October 6 1991 Sunday Yesterday M S met with Camdessus They formalized the USSR's entry into the IMF all the time now in official tests and especially in public addresses I feel like avoiding the name of the country Damn it There was probably no other case in history when the state remained but was stripped of its name Anyway Both Camdessus and M S called it a historic event In terms of symbolism this is probably the case They exchanged letters and at their request I witnessed that the exchange took place Camdessus was very polite talkative and uncharacteristically for a businessman--full of enthusiasm and optimism for us He said that on behalf of the G-7 his people have been studying us and constantly monitoring the course of events since last fall and he is sure that if we get i e create with the help of the IMF and the G-7 the technology and incentives the USSR would become an economic superpower not just someday but within a few years I wrote this in the press report of the meeting but who publishes anymore this genre I created My reports about M S ' meetings do not appear on the TV or in the newspapers Prior to this for two days Weber Yermonsky and I prepared the text for M S ' televised response to Bush's initiative Also working on this was the group M S created headed by Silaev Shaposhnikov Petrovsky Ryzhkov Bakatin Yakovlev generals and Karpov from the MFA Yesterday we put it together my political text assessments and their counter-offers Quite strong But they decided against liquidating our nuclear bombers--a part of the strategic nuclear arms triad Shaposhnikov who is an aviator objected to it Though Shaposhnikov Ryzhkov informed us that our TU-160 are flying coffins like the TB-3 at the beginning of the war I remember them If God willing they manage to get to the coast of the United States or Canada it would be only to drop the bombs Getting back--that's another question They constitute only 3 percent of our strategic nuclear forces but each bomber costs 50 million and carries only 8 missiles while the American B-2 carries 48 missiles not to mention the electronics speed etc Nevertheless even though they almost agreed to it this point was removed If they had accepted it it would liquidate one leg of the triad of strategic nuclear weapons M S talked with Yeltsin who agreed to the statement in general M S promised to send Obukhov a general to Yeltsin in Kislovodsk to acquaint him with all the details But it seems he forgot about this later He did not find it necessary to inform the other heads of our states They can go to hell some presidents they are He spoke with Bush Pankin gave our response in writing to Bartholomew U S Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs who arrived in Moscow That is why we rushed M S to appear on TV yesterday so it does not look like we acted at the Americans' bidding Source Anatoly S Chernyaev Diary manuscript donated to the National Security Archive Translated by Anna Melyakova