punitive damages as welt as attorney s fees and other eests against the peraon er entity engaged in the violation The technicat assistanee of aerin'ce providers in helping a law enforcement agency execute an eiectrenic sun-eillanee order is atways important and in many eases it is aissolateiy essential This at is increasingly the case with the advent efad u'aneed communication services and nenyerhs such the internal Title mandates set'ltiee Fret-rider assistanee incidental to law enfementent'a a 1 ill-m H mt we i I 'l-rcpl eseelttien ef eieehenie snwettianee enters by that a eettrt enter anti-tenet ng the ef eernrnunieati en shah epen the request ef the applicant direet that a service pres'itiet iandlerd eustedian er ether persen shall furnish the ennui-ean fenhwith all hifennatien and assistanee necessary te the if inteteeptien and strith a minimum et inter-threaten with the serriees that a presides iandieni ensteaian et nersen is rig the persen whese are tn he i l r pt d ht prsetieejtitiges they sign we enters ene erder antheri sing the law enfereeinent ageney te eend net the eieetrenie and a abbreviated assistanee erder direeteti tn the service previder speeifying fer exemple in the ease et' E tnaii the E ntaii name ef the suhjeet that is the ehjeet ef the erder anti nireetinn the prerisien ef assistance- Service pretriders and their persenneI an aise subject In the eieetrenie Eats-s meaning that unantheriaed eieettenie snweiilanee ei their eustenters er anyene eise is ferhithien and eritninat anti eit-rii liability may he assessed fer t'ieiatiens Net enly are intereeptiens penserihed hut se else is the use or diselesnre ef the eentents ef have been iegaiijr intereepted It is fer this teases amt-rig ethers that sert'iee previtiers typieaihr take great eare in presiding assistanee te iaw ent ereereent in carrying ent eieeteenie pursuant tn 1 a eenrt encler In sen-re instanees serriee emitters ept te preside fail sewiee earrying r't net the intereeptien fer law and presiding the nal ietereeptien hut in l l tj eases sew-rice heaviness are in eiineti enly te pretritie the level of assistanee necessary te aliew the law enfet'eentent agency in eenauet the snares Helm - Pi I 1' gears it has become increasineg common for the Phi to scale and foriudges to issue orders for Title ill interceptions which are much more detailed than older orders which were plain old telephone services These detailed order in order to he u m sfuiiy impiernented require more sophisticated techniques to ensure that onlyr messages for unich there eotntanthotisation to intercept are in facn intercepted The increased detail in court orders 151 responds to two facts First the of modern networits like the Internet and the compiEt-tifj' oi tnodcnt users' communications demand better discrimination than older analog For internet users frequently use electronic messaging services Email to communicate with other individuals in a manner reminiscent of a telephone call ortiy with instead of 1voice Such messages are often the targets of court ordered interception Users also use sentiees like the world wide web which iooits more like print media than at phone enii Similarly some Intthet services lilte streatnio video hare snore in common with broadcast media like -- telmision than with telephone calls These woes of conunuttications are less-conunonly the targets oi an interception order jf detected for rresnj r internet services users share charmeis address-ins r etc These factors make the interception of messages for which law enforcement has court authorisation to the exclusion of all others very di iouit Court orders therefore increasingly r include detailed instructions to preclude the interception of communications that lie outside the Scope- of the order nature Place - 3 a in respertse te a critical need fer teels te implement cemples ceert etclers the FBI d upnd a number ef capabilities including the sells-ace pregram called Carnivere Camicere is a very specialised neiwerit analyser err sniffer 1which rims as art applicatierr pregram en a net-ma perserial cemputec under the Miereseil Wi d 'lr'ts epereti rig system It marks by snif ng the prettier pertiees ef netwerit packets and eepjring and sterirtg eel 3' these packets which math a i finer de ned lter set pregreirueecl in mttf nily with the calm erder This lter set can be extremely cemples encl this presides the with cur alailitj r te eelleet trausmissiens which cemply with pert register cadets trap 3 trace antlers Title intereeptien ertiers etc imam 0 new What it meant he snif nsf The Prehlem efdiseriminating users messages en the interact is a cemples ene iieteetrer this is what Eamivere clees- It dees search titrettgh the cements ef caret-1 r message and cellect these that centain certain key werds like heath er drugs it selects messages eased ert criteria expresst set eut in the ester ercler fer citampie messages transmitted te er i rem a pattieelar aceeurtt er te er ew a particular user If the tie-rice is placed at seme peiut en the neiwerlt where it cermet discriminate messeges as set est in the eeurt erect it simply lets all such messages pass by unrecertied Gee might ask tn-city use Camivere at all In erect instanees iSFs titanictilarl r the larger maintain capabilities stitieh allew them te cemply er partially eempiy with leuful erders Fer exernple many have the capability te cleric er intercept 1when iaw riitr erected te de sac - E- mail te anti frem speci ed user acceuets In such cases these abilities are satisfactery anti alleler fut-Ii mm hane with a chart enter Hewever in meat cases de net have such canahitities er cannet ernpley in a secure manner has mest systems devised by service previders er I ' efi the shaft lack the te preperi discriminate hetuecn messages in a fashien saith the inert enter dse many cent-t erders ge heyeed E-rnaii speci ting ether pretends in he intercepted such as instant messaging in these cases a etened mailhen is net sufficient in eempty with the enter at the eeurt New i thinlt it is impertant that yeu understand he Catnivere is used in practice First there is the issue ei seate Carnivete is a sntaItrseaIc device intended fer use enty when and where it is needed 1' r1 fast cash Carnivere device is maintained at the FBI Laheratery in Quantiee until it is actually needed in an active ease it is then depteyed te satisfy the needs ei a singie case er eeart under and seen cspiratien ef the artist the device is raineved and retmned te Quantiee The seeded issue is ene ef netiverlt interference Carnivere is safe in upstate en iP nettuurits- it is eennected as a passive cetIeetiun device and dees net have any te transmit anything date the netsverh in fact we ge te great te ensure that ear system is satisiaeterity iseiated item the netwerlc in Which it is attached ates Camivere is eniy attached re the netwerit site censuttatien with and with the agreement ef technieal persennei item the This in fact raises the third issue - that at Te date Camivere has te my knewtedge never been instaiied ante an ISP's netvterh witheut assistance frees the teeitnieal 5Hde Raine 1 Films 1 - I eti ieeit and in same instances imp-Desibiei the iaw eafareemeht ta nemrerks nee - permeated The iatemet is a higth enmpiee and enviramtteat i It tittieh ta C lnd'llct eueh aperatiaee and i can assure yea that uithe ut the teettnieai knowledge tif the iSP a pet-same atteeget tiily anti ehmpiy it'ith the strict iangeage ihteIeeptien enter The FBI- else degede apart the ESP ta Understand the petite-eels and arehiteeture at pattiettlar Anatlter primary enheideratian far 115i rig the Carnivore eyete'm is data integrity ha yeti knew Rule 9G1 431' the Federal Ruies at Evidence requires that authentication et evidenee as a premaditien fer its The use hi the Gareth-ere system by the FBI ta intercept and stare eammenieatiena prettidea far an undisturbed ehain at etietiattj r by prm- iding a witness when can ratify to the retrieval at the evidence and the by which it Wee racerded Ferfermancae is aaether key fer preferri eg this system in eanmeereial anifieea Unlike commercial aai'twaee mitten Camivare is deaieneti ta intereept anti the selected eeiamtinieatiana eempreheaeively a-itheet dropped packets- in i waatei tiiee ta say that ever the last ve years er mare We have amassed a matting steady grawth ia e1 Dantpuftta'art at d crimes ineludiag Eaditiaitei eriatea and mnetiat activities which have been planned er an-ted mat in FEEL using the Internet The ability at the iaw entereemeht ta investigate and prevent these eri mes is in part depmdeat upon etu- ability ta iaW ij' eatieet vital eeidenae af Heaagdeiag its the iatemet intimates mere eampieit 5e da the ehailehgea placed an ta ta keep pace We eaeld eat an ea l with mumhun arm mdusiry pal-mm and such as Car I mm stress ihat the FBI dues nut mnduct inmrceptiuna install and upmtc pm vi-32 atrial-1E a 15 dwic Wi mut Jami aumm-izatian frum a mm- In Jr I at Wm It Su -m Ffm'id mun infun a nn 331 1 lwme EDT-II I 13 an tins amputant ISSHEE i will be happy in alum-r any 1111351111113 that gun may ag haw Thank 3m 3 I - 5mm Hahn Fig 519
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