-- ALL INFBEHATIQE CURTAIHEE HERE IN is mittiasmten FD-302 Rev 10-6-95 -1- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcription 8 4 9 8 On July 29 1998 at approximately 10 30 FA received a call from at South Carolina Research Authority 5300 International Blvd North Charle ton South Ca olina telephone number pager number This information is in relation to what is be Foreign Hackers Operating out of Russia informed FAI that he believes the Russians entered though South Carolina Research Authority SCRA computer system and then proceeded through the Wright Air force Base computer system After copying a file onto the South Carolina Research Authority Computer Networking Company computer the Russians then copied the file over to their system Before the Russians copied the file over to their system one of the SRA employees copied these files and saved the work for future reference The address used by the Russians was 25dot m9 3dot dial up dot Orc dot ru The address used to get in the Wright fitterson Air force Basq stated there was an extensive amount of files transfer He felt sure his employee copied all the information before the files left the system This was attempted once before with out a breakthrough Investigation 'Fiie# 288-CI-68562 73 Ma This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency CHARLESTON SC telephonically Date dictated 8 4 9 8 DATE BY kl OW 67'