OKINAWA CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1 Asterisks indicate-documents of special importance our SecDef - No Oontr Nr Date Document Subject Content 1 5 19-0850 20 Feb 69 - Memo from SecDef to the President Okinawa - Bases and Forces Responds to questions asked at meeting 27 January Notes that these are JCS answers and that definitive policy will be provided through an NSC study in progress Consequently SeCDef comments are not provided QueStions ansWered include Size of forces in Okinawa reason for being there future needs for the bases etc - Attachment Note to SecDef requesting trans- - mittal-from JCS to President and noting than-ISA has not commented yet o-Iioo $2 gun on In I it Incantation-I llIllshe's- '32 i fer pJ w vxli th u wd Megs-15 Zebu ewes mw VMM fPde a xf u u 1 em 14% ease assassin 22 May 69 11 Jun 69 '1g-Ja1 Letter from SecDef to Secretary of State reqpests concurrence in assigning the Army the task of studying the civil and administra- tive aspects of anv agreement to return ad ministration of the Ryukyus to Japan Attachment ISA memo transmitting draft of ab eve Letter from SecState to SecDef concurs with 22 Mai letter notes that State has set up 5 its own study group and suggests that an interagency study group be set up Shortly Memo from Chairman JCS to SecDef Senior Uniformed Representation on the US Okinawa Negotiating Team Because of strategic implications of the Dkinata negotiations military representation of the team in addition to existing representation on the Washington-baSed interdepartmental group is necessary to adeduately represent defense interests and imprOve communication of information to DOD Recommends appointment of flag representative ASAP and copy of memo - to State Dept Memo from Chairman JCS to DepsecDef Okinawa Negotiating Strategy Suggests that A negotiations related to Okinawa are being hurried too much and that US as in past Enegotiations is not getting quid-pro quo aw is Wm 8 Cont d 9 XQMOTB 10 sr' ll 12 X h898 Sep 69' for the concessions it is making Urges that US slow down negotiations determine concessions in military and non-military areas that it Wants if it is to give up some rights on Okinawa and postpone the meeting of the r heads of state until a later time so that all issues can be resolved before their meeting Requests meeting to diSCuss this subject '_Letter from SecDef to See State reguests military representation on Okinawa negotiating team Letter is substantially similar to 12 July memo to SecDef from JCS Attachment ISA memo recommending against senior military representative at this time Memo from SecNav to SecDef 'Post project 703 Marine Forces on Okinawa Notes that Navy has been requested to provide new troop and assignments as Well as costs hased on 1changes in Vietnam and deactivation of the 5th Marine Division Requests that Marine Corps strength of 19 000 for Okinawa and that a Division be approved along with other assignments in the Pacific so that studies can be completed Attachment 5 Sep point paper on above subject Letter from SecDef to Sec State advises that he is approving transfer of a Division headquarters and a Marine Regiment to Okinawa' to bring strength to one Division there approximately the same as pre-war levels Memo from SecDef to SecNav Marines on Okinawa Approves decisions reduested in SecNav memo ofx6 S ptember subject to President's final concurrence in Vietnam redeployments Attachment memo recommending Marine plans and-providing background data 13 31h 15 l6 1-6126 1-6257 196571 153370 Memo from Chairman JCS to SecDef Okinawa Reversion - Restates JCS and USG positions and concerns and eXpresses view that negotiations are not moving satiSfactorily or accomplishing US objectives Feels that agreement prior to summit meeting is imperative Recommends that 1 State be informed that essential military elements of have not yet been - adequately guaranteed and firm assurances of continued rights_to use Okinawa are essential -and 2 that all final agreements and statements be completed in time to be reviewed by the NSC prior to the summit meeting clans-II Memo from SecDef to White House Staff Kissinger Okinawa Reversion Passes along JCS recon mendations outlined in 8 November JCS memo to Attachment ISA memo providing draft for White House Memo from White House Kissinger to SecDef Okinava Beversibn Acknowledges 18 November memo and indicates that JCS points were given careful weight in discussions with Prime Minister Sato Memo from Chairman JCS to SecDef Japanese Assumption of Defense Responsibilities in the uk us j Discusses several specific problems related to negotiation for the reversion of Okinawa to the Japanese Recommends approval of the CINCPAC plan for deployment of the Japanese Defense Force after reversion and suggests that negotiators attempt to separate-- transfer of Naha port to the GOJ from lump -sum payments related to reversion Memo from SecDef to Chairman JCS acknowledges 18 June memo and indicates it will serve as basis for additional instructions to negotiators 18 9 Jul 70 Letter from Sec Treasury to SecDef points out need to identify $200 million of con struction projects on Okinawa in the next 7 years to use up Japanese lump sum payment without getting into disagreement about agreement language I '19 X-None 23 Jul 70 Letter from SecDef resPonds to Chairman 1 House Armed Services Cmte letter asking about statements made in Japan that USG planned large construction extenditures in Okinawa SecDef acknowledges that some statements were made inadvisedly states that the statements were badly misconstrued and indicates that the only construction underway or being ap roved is minor and necessary and that all other items are currently being held up as requested by the committee Attachments Chairman Rivers letter dated 7 July ISA memo transmitting SecDef reply 16 July New York Times article LA letter acknowledging Rivers letter 204 X 6lT9n 12 Nov 70 Memo from Chairman -JCS to SecDef Japanese Assumption Of Defense Responsibilities in_ the Rzukgus Recommends that plan submitted inng June memo be given to Japanese fer inclusion in the budget plans that US services occupy facilities to be vacated until reversion or relief and that US negotiators need to work out arrangements with GOJ for funding costs during transition period and for facilities 1- to be shared by both us and GOJ forces 21- 21 Jan 714 Letter from SecDef to sec Treasury comments on the lack of prOgress in working out arrange- ments for the US to realize $200 million in- savings as a result of Japanese payments Suggests discussibns with Japanese Vice Minister at meeting here next week - 22 X90325 23 Jan 71 Letter from See Treasury to SecDef acknowledges - 21 January letter regrets inability to meet to discuss the issues and agrees to try to make progress in meeting with the Vice Minister 53 as 7 egg 1 25 grif 26 X o690 x 98l9 xsisao Letter from Sec Treasury to SecDef reports on conversations with the Vice Minister-and inotes items requiring further action by State or Treasury Items noted include 1 studying the feasibility of including'a treaty clause calling for a $100 million cash Cpayment if Japanese Can get legal authority for it and 2 desire of the Japanese to spend some of the money for moving US housing 'Notes that an additional meeting is scheduled in Tokyo 17 February Letter from SecDef to Sec Treasury indicates that the pronosed cash settlement is acceptable to DOD _that and hOUSing relocation are not acceptable because they do not provide net benefit to DOD that would consider reimbursement of labor and severance costs or failing that of costs under certain conditions and that_the balance of the $200 million is assumed to come from re -imbursement of facilities maintenance costs and Japanese assumption of Master Labor contract administration providing certain assumpti ens are correct Attachment ISA transmittal memo for above Memo from to SecDefz Memorandum for the President on Okinawa Reversion Attaches draft memo to President from SecState suggesting Okinawa reversion be considered a treaty and submitted to the Senate for advice and consent Suggests SecDef concur he did Attachment State Department coordination memo Memo from SecDef to Service Secs and Chmn JCS Japanese Assumption of Defense Responsibility for OkinaWa Approves plans submitted 12 November '70 outlining facilities to be turned over to Japan and details certain ekeeptions negotiating posi tions etc States that payments by Japan are to provide net benefit to and that any con- - struction or -relocationiprojects whether or not related to reversion must be processed through normal channels for FY 1913 and are subject to Congressional approval Attachment ISA memo transmitting above for signature _ a- i 411% f mu '28 30 X 232l a Xu258h Letter from SecDef to Sec Treasury reiterates Donposition that'$200 million payment must produce net benefit totUSG and states that pronosed terms as regards $65 million to be Spent-only on relocation responding to Japanese I political needs do not meet these criteria Points out that US position requires these funds be allowed to be spent for facility maintenance that projects Japan wants the US to agree to would involve substantial penalties even including the $65 million and that we have already given GOJ valuable facilities as a gesture of good will 'Suggests that the time has come to held firm to the original negotiating position Memo from SecDef to and Chmn JCS Transfer of Facilities to GOJ in conjunction with Okinawa reversion Responds to memos from addresSees requesting guidance on disposal of personal preperty Indicates guidelines for release are included in attachments to 'his 7 April memo and that release of property is the responsibility of Service Secretaries with inter Service coordination to be handled - by the unified commands - Attachments ISA memo transmitting above 2_ February memo from requesting guidance Memo from Chmn JCS to SecDef Okinawa Reversion Japanese Assumption of Defense Responsibilities Concurs in preposed DdD Japanese - Defense Force agreement on Okinawa specifying Japanese responsibilities forces and other _9 Aug 71 commitments Notes that there are substantial benefits to USG from this agreement Recommends approval of the agreement and that a requeSt be made to the Sec State that a governmentutow government affirmation of the agreement between the two defense agencies be prepared Letter from SecDef to Secretary of the Treasury explains that elections are scheduled to be held in November 1971 for the Chief Executive and members of the Legislature of the Byukyus Notes that these-officials have requested that - elections be deferred and their terms extended until reversion sometime in 1972 Suggests 30 Cont'd - that this Would have value to use in eliminating a potentially contraversial a campaign that the officials would prefer it so that they can Spend more time on reversion matters and that the Japanese are agreeable Requests that the Secretary of the Treasury - I concur in the recommendation which requires amending an Executive 0rder 1 ' 3l X hlho 8 Sep Tl Memo from to SecDef Transmittal of 'Dkinawa Reversien agreement to the-Senate Transmits copies of draft memo from Secretary of State to President to be used in submitting the agreement to the Senate Requests that S cDef indicate Concurrence_in the letter and a pr0posed Presidential message to the Senate He did 32 1 bout '1' 33 I X92366 13 May 72 Memo from SecDef to service Secretaries and - - Chmn JCS Discontinuance of US Administration of the Formally P0111138 out that- all US responsibilities in OkinaWa end at 0000 hours Tokyo time on 15 May 1972 and that treaties with Japan will apply in all later wrelations there Attachment ISA memo transmitting above 1- g Q-