tetE 'r'l I - um scan I a site last h In unhi- I- irritant-i E115 ii if The hiatien'e eemmunicalibns netwerirs are retitinet-jr used in the manner at serieus 'El'it't'lt't'll t activities including espienage rganiaed crinte grades and drug trafficking rg'c'li'itf t nt'ls reiji heeiriiji upen telecemmunicatiens te plan and execute their criminal ectiiri ins The sbititjr et law enforcement agencies is cenduct anfui electrenic sinseiltance at the eemrnunicatiens at its criminal subjects represents arts at the mast hpertant capaehities fer acquiring residence te present sericus criminal behawer Untiite evidence that can be subject in being discredited 'er impeached threugh allegatiens nl er hias etectrenic evidence presides jurer art dppet'luhit'jr tn detemtine Factuat issuing based span a defendant's ewe wards Under Title Iii appiicaliens ter intercegtien reeuire the authericatien at a high-level epat trnenl et Justice Eitiidj ef ciel delete the ideal United States shamans efttces can sap-itr ter such erders interceptien erders must be ted with federai eeutrt judges er betere ether ce arts at ce-rnpetent iurisdictten Hence until-ta hrpieai search warrants federal magistrates are net eutheris ed te as breve such a plicatiens aid erders- Fu rther intercegtien ct ceramenicatiens is limited ta cenain spec' ted federat feien-Ji cheeses fer etrenic surreiitance demenslrate prebebie cause and state with particutarit-jr and speciheihi the el tensetsj being cemmitted the tetecemrnunicatiens facility er piece frern which the sueiact's cemntucicetiens are te be intercepted a descriptihn hr the types at ecnsersatiens tb be intercepted and the identities ef the persbes cemmitting the eftenses that are anticipated in be intercepted Thus criminal electrenic surreiliance is we feces be gathering herd e'ridence -- net inteliigence Applicatiens must indicate that ether care at investigative techniques witt net wart er are ten danger-bus and must tstsuee inten'neticn cencerning any priet eieidrcnic regarding the sueject er tacitit-ji in stresses Eeurt erders ate iirnited in as class and interceptiens must terminate scener it the nbjectiires are ebtained hidges may and usualijr dej require periedic reperts tn the ceerl typicatiji everyr MEI days aid-rising it at the eregress cf the inlercepticn effect This circumstance thus assures ctese and engcing escrsigt tt er the eiecirenic sumeiite ce by tne United States hitch-refs ettice handling the ease Extensiens at the erder censistenl with requirements at the initial appticatiert are permitted if justi ed Fer up is is edited at Eti- class Electrenic surveillance has been extremely effective in securing the cent-Italian at more than 25 560 dangereus tetcns ever the past is years in many cases there is en substitute fer electrenic surveillance as the evidence be detained threugit ether traditienai investigative techniques in recent years the FEii has eneeuntered an inerea sing number ei investigatiens in which the criminal subjects use the interest is cett'it't'tenicate with earth ether er in cemrnunicate with their victims Because many Internet Sentiee Pier-riders lacked the te discriminate cemmunicaiiens le Mentify a particular subject's messages is the ecclesien cf alt ethers the Fiti designed and deseieettd a tent calied Earns-ere The diameters device presides the Ftti with a 'surgicel' abilitj r ie intercept and cellect the cemmenicetiens which are the subject cf the lawful erder nitrite igneiaig these cernmunicatiens which their are net add-reread tc intercept This type at leaf is necesserjr te meet the stringent requirements at the fa detal wiretapping SIEMIEE Tine Carnisere device wart-is much litre cernmereial 'snitters and ether nah-tart diagnestic tceis used iEPs errant Ei'E'jr' except that it presides the t teeth a tetigue abititjv te distinguish hetweEn cemntunieatihns which matt- be lawfully intercepied and these which t'rtajr net Fer attempts its heart erder presides fer the iawtul interceptieh eF ene tires at cern municatien te g e-n-taitj but excludes alt ether cemmunicetiens enline sheppingl the Camisere tect can be eentigured te intercept erthr these e-maits being aspen Silent Retesse- Fag it 1-bit it e' I 1 - r' I 'Iu-i-I-llH-l-I transmitted either in er eerie-the named subject Carnh'ere serves in limit the messages viewable human eyes is these 1trrhich are rnciuded within the heart crder JSP hnet-rtedge an assistance as directed hy'eeurt erderg 5 required in in stah the device - The use et the Cami't' fe system he the Fat is euhjeet is intense eversight ff d'l'i internal FEE centretst the U St Department eiJestice teeth at a Headquarters tears and eta us Attentey s lt i ce teas-1 and us the Ceurt There are signi cant penatties fer rnisuse er the tent eaeluslen ei evidence as wait as criminal and citril penalties The system is net te ahuse because it requires expertise te install end utterate1 and such are ecnducted as required in the scent erders with ctese with the s- The FBI is sharing interrnetien regaining Cami-acre with industry at this time in assist them in their eiterts te standards Fer cemetuing with wireta re uirements Th the the weeks age at the request etthe Ceinmuninatiens Assisfancue Eur Law Fa Entercernent ect Eel Impl mm m Secticn at an industry standards meeting the dernt Experts Meeting which was set up in reseense in an FCC suggestien te deselep standards ier tntemet Thists a matter at erneletring net-r Edtneleetr te ianrtuils ehtein imprudent interrnatien white enhanced privacy eretecticrr I Fregrems end tnitietitres th Heme Page - 1 Ef e-111 Page i as - 713m Lee t tl Ever- chm id '35
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