- in 133 Department efJustiee 5 Federal Hureau nt lns-estigatien July 2U Ilia DE E Ms tlL 0F CLASSIFIED UNKNOWN ll-R COUNTRY rs wl 131 13-3 'l'ltis re nt1 return an Ihe enlleeled in Ihix ill'l estigalinn- It is inlellilerl tn plrleulial inerm sistelreies in the ralillilp ul' he LuFIrmI-atinn relaleil herein b3 let-TE CLASSIFIED El 1 4 i Un July It HHS the Federal Bureau of lnsestigatien initiated a ll insestigatirnt hased upnn a referral the US Intelligenee lnspeet-nr General submitted in aeC rdanee ts- ith Seetidn 3 He Blithe Intelligence fret and dated July-t1 El 1 regarding the petential unauthr n iaed and stnrage tal elassilied in rrtnatittn nn the persnnal e mail sen'er trl trtner Seeretary rt-t State Hillary linten Clintent'l The investigatien feeused ear determining whether elassilied 1was transmitted ttn' Stu-I Ed unclassi ed systems in s- inlalitrn til federal Fara listing nl' tlte raters ten 5 eleetrelt'te nredaa ealleeteel legal nlneess issued and elassil'aed e- marl Identi ed during this nuestreatteJL please nelizr te Appendices Ell-L A5 haeltamnnd- nas Secretary ef Slate Trent January II 31H 1 Page inf-Ii 431 I 1 1 133 i E13 12-31-1341 - b1 Ifth b3 statutes and whether classified information was compromised lav unauthorised individuals to include foreign governments or intelligence services via cvher intrusion or other means In furtherance of its investigation the -'Iitl acquired computer equipment and mobile devices to include equipntent associated with two separate e-mail server systems used by f lintnn and reviewed the items tn recnver relevant evidence In response tn l-Hl requests for classification determinations in support ofthis investigation US Intelligence anmunitv agetteies deterntined that 31 e-mail chains 1H which El ittvestigatiott determined were transmitted and stored on lintnn' server systems contained classified information ranging from the CDHFIDEHTIAL to TDP AFFESS PRUGRAH levels at the time they were sent between agencies tltat as of tltesc c-tnail chaitts rctnain classified In addition the classili cation determination process administered hv tlte US Department of State State itt cortnection witlt Freedom of Information Act litigation identi ed EHIItitl' additional c mails currentlv classified CONFIDENTIAL and c-niail currciitlv classified SECRET wltich FBI investigadtinn determined were transmitted and stored on at least two of flintnn1 server svstems 'I'lte investigation and forensic analvsis did nd evidence con rming that linton' e mail accourtts or mobile devices were compromised by cyher means However investigative limitations ittcludittg the FEII1 inabilitv to obtain all mobile devices attd various contputcr coin ponents associated with tL'linton' personal e-mail s prcir entcd tlte FBI front conclusiver detennining whether the classi ed information transmitted and stored on Clinton personal server systems was compromised via cvher intrusion or other means The Hit did iind that hostile foreign actors successfully- gained access to the personal c-rnail accounts of individuals with lFlinton was in regttlar cnntact and in dniitg so obtained e ntails sent tn or received hv f'liuton on her personal account I Il'rrF 'E 'l Clinton's Personal E-l't'lail Server Svstems ff drifter i'tv'rcr' i'rrirc Adar-1dr Silt In or around Etitll'i' lustilt f ooper at the time art aide to former President William Jefferson E Iinton President Clinton purchased an Apple US It server Appie Server for the sole purpose ofhosting c-tnail services for President IIl'linton' staff l 1 Due to concern over ensuring e ntail reliability and a desire to segregate e mail for President lint-nn' varinus pnst- presidencv endeavors President l C'lintcn' aides decided to maintain control ofthe Apple Server in the residence itt Fhappaqua New York Fltappaqua residence in According to FDDPEF in or arnund Iune EDGE a representative from Apple installed the Apple i Tlu iniutlner lf iil ll lt l u-nunl chains identi ed may change as classification delut tuspuitscs cuiitinuc to he ieturned to FBI For the pitqsoscs an c-ntatl cltatn' ts defined nsa set ofc-matt tesponscs having the saute initial c-Iuail subject litte lttitft be edited Ill tltese chains to reflect the purpose of the forward or rcpl State did net pros idc detenllittatien is im respect to the classi cation of these e-rlctils at the time the were sent Accoadiugtn statc tinder F-iccietaaji of Kennedy unclassified ml'orncuina pmvittcd In State in con dence can later he cementum classified 1 1 it is Hittite assessed the such Inigltl lasttage or diplomatic relationships Such int'ornmtion is referred to as up-class or up-classifch Page 2 nl'-lir b3 h'il'E bl nas ha b'l'E Sets-er itt tlte et the 'ltappaeua resideneeJ'f The FBI was unable te ebtain t'rem feeper er Apple in yeril'y tlte installatieu At the time Ceeper was tlte enly individual with administratiy'e tn the Apple Sewer heweyet' the 'lintnn Family and their 'happaqua resitlenee statTltatl physieal Ie the Apple The Apple Sets-er initially ltested the and whieh were used by President IF lintnn' stat t llL- t l- Fl-t-l-Fll l rinr tn January 2 l when she was swam in as the HS Seeretary el Etate liitteu used a BlaehEterry deyiee with seryiee initially t'i'em iitgular Wireless and later Wireless tn her e ntail aeenutits '11 lFlinlnri initially used the e-m ail addresses anti then ehattged te In te Peepers in January Edda flinten deeided in step using her hr Fit ti-att blaeltberry net e mail address and instead began using a new pris'ate dentain elintenentaileettL te hest e-mail seryiee en the Apple Sewer linten stated te the FBI that she directed aides in er arttund January tn ereate the elintnnentailennt aeenunt and as a matter el' eenyenienee her elintenemaileem was armed tn an e-mail system maintained by President aides 'While anper eeuld net speeilieally reeall registering the dntnaitL Feeper was listed as the peint Int eentaet t'nr elintnnemailenm when the dnmain was re Jistered with a demaiit registratien seryiees eentpany Hetwerk Selutiens en January sees Flintn-n used her e mail as her primary e niail address until appresimately mid-te-late January seen when she trausitietted te her newly ereated Madelintenemai eern The FBI did net any inl'ermatien indieating that ti lintnn sent an e mail frem her hr in latt e mail after March la Aeenrding tn anper in nr arnund January the deeisinn was made tn ntes- e tn anether seryer because the Apple b'ery'er was antiqpated and ttsers were es perieneing prehletns with e tnail deliyery nu their Ellaelt erry des'iees At the reenintnendatitni nl' Hunia AbeditL lintnn' lnng time aide and later Deputy Fhiel et Sra 'at State in nr arequ Fall sees nnper eentaeted Bryan Paglianey wlte werl-ted en 'linteu' presidential eampaign as an inliirmatinri speeialist tn build the new seryer system and In assist anper with the atlministratien eftlte new sers'er Fagliane was the et lieuidating the eemputer equipment treat liuten' presidential eantpaign when Feeper eentaeted Pagliane abeut using seme nl the campaign eemputer equipment tn replaee the esisting Apple Sewer at L linten' 'liappaeua residenee Pagliane was unaware the server weuld be used by tl'linten at the time he was building the sen- er system rather he beliesed the seryer wnuld be used by President 'linten' sta linten teld the Hit that_at seme peint she became aware there was a sers'er in the basement nl' her Fhappauua residenee ll Hnweyer she was unaware nt the rransitien t rem the Apple Fieryer managed by C i tp f ltt anether seryer built by PagJiane and therel ere was net inyelyed in the n'ansitien deeisien 1 H i t Net-em try-nan Heater liters-Jr 3th June 3W3 Lil-$55 'l he Apple Sen er eertsisted el an Apple Fewer slaeintesh it er Ci tuner and an I Il printerPiesident 'lisltpu did Jlttiulnill an acepunt pit Ilse Apple 51 11 The lat-Ill denrain was pntnanly a legaey deutaniilrat enntaured niestly t'erwarded e-nrail Page 3 ef-l 131 11-3 SE bl Ftta- ha Between the fail et' 2-003 and lattuatv Edits Pagliane requisitiened the eriginal hardware fer the e mail server frem presidential eampaign headquarters itt Arlingten In atltlitiert te hardware aequired 'linten' presidential eampaign Pagliantt and IFrattperE purehased equipment venders i'l'l 'il' In Mareh Elli'lt'l'i'l after Pagliantt had aequi red all eftlte sewer equipment and installed tlte he and ntet at residettee phjv'sieallt install the server and related equipment in a server raelt in the basement if Unee the new server system' was phvsieallv installed and pewered ert Pagliane began migrating the e mail data treat the Apple Server tn the server system Pagliane Sets-er 4 Pagliane believed he pepped em all efthe e ntail ft'ent the Apple Server and that ne e-mail slteuld have remained the Apple Server enee the ntigratien plaee ll I agliantt atetl the FBI he transferred e-r'nail fer Abetlin ane ' rent the Apple Server attd said he was unaware efand did transfer an e Ittatl Httwever stated the FBI that he believed had a elintnnentaileem e mail aeettunt en the Apple Iiierver and that Abedin did net have a elintenemaileent en the A ppie Server As the FBI was unable te ebtain the Apple Server a fttrens'te review explained the FBI determine whieh elintenemail eem e-mail were hestetl en and transferred rent the Apple Server tn the Pagliane be 137 After the e-tnai migratien was eentpleted t eeper ehattged the Mail Esehange ensure that deliver efall subsequent e mail in e ntail addresses en the presidentelinteneent and elintenentaileem dentains weuld be direeted tevvard the new Pagliantt Server instead Apple Server The Pagliantt Server was unit used fer e mail management and the review efthe eldest available baeltup image server dated June 24 Ed 3 did net ittdieate that an e-tnaii users' fries were stered en the Pagliane 1 4 Server In i'v-tareh Edd I'ellewing the e mail frent the Apple Server te the Pain rt Fierver the Annie Ii-ierver was repurpesed serve as a persenal eentputer fer staff I at linten' 'happaqua residenee subsequently usetl the Apple Server equipment a In 2U H the data en the Apple ett-ntputer was transferred te an Apple iMae eemputer and the hard drive Apple eemputer wltieh h'i't I tieiFt-J-H-t-J-t t'neper ML had as e ett t'er 15 5 staff fer pntehases espet s 137' 1 1 tstted L'Itnten's testdeaee en at least tltree te tterk en the sen er tn March Etltl't te install the server ianne te upgrade the in Januar fis a hardware issue The fsen er initially ettuststed fullest ittg equipment a Dell ther tlge l Jilil sets er h-liernsett Exchange In e-tnail ttesnngand management a Dell Penet'Edge I ilt'tlt sen er running BlaettBettjt Enterprise tier er titL- t-it fer the management ef Blaeltijerrgv dev tees a Seapate esternal hand drive te stete ttneans et' the Dell sener a Dell a E'isee rewall a pent-er supply An e-mail during the FBI esligatiutl Keeper Itt reheated that ill April Etltl't uup-er preparing tit update Blaelt errt In put it enenr tie-n jifvlL ltl i ILL All MK tletettltines svhiell sets et 1 1 ill handle delis er fun a and it It i tlft n fee e-tntti It ils pre per destinatien Page -I ef-Iir seenETa - a bi 1 3 h'il'E 131 b3 pt'evieusly served as the Apple Server was discarded Utt Ithtebcr Id it 5- a ennelly LLP t3 enttelly ceettsel I'er linten centintted re the Department at Justice 1 that a review et the itvtac was cenducted pursuant re a request by IJUJ and ne en mails were Iburtd belengittg te tlte pcrierl eliltcr tenure as Secretary et State Pagliane and 'eeper betlt had administrative acceuttrs en the Pagliane Sewer 5 at directiett Pagiiatte handled al settware upgrades artd getteral described ltis rele_as the service Face and he ceuld add users er reset passwerds en the e ntail server eeper and Pagliane beth ltandl ed the acquisitien and purchase et servet' related S Fer esantple1 in March Ell-0'31 registered a Secure Layer certi cate at Pagliane directiett t er added security wlten users accessed their c-mail t'rent vat'ieus and devices stated slte had tte knewl edge at the hardware set twarc er security prerecels used te and eperate the servers S1 When she experienced technical issues with her c-mail acceurtt she centacterl IKeeper tier assistattcc itt t'eselvirtg tltesc ISSUES- Lid-m Pagiiatte stated that a centpiele backup at the Pagliane Server was en a Seagate external hard drive ence a week attd a differential backup' was centpleted everyr day and this rent the initial Pagliatte Server installatiett itt March 200' until June 20 1 when the estental hard drive was replaced- its space en the hard drive ran e-ut backups were rleleted en a rst in _ rst eut basis In June 20 l Pagliatte replaced the Seagale esterrtal hard drive with a t isce Hetwerls Attached Stet'age device re stere backups el' the server the Hill was unable te t ercnsically determine hew frequently the HAS captured backups Pagliarte Server Accerding re Pagliane itt early sets due te user limitatiens and reliability regardittg the Pagliatut Server statt' t'er artd President Flint-rm discussed future e mail server eptiens attd a search was initiated te nd a vender manage a Fiitltt tn e ntail Additiena yg Pagliane' expressed desire te seek new re the decisien te he a new sen-err r search tr the new was Facilitated with the assistance el 135 Int egratc att irtt ermaliert techttelegy EDIISttitit rg i was intredueed te linten' Chiet'et' Stat't' Cltetyl Hills en er abeet T 1 1t 3 threugh a mutual business asseciate m Istatcd she werlsed with Mills and Pagliatte re preducc a rertuest l et' prepesal which was used te selicit respenscs multiple rms including lJenver based Platte River Hetwerirs retest recalled that the transitien te the FEM Server was initiated by President linten' aides seeking a higher eve service than ceuld be previded bv the Pagliane Server Pagiiatte identi ed President C'iinten' as making the ttai decisien te 135 select PRH In the spring e1 20 it PRH negettated the terms et the centraet te ltest e ntatl it - - - 'll services attd eventually st grted a Service Level en July 13 3013 1 'rtlt is a security pnsrecel used 1e establish pied sen er and tltetuttg such as legtnetcdentiaJs er card tebc transmitted titan cttc 111cdf rttlitl Instead et'itt plaitt tcst SSL certi cates Issued by a third-part - E'crti catc arc les that be ntstallcd ett te sectnc sessietts nitil brett Ilit backup is i backup Ltd' all changes eccuned since the lasl full backup The 'hrllett c-ttclil sersct herded e-Iltail 'Jirllcutt their 13 5 sratt's 15-3 Page i ef-l b1 b3 b'il'E SEWJRE rt asses-n Herr-er Jane Jars Jr-meet- Juli Feltewing the seleetten enl PRH te manage the L'Iintens' persenal e-ntai server and aeenunts I l-tl s management assigned twe PEN emit-levees tn handle tlte rintarsr installatitnt and adtninistratien eftlte third server em Pills Server whe werked remntel than his hente inl handled data-travesty r administratiun t'ur the FEM Servert attrl whe werhed at Plath headquarters in Celeradet handled all hardware installatipn and any required pits-steal tie 'liaitds eri t maintenanee the During the transitiun tn the FEM Hers-en advised he werked with Paglian-n ti understand the esistine arehiteeture at the Pa lEttl-CI Server HS part efthis transitien preteess en er areund June 4 2013 was granted administrater tn the Pagliane alert-er as well as sen-'iees sueh as the dennain registratien serviees through Hetwerk Selutiens Jn June 23 it'll il rave ed te linten' happaqua residenee where he pu-wered duwn the Pagliane Server and it In a dataeenter in New Jersev run by Equinis lne 'l'he Pltl s' Server remained at the l-Lquinis theilitv until it was vetuntarilv predueed te the FBI en leather 3 2015 311 The enlv at the Fhappatlua residenee was the esistin I firewall and switeh sinee inten ten purehase its ewn firewalls and and pew-ered en the equipment fer the Pagliane Server at the dataeenter se users eeuld eenneet te their e rnatl and he eentinued te werh at the dataeenter fer a few days setting up the remaininu equipment tear the F'Ftls' tiers-er M epinpleted all at the ensite wart-e while werhed rentertelv te get the server t mliue tt'te etl New Jersev tn travel heel PliH' headqualters all hysieal et hardware had been installed eseept her an intrusien deteetien deviee enld the FBI that Equiuis installed this deviee shertlv after he lel't heeause the eteetien deviee was shipped later flL- FQ-li-l-G-j u er aruund June it E l 3- began it relnutely migrate all e-ntail them the Pagliane Server te the FEM Server a During this ntigratien peried the twel server systems t'unetiened tegether te ensure uninterrupted e ntail deliver - te userslm fitter several davs eF tnieratieat all e mail hested en the presidentelinten eem wieet't'tee eetnt and elintenernaileem demains were transferred te the FEM Senr At that peint PRH kept the l aglianh Server mtline ten ensure e mail was still being delivered hewever the Pagliane Eerver was he lenger hesting e-mail serviees tin-r the 'lintensu' tltitd PHH entplu an unl handled a tie-u tasks related stetu until he left the in the el ltt The P113 Hen er at the fallen equipment a Dell Fen erL- dee sen er hestme fear It must maeltirtes tneludlne lettrseparatet irtual ntaehines fet Mine th lisehanpe e-tnatl hestine a I'erthe management at Elitek errf- des ieea a demain te pussuetd requests and setter 1e Ilsnlaee the ether 1 irtunt a Dunn In sane ensne mel lemme haeLups nfthe sen er stem 1 t leudjaettet des tee I'nr tuft Del s11 ilelles tJttI tutti Furtittet HI Ill Fire-walls dantatn was aler added tn the FEM Hen er u a later date Page tr-l seen ETMRN b1 b3 h b'l't he b't'e 137' ht bl 1 3 b'il'E SEER - As part ot the PRH Server the FBI that he con gured a backup device from Connecticut based company Datto Inc Datto a Batto SIRIS 2000 to take multiple snapshots ofthe server system daily with a retention period ol ol days The backup device also made multiple copies ot the Pagliano Server between June 14 113 I3 and IJecemher e3 2013 At the Flintons' request l libl only intended that the backup device store local copies ot the backups However in August Dane int ornied PEN that due to a technical_oversight tlte Server was also backing tip the server to Datto' secure cloud storage After this noti cation PEN instructed IJatto to discontinue the secure cloud stated the Clintons originally requested that c-mail on the FEM Sen cr be such that no one but the users could read the content However PRls' ultirttately did not con gure the c mail settings this way to allow system administrators to troubleshoot problems occurring within user accounts Pith utilized an Intrusion Detection System Prevention System called Floudlacket Front SECHAF Network Security Ii The device implemented by Itatl lire con gured settings that blocked or blacklisted certain e tnail traIlic identi ed as potentially hamttiul and provided real ti me monitoring alerting and incident response services personnel would receive notifications when certain activity on the network triggeretl an alert These notilications were reviewed by personnel and at ti mes additional follow up was conducted witlt PRls' in order to ascertain wltetlter specitic activity on the ietwork was normal or anomalous m Uccasionally would send e mail notifications to prompting him to block certain IF addresses described these noti cations as normal aitd did not recall any serious security incident or intrusion attempt Pith also implemented two firewalls for additional protection oi the network - - 'tated that he put two tlrewalls in place tor redundancy to case one went down According to the Forensic analysis ofthe server system on December 3 it I 3 h- Iicrosot t Eschange was uninstalled on the Pagliano Server The Pagliano Server rernained the same server cage at the Equinis dataccnter in Secaucus New Jersey and a forensic rev iew ol the server which was obtained in August 20 3 via consent provided by Iintoa through Williams d Connolly indicated that it continued to be powered on and ot't multiple times bel orc the FBI obtained it At thetime ot the acquisition ot tlte Pagliano Server 1 v i illiams a Fonnolly did not advise the US lIfionreniment ot the existence ofthe additional equipment associated with the Pagliano Server or that I Clinton' clintonetnailcom e-mails had been migrated to the successor PRSI Server remainittg at Eouinis The subsequent investigation identified this additional equipment and revealed the e mail migration As a result tilt ISIctober 3 it 5 the FBI obtained via consent provided by Clinton through ti Connolly botlt the remaining Pagliano Server equipment and the Server which had remained operational and was personal e-mail account until it was disconnected and produced to the FBI 1' Hit The Dario SIR IS is a den ice that prov ides laiek-np and data redundancy Page 7' of-Iir SEWRS 1 1 1 3 h'i'E b5 h l't h hilt hEi b'il't 131 11-3 h'i'E UR LL- mt Ins-'estigatien determined 'Iinten and f tbedin began using new e-mail acceunts en II the dematn in December 30 I4 i I It it Ahedin stated the ciintrinemail cent system was gating aware and fellew'ing the initiatietn et the new deniaitt Ahedin did net have access re her elintenemai cetn accuunt I Tttis is eensistent with tnade by Williams E t'i tmmilijt' which stated in a February 22 EU letter Secretary- did net transfer lter clintenemailcem e-mails fer the time pcrierd January 1 sees threugh February- I Ed 3 te her hrcel'ticecctm acceunt Tm The irwestigatien tbund tie eeidcnec lIC'linteti' cent eentained er centains Iietentialls' classit't ed intertnatien er c-mails tiem her tenure as Secretary cit State The FBI has__ theret ere net requested nir ribtained equipment asseeiated with hrcti icecnm accnunt I dinette I Jet'r't'es' with t' Turtle-H s Ferret Us-Wt Clinten stated she used a persenal e mail address and persenal EtaekEerry t cir beth nersnnal and efficiai business and this decisitm was made trut tit enntenienee Abedin recalled that at the stan et flinten s tenure State ads-ised persenal e-mail aeceunts eettld net be linked te State mebite devices and as a result linten decided te use a persenal device in erder te as eid cant-ring multiple devices- 131 i Keeper stated that he was aware et flinten ttsing a secend mebile phone number lFritiper indicated Flinth usually carried a ip plume aiding with her BlachBerr because it was metre cemt'brtabie Fer cbmmunicatien and Iinten was able tet use her HlachHerr while talking en the tlip phene linten belies-ed 2 2 was her primary - ElachEerry plume number and she did nut recall using a flip phene during her tenure at Fitates nnly during her scrs- iee in the Senatem Abedin and Mills advised they were unaware et tl'linten es-er ttsittg a cellular phene ether than the EtlacleEterrs-z FBI itwestiuatien Is tetal tnebile devices asseeiated with lter twe knewn plume numberswhich pittetitiaiiy were used ten send e mails using 'linten's clintcmernail eem e-mail a resses lneestigatien determined linten used in e-ntail capable BlachBerry' tntibiie devices asseeiated with 2121 eight Hf which she used during her tenure as Secretary ent' Eitate ltts'esti Tatien identit't erl lituun used twe e mail capable mebite desiees asseeiated with 2 IE after her Cm D111 irtg his illter' ith the FBI was slum as the secu lbw the plastic tuirahcras t liatett's secencl heucierthc nltnitc number is 3% rccends asseeiated Hull 3 ndicatcd number was used Fer pheac calls attd tltett used spentdteall tltrettgh the duratiettcul' 'Imten's tenure attd the seats telletsittg alse sheared tltat ne Eluch euj dew ices were asseeiated with this phettr The FBI identi ed fem tdclitietial ntebile des ices asseeiated with El - iltich acre used during t lituan's lettnt'e' Heist e1 er these ices incised e-Jt'ctii capability us insult the FBI did itn estigatit't-Jt these de- tees Page a ef-l SWRH 1 1 1 3 b3 b5 b'l't lei-3 1 5 b'il'I 1 5 b'il'I h b7 b5 bl 1 3 h'il'E set h February s1 2t DUJ requested all lit deyiees fretn Williams d L ennelly m Williams ennetly replied en February 22 it re tltat tltey were unable te teeate any at des-tees As a result the Flirt was unable re acquire er ferensieaily esantine any efthese 1 1 mebile deyiees Itth Ueteber Its Eh I ii Williams is 'ennelty presided Iwe ether Islaeklserty deyiees tn the FBI and irtdieated the deyiees might eentain er has'e pres'ieusly linten' hersenal e mail during her tenure as beeretary ef Estate Ll FHI ferensie analysis tbund ne eyidenee te indieate eitlter efthe deyiees presided by lw'illiams ennelly were eenneeted te ene persenal sen-'ers er eentained e mails frem her Itersenal during her tenure The Hill identi ed the iPad deyiees asseeiated with 'linten whieh perentially were used te send e-mails frem elintenemaileem e-mail addresses 1 I The FBI ehtained three efthe iPadst H' Hi ne eentained three e-mails freer E ll 2 in tlte hdrEEr ieiintenemail eem drafts' felder in The FBI assessed the three e-mails did net eenrain petentially elassifred infermatiert The FBI did net e mails frem Fiinten' persenal e mail frem either ef the ether twe il ads in its hessessien Meniea Hartley a fermer Flinten aide eften replaeement Blaek Berry deyiees fer L linten dttrittg her tenure at State Hartley reealled pttrehasing mest ef the BlaehEterry des-iees fer tintett frem steres leeated in the lysiashingtent Dt area linten aequired new rnehile deyiees 'eepet was usual reseensible fer setting up the new dey-iees and syneing them re the sets-er Abedint and lattley alse assisted ha Flinten with setting up any new des'iees in te Ahedln It was net Ltneentmen fer bail linten re use a new Islaehllerry fer a few days and then immediately swireh it eut fer an elder yersi en with whieh she was mere familiar stated that when her ElaehElerry des- iee her aides assist her it ebtaining a new Jillaehl-serry and after mes-'ing te a new deyiee her eld Eli's-1 eards were dispesed et' by her aides 3 eeper ads-ised Ire sentetintes assisted Lrsers1 ineluding Flinten when they ehtained a new mehile des- iee by helping them haek up the data frem the eltl deyiee befere transferring it re the new deyiee arttl syrtein the new deyiee with linten' server asbedin and Hartley indieated tlte whereabeuts et'i linten' deyiees weuld frequently unhnewn enee she transitiened re a new des'iee 'eeper did reeatl twe ittstartees where he destreyed 'linten eltl deyiees by breaI-ting in half er hitting with a hammer 2 Ilinten's Handling ef E mail and I fflassified lnfermatielt fi' Tamar s In rise Fer-smart s'et'rer FBI ins'estigatien determined the State Eseeutis'e Seerelariat' Uftlee ef Infermatien Reseuree Management et't'et'ed tinten a State e mail address at the start et' her The tnebite die-steer pres ided 1e titre FBI fut-In t t'ittiants at feat-rill en Gembet In did net t-iITs-t earth er Heeme Digital LSD eards Fa Lt ef-llr y- 1e - b3 EEIRE FEE bl 153 SE b'l'E tenure' however L Iinton' stati u deelined the offer teeor'dirtg to State Clinton was ol'l'ered a State e mail address utstead deetded to use the personal server From her EtitlS presidential eampaign 1 investigation identi ed the esistenee ol two State-issued e-ntaii assoeiated witlt iinton- however these aeeotutts were used on Flinton' heltalfartd not by f lintnn herselt reenrding to State Sh-tSfiS-fEstategov was used to send e-mail messages the Seeretarv to all State employees 'l'his aeeotrnt was not eonti gtrred to receive e ntails attd the sertt from this account H SIIiS llr tS-t ereated SS Hist dirt-stategov manage an ULIIlt rt rl-Z ealendar i nr but titis aeeottnt was not con gured to send or e mails otiter titan ealeitdar invitations mum r t Ma 35 EU report issued bv tlte State ttiee of lnspeetor General stated titat during 'iintott' tenure as Seeretarv oi StaIe tlte State Foreign anal-s vlanual tFr'tiv-l required dav-to dav operations at State be eondueted using an authorised information system r The DIG stated it i otrnd no evidenee that Clinton sought approval to eondtret State business via her personal e-rttaii or private servers despite her obligation to do so l Flintnn told the FBI that she did ersplieitlv request penttissinn from State to use a private server or e-mail address According to the State GIG report State employees alleged that John Berttel tlten Direetnr ol' disenttraged entplovees t'ront raising enneertts altout f linton' use of personal e ntail w 1tit- hen interviewed h-v the Hid lsentel denied tltat State employees raised eoneerns about iinton' e ntail to hint that lte discouraged employees from disettssing it or that he was aware dttrirtg Flinton' tetture that she as using a e mail aeeotntt or server to eonduet State btrsirtess 1 The Hill investigation determined some iinton aides and senior level State employees were aware iintort used a personal e-ntail address ibr State business during her tenure IE told the FBI it was knowledge at State that site had a private address because it was displayed to anvone with whom she esehanged e-mails 1-5 lowever some State interviewed by the FBI esplained that e-ntails from Clinton pally contained the letter in the sender eld and did not display her e mail address I The ntajoritv ot the State employees interviewed by the wire were in e-ntail eontaet with iimon ittdieated thev had no knowledge ol'the private server irt her lFltappaoua r'esitlenee mi iZ Iinron' immediate aides to irtelude v lills Abedirt Jaeob Sullivan andEtoid the FBI tltev were unaware of the esistenee ol' the private server tuttil 135 ai ter linton' tenure at State or when it became pubtie knowledge Hm SSH-Hesse employees intert ieucd Indicated Ilret did not rtzirectl uitlt t lirtron regarding this issue and could rtot speeitiealh the members ot't'littrort's statt'witlt whom they spoke pan ol' his_iob at State 1was to rttatntairt artd support the infrastructure for the b5 ttettrortvs for tire Eseetrtn Secrerartat b7 ofrhe FHl's inv L Stigitti tl ut J'tpril Stare tilt initiated its own irtv L Stigitti tl and rev ion of records policies and prtrettees the use of non-State eurtuntorieatiolts s1 during the ol' lit Secretaries of State- irrciudirrp 'lintorr Portions of the State Dl 's 11a 25 Elite report relevant to the estipatiott ttre Stare tllti report two Stare information marragerrtetu stat'l' rnertrhetsapproached tlre Directnrot'rhe lief-rt it uh concerns tlreg had attonr ttse ol'n persortat e-rttat artd complianee it hit federal records Aevordine to one stall weather the Direetor stated that Iflirttotr' personal s1- stetn had been ret retved and apptot ed b State legal staJT Tire Direetu allegedly told sltri't'meuibers nerve to discuss lirrlull'stmsetsti e Inail system Glii found an et adertce that State legal stuff reviewed or ed t'lintort' it personal e-ntai s_1 stern setted as Illr Deptrl 'lriul'ol' lztlet lite El'iteett'rrt of Polite C'lirtlt'rrtl's as Secretary ot'State Page Ill of' -l 3' lol SECRET - RF 13 3 h'il'E b1 b3 ti LL- mi The FBI inuestigatien indicated Clintun was aware her use et a persunal tlesice e- mail and server did nut negate her ehligatien tu presets-e t'ederal reeurds in January 23 lintun cuntacted t uriner Secretary ut State l 'elin Puwell s'la e niail te inquire ahuut his use et a BlacsEerrg while he was Secretary- et State January E l to January In his e mail rep l uwel warned f lintun that it' it became public that had a HIaeicl-ierrg and she used it tu du business her e-malls cuuld hecunte eftieial recurd s and subject In the law-1 Ml Puwell further advised Be s'ery careful I gut aruund it all by nut saying tnuelt and nut using systems that captured the data HI lintun indicated tu the Hit that she understuud Pew-ell' eumments tu mean any wars related eenmitutieatiuns wuuld he gem-ernmem reeurds and she stated Putt-rel 1 eurnmertts did nut factur intu her deeisiun tu ttse a persuttal e mail accountm In an e-ntail te Mills en Attgust 3t E l l State Eseeutise Secretary Stephen cited a request them linten tu replace her tempurarily malt'unctiening persenal ElaekEen g with a Staterissued desiee Mull int'unned s-tills that a State issued rePlaeement des'ice t er L lintun' persena BlacI-tEerry wuuld be subject te FUIA requests Un that same day-1 Bentcl sent a separate e-ntai tu Hanle 1which was later i urwarded tu Ahedin stating that e-mails sent te a State e-mail address t ur lintun wuuld be subject tu Ft'Jla searches'm A State-issued det- iee u as nut ultimately issued tu Flint-tin in her FEI intersiew t thedin stated she felt it did nut make sense tu tempurariljs issue Clintth a State Hlaelctderrgr because it wuuld has-'e required significant et'l ert te transfer all ut her e mails and eentaets tu a device that she wuuld have enlg used fur a few days I m The Mull and Eentel e ntails tu Hills and Hanleg did nut indicate that transferring e-ntail and- ctr centacls li'ern tL'lintun elintunemaileem aceeunt weuld be necessary te issue her a State Bi kEEt'lT Ahedin stated she always assumed all et't luttun' culnntunicatiuns regardless ut the accuunt wuuld be subject tu F0123 if the cuntained ss- urlt related material m While State pulicy during l Iintun' tenure required that day-tu-day eratiuns at State he cundueted un an authurieed int'urmatiu 1 a curdin tn the the liureau ut' lnfurrnatiun Security Management there was nu restrietiun uh the use et'persunal entail aeeututts t'er u ieial Hewett-er State Ellipi j EES were eautiuned ahuut security and recurds retentiun cuneerns regarding the use if persunal e-rnail In it ll I a netice to all State ernples-ees was sent en behalf which empluyees aseid eundueting State business t'rem persettal e ntail due te utt'ermatien securin 'Iintun stated she did nut recall this speci c nutiee and she did nut recall receiving any guidance frum State regarding e-ntail pulicies eutlinetl in the State Fast litters-'iew's with twu State emplu'y'ees determined that State issued guidance which required eluples'ees whu used persunal e-Iuail acceunts tel' State business tu t erward these weds-related e mails tu their ut'tieia State t'ur recurd-lceeping nuruerses M M1 Investigatiun determined that State used the State Messaging and Archive Retrieval 'l'uulset which allews emelesees te electreniealls tae e ntails te preserve a te Ithen State's was deselected tu aututnate and streantline the precess t er archiving Accerding Ie the 1 6 137 1 5 137' tL't Accetdiugte the State ll i rcpet t when I- cchI arm ed at State in the ut'lictal unclassified e-tuail system in place unl Stale thcret'um Puuell requested tile use ul'tt prisate line I'm Ins Aluclica t'JnIiite aceenmt tn tailil indiuduuls nutsitle Paier tn PnueJI's teiluie State emplniees did unl lust L et'n'tlleclit its in titdis tidal-clup eutllpute rs Pun-neli' 4 Slate unclassi ed leaking Estentul Inail ea atht it3 cm a stein Page I cit-l bl 1 3 b7E bl sat Fries ha ts'ta Slate Ulfj Repert IRM intreduccd SMART threugheut State in sees hewevcr the lIZthicc Secretarv elected net te use the Sh- lr tRT svstern te preserve e inails partlv due te cencerns the system weuld allew ever-I - hread access te sensitive materials did the Hit 1 5 that representatives item the Esecutive Secretariat asked as he the last te receive the SMART rtilltiut and ultimately r was never rtilled tiut tti the l-Isecutive Secretariat flftice 3 This left the print and tile methed as the enlv appreved methed which the Of ce efthe Secretary ctiuld preserve rectird e ntails 3' i Mills wrete in a letter te State ttated December 5 20 I4 that it was linten's practice tti e rnail State nft'icials at their guvernment e Inail accnunts ftir ufticial business and therefere State already had recerds ef linten' c-m ails preserved within State rccerdI-tccping sift-stems H i thedin alse stated in her FBI interview that linten' statl'helieved relevant e niails wetdd be captured and preserved bv State if an efthe senders er recipients were using an efficial State c-mail accident The State DIG stated in its repett that this was net art apprepriatc niethn-d if preserving e-niaiis and lIii'linttin shtiuld have preserved any teetird e-mails created and received an her pcrsenal acceunt hv printing and filing the e-mails in the Uftice ef the Secretary-1m State DIG alse determined Flinttin shtiuld have surrendered all e niails relatingr te State business hetere leaving her pest as Secretary ef Statezr stated that she received ne instructiens er tlirectien regarding the preservatien er preduetien et'recerds freni State during the transitiun uul tit her rule as Secretarv tif State in 2013 3 Furtlterrntire lFlinltin believed her werk-rclatetl e-rnails were captured its her practice efsentling e-mails te State ernplevees' etlicial State e ntail aceeunts m H uritramet-uneas- lineup-titer tn t'rr'ntun's t'ttire t Effie-e tffl'rtif ljierl'H'f-J-l lnvestigatien determined linten did net have a cemputer in her State ef ce which was lticated in a Sensitive Futnpartmented Inliunnatitin Facililv Fl tilt the seventh fititir cif State headquarters in an area eften referred tci as Maheganv State lJipltitnatic Security Service instructed linten that because her etlice v as in a Sf lF the use ef niebile devices in her titlice was prtihibited Interviews tifthree funner US agents revealed lFlinttm sterctl pcrsenal Black crrv a desk drawer in US Pest cc which was lecatcd within the en h-faheganv ew-jun State persennel were net autheriaed te bring their mehile devices intd Pest l as it was lecated within the SCIF 13 Accerding te Ahedin Iinten primarily used her persenal BlackEcriv er pcrsenal iPad fer checking e-mails antl she left the te de sti tittelt visiting State's eighth flu-tit Ftirmer Assistant Secretaryr tif State fur IJS Eric Rests-ell stated he never received an r aheut l 'linten using her persena lilaekllerly inside the sets-Ti 1 1 1 3 his decisien was relaved te linten' esecutive staff via a meme titled L'se ef Blackberries in Tv lahegane Rew dated March t3 Edith linten stated te the lilil that she requested a secure BlackE-errv while at State after hearing President Dbama hatl ettc but she The DS seeittilj Ititrittlaineti l hllt'm as Pee-t I in lit-t Si'iF and in ll Dtitside if E'hmen's el'l'ice en Sltiliegan Ree Page IE ef l l' bl 1 3 b7E he bl 1 3 h'l'E cetrld ttet recall the reasens State was unable Ie Ful ll tltis requestdd'm Earlv in t linten' terture at State t linten' esecutive statt'alse inquired abeirt pessibilitv et' tlte Secretary usirt an iPad te receive cenrmunicatiens in her et'tice' hnwever this request was alse denied due te restrictiens asseciated with the Secretary's et licc beittg a Accerding tn the State DIG repnrt itt Ianuarj r Still in tn desire tn talce her Hlaccherrv secure areas vtiils discussed with et ticials and with the State Under Secretalv Fer Management Patrick Kennedy alternative snlutinns which wnuld allnw Flintnn tn check e mail I'rnm lter dealt 11F Setting up an startd alerre enmputer was discussed as a viable selutien' hewever a stand alene sir-stern was never set up L'Iinten had access te a number et State-autheriaed secure Ht rtrearts el telephenrc her resrderrces and ltereltrce at State I Iit the start et C linterr' tenure State installed a and secure centntunieatiens equiprttent bit 133 it her residences llt' -'httehat-'en residence and 'happaqua I lw'wl' 14 tn eibcdin Keeper and there were persenallv-ewned desktep cemputers in the itt 't- l hitehat- en and Fens-'erselv Flintnn stated tn the FBI site did have a cemputer nt anv lrind in the Sf llis in her residencesnh tn Abedin arid linten did rtet use a certtputer' and she primarily used her BlackBerrv er iPad I er' checl-ring e mails 135 r'l' Hirer-r returnees'rrt'l'mr H'r'tr't Perinatal 4 address Elli-SW lnvestigatien determined a limited number it individuals maintained direct e mail cnntact with 'linten tlrreuglr her perserral clirrtencmaii cent e-mail acceurrt during her tenure at State Tltirteen individuals sting nf State seiner level advisnrs arid State executive administrative staff maintained di reel e ntail cnntact with C'Iintert and ittdividuallv e-ntailed her between tilt artd LEI-DD times durirtg her tenure fibedin Mills arid Sullivan ere t'retruentlv irt e-mail with attd t nr b3 percent nt the e-mails sertt direct _v te L linten In additien te sending messages tlrev wretc Abedin artd Sullivan reviewed e rrtails they received t'renr ether State USE centacts and t er'eign gevernment centacts and if deemed apprepriatc theirr then t'etwarded the irtt ermatien - - re Itrtten her request Ier a State-issued ElacLElcrI Iwas rtet eul e1 ter the el the en the den she was using at the time rather 1 Ai'i'nrrlitte tn Aht rlin Stale rill-Ice i'nnlairu b1 b3 hE re Atrectrn Inc St tt- den-r at the it was ituass lacked dlredrn llanlc and be Ihttd access re 13% 11's cstreanea determined the t'lurppanna was net tluats SEISLIIEEL trtd andElurd 1 5 reutineaccess tn the ere Dr installed ll ill bl htatc Installed equipment at 1 3 n'r rc 'i cttce similar te that the cit residence State the the E'happanua residence Juli statistics in this paragraph are hasetl mt rlte 's't'illziarns e is Item ett'lirtleri s ptnduetinn lu- tlle eselttdirtg pr rserral eel r'espenrletbeu 1 1 itlr dint-e Erich-d s Is Hell 15 e-rttails tn hcrsell' bl b3 i e1 sEtaE ha h'il'E - I-l' 1 1-lrnten vtulttele btateemplevees advised the eensrderetl e-mailrng Abetlrne and Sullivan the eqtuvalent et I Investigalien identitied hundreds ei e-inaits sent by Ahedin and ether State stat t te I e mail address requesting him tn print dneuntents t'nr Flintnn 35 Heine et tltese e-ntails were determined te eentain inferlnatien classi ed at the hr FGHFIDEHTIAL level ji'm'rii'm'Emmi a seent'itv elearanee at the SEC RET level nn Deteber 25 t'rem the Department et Defense lJeeuntentatien retained by and previded te the did net indieat eeuritv eleai'anee was deaetivated Lllinn his retirement the US Navy Reserves in September 213111le N r'l' Witter Segre l' rise rif'f eramrm' I lee'rmrris e' dimmed business's LL- mt I L'linten' immediate staff In inelude Mills Sullivan Iiibedinl and ian e_v__ ha the FBI in interviews that they tirednntinantlv used their State-nrnvidetl Dnenl s'et e-Inail hm - - 1 Ileendttet ettreial State business Izseeptrens te praettee 1ne uded instanees when the State Openl iet e mail was er when staff was traveling - - I Internatlenallv and lOnenhlet was net readtlv the Hit investigatien eentirmed that flinten's immediate statT used their persenal e mail in eentbinatien with their State tirnvided UtienNet e mail t nr nt'tieial State business h r't' It l' sle'ermms tit-lute Evert-ens FBI investigatien and the State Ultj repen determined that State issued gular nntiees tn staff during lFIintn-n' tenure highlighting evberseeuritg threats and advising that mebile deviees must be eentigured te State seeuritv guidelines 1 l Iinten and her immediate stal't were nntiti ed nt t'nreign travel risks and were warned that digital threats began ittnnediatelv ulinn landing in a tiereign eeuntrv si nee et' a mebile deviee In a leeal netwerh prev-ides t'er t ei'eign adversaries te intereept veiee and e-mail transntissiensi il' The State l'v lnbile Team was restinnsible tier establishing seeure mebile v'eiee and data tier It'linten and her team when the - Ia-ere traveling elem estieallv - - - b1 anrl alirnad 1 vii-hen the seennlv elnnale returned the nale- Mt was eanahla 133 eeuld be and vlewed lav L Ilnten and- er her deslgnatetl statt Si-m lnvestrgatrnn determined that ed the e-mar nreviderl lav 11t- tlliams at as ha part nt' Flintnn' tirnduelinn tn the FBI appresimatelv -mails were sent nr bv lintnn en her ersnnal e mail while she was traveling eutside the eentinental United a Estates UhU al en etlieial State business i Hi- m Identified sis e-Inail ehains tiamatded Flint Inere deternuned here the State li ls't review te 135 eentam HAL Inl'etntatien Five uere lerv-mded Abe attd ette was I'retn l 'Iinten 137' 1 1 Seetien if tr tliseussieu e-nlails In lIC'linIten s stall is txtsutlal e-Iuail Finite listed averse-as travel he lJ'llj'l idieil Class Inn ditl net pres ide inl'erueitinn suell isaniial littaes A5 a result the FBI eeuld Ittll tleteaittirte 1 1 Inch e-tllnilt were sent while slit 1 1 as m the versus in ight Page I-I nt-l i' e1 Ewe-teams ha h'i'E a i bl b3 FURTS iH-lt Iits'estigatieti determined that hundreds tit e niaiis bl classiti ed during the ate Fillet precess were sent er receiyed by linten ha while she was S alipprtisintately' -mails were sent tir receiyed by Flil'l'ltlt er Iaccasittns while DCUHIJS had direct e mail eentact with an e mail address tier President Barack Dbanta t the emails between Flirt id President s- ere sent and IHtirte tif' were determined te centain classi ed int ermatien lIL linten teld the FBI that she receiyed ne particular guidance as te itew she slieuld use President l Illbama' e mail address and the emails sent while lli linten wasl I'm u W Threads Frrat'm'tr'rm eff-Errata r'n Hesyaarw tr - ma Hither it'eqtres'ts ill-m The Huuse Select Ftattrnitlee tint Eeligliaei was established eh May 3 EU I4 and reached an agreement with State en July 23 Bill 4 regarding the preductien el' State sent a l ermai request te termer Secretaries el State en Ueteber 13 1t asking them te preduee e ittails related tti their get-'ernrnent Alter State requested that prtiyide lter e mails E linten asked her alteriieys David Kendallm and Mills te eyet'see the precess et presiding Fiinten' weds related e maiis te State Heather Saniuelsen FIJ an atterney wed-dag with Mills a reyiew te identity werlerelated e mails while Kendall and lrlills cwersaw the precessm Ultimately en December 5 20 4 Williams S ennelly presided apprtisiniately Sillilil' pages In State in respttitse tti State1 request l er Flinttitt tti preduce all e-mail in her that censtituted a Federal recerd treat her tenure as Secretary tit Staten State ultimatelyr reviewed the 55 000 pages tti meet its preductititi tibligatiens related In l- la lawsuits and requests n May Bill S State receiyed a ceurt tirder te pest linten' e-niails te the State F l website en a prednctien schedule with a ctiniplelitin date EU lb State ultimatelyr ctirtcluded its F l -relaled thil-LithiJthilt'l en February ESL 1'1 le ltl'linten teld the Fill that she directed her legal team te preside any werl-t- related er arguably e niaiis te State lteweyel' site did net participate in the deyclepment et tlie speci c precess te be used er in discussiens et' the lecatieiis eF where her e mails csist m linten was net cettsulted en specilic e-niails erder te deterntinc it they wgre wink related i 1 tT During the et 3 H State indicated te- Mills a request I'er ark-related e-tlsitls weitld be and ill I-l_ Stale lelluwetl up be sending an ul l reial teqnesl let asking l Itlr liver 11 erL-telatetl e- mails t1 'i Kendall ts a partner at iln'ilhatns a E'etinelly curbed Ill the lease Liaise IL'l'fl'icc at State daring E'Iinteri's tenure and sen cs as persellal attenley eenrdaig te E'lintnn' campaign website petenlially weri related e-ntails in me pres ided in State an ill I -l n August ti ll I I5 ell l lltl li lites idetl ll'tt F l a PST le e ttlaittiitg related les included e-tnail messages Page cit-l 3' b7E b1 b3 SEER h'i'E in Jul E lct te initiate the review et linterr's c-mails t er' preductierr te Statc Stills arranged I'er Ire espert treat the PFtl s' Server all et't linten e mails sent te e' received t rem a gev e mail address dtrrirrg linten tenure as Secretary et State m'm'lq l lrrce ttris es pert Item the FEM Server remetclv transferred a PST le centainirtg the e- ntails ente S-lills' and Samuelsen' lanrees via late September 2e l4 vtr'lls and Sarnrrel sen asked te previde a Full cspert et all ef tZ Iinten' e-mails t rem her te e ntails sent te arid received t'rem nen -gev e mail ha Stills and Samuelserr esplained that this request was ntade te ensure their review hm captured all e1 the relevant e maits t rem hnten' tenure this espert and transfer in the same manner as the Juiv EU request Mills and Samuelsen did net icnew 'l gave the hear what lecatierr en the server cstractcd lirrten' c-nrails 2 i FBI irrcensisterrt statenrerrts ever the ceurse et' three interviews regarding I'renr where en the server he estracted 'linten' e-mails and Hill investigatien anrl t erensic analvsis have been unable te spccilicallv identify the lecatien and cempesitien et thc rcpesiterv sed te create the expert etT Iinten' e-nrails t'rent her tenure H'me The FBI interviewed Sarnuelsen err Ma 24 E l aheut her review et tlte Phil's- previded e mails Samuelsen indicated she cendueted the review et these e ntaiis ever the eeurse e1 several and cempleted itjust prier te December 5 1t when hard cepies et' the wink related e mails were turrted ever te State L'sing lter laptep te eenduet tlte review Samuel serrplaccd anv were-related e-mails inte a t elder that she had created in Micreset Dutleek Sanruelserr rst added te this t'elder all e mails sent te er I'r'enr linterr' persenal e mail with gev and e-mail addresses Sarnuelsen then searched the remaining e- mails ler the names el State senier leadership as well as any members el I ercign leaders er ether et't'rcial eenraets Finaliv Samueisen eendueted a key werd searelt eftentis such as Libya and reviewed the and Subject elds if every e mail during this review ltewever she did net read tlte et each individual e ntail indicating that in sente instances she made a determinatien as te whether it was erre et'li hnten' werk er persenal e-mails lav enlv reviewing the Frem arrd Subject t'i elds et' the e-mail ttjt FEI-H t tt-r she the review printed all et'the e nrails te he turned ever te State using a printer in Tvlills' et't'ree ll i'rccerding te Samuel sen Stills and Kendall subsequently- reviewed c-nrails that Samuel sen printed and arrv hard cepv ef an c-rnail lv l ills arid Kendall deemed net re he werlc reiated was shredded arid the digital eepv eftlte e mail was net incl urlerl in the t elder Samuelsen created in Uutleelt te centain all et the werlt-related e mails Mills stated ttrat ether than instances where Samuelsen requested Mills1 guidance Stills did net review the e mails Samuelserr identi ed as werlt related and ence the review was cemplete Sanruelsen printed the werl-z related e mails s ttler the review was cempleted Samuel sen created a PST le all ef tlte vs-erl-c related e ntaiis and ensured that all werIt-relatcd c-tnails were This PST tile was previdcd te Kendall en a thurnh Screen't'ertnecr is a remete admrutstrelten teet that nlleus teclrructans re remerelr centre-er 1e in a central eel te cerrtrel and ertd users' machines r tccetdirtg te speclt'rcatielrs ScrecrrE'ennect data transmitted l'retllerle te 1e include screen data le Irirnsl'ets Le suckers- and chat Messages vlills rtid net recall it'rlrzis secerrd PST le was transferred re her The FBI was 1e t'r'l'rlaitl 1 list el- Lej wards er named ell testis marched l l llil tiasl'ruttlserr i v-lills t'rcr E'Irmeu' diluent it due re arr assertien et' rlege Page ef' -l i' b3 h'il'E SEER - RT drivei l'i in August a E l 5 this tlnunb drive was ebtained FBI ti'nm Williams a via enttsent lintnn We midterm riffs-atria with t Turner is its-innit Ara-trams Aeenrding tn lanlev in spring assisted Nantes r in creating an archive nflf lintnn' e-tnails anper prnvided Hanlev with an Apple I'vIacBnnI the Archive Laptnpim the IE Iintnn Fnundatinn and telephnnieallv walked Hanlev thrnugh the prneess nf renneter transferring linten e ntails train the Pagliann Server tn the laptnp and a thumb drive in Hanlev cntaneted this task her persnnal residence H- The cnpies nfthe L lintnn e-tnai areliive tnne en the Archive Laptep attd ntte en the tltutnb drive were tn be stnred in lintnn' ltappanua and 1 Jrhitehaven residences hnweven Hanlev esplained this did neeur as llanlev tn prnvide the Archive Laptnp and the thumb drive tn 'lintnn' stalffellnwing the ereatintt nf the areltivew'i H In earlv 2ft 4 lianlev Ineated the Archive Laptnp at her persnnal residence and wan-ted wit it transfer the archive nff Iintnn' e-mails tn PEN n 1111 after trying stitllv tn rer tntelv transfer the e-inails tn Hanlev shi ed the Archive Laptnp tn residence itt tiebrttarv 2U l4 and nigrated lintnn' e tnails the Archive Laptnp the l liT's' Server in l'i'ii'i'i'r w Tn aeenmplislt this ransferred all nf the linten e mail enntent tn a persnnal GnngIe e tnail Email address he createdil and then dewnlnaded all efthe e-tnait the Email tn a mailbns named Arehive with the e mail address remailenin en the Pitts Server dvised Ire used the semail enm e mail aeenunt tn facilitate the transfer beeause he had treuble the e-tnai the r tpple l'vlaeS-t ail tn a that wnttId be with Exchange 1 Hanlejv' stated she that the Archive Laptnp after the e tnails were transferred tn the FEM Server I-tnwever the FBI that after the transfer was enmplete he deleted the e-ntails the firehive Laptne but did wipe the taptnp He alsn advised he deleted the e-tnails tn the lid gmail cnin e-rnail aeenunt per ilattlev' ammunitive Laptnp via Llr' Serviee nr United Parcel Serviee tr was lintnn' the time Him' the Hit that she never the Iaptnp ltnwever she advised that staff was I'I'l v'Il'lg nfftees at the time and it wnu rave been easy the package tn get Inst during the transitinn perind Neither Hanlev eettld identifv the current whereabetrts nfthe Archive laptnp nr thumb drive the Hi arid the FBI dnes nn-t have either ttetn its 1 FBI investigatinn identified sate e inails assneiated with lintnn's persnnal e mail fran Uctnher 25 EDI tn December 3 I 213' IU that as nf Ittne El EIJI retnaitted within the ril'gtnailenm The FBI was able tn determine that 5n nfthese tn arehisc ef e-rnaits was created as a Inference fer nf a Aceurdittp In Iiattle 1hr t nf was created respunsc tn l 'Iintnn' rr 5pm address heiup tn the public fattening the airline thrusting nI'e-utnil exchanges bent eeit E'tiutnu and an iul'nrrnal pnlitieal setterm Hittite s Err-spun witieh enr'ttan'ted Itis e-tltnils as vlareh t4 a haetver 4D Page nt'-fin-Tl b1 131 11-3 e1 b3 5 - a tats e-mails have been identi ed as currently elassitied at tlte threugh the Sta Ft tl a at ditierrally the FBI determirted tltat 3t el' the shit e ntails identi ed irt the I-antail eern aeceunt were net t eund in the set et e ntails lirtten predueed te State irt 20 I4 the fit e-ntails the FBI tlisserttinated IE te agencies tt' elassi catittn review State determined ene e ntail he be classi ed when sent and te he elassitied currently-1 State determined a e-mail te be elassifi ed as when seltt attd tube currently 136 hi 12 5 t rttm their all ttI' the the July and 2U I-I In er ar'eund 2d 4- erJartuar' 5 Mills and Santuelsen requested that esperts set a ealleld Bleaelt it Ie delete the e-ntail-related Iiles se they eeuld rtet he 'entetel 1r eertneeted te h-Iills's and Santuelsen' lapteps 1t-ia Sereenti enneet te cent pl etc the deletiens 1 tated re the FBI that an unhrtewn IL Iinten stall teld she did net want the PST tile alter the espert wanted it returned the l ltls iIt EUH decided she ne lender needed aecess te an ef her e-mails elder than d dates 'I'Iterefere tdills the retelttittn pttlit'tr' acettunt re eet changeji' Hewett-er te he did net make these changes te Clintert' elintenentaileent urttil March it lintert teld the FBI tltat after her her pruductitat te State itt December 2U I4 site was asked what she wanted te de with her remaining persenal e-ntails L lintert her stat t she rte lettger needed the e rtrails lintert stated she net-er deleted rter did she ans-ene te delete her e mails te at'eid with F lst State er requests t er int'ermatien n h- Iareh 2 EU I 5 Filer r etr I'ra'ri' Titties published art article titled Hillary E linten Used Persenal I-Intail Acceunt at State Dept Pessiblgr lireahittg Rules This article ed publicly that FIIHIUH used a persuttal aeettunt cenduet tt icial State business while she was Secretary at State and had net predueed her t ederal In State until December idle in March 3 2015 the United States Heese Seleet ert Bengl taai prtt'r'ided a letter In r5 requesting the presertr'atien attd preduetiun if all and rttedia related te artd Itrel eern lb The tellewing day the Heuse Select err Etenghaai issued a suhpeerta te lintert te preduee Frent hred Tailclintenemail cent and ether email addresses used try Clintett pursuant te the surreundittg the it 2 terrerist attack itt He nghaei if flfr t FB-IeI-Q-l In the days the publicatinn eI' the artiele h- Itlls requested that PEN cenduet a eem tlete int-'et terjr' et all equipment related te the Pagliane Server If a respense te this request traveled te the returns da aeertter itt New Jersey te eertduet tatstte res-'tew ttI tl'te whtle aIstt legged Itt It the sert- er Eleaelt it as epetr seuree sel'tuare that tlleus users at sltted les clear Internet ltister delete utd tiles attd 1pc free space an a hard dnsc E- tee space ts the area eJ' tlte hard that cart eeatatn data that ltas been deleted Blcaeh lt's tiles elaitns te seeurelg erase Ii Ies etensritutp data 111 tnal- e the data entbie tL't The same attiele ttas released en the tt ebslle en Match 1 The print tetsiutl appeared ell page the fattening dd March S Elli i i The I lent-a Sulwt t th Hettghaai a net-sets Ilieu request I'd-t It'l w uull ' Itldtess her attd an Inaccurate address Itrel T- rt cluttenetnail eem tier E'httlea Page IS ef'-I i' - b3 bl b3 sEtfaET eras rein eewered en the Pagliane Server eeritirnted tier Mills that ne additienal data existed en any sen-er equipment as all data was ntigrated te the ha - Wei '1'Il'1l'l hen-er e'i'e lull-a 'il'1ll' ll- ml lus'estigatien indicated that curt March 25 2m 5 l held a ettnlerence eall with President 'Iinten' stal In his inten'iew's with the ndieated that sernetitne hetween h- Iareh 25 3 l El 5 he realised he did nut Inalse the e-tnai retenti en changes te linten' elintenelnaileem e rnail arceunt that Mills had requested in December 2L1 I In his FBI interview en February- IE 2t le indieated that he did net reeall eeitduetinu deletiuns based upen this realizatien In a ll u-w up FBI interview tin T's-lay 3 1 indicated he helies'ed he had an eh shit rnetnent setnetiine hetween Mareh 25-3 E l deleted the linten at'eltwe tnailhes treat the sewer and used EleaehBit te delete the espetted tiles he had created en the eentaining 'Iinten' entnails 1 1 liwestigatien t eund eridenee eiithese deletiensi determined the DattehaeI-tiips el the F'Rl'i Server were alsu manually deleted during this tilnel'ratne r5 lneestigatitnt identi ed a l- lli s' ticket which referenced a eent crcnee call ain ng PRES Kendall and T's-lills Dr t March PRl s attuntey ads- teed net in eetntnetn en the eetwersattun with Kendall - - - based upen the assertten til the atturney eltent pru- tlege 1 5 137' Itn- estigatien identified a March Bill 5 e Inail tr l'rtnn el which was a reei ient ret ereneing the eresertr atien request fretn the ll errintittee en 55 Benghaei Wwidened during his February 13 20- intewiew that he did net t'eeall hr seeing the presen'atien re uest referenced in the h-lareh e 5 erntail During his May 3 20 ititers-iew Ijndieated that at the time he made the tleletiens in h-lareh Elli he was aware cil the existence efthe liresen'atittn ret ttest and the l aet that it meant he shttuld net disturb l 'linten' e-ntail data en the Sewer Else stated during this inten'iew he did nut guidanee l'rtnn uther PRH persunnel legal eeunsel er ethers regarding the meaning til the presers- atiun request Mills stated she was unaware tha tad eendueted these deleti ens and ntedifieati ens in lit-larch 3115 flinten stated she was alse unaware el tlte se l5 e-tnail deletiens PEN my 3 Ililr l'i 'l'f' Results of FBI Review el' 'Tlinten E mails Stered and Transmitted en Persegal Server Svsteins 4 fit i Quantities raft 'i'rrmm's Heem'er'ecf 'em I'i'ers'marf i'eri'er Feast-ears Tu date the FBI has reetwered l rurn additiuttal data seurees attd reviewed appresilnatels 1 1 443 unique wurIe related and persenal e inails r t r-ern f linten' tenure eentaining linten' e rnail address that were net presided hy- FBI Ferensieallji identi ed deletiens treat the F'Ftls' Sewer en March t-t ill at PST les an asseeiated with c-tuatl er detnatn- and ether sen er data l'hese apprestlnatel e-tnails ere dctettnirteel te be unique rent the e-tnails pres Ideel h Williams is Cunt-ell as part 111' tranluetien tu t Ie F l Iltmueh a distiILetiie Internet Message ID These les de Include deeiintentserieutia e-neu'l les uilheiit an Internet Message ID in the neeidata The tunnel- situate Ill-lull- e-ttutils Jl'rtt clutitts 1a high E'littlettl is ll l mt Ilte Heist Tet Frem er late Page Ill ef' -l i' b3 h'il'E bl SEC 1 3 b'il'E 1 ulur'illiants it Cennelly as part et Clinten's preduelien te the FBI including e-rnails t retn January as seas threugh March Ia sate hhb H Fall-Italy II 'i'nsstiffiramrm Perrier l-j-mtit'i' Her'erereu'fi'em Ferment i'errer Systems Ilf F 'Ifl ' The FBI identi ed three e ntail chains eneetnpassing eight indiyidual e-ntail esehanges te er freni Clinten' persenal e mail aceeunts which centained at least nne paragraph marked a marking estensihly indicating the presence en classi ed at the CDHFIDENTIAL Ies el a The emails eunlained nri additienal markings such as a header er t eeter indicating that they were classi ed State eenlirtned threugh the FUIA reyiew that ene et'these three e tnail chains centains inl'erntati en wltich is currently classi tied at the leyel Liin State determined that the ether twe euniail chains are currently UNCLASSIFIED W qu State did net preside a detertninatien as te whether any three e- mails were elassit'l ed at the time they were sent Il m hen asked ahtiut the e tnai chain perliun markings that State determined te currently enntain int ennatien stated she did net knew wltat the nieant at the beginning et'the paragraphs and speculated it was ret'ereneing paragraphs marl-ted in alphabetical identi ed a header and t eeter inserted in the deeutnent hy the FBI prier te the inteiyiew and asked it the related te the header and l'eeter Clinten did net belies-e the eentent et' the e mail was elassiti ed and nttestiened the classificatien detenninatien When asked et lier knew-l edge regarding TCIP SECRET SECRET and classilieatien leyels et SCI infertnatirnt Clinten respunded that she did pay attenti-nn tn the level if elassitieatirnt and teel all elassit'tecl int ermatien serieusly I rT i'crssiffied' Iri aremrirm l-i'mnnl 'i't'irtrm's H nnri s rat rs rmut Ste'rer Si'srei'tts FBI and classiticatien reyiews itlentilied SI e-ntail chains eentaittittg appresintately 1'51 indwidnal e tnail esehangesm that were classi ed t'rent the te TOP leyels at the ti me the ermails were drafted en UNCLASSIFIED systems and sent te er ti'etn Clinten' persenal sets-er Uf the SI e-ntail eltains classiti ed at the time if transmittal BS remain classi ed 'I'welye rit the e mail chains classified mm te Clintell' 1wet-site Clirlten eel - itled Stale her quls-Ielated e-muils tlatetl after March 1H Elli F-ttetils I'ttiitt In Match IS 1w 21 pie-ducted tr Stall the FBI ti t't i'tccerdingtn Satnuclsen and Mills tilt were unahlc Ie Ineate t'rent tltis pened The e-tnails I'retn Ilns titne pcrted wen net presided te PBS and the tactic-Led ere net hacked upeuaity in cstiganen 1 lletreser the e-Inails eI'Itained are likely enI a subset et'the e-nutils sent er ed It llI'lintendurings this time Immd IL-um The three e-ntnit chains centaining the pnnien in an are net ennsidcied ts pan eltlic grenp etc-mails classified thteneh the FBI classil'icatien ten hecansc State has neI tespendcd re the 1-13 request l'erctasst catieu Earlier Ill her iittcn icu 1 1 lieu asked 1- lLal Ila classi caliun rlnirhing SHLI rle 1 n _ cunt-teeth stated Sensinte Brut 1- 1 tilt limited insight LiFiEi and tilt iilsesligztlien tins deletntiilt Ii'c-ntaiIs Item the classi ed c-tnai chains in erc l'etsiardcd te ether Sij er persetunl c-tnail addresses Page h'il'E bl h'tE by State as SEERET nr were tlte applet-timeter e-maile prnrided tn State and the FBI by Williams 3 In additinn tn State classified equities the determined the ill c mail chains enntained classi ed equities l'rnnt 5 nthet' agenciee the CIA DOD FIE-L Hatinna jenenatial Intelligence Agency and Natinttal hecuritjrr Agency The El elaeai ed e ntail ehaina 3 e ntail ehaina cltteeit't ed TDF SEFRET 3T chaina claaei ed SEf l- t and an e mail chaitta elaeei ed at the ti me they were eent e ntail citaine 1 e mail eltaine enntained inlinrntatinn aeeneiated wilh a Speeial Put-grant and '3 e rttail cnnlained Senaitit'e lrerunartrnented 5'31le Ull the El classi ed e-ntai cltaina 3t e-ntail chains determined tn he Net Releasable tn Fnreign irnvernmente and 2 were enneidered releasable nnly tn Fit-e Allied partners tidal-art it Slxteen nfthe e-ntatl claaetl't ed at the time the were aettL were dntt- rtgradet itt current elaeei catinn by agenciee - - 1 1 - b3 - - - The Stale F l prnceaa identi ed 2 093 e-rttaila eurrenl 1e e5 i l'ih'l lil i'l'lhl nr e-ntaila PHI ineeatigatinn identi ed e ntaile that with the 1 13 e ntaile e mail chaine determined the FEII 1 Clue BECI e-t'llztiht 1 5 15 cutteltl this nl' LIE-5 5 h the tuning during a Fillet-related renew Page II nf'-lir 1 1 51E RH b3 bl b3 lei-TE classi cation review te be classi ed at tlte tinte All escept ene remaining 2 093 c- inails were determined lav the State te be L with ene e mail determined te be at the time et the review State did net previde a dcterntittatiett as te whether the lt t e-tnails were classi ed at the time they were sent lj i-EHzl-Q The Hill investigatien determined 'lirtten eentrihuted te disettssiens iit t ettr e-ntail eltains classified as FUNFIDEHTIAL three e ntai chains classi ti ed as and ner e Inail chains classi ed as Slif ltl 'l'rSAP Investieatinn identi ed in instances where 'linten fervv-arded e rnails te either State persenne ei t'er printing that were identified classi ed FDHFIDEHTML er SECRET titre-ugh either the State F lr t er FBI classi catien dcterntinatien requests 1 6 1 7 Hill investigatien determined at least 32 classi ed e ntail chains transited beth the persenal c-m ail acceunt el L linten and the persenal c-ntail araacatn l'vlills Sullivan et ne e-Inails was at the time et transmissien attd is ha censidcred USA F v li r ve were classi ed as SEC and ene as SECRET when and current we 1were classi ed when sent and are currentlv' ene was classi ed as when sertt and is currentlv' Ie were classi ed beth when sent attd ve were when sent attd currently and ene was when sent and ettrrentlv' lnvestigatien determined at least SD e mails treat the 2 093 e niails deemed classi ed threugh the llj l i precess were seat In er t rem the persenal acceunts et Abedin Mills Sullivan er ft' Hell re-1 In t' 'l'crs'sr'fiecf t-inrmt rm tr r rs-Tuna Server Einsteins tlth FQisl-G The interviewed multiple e icials whe authered centrihuted te e-ntails the centent if which has since been determined tn centain classified intermatien ' W'Jc'q'l'm USU entplet'ecs respensihle I er initiating classi ed e ntail chains included State Civil Service emelevees Fereign Service eniptevees Senier l-Lsecutive Service ems-levees Presidential appeintees and lien State elected e icials Iii- Wt During inten'iews the anthers el these e ntails eentest sun-trending the e-mails in qttestien as well as reasens Fer sending the e-mails errt unclassi ed svstems nerves-set the fellevitne t_v ees el 1were net the classi ed thretteh the State E- Ulft rev ten c-ntatls' c-avuls net in State it i e lE'ennellv liarmerlz classi ed c- mails new censidered L attd classi ed released during l- CIIr i 1 Tn attachments labeled as SECRET Ihtengll Stale 5- eteccss v ch net IIacLetl as sepatalc classi ed deenments in the classi catien rev ievi Dec te the Innited utte ether and pcrsenal e-tnarl l- Bl tav Iwas unable te determine itc-nsuls rent classi ed cltaitts were te persisted c-Inail 1 tn the acceullts ttl' Ahedin Mills Sullivan all set- classi ed c-Jltail chants v-erc ha initially drafted in er sent treat the private e-ntai accenius el'l'ive nen-jtitte itlflin an s I't't- include Henry and Bliunentha 137 w e-Inttil er Mills Stilliv an an ill the Field e1 line dil- the c-ntatl lnveslicalien was an ahtc In determine tl'additietuu acceiiuts were hlind cathettcetticd Page SEIRE ha bl b3 Individuals who worked the State Bureau of Public Affairs' often accessed classified information to understand the contest of unclassified information that was to be disseminated publiclv The Public Affairs officials primarilv relied upon reporting from counttju r desk officers to generate talking points believed the countrv desk officers were in protecting sensitive information within their reporting me The Public All'ai rs officials were also responsible for notifving State leadership ofimpending reports by the news media regarding settsitive or controversial topics I Furthermore a former DUID official explained that he seltt an e mail since deemed to contain classiti ed information in order to quickly coordinate public ati'ai rs responses bv State and with respect to a specific incident referenced in the e mail Individuals including those in the State itperatiorts enter Ops who were responsible for passing information to high level State oflicials worked to identify and disseminate the information they deemed critical for review by State leadership These individuals noted that such information was generally seltt on State unclassift ed e-ntail svstems because oftlie need to quickly elevate information at times when the intended recipients did not all have immediate access to classified e tnail Hm Investigation identified seven e rttail chains comprised of 22 e ntails on 'lirtton' server classified by the USIF as TDP P State Department officials both in Washington DC and overseas were briefed into the SAP and both intcmallv and with other of cials about the progrant u nlv internal State e ntails regarding the SAP were fonvarded to Clinton all of which were sent to Clinton sen-'er bv Sullivan Clinton and Sullivan engaged in discussions regarding the SAP in fourofthc seven e- mail chains Durinu are emplovees esplained the contest for classift ed material was sent and provided 1 11 it believe information 1n the c-matls was Istated titatl g1 1 3 135 hi TI stated the rigitt method of conununication was whichever method allowed for - - - v - - the tastest possible dissemination of the message L kl He also stated that nttorntati on he received from other USE agencies was teeltnicallv probably classified but that you can't do business According to State' website the Bureau of Public Affairs engages domestic and international media to lonely and accurate information Iwith the goal LLS foreign poll-c and secunt Interests as ucll as broadening of r ttnencau valncs It The IKips 'eutct is staffed 14 hours a da and constantly tituuilms reporting Slate cables- other LISEI agencies and open source news outlets for infontcnion of interest to State Joadeiship lndiv itltcils in tin classi ed infomialinn into e-inail chains to pose to high-level State of cials untreated that at tones tilt were ltl llig on information that others had snunnarircd and provided to them Page 23 of -l i' b1 b3 h'il'E bl ea are that wav 1iJv hen interviewed lav the FBI autlters el the e-ntails stated that their usetl their best judgment in drafting tlte messages and that it was praetiee at State te earet'ullv Inails en Lll'v'ti'l netwerks se as re aveid sensitive details his use Ferrite I deelined te eentntent en the het ereneed news artieles elaitning e ntails en Flinten' server were ever elassi ed but after seeing the e mails during the interview stated he new understeed peep1e were eeneerned aheut this matter Sullivan indicated he had ne reasen te believe ansr State entplevee ever intentienallv mishandled elassitied infra-nitatiett J i- t The FBI inteiviewed I'eitu' eseeutives statiened beth in the United States and everseasl In The eseeutives reviewed thLIC-T tl il ehains wliieh transitetl linten' persenal e-ntail es and assessed that seine ei the e-uiail ehains sheuld he eeusidered elassitiedil'i'lli'H b3 Hewever twe til the eseeutives Interviewed said seine et thel a ntaieritv el the eseeutives interviewed es pressed eeneerns witlt hew State handled 1 te a rate revs-entire term I l5 State etnnlevees were aware ef the sensitivities On April St El Ie Mills whe served as tZ hiet el Stal l te linten at State between EUUSI and 2013 was interviewed in the FBI During this interview i'viills tvas previded seven e- tnails whieh eerttairted int erntatien later deterntined te be While Mills did net speeitieallv rententber anv et' the e ntails she stated that there was nething in them that eeneenied her regarding their transniissien en an uuelassit'ied e mail svsterii m I vtiils alse stated that she was net eeneerned atteut her tleeisien te tierward eertain ef these e-ntaits te Clinten in In reviewing e mails related tn the SAP refereneed aheve Mills explained that senie if the e mails were designed te iltt erln State e ieials et ntedia reperts eeneeming the subject matter and that the inl erntati en the e-ntails Inerer eentinned what the public already knew The FBI interviewed Sullivan en Feei'uarv 243 Is Sullivan whe between 20de and 3013 served at State rst as the Deputy Thiefel' Stall tier Peliev and then as the Direeter ef' Peliev Planning estensivelv with linten lav e-nrail Their eenununieatiens ineluded hetlt e ntaits written by Sullivan and emails vvritten lav ethers that Sullivan terwarded te 'liuten During the interview the asked Sullivan te review appresitnatelv 14 e tnails Sullivan sent er en unelassilietl svsterns that were later tleterrnined te eentain elassilietl iitfitrluatiun up tn the level Sullivan did net speei eallv recall the e-mails aside l'reni seine el theni Freni the materials released pursuant te l- rl t litigatien hut Page l l ef'-lir e1 ea T b1 b3 presided reasens why the e-mails may have been sent b_v him er ethers en unclassili ed svsterns With respect te the SA P Sullivan stated tltat it was discussed en unclassified svstems due te the eperatienal tempe at that time and State emplevees attempted te tall areund classi ed intermatienfw i Sullivan alse intlieateti tltat t er seme el the e-mails intermatien abeut the incidents described therein tnav have alreadv appeared in news reperts m' Sullivan stated that his celleagues at State tv'et'ked hard while tinder pressure and used their best judgment tu aeeuntplish tlteir 1 dr'hett t'urwarding e mails Sullivan relied ett ut'the individuals whe sent the e mails te him te ensure that the e ntails did net classi ed in tbrmatien Sullivan did net recall anv instances in which he felt uneasv abeut in t'ermatien cunveved unclassi ed svstents nur an instanees in whieh uthers espressed cuneerns the handling et elassitietl at Statemn'm Sullivan was alse aslred abeut an enmaii exchange between him and Iinten in vvhich en the nteming el Junc Sullivan te eheels en the status et talking puints she was te have receivedJ'E'J' Sullivan respended that the secure t as vvas Inaltitnctieninp was in the et' being tised instructed Sullivan that ifthe secure t'as cuuld net be fixed he shuttld turn the tail-ting puints iute nunpaper with net headng and send State Uses the term nun paper refer te a deeument which is autheriaed t'er distributien te a t'ereign gevernment witlteut esplicit tn the US and with-tint classi ed in n tnatiun Sullivan did nut reeal this specific e-mail believed that IL linten' request indicated that she weitld have wanted hitn te mat-re an unelassitieW en a nen seeure 1 1 1 13 On April 5- it It s Abedin w-he served as Deputv 'hietiet StatTte linten at State between 200' and E l 3 was interviewed by the FBI When asl-zed abeut an e mail subsequently determined te eentain int ermatien Abedin neted that she had enlv eenveved the inl ermatien item the e-mail and had net eriginated it q She alse stated that she relietl upen the sender te preperlv mark the e mail Tit' ' elassit'tcatitnt purpuses and did net take it uptnt herself te questien the sender sjudgment as te sueh rtrat'king Wm tiled-HHS lttvestigatien determined Blumenthal a farmer pelitieal aide President linten and an inlermal pelitieal adviser te IL linten during her tenure at State hart direct e mait cuntaet with lFlinttn't during her tenure at State FBI investigatiun identi ed at least 1T3 e s sb and vltIJs alse pres idcd sttnilar tcspenscs v hen asked State securttg practices resending ctasstl'tcd ittl'ennatien Altiluugil Abedill as a part - te e-Innils infurluatien that has since been determined te be classi ed- due re the nature at State nas tint mistrial included in the c-ntait chains in this sect st Stills-tan and Mills were ill li ll 'd Ahuditl's pdsilit'ul tt Slate lit slut ill't ah I bet ttv'll'tiCIp-Etlinlt itt substantive pelics deeisietts and she was net a tepidar ascrel'classil'ted c-tnatl systems Page eta 131 a ha h'l'E tnailsm that te Clinten inlermatiett itt ntemerandum t ertnat The State F h t precess identi ed 14 atentes I'rem Ellumemhal that centained int'ennatien cun ently classi ed as and ene as beth when seat and currently The Hill iatctyiewed Blumenthal en January 12ers tccerding te BlumenthaL etithe memes which addressed tepics te inelttde Henghaai and t'ereign pnlitical deyelepments was presided te him Free a number et dil t erent seurces te include t ermer empleyees and cenlaets as well as centacts within threign 'I'Iie memes centained a netatien et and then elten included a seut'ce summary statement similar te tltese Frequently tinted in intelligence preducts HH'JHH'NH Blumentlial indicated he 1was net tasked te preyide tltis illf i'l t t li l l te L linten rathcr__ he presided it because he the iat ertnatien helpl'ul which linten eccasienally ackaewledged yia e mai IC linten elten leis-carded the memes te Sulliyan asking him te remeyc int ermatien identit ying Hlumemhal as the eriginater and te pass the intermatien te ether State entpleyces te selicit their inputfm'lln Accerdittg te c- tnails hetween Flinten and Sulliyan discussed passinLI the int'eniiatien re the 1tit-'Iiite Ileusc ether LEG agencies and t ereign t l'i tit'efut ect' tr Merritt rm Her t i'errer fit-steers Uri July 1 213' Ie the FBI intet's-iewed tL linten was aware she was an Driginal lassiticatien r tuthet'ity at State lteweyetz she eeuld net recall ltew ettett she used this autherity ner eeuld she recall any training er guidance preyided hy State wr' linten ceuld net giye an esample el hew the classi catiett el a decutnent was determined rather she stated there was a in place at State hel ere her tenure and she relied en career l ereign sets'ice pret cssienals te apprepriatcly marl and handle classi ed linten helieyed intermatien sheuld he classi ed when it relates d the use et bl sensiriye seurces er sensitiye tie iheratie11s 4lm 1tl't hen asked whether she believed b3 sheuld be classi ed il'its unautheriaed release weuld cause damage te aatienal security linten yes that is the understandirig JW linten did net recall t'eceiyiitg arty e mails she tlteugltt slteuld net haye heeit en an unclassified system Elite relied en State ettlcials te use theirjudgmeut when e mailing her and ceuld net recall anyeae raising cencems with her regarding the sensitiyity el the inletmatien she receiyed at her e mail address FM The FBI presided Flintnn with cepies et her classi ed e mails ranging t'rem re TUP Sl-Lti'ltl-I'lI-EAP and 'linten said she did net helieye the e mails classi ed int emtali en Upen res-'iewing an e mail classi ed EEC dated December 1 linten stated ne pelicy er practice esisted tLL- t t l The FBI ehtantcd 3'7 mcntes c-Inatls 11y 't't'tlltatns lit 'entteJlj as part el' te the FBI he recesered tire memes im cstigatiett em haelatps prim itlcd h Feepee Stine tlid net plentle tlelenniuatiunun Illuse itddillettel insures - tcceidittgte the titeme as petsenal in nature and did em iel'er te 15531 mt'ermalten 3 1e the illdl idttal he pres tried the eenteitt I'er a el the memes the Ictn eats preiitletl regarding the stance ufittl'emtaueu ill the Memes lmestigatieu was inctlile tn deterutiite il'am ef luuhcutletl's te the 1t1 'ltitelltiuse en te agencies and taeigtt grits enln'tettls as Still p ttHel Itettl items were present itt the dulu lite-1 idetl he slute It the Page 2t ef' -l 3' 131 11-3 h'l'E b1 b3 S related te eermnunieating areund ltelidavs and it was eften Ie eetnmunieate in eede er de tlte hest veu eeuld te eenvev the infermatien eensidering tlte e inail system veu were usingfi'H In referenee te the same e mail linten believed if the fereign press was te ebtain infermatien frent tltat e-mail it weuld net eause damage te the US tjevernmenri'rl When asked Flinten reealled being briefed en SAP inf-ermatien but enuld net reeall anv speeifie briefing en hew te handle SAP infermatien 'i'i'q 'linten stated she knew SAP inferrnatien was ef great impurtattee and needed It be handled earefullviljl Jews It Witter f'ii L'le'It f't t ffi'tiili'i Fei a'etarf t i'er't'ei' fl'si'euia' LL- mi There were ne e-ntails previded hv Williams ti fennellv te State er the FBI dated trern January 2 l 2W9 te Mareh IS sees FBI investigatien identi ed an additienal 13 days where 'linten did net previde State anv respensive e mail FBI investigatien determined I l ef the IS davs where linten did net prev-isle State an respensive e-m ail eerrespend with e-mail eutages affeetin Flinten' persenal server systems as a result efbeth Hurrieane and ilurrieane Sandvm FBI investigatien indieated ether es planatiens fer gaps in 'linten' e-niail preduetien eeuld inelude user deletien prier te PRl's transfer tifl TIintertr e-mails fer review er flaws in the arehiving and serting used tn generate the respensive preduetien te State 4 llfm Results if the FBI lnvestigatten and Analvsis if fisher Intrusion Petential l' Wit It l'flt l' v-littrift'srs raft 'I'mtrm I ei'a'tstuf Server fir-stems FBI investi gati en and ferertsie analysis did net tintl evidenee eenfirming that Flinten' e mail server systems were eempremised bv evber means The inabilitv te all server equipment and the lads efeemplete server leg data fer the relevant time pelied limited the ferensie attalvsis ei'the server svstems ts a result FBI evber analvsis relied in large part en witness statements e Inail eerrespendenee and related ferensie eentent feund en ether deviees te understand the setup rnairttenanee adrninistrati en and seeuritv ef the server svstems Investigatien determined Ftinten' elinteneniaileeni e rnail trafiie was petentiallv vulnerable te eempremise when she f1 began using her persenal in January EIJIJFJ It was net until late l'v lareh sees when the Pagliane Server was set up and air SSL eenifieate um was aequired fer the elinttmemail eem demain pr-eviding enervptien eflegin eredentials but net e-tnail eentent stered en the selver that re the seiver was afferded an added iaver ef The was valid until September l3 EB l3 at whieh time PETS ubtained a new eertifieate valid until September 13 EDI SEW llfilFFIB-itl During his 21 2B 5 FBI interview Pagliarte reealled a eenversati en with 135 at the beginning ei L linten' tenure in whiel ised he weuld net be The first eltv-e esteuded eutages item August 2H te ill ti a result Irene Li-Hm The seetmd estendud I'reln vleber ill ltlli Iu Hes ember ii it II II dag-s us ti result el' Sands I'm leccmtiiug lu- FBI F rQIIi-ii uiiztii sis the re as usjt SSI- eetlil Ienle L'ie'i P gll lh'l Benet buts-teen Mulch EIHN 1 1 lien the neu sen as eperatietsil and vlarelr Eli er lms 1 1 tten ilte eenil'teate v as installed en the sen er Page 2 ef' -l i' b1 h'l'E bl 13-3 b'l'E rised it elassi ed was being transmitted te L Iinten' persenal sets-er 'urther tltat e mail transiting t'rem a stategey te the server hi5 sent threugh a 'l'tanspert layer Security tunnel 3 Pagliane advised that the trattsitien te TLS m The FBI was unable te t erensieally determine was implemented en the Pagliatte Seryer 1 t'Ir'ltett asked aheut the and seettrity et' tlte seryer system Ite administered Pagliane stated there were an security breaches but he was aware there were ntany t ailed legin attempts nytitZIt he referred te as brute tbree attaeks He added that the failed attempts ittereased user the life til' the Paglianti Sen-'er attd he set up the sery'er' legs lti alert L eeper when tltey Pagliane knee - tlte attempts were petential attaelsers because the eredentials attentpting te leg itt did net ntateh legitimate users en the systent h Pagliane eeuld net reeal it a high yelume et t ailerl legin attempts emanated t retn any speei e an attempt tti thwart attacks set up Internet tll ltering en the rewall and tried te reyiew the rewall leg les enee a menthw After the Seryer was established Feeper Faglianti itt a L'ttited 135 States Secret Seryiee agent I agliane alse perterm euntl ltering b7 e1 e mai trailiei Pagliane i'urthei' eensidered but ultimately did net implement a y'irtual Priy'ate Hetwerk tty'e teter better seeLtre adrnirti strattye te the sewer system by him and L eepet' The FBI t erettsieally determined that Rentete Desktep RUPtdd m was enabled an the Pagliane Server and was used by Pagliane E eeper and later PEN fer remete administratien et tlte seryer 1 it't'hile the ayailability et' EDP tlit TLS ts a that ensures primacy bet-aeen cetrnnunicatittgapplicattans suclt as ater ltrettsittg e-ntail attd 'tI Ihetr ttsers en tlte Internet ensures Ittat thud-party eat esdttep-s en the tee-nay ts the le SSL and ts censtdered tItere seettre lLi Accetdittg ten the State tap-tit Stale Jttlicy Frill it stipulates clay cenducted an an anthem ixed sy stent n the absence et' a de- iee such as a State Hpen'atet ternti'tetl can send Bat L'ttelasst ed tta the Internet enly ttlten necessary tlte htteytledge that the ttalttreeftlte lends itself te access Iteneyet that ehattee be EIHIH IE t- diyl Mill-5 yyas attd that ett at nett- teiltties Ilad tu- Ineet eertain eTiteTia liad luv that SM yyas eIIerypted Ettlesttey SELL t 'ttl their tit ed and ttuttutg tl and return tltle the les an ttel terptised and it by the Satiettal et't-ietettce and tSlS'l' - atnenp ether things IE 11412-5 yyas 21H l and Elite the baste requirements ttet change Lit I'etee attael is a trial-aIId-errut 11thqu used te ebtaitt iIIl'erIInttiert such as a pass-nerd er petseILal idetlti catiett tF'Ih-it Itl 't I'erce lists-m ettls may he can he tit-tut tt t gettmate a large ttutnherel'cettsecutiye guesses as 1e the targeted tL' It l'iltentta ts the practiee el' identin in and lt-leehiny addresses based en the efpatterns titat are el a atuteh tL't isa priyate ttetyyerk that ett tepet'a larger ttetty'et'ls te prey ide access te shared ttetyyetlt resettrees yyltielt that include the physical lLartl es el- as in the cast atl' DesLIttp Paula-eel 'y'F'It-i et t'ers utadditiettal layer at secui ity Ity the data 1 l l elittg tn the pritate beten sending it me the Internet Data ts tlten y ltett ll teaches the prty tte is a trtetlted nset selantted identity by a et' tyye the user knees and Iltt use has such as a FISA Ley uh-'1Ltltett isa pin-pn'etaty ptetncel dew elepcd It that alley- s user te ientntely ceintect te ntetltet a triennial ID yieyt the ttL-tl central it is that DI- slattit'tg 1a hill SIP Page SELR - ha 131 set a ha h'l'E en a server is eenvenient fer remete the FBI is aware et knewn asseeiated with the 1 13 ridingeat-v virus but eeuld previde ne additienal details ether than it was el great eeneern FEtl esamiItalieireftlie Pagliane Server and available server haekups did net reveal any indieali ens et mal wa re w Jn Januatv El Elli I 'eeper sent Abedin 1an e mail stating semeene was attempting te haelt the server prernpting hint te shut it eeper sent Abetlin anether e-inail later the satne dav' stating he had te reheet the server again F13 The investigatien tlid net identify malieietts legin aetivitv asseeiated with this incident 5 'l'he Flil' review et'available Internet Infermatien Serviees t r Ill-ll web legs shuts-ed seanning attempts tiem estet'nal IP addresses ever the eeurse el Pagliane' administratien et' the server theuglt ette appears te have resulted in a eernprentise et'an e mai en the server' Ferensie analvsis tteted that en lanuatv 5- EDIE three IP addresses inatehing lsnewn esit nedes were ebsetved a user e mail en the Pagliane Server believed te beleng te Presiden 'lin 1ft etl l 1 5 investigatien indieatetl the Ter user legged in e-mail and brevv-sed e-mail t elders and 1ill-'hen asked during her interview stated tn the FBI she is net familiar with ner has she ever used 'l'er set'twared Fl investigati en te date was unable te identify the aetertsl respensil tle l er this legin er eredentials were eetnpreinised w ill-W Ferensie analysis efalert e-mail autetnalieallv generated by Fleudlaelvet revealed multiple instances etipetential aeters attentptittg te espleit vulnerabilities en the Server determined nene et'the aetivitv hewever was against the s1s 313111 Fellewing the l'v lareh 3 2D i l'erdt limes artiele publielv revealing IFlinten' use et persenal e-mail te eendnet gevernment businesst the FBI identi ed an inereasgd number el' legin attempts in the FEM Server and its assueiated demain eren sit analvsis revealed nene et' the legin attempts were FBI investigatien alse identi ed an ill I tilder veisieas et' EDP had a itlatetah-ilitj tlte inetlted used in client pt EDP sessaens security patcltes it'applied has lettiedied these 1 ulttetabtlities esp-using te direct eennecttens eeuld alletv tentete attackers eppertitmts te _eness legin eredentialstilt Tet is Free I if__t end users tu dlrevt thelr lute met tntl'l'li tllruuglt a green 111' see we truuntl the uezitd ineade te catteeal their lecatinttaad latente usage 1 if 5 eettlt llet is Hitter-tell sen 'llIL'll testmte s Hi scents educates clieeivitig peltllissit'nts etc t a tt'tndeus deutaitt Page Ell et' -l l' 131 11-3 h'l'E SECRET bl es b'l'E inerease in unautheriaedlegin late the Apple it leud likely asseeiated with linten' e mail address during tltis ti nte peried Investigatien determined all petentialls Apple ili leud legin attempts were Fm additienalls' PEN made t'arietts netwerl ettanges te the FEM Sets-er areund Mareh T 2015 te ittetude disabling the sen-et litthlie- teitig s Pl s' page and sw-itehing l'rent ESL tti TLS te inerease seeurit F'w Stall alse disettssed the pessihitity et eendueting penetratien testing Lll against the Pitts Sewer re highlight vulnerabilities the l l l w tlrk m The FBI interviewed alt efthe eentpang with whieh had diseussed the issue The entplej-ree stated that the tepi_e was hreaehed hut that peneti'atien testing against the FEM Server ultimatel 1r did net happen H t l' t't Jet' rltat'tfts'is rift Newt-es The Hill elees net have in its pessessien an eF-E'lintett's 13 ntehile rleviees w-ltieh petentially were used te send e-mails using L linten' elintenentaileem e-mail addresses sits a result the FBI eeultl net make a determittatiett as te whether an el the ties-tees were subjeet te eelnpremise Similarly the FBI dees net have in its pessessien el the lite iI- arl rlesiees - - - - - - sisal assists w'hteh were used by te send and e Ittalls dunttg her tenure the Hit litrensieallgt' esatniited twe efthe three iPadsm L it ehtaitted and Feunrl rte el' Cyb l' intrusienim rr it'hw' threatens rst Tamar's Parisian its-mutt cast Axum-tuner Ins-'estigatien identi ed multiple et phishing seear ehishing e - 3 Wed t lltl'ttl her tenure as beeretars' ei Estate 2 lei-E h'l't Etta-El-hl-F phishin e-tnail purpertedl item the persettal e-ntail 1 1 et' a State etlieial The e nta'l eemained a petentially 2 Iinl 1 linten replied te the e mail stating Is this realist from tree Iw-as he w'erried aheut epenine I In a separate Ahedin sent an e ntail tt ilitlieating was Apple as t slit th at tilahle let users el' Apple is It It llat used i'tpple iI aels during the eentse at her tenure and India as like used as her a'lh'll-p-lle te se1 up a th'Il supple det tee t t'lttle tlie did net reteal address attd h default the dettiain name It Is ltltels these wild tried te gain Ie the related Apple iIZ'Ieud searched t'et attd the address epett settrees News attieles l1 utu i eettlautetl a sereuttslipl 11f ill Ittlr therein ulgitlg mail alias ltliei emlets Itsetitintted the dnmain tenure in attieles hut withheld e-mait alias t liatett's t'ull e-mait address eettld tltetel'ete hate heeti aseettaitteel tltteuglt tarieus settrees 11'tL'tE eltetratietitesting mere latest-It as is the praetiee eftestutt a eeluputer s stern netwerlt er weld applieatieti te I'md tI IIerahi ities that all attaehet eetle espluil ' 'iiFIH'l'I'lIt The lilittj iF'ael the FBI elttaitteti was ttet teltlalls used ltn F'iltl'tt'tl alter gill It stall and llteterere tl'tt F l dint tuth l'ttJettsIeall usatl'titlt the letiee' ttit RAT is a piece et'sel'tware that l'aeilitates ten'rnte eperatten ed a eetnputer s3 stem Page Etl et-l bl he b7E 9- 1 11 133 as werried snnteene was haeking intn her email given that she ante-mail ti'ern a known asseeiate enntaiuing a link in a website with pernegraultie material m There is lid additienal int erniatien as te IE linten was eeneerned abeut snlueene haeking inte er ifthe sneeitie lint tw- Abedin was used as a s-eeter te int eet linten' been seeree bl intiirmatiun indieated it' ripened the targeted user's dei'iee may have been infected and 1 3 wnuld have been sent tn at least three ennui-titers ueerseas includingl nne in - Russia r'l' - l il nreritrrn' ins-s ff f 'i'trs'srfien' fit ir'mrrti'rm LL- mi Du dareh I E l I Beswell sent a meme direetly' te lli linten eutlining an inerease sinee Januaryr EDI at elk-'ber aetnrs targeting State ernliluyees' liersnnal e-rnail 'l'he meme ineluded an altaelunent whieli urged State ten limit the use et personal e-mail t ur ut'tieia business si nee stime eurnprumised ltutne systems hare been reeuntigu red by these aeters tu autnluatieally tbrward enpies nt all eumunsed e mails te an ttudiselused linten' immediate staff was alsn briefed nu eyherseeunty threats in April and May 212 l m 1 1 1 3 b5 b1 1 3 1 5 h'i'E L In etder ler Inalieteus te be efl'tssti't e the targeted Itesl dei has te lune tlte eeneet installed ll I'eresample the best is running an elder setsiell elAtlube but the es iluil 11 ng used is net-net them is iteilitllee the Item will uni he inreeled heeanse Itte Esq'rlt'idt was unahte 1n using 1tte nlder seisinu nftlie Lit tjirtitljt itt this case is art e-Ittai acceliutl It Ferdith i2 titlr act- 1m and which seen use 15 tltt et'anrn-l'nmarded e-tuails treat 1 Page 3 cit- sEtfa b1 b3 u or ahetit March Id 2m HUI aecctint ts-as centprentiscd by Marcel Leltel Lazar aka ittccit'er a Rentanian cyher hacl-ter Lazar disseminated e tnails and attachments sent s Ihreadcastnta C ttl at t e ne tlte captured a list if It tiprcigrt pelictr and intelligence rnentcis atithercd he w The true at the tin tlte list 1ar'as deterntined by State he elassiti ed at the level in was extradited t rent Rplnattia te the United States en its- larch 3 2d lei Between April 25 Edie and May 1 Idle made a claim In FUR Hess-s that used inl'crntaticn li'ent Et tintertthal' as a stepping stcne tc hack linten' perscnal On May as it let the FBI intert'iewcd Lasar whet admitted he lied te FOX News about hacking the Clintcn sen-cl FBI analysis clithc ll lintcn sen-er ti litet'raltte claimed the sewer tiid identify et- idettce that hacked the sewer in An ct-tartiinaticn et leg les From s larch EU I 3 indicated that IP addresses Russia and Ukraine attempted tt scan tlte sers'er Harclt IF 2111 the da after the and en March attd March 2 1 Hcasrerer et these attentp ts r were successful and it cetild net be determined whether this activity was attributable tc Lazarthat sees ea The FBI general ctr-her research antl anal cl c-rnail addresses ha antl ttser with the attd b5 11W LL- fatten FBI csti'actcd the and Message-mp saltics tier caclt idcntilicd centirnted classified e ntail relevant tc this iris-estigaticn The values 1a'ei'e extracted treat the e mail in erder te dct'elep speci c cleetrenic signatures that he used when searching t er csact itt large data rcpesitcrics In an ctTert te identify any centi rnted classi ed e-rttails may hate been thretlgh the signature-based searches in at'ailahledatahascs te The 1373 FBI alse presided the unique identi ers ether agencies and ene entity ft 1 alttc ts a Mieteset't field hand than c-Ittanl's Itcadcr ts te threads L- ach ttatc ts a rcpt er tiarttard In the c-atatl iltt is the c-Ittail client hemp used trill append alphanumeric chantcters tn the c-rlittil' ertpina 1 alnc mutt Meesage-ID is a tulitpte identi er in all e-Itetil'e header ate retltuted la lane a speed 1e funnel and he glehal nnirptc l 'itth sahics s-Icssagc-ll'itsaic unique in ciciji iitdi-tzidiial c-ntai ct Lita-c- hc en_e 1c the santc tar cent Ft precedes the bed c-ntatl aad lilies tittctadatat that itLaFe-t-ge IRE satrar Feats bl 1 3 b7E Js'ts respended Tet date the st sesrehes 1n LIst databases have net Identified the re ear-ant e ntsi ls m sees m The FBI ptus idetl the Exeeulis Elmer ud- I lit President mess Stine Eh-m Threat sis nit isiu-II md tnte's Resmrree Bureau Message-ID mlnes feuth ne teedrd tt-nen Ided stated they eemldenls senreir stud hnes- as did IRE 1n m trttentpt te hetlter eenl'irttred elnssi ed resided in 1 112 1- ider tie- ennts er hetltet identi ed truttrded LII mulled Id elitssi ed the the 11F sharing Tlltettd-htdes s-lessuge- Ds 1 1 ith e-utm l seniee pmxiders nJ' irttetest Bungle nus tsLed iftltes enuqu sunrell these elds in itsdutnset Tht slnl l i1 lt'ruts new tildes 1 Iltte'st which is Ilte idettliI tet Iht FBI 1 1 3 1 in Is il titltl lun inert ided msieln mm the extent the messages nere I'em nrded Page 33 ed 4 3' b3 h't'E I i SEW SECRET Page bl 1 13 #3 1 5 1 5 b1E 1 1 b3 HEB - SEITRF EXXHK Page 3h Df 43' SEER bl b3 b1 b3 b5 bl 1 3 b7E MEREX mm 13mm 3 EarHun Hum UH Fm Ham Page b7E Huh ns anLEG - Haw bum his 3 an HHEKE 13mm 5 Ear mm isms sz HE Hum Ham Em Um Um Fun Fun HE Hum Hum SEER I it Page CIT-H bl 1 3 b3 b5 b5 1 1 b3 3 EC Em his 9mg mh n an m m Xx l mm mWan HAM HE Hum Hum HE Hum Em Hm Ham 13mm Fun NEH m n ns LEG bum lm i an nn Una w Ma Ma XX HHXHEK XX Mn 3 E umumm - 13mm XX Page 47 of 47 FORD b7E HI Hair EHIHELEE 1 -1 CIT-1 12-31-2041 BATE 05-31-2315 hi 113 -1- ill-2 - Fi-fl il-KAL BUHEAF HF EH1Us 1113 3 duh 211' 15 1mm iru'cd ins Him- 55 Human uE' Em-cxiig tmr 3 ngtcia Eugenia lam 35 lat Lin 5 3154 Home Huitding Inward u 313 3 E Clim vnni i M'tnut EW b1 ili' Fm cm 111' 111i urns Han-Es 1 1 Knuth niimiaau M urn ffitm y l Lam Aim rearm was - P vr Eh'mk 15 Ll Una-M I and aha uE Juh-E tu Prim-r in Its imuwieu' Ken-Liuii 'E'umcr um Sunuaclm 2 ugh qu h iign 1 nunidiwinanm in 3meth Janina Enivrrmu iimi mm glam-5mm 15 pm UF 1 Speciui Anus l mgrum is mii i ri e Ming tin identities M113 il lwrku my 1gt'13i5 HIKE n hi imaniuu Esa'm'idud the ini'nr mHims' 114 311 making ans Hm fitment 51 11 i w mu' 41 E531 Hrpzanmum hurt-utter Hiutm in Jaumm y EEHW wme hut nE'Eircc 13 1 the Hawaii Ehmr at 5mm had am hi pin-1n cupahiu afin'lmsrum and swan mh ycit w 11W SHEEN uni and mu whih phat-m capable 5 11315 In cerium gut-cmmum afi-Iuiuta diai mu 111314 L'uangmim' icrmimnt nt'nny kind ur Eimimiit umchinl in 114 1' u imzc 4 th nm lsud wsidcnw 'm and Haw Tm nihrmralinn 11 11 11 had 1 risn nmitm inn-ca that may km the The 31333 is Emit mun with Scrum Mica mudprmau- mi 5111 sum Pinnac- 5 15 in her u itc Hun-r Hm hm in tt h her Wand-irrme but did ham 1 lhmmaiic machine rati ii r HF w-L-unr ami Lumen-mt rumb- 115L'd tin E l in her i v iula nw in awriruearih thin is war tn in Mr Lai' cc 3mm- ii um Inn-lice EH Em'iuc thu- act-cry Ejmu i1 um LL- uni When 1n 01 54 raven-u cE HS ud Eriihmmti n u'mrgh 1mm rim unmasriur scum gimme uulE arr mum Fax Mim- uim umit lg ham mp rtusxi cd datummain 11 11W mmlafl Nun If in 4a hum hug When Hawking ti l i ti ilih 13 1 aw acrhn'sml iz'zawii u wilh Em 54 it 1 1 thtcaiiud 1 3 I'uilzaluai in Fm ismiulwm hi'iufingra W the wwr ty' Ewr Phil-J 55ggI' jqwamgr-nl kWh-hulk LL r - mith HI 51 Hi nata- L35 I 2 1 1- - - r' muumumummumuuvl -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- - ym-S tea um- 11 5m 55 amid- - yrut Cil-L'jr THEN I bl h3 h'l Fl at Ith Ufi'r tam-Harv Emir-lav IL'liutu-n UH Pug-r that I 'mttmautit bl tit-1511M in runnit 1 3 t't whitit dartsilimt mum in bl b3 twig t'tut- an emntt datud Jttij t lttEE with sui utt lint - i 511 reach-1 1% m ttatt tt uiur at in Imw 51w ill-1E President Etna the Lt-arguing uninii was t'mm Ram-sin H'I ti rH 3hr 195 1111114113 th it taunt Lttu hm ttivr rut-imam an L ti tt tti lute-J Hutch with suhjurt lint tic t-tIHm-t- tip ti's'ng cmuti pntujm d tit ltmt- hut lms WEN gaunt hr 55mm Eftlt 'TtJH t'clafrutt whiir m tit-r mirth stat t and utt'tciatt it-r '1 his pmuurc was 1th Hrntetc 1w guidance but uwn tmm n t'l was um t'li'utfu ittm Hurt-t start their warm and mm mum-an 51 11 and itau iwt L t rutt f nut wltun 3 13 I'Init Fawn-ct Etcr E 'tftit'itjt' L'ltf t'ilt't and 2t 5t it with hil t' Lu Emit bit quigimuity than her time in the Senate 't hi multi um rumit an ht-iclittg tar training tag - Htutt t tl'hthiti the ut' tirduml Witt de UT int 51th was tN't'tjht was tut-tun - tilts wuet an Urigtnui TL-armiticutinn ti f t tt titutliti nut rt-utaii imw Miter 5hr hard thin at any training guidance pt't t'h idtb i35- cuttitt nut gin an 533111111 nt ltmt' ut'u wart utmt than wen pmw' s at Etutc iw jrc 5h ut't'ivmj and a t iiml mt thtl t-aruur ihrt'tgt silt - with it tt tti mart ciut r tticd t1 Ewing mt Spatial swarm T mgmm 5513 intiimmtittrt i'ittl mutti mat remit any itxui t knitting mt haw tn trundle in mnatitm mandated With W35 certain agitated at agrw mm ltrt' 55 11 but UHIEU amt awaited ail 5315 twink-d use dciircwd hun- h ttnpur it im lattice utmricr Lil hut tri' it her tar in 1111' iismtitm Ht'anm 4H Hit 'hitr Emma- in gmwrui kttcu- SAP 13 11' stat-LE nuntmi it 12-1 133 ul' Haunt f 'I uga' amid Em imam 1 hr 1 131'ng fur a drum glrihu and rtm mzi drb i ' pumlin'mg H3 H1 mncumsnuc pr tuas Law - ihrtt '4 ml fur 31 11 and Hit Ch hm amid Iml prm'idu speci cs 11 is wiam EE mm Eu 1 dimgs'wmum helm-4 11 131cm Igttwi malfni Ema- nu mum rcimmi ruminating individe 11H 1 damn li'iku Him 1553 unchanged 1111 drum Interim - htulc 11 um in Ewr m m cm Human wall When Tl EH FUN mulmnged uiussi mt in rnhmiun 113 drink plug-um cmcniz h 1 mm 111 Wink i-I rli u- iirwr had 1 run-mm with imw inihrmaitlum wrinkling in 1th dn rnr gunigmm wen I'rum mi wars rm issued 1 h Fun-s imi wminucd in 1151- the Lamar-d punt-urea 31w Sal-Li during her time in Elia Smulc Thin L1H ire um mum-crud EM 4 which wag Lama 5hr truth parsuaml mammlmiumi n anai m uia hu nrm Ii 5115 dffi j um ui'uunvunict'lui and mum 5hr Ema hu'nti'a' Hint HAN u-Em urmi 1 rim-am ma had Luther of inhr hull-in him r t ua' a'm-lrwing 1m mnuii dumd Fubnmr iE EUEH 111 11w Hm Ht 3 ccl minimal 513 was Tinn'rliui' with 111 Mum - nun'rhcr L-nding in 1h E11 mmhua' mm ut'hcr Eltatcklicrn' she did ram imlf Uh ng 1 Hi3 Liu l'ly Jam hm at 51135 waif n' hlu Hm Sunulc Win Hiaukilcn'y den-1w nuEi tmcIium 3m aidcs amim in xl-hI-Hiili g a new Afiur muting in 11 new dm'icm Ema 31M and was ii pn cd n 'hg- Ema-1' Hiking W LEELIE 11m wraith hum may data urn he aim-rim war Tali-511% nich u-nuld mm in Mining up the mu - izick crry 11133 1 Em - 311 immunij inn-cl nut-1 Hammad her Blacklium Wat- L Eumpurud wi h nur amt 5hr uwr Jusa' 1 Had-Jich while Eran-ling Hum tars-x il bw awuxiuns witmr bl 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 13 1 6 1 7 1 1 1 3 113 Eihfle' ' immunised u Hie-11 - it tehtett h- the Ethi't'tih'it wing iirtwit leti with teeure eeiJ hut t'fljhi'i titi t did titit reettil the iit ti'etiitetiee with whieh this tieetti'i'ett t1 ctitth Hittehiiet ry while at State t'eettli why the were tti phat-Ede tine Ehe wet tut-ere President hut tutti it Her request wits iitit tit'emteere er the tettsitit- iw tifthe in imutiett en her tiei'iee TLEi ii'FtlrIii wanted the seettre 1e tietti with in mttlittgetie'teit emf it wnehi be it gent itieti te ti eetE- 1 theme written hit by 1531 iit hi't i 33 1 i t-ihe net-er he her er the reagents autiined in the hith keep her Hitteit erry unthith hf the anti eheeh it ht tireutt Lift-hate when trtit-eiittg t't tet etiiee tit and either Ltt'the titi iee tit- F t-i-H diti ttet reettii i'tft ti't ritlg Eit'lj' ahe thtittitht iititthi he titteteesitieti She t'eJiett tit't'teitth' tti tee tlieirititigeteiit when entitiilitte tier tutti ttet reettit mixing Cttit tl' ifi with her regarding the ei the iitihi'i ittititi she tL her ettitii t'lti tt h hm ii'etitteitt tweet-Sim meeting - with where Eh i -iHL hit-letting it deity tt ti 51h em ether ittitt weiietmt Itteetilty during the theta need it private eitieii address with ftTtiiz'I during her time in the Rennie E'er titiit'itii tie-ti git-mettzii ttee reettiieti lemming her paivett ttitli'eretes thi' hi2 ttitieri did net reettli her speeilie regarding the tilt the January 339 directed aide It create the t wtet 1 Hunter ei'eetwetiiettee tit taint-e tintn 1 elem bj' her Lilih 'i'tii we atwtee there wee-t ti eert'er in her hl'triitilt ttl tti tit htit the net efthe t-ttritittrs wrt'tt' ttlj tilt't ii heme tit-wire diti net Shite regarding in the Fnreigit hti itirtt et'ei'ytitie htitte hiiew ache private eittitil tithheiw tweautte i1 wtt digit-iiw'ett te mw'niie with whetn she exehttiigeti htrwei et she tittl iet etp'tieititr requth pertitiiteiett te use 1 private er eniei'i ttderestt During her tie sine tit tete ittiwtt eetteeiiw regarding trite tif'tt priir'ete inert-er er tter HJWlii with the tine Ete Quehtien hth t'tth mailed the diti Witt tti eta-est iireeittely whet trying in titty Eterstitrtti'th three 'tiet tittitereteeti it te en tit'tir eitti hti il l ii wettht he etit'ertimetit ettmii did nut htitt he eets-Hm he the t1 pummel emttii tLh H H-i- H- i review-int tinted E 3th with the htte lie iitjiitlw Lita UH rented the tiiti net 1e- ret eiw email h'i't ic'i' mhh Limit EU ht ittitti'eret Heme ttitiei hat it THE i Uhi e tiltteh ettw tutti teetitntte het the tiiti nut reeith with had tie-ewe Addititihtih itlht ttitl any tpeeitit it s tit-hitting than her teeiititit white Eeeretut y tit we did Eht reettii ever receiving etijt- meeseges 1 1 1 3 1 a 111 hil a llhtia J r n Fl- rl h I'mi-v 11 minimum um reaching it manage limil 1 153113% was 11m im- iirl ul'lhi leilili myiirillng he him lu ri shim-um ur mcurliy 13f Eurrcr hinting clinmnemaiExam ill-Ill wruiwll ihlli hulking Hun-i llL'llCt ll in iE lEIUliilt in them iillirmiilli the wiiulil hi 1 Huh Ii i llil'il'llhl lm had an immunl iin lli il lh'lt lj l'lli i l' hl wilh maltrm Lilli Hm recall an ilhrr individuals hating as mi clinlmicnmiiciim slum-Ll 2 lmm lrcdi liil'l l crai hundred Slim hull hur xiiriliiriumuilmm addict-'5 f'isiim Liil'li llfy' llilh her whilc when thruugli hur lug law-cl shill Ei lum hip liil'l' ccel'r'ml lhu Willilii llirlemiinu inliil'n liillml lmth in Ilia-mirdcil lmr him i'rl i tlh 'l'l lhl smll' ii uniimm mgurding Eli-l m like mull-lit fill- 5 filli lli' - priiulirv mm in email Slain 11 tl'lC li' hm mnwlimm Htll'lLi small in 1 51 11 1' itmn1h i 5 pursunul iicuiiunl il'slitluigua- Will-i ill-Will filler an email lunc i-l Elli I will the Elm lili email hitching ill'lL l ii-imIiJl iliili mi civilian Emmi slit did the climpmmisc Ul' Still- 2 cIlljil jrcL i' imuil Ju lltl il- Hummer dill Emil Elli l'm lmtiurl iwcr Slate iillhi'nulliun 55-51 1115 Eli'rr tl'tn ller writ-wing i Hush dam-ii Jum- fill 1 will the- suhictl llm li-n mil humming L'lli i'l'li r sluiml itll cut-1 35 Ufa turlail'l puiitj li'm il 1511 under her mum and Hill LiliJ Hull mull lillhi nah-iv i- iililitiliniilly did il l i'LJL'Etil this 'L'Hi'llii mi'i'claling Willi lili f i i llr'll'il lr lhil'l upgrading llu clililuilrmallimam Ecru-m - iliu' mile cum-ills mulching in El Hutcgm ill 1hr Elmc hill iliil inc-mil minim lil' annipmuiiscx mailmgiw rayitri n Lli i l'l i lln mimil timid lit hut hu l rtmil i' hum-Luqu Huili'hml ma i li'li' mum-1 will i rcsinccl 1n Hill had aim-u been Lisli-I- l-j-E-l-i 'll'lhl wui Hm initially-Eli in 111 friim 1hu April mili liigcd h ll i 'l'lh In it garter built by I iilili l Hill 'l'lmicllirc L lli i'l l'lhi liml m1 will Hummus litr fi 'ilr tg tn il in tin ul'li ljl i'l l l'x him r' rla Iii- liilciici m' tin siilimiriu Hamill pmmruii ui-si ll unn li'uul 11ml fh f li lili nurwr LliLl uni hint Em wilh Wg i in using the sun'ui' Eu u u' id ilk Tim-calm hl' inllirmnliula Elm mail dcniml using ll ll serve-r11 avail lindeml Emmi Juli llzisull practice itiil'l' n llmir multigm' C lh lE ul' hci' b5 um cupunvd by Swirl ayatumii Willi-1 mil ill 55m In mnuil Hun-er Win Hut will ll'EL' HUM l When t lli i'l'llhi haul inmma with acmimL all L'l Hill lili' m uln Etc lfi il ri- 53hr cunld mil recall ever mntacling liar Whimsical lippurl Uh liming lawn- 5 hill liming l-liirn'uum Hum gull whims syrilcnin b1 1 11 1 11-1113 111 11111114 11111111 - 111 1111111- - 11111111 111111'1r11 1 1111- 11111111111111 11 1 1111-1 1 1111111 1 111 11111 11 1111 31 1111 did 11111 1111 1111 11111113 1111 1111111 1111111 1111111 1111 1' 111 1 11 111111 11 1 1111111111311- 111'3 111111 1 11111 11 11 1111 1111 1151111 11 11111111111111 111' 111111 11 131111111113 111 1112 1351 111 1 111 111 11 5113 1 113'1 111111 111111111111111 111111 1111111111111i1111 11 1111111151111 11111111 111 1111 1111 1 11511 1113 1111111u1111'11t1-1 11 111 111111 111m 111111 111 I111 111111111111111111 E11 1111111111111111 112111111111c1 11111 111 11111 1' 11111111113111 did 11111 11 11 1111' 111111 111 1111111 hi5 111111111 11111 11 11112111111 L111 111111111 - 1 1 '1 '1 1 91111111 31111jarc1 11111 1111 1111 11111 11111-1 11111111 111 I11 1 111111711 1 111 111 1111 111111111 11111 11 rcEirud 31 31 11111wr 11111 11111 1111 1 1111 11111111111111 1111 111111-1111 111' 1111 11111111111 1111 1111 11111111111111 111 1'1'131211 1- 11 11 11 1111 11111111111 1 151111111111111111 11 1 111111 111 1 5111133'15'1'11111 111 1 11111 111111 1 1111111111111 111111 1111 11111 111 1 111'11111111111 11 111111 1111111 11111 111 11 1111111111 1111 111111111111 11111 1 31111111111111111 11111 111-11djgi11111 111111 11 1111111111 111111111111111111 11 11 111111 11-1'11-11-11111 11 11 1-111111'1 111111511111111 34 31 113 1111111111 11 111 111 11 1 1 1511-11 1 111 11 11111211111 1 11 111' 1111 1111 11 111 311 1 1 1 1111 11 1311 1 111111111 1111 11 '11 1 1 1111 11 1111111111113 111111 111 13113-111 111111 51 11 111111 11111111 111 111111111 1111 1111111 1 111 1I111111u1r 11 1111111 1111 15111-111- 1111111111111 1111 111111 1111 13111331111 11111111111111 1111 1 1111111 11111111 11 13 11111111 11 1 11 11-11111 1111 111111111 111111 111 11 111th 13 21 11 11-1111 1111111111 11111 111111 11111 1111 1111 1111 1 11111111 1 111111131 1111 11111 11111 11 1111111111dr 1111 111111111 L lj 'i'idd b3 -- - 1111111111 111 1111 1111131 11 1111 1111111 111111111 1 1111 111111 1111' 1111 11-111 1111111131111 11-1111 111111 1 11 11 mquumtud with hu11d1111gu 11551 ud 111111111111111111 11111 1 71 111 111 114 11 51 1111c11 111111 11 1111111111111 1 111 111 111 111 1111111 11 111-1111 Mnmurmx 111111 311 1114 111111 111111 1111 mum-1'11 1111-1 1111' 11111 1111111111- 1111 1111111111 1 111151511111111 111111111111111111 1 11 '11' 2111 1111-11 111 1111111 11 11111 1111-11111 11111311 I111 111131-1111 11 1 3 I 111111 11 r1 1'11 11'1111 1111 1 1111111 111111-1111 1111 1111 111111 111 111111 1 1111 11111 11 1111'n111c1 1111 1 111 11'1 1111111111u11115' 171 111 11 1313 111111111 133 11111111 11111111 111111 1 1111 11111 3111 111 1 1 111 51 1hr eunucm rcgurdiny 1'1111111111'11111111 11 11111 1111d1 11111111d 1111 11111 11 111111 111111 1111111111 1111111111121111111 1111111111131 1111 112 111211 111 111 - 1111111111 11111111 5 111114% 111111 11111-21 111 1 111'1'1111 1111 1' 11 11 111111 1111 1 11111i1 11111131 1 111111 bl 111111131 1 1111111131 11111113 1111 did 11111 1111111111111 1111 1 111 11 5111 1111u11111-J ha 11 1311 11 1111 1111111g111 1111 111113111111 11111 11111111 111 11111111111111 1111111111111 1111111111 111 21111311111111 1111 1111'- 1111111911 1111111 1111111 111111111 1111 111 11111111111 1 11 111111111 1 131 511 1111 51111c11 111111 111111 111111113111 awn-11 1 Fwd-11111111111111 1 111 511 - 111111 111 1 11 11 11111 111111111111 111 11j11111111111111 111111 1111111113 - 111 1111111111 1 11111111111-11 1111111'11111111111 1111 1 1 1 13 b1 tit-eettltet I Jrew t' t ul' hit t-t atit-en 'etw -t5' UH it d 'iti mitt El 1 1 1 3 71 13 1 UR etett ed the tet tt ttettiteratnin t'tt t ettlteet'ttrt lite fit it tit rented the dirqtittft-ed ett ttiit lit het' the relied en the titt'etgtt rtert'tee in the wiet happening tie t tt l'l retjt' en the ftt ttpitt site wed-ted witit did t'eetIEI Eittlildiete tet eating ititt ii'rr etiieitti eetdd net say why it the etted itt thie b1 b3 i let et reviewing an earned dittet with lirtel eteteii the did rtet remember the emeti tied the tit-it'tiett ed' the wtterel leeritett tet t't'tLt L th't t-itt titie 35- being regret-tentatiee rtJ the Ite pitteet t tied tie eetteertte the L'Etl 'i' if i viewed that turned its the Stete tit itew tit te tt rtewe reitet't During her tenure did the iteet the et'rttitt te ttet drene ttrii-teei we ettret'el hut tutti detti with t Hedi et'ttewt reperle ett did itet petite em in bl b3 thin fitter reviewing 33 Edit with Eitte Fee H't tittei Ltrtieie en Ettiettii Ctlt 't tit tite did 4th the muted ft t- -r 1 Elit'r itt t ttd ed the tent It iteitt t'tte et'tlte Frettftie tt-ttritt'ttg ter itet en the Trent itii d I Ia't t'ter mete-with detet with ttihieet eite did the meeitietdly IWt ift it prtafettsienei ttite seated in erl tittite e tii i llil Pitt t'ltt t'elet ed did the they ring the tat tweet tt'jeine tire-tie hi lL'L tteitt tenet-ed tltie eitteit 'ttrt tt-t heeuitse tittit htitt- he marked it ettdereteett te Here-tithe ttut eteted US have ti fth with and Ethernet I ret'iewitit r Ettl it with tehjeet litte Slitftf t- tt Httlit ti dte did net tememilet' the speeitieeliy was t'lt'tl eutteenteti the eitettitied er pmetiee ertietee re tted it tied it wet-t et'tett te Hie Ht Lie the he mu eetittd the the tree were 1 1 1 3 b1 hf b3 33 iln ii bl 11 3 iflli iil' i mu m lili email W lliLi him i ildildai I'Llal Hi mi ulmml big lire 'Tl i Ti J l i will-mil this mulling Elia Ilia ulilrzriiliciiliuii in 111 Eli-ii Fill inliilzril lilt in 1U hurl-ill I Ir llitr an unmil diilcill wi1il iirliicici bl b3 lli ii ril llitl iil'lL Lliil nut I' l 'l il rtil' llii vim unwmuil ilac displayed rimil L't lluiilt i clasililm inilirnulism mliud ml the ui' Mirki'll liar hair in handle 211'th iti- icwing an rniuil il l il Jilin Bill will llhj t lint fili 'li i wi Elli dill mil the Siwizllilr-iill Elili d El twili ulii Will-1 ii diaciimcnl will Emailing identifying Ii lliE ilS il- jr' liinil rim lid 1 5 per DDS giliribuiuil in ling 'jm cranncru- lliuuyllit 1 Himalayan 11115 ii way 11 5 I'm rimmi- ul' lhu illn-iiriirrwm it i liircign gmumini'nl and lirlitwij ll'lli-l gmmlim 111-115 imi l Eilli yam viewing mi email liciim-ui l She Wm milking liini 5mm mill Iiru'villn lt lil l utl iillking HEW nu Hi Muir-u hail i li'i rwullculimi liil ll lly rewiring ii imupitpcr air it scrum liar illi i tall ng Fil'iinls slussi tll but ilxll'ii'liUF-i Jill m1 rccitll in lilii mi mini 31 Elli with Rul'ijt ill JL Full Ilrc idem Hundaf 134 n lillL Li Hill El'lI-Jl Elia email speci cally Wlicn Iiilli d u'liisi the pai'cnilmliml iL ml l irlifri i a miragmpil uilhin lw canai Ellili iil'ilbl rith mil linli'n unll mulil tinlji- Sp iLtl lt il uni pumgrilplis mm iwii in iilphitlicliml lilJi ilIiH cuuld mil ti- j' i'i'ri' film Ii llia l il 51 11 fiir lilt lli'i i'lz marking ulliririili l illitlltilcnl iiliilitl' lli ml Iii-c imp li h unmil is lliiu'lwd and i'lili ii'd llic Aguilar ii Wm i'viElH i'ci'ci'L-nucli mum wuss in Citi ill i il Ilhi lm ul lay the Pill l'riliiul 11-3 lultrniinuiimi 11 Elm ili ii wilqu lil itcr illiciilr-lltiigri- regarding hip Sucrcl will til-Lil gm murin I'L Sj lld i that ill did nu 1mg in lha irt'cl and hull-i all Eurimisl CLliwi'le i 215- ml mnuumml Lil plujn't ii minlainml cl slliml believed tlii curtail In it mil uml lliz level b1 b3 bl weer Ii'l b3 ieutlith'l nt t-tt-tu at rth-men- nt tlitt'm H-I- hehet'eti he eiu si eti in the emu tit etirert ueuurt the use ui rterureet-t tutti Itit-here Lieiiheretieuzt tutti-t hitiee t't'heu usherl whether hei'rereti irtihnutitiuh nihuuhl he tl hi i if tututuhuritteti reieure teeuht t tlti t tittuutge tu tteettritt the rerptuttiee yea that hi the understanding the eiuetzitieutiun rtl future tireue etrihert depettdeti en the i Hit tirutte etrihee te he hit tutti hut else it urugrtutt feetgtteutijr in the pres bl 1 3 It the Hihi heheueti the hearth ht State at the heat the r et tultt tu t theut ut ut titreigu ttutE iuettitt ui'ter ti tu ihe ueeurreti titrated the ttu ehreetirtu the ur prethtetirut titreeultht i'rurn State during the ut' her reie tn SUEt'tI'I-hl'jr' in Etiift t-Fuwetter ut'EtHE euli'ered um theu the New Teur tutti ehu- liter-red hit her deeter'rt utlriee ithe eeuht ut Hate the tt t'ett' t't Lii't mutt euuht uut reetth et'ergr hriet'trte tthe Titihl'i i' tit-ti uut with tittitt b emttit remit-tie her the Eitute requeztt theirs tithe heiieweti her merit-retitled erttuiht were euptut'et i her pruetiee eutuil It the ttutegue emuit nt' her t t true trruitt'ure ut'the requirement In turn tit-er printed teettrtit-t ut that time Her hhjritieui reettrt rrt tt-ere Entered up Lit'ELi h ttitieh t tt'ier ret'ietriue thtted i E Th 2 with the tthjeet time Higtit titit l- tfiit t Herein titht rthe tiitl net the speeitie tutti utte- hut ewure ut' remit-tug tithe-t retiuertte tier retuIe-ti her eitutii during her tenure 15 heereturt etht te hat 1 l tlir't departure-ht itt'td reiiett er the prufeeutettutu in that tfet rul'tu'teut tu t tftis t t rhurtigr after leut-ihgr Shite ti'uut Shite eturte In her teeitlertee and urtti ether equipment they tutti iuetulE-eti tu ltteihtute her tut Sett t ut the hut ret ttii heiug reed-um eieeruuee ut' tti'ljr Hat s Shale if-Wt t_ i eruttit htittrertr trust huh-tidy in March 1'53 3 tt- hett hit It tL'tt eruttit teeritutt 15 at result wet tt t ehttuee her etuuiE midterm tutti did run hut the lid uet reertii tteeit'ieithy whu math Eiith Reeurth'ug the I tn ilit tl l them the itereer tu itertrer ht Plutte Ht t et' Hermit-utter reeuliett her ttet'i' tt ttnLed higher level ef sen iee thtut ett-Lthi he tutu-Med he the i ugiihue Htft' 'lit'l' 'i hirt treurt'itiert utte- tihetfr httutiter he tut-e eF her uhiee t't L' tii litl it in the et r Shirt t 'l iht'i UN reettlleri receiving it Better lituut Rtete whieh tt'tet rteut tu titrmer Eteet'etrtriert ut' tute RICE b1 b3 hi El 3 b3 a man ailm- usinnunslru c-i Us I m ll ll l llillill'l' Flinn lHEur undursluml 31 11 was cunwmual than u'ui'c gilpri in the rummlzu' uml l'lfijil iill 'l in lling gaps mulled ussim Emu z-Lu Ell llircctud legal Emma E L l l l in an Wilj' ihej n xpmulml tram ll m1 - w vrululcd m arguably - Slate 5h dill mat participate in 111 1 1 urtlupmmt 111 l'n pmcum 11 HSle 113' Llirmnasimm ul' w luuzllimm Wlit vanilla might mall um um as small mnulls m In their mnlum lacing walla-- lL lEllL'd ur nut i lJE 'll Ell-Ll um have any cum-crimth mgm ding il' any pammlally ulmi illull glimm'uml during ll lL m lwr emailx lmcuum 5h rm mamm tn lwlicl'c wmild hu lbuml in her email liUtU-E ll A Flu-5' rm-ivwing m Ell with 1131 Emil-tut lima l u lb will -- Elmud Nt ll il Ill-c Elm-r awrim l l lhc l mmusc is wait 1 Llrl'llrull Emu Slum Hllr 5mm lung huum am the 51mm with llumign ltpl nmts LLliiJ'usising liar um cnsm'lng m mu mar in danger 21 r ttll nl llu Lliwlumws Regarding mm EllLl ml lmuw why it man 13m in am 3mm emails 31 11 mail laawml Hal unnmm w uld expect it In hr wark elzlE -ri Uri-Well ln lhcumhcr 11 le ullur aml l' ilwir Napalm tlh mine- 51 lil' l'l'l 31ml Eur her email was ashed whal 5hr mama In 11 with her gwrsunul wamil - Slu- llrs' lnll'xlar dial Elm Hex-i ll'l ll'l maynmm in amuml $ th llmel mmu relentimt pulley 11H llur cr nnll mu uhngL-d ms pun ul'l1l r tlm'a 1m lat-w pummal ulliut f l lrmmitimmrl an email un the lltw icc m almnai h me lw laud all small 51ml lam mm nr alunmin Tn 1le li llu sin named EU 1 enmil Ll nmin anal physical lull m spam thiz nun-1 slid nu ruiull any Lu j ncl'ur d 'lt lt nur tilil kiln alumni in Halal law usual lanmtrial mmpl ml with Lil thlm'cil Earl HEM m' Hum - I'm lullul'muliun i'lwtlelfrning ht rcqucrst m March 3 1H 5 l'm' email and mllur l-L-gml 1mm manly 1a llu mum-ti ll sm- lmumludgc regarding 112 ll lumlug lulli i l'lh crcsiilml slumgc Hem-slur ur awn- 5 ELI an archive l'ltlt' trculml l1 Mll li' in ma Spring 1 1V Elli l - 'l'ln swell primal-54 41 14 and murmur- 5 11mg lag legal learn and In alumnus her marl and mammal-ll 1- ul rccurdx lmed ll Elli ripple Jr wn- cm 1 1 E'i 3 ailifw i'f- t- -itli Em 'lji fit- m 1 i exi ium t ui'mu ui iwr ciitamnunmi xum mmi'rs mher Lilia whal hm 63 prim- Med In H1 H111 mad Hum- 1' 5 hl 1 3 1 1 1 3
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