II If IREPROOLCEU ARCHIVES ARTMENT OF STATE mm I x - Intolhgenco nef No1 2oz3 vemter 8 1956 If 3 rnIeHJgence Research SATELLITES RE TIVE BE HUUGLRIHN REBEILION The Hungarian rebellion sparked expressiOne of popular discortent in other satellites but the regimes appear able so for to cope with the situationu Unrest has been shown by exti-Soviet demonstrations student protestsJ worke s meetingsJ and panic buyinga Ferment 'has he n most evident in Poland Romania and to some extent East Germany oith the other satellites mein toin ng at least a surface calm However all of the roglres have tolled for order and discipline and some have announced special pr cautiOnory measures to overt outbreaks fclendq Unrest has be most notable in Poland although the succes of the new Comulka regime in gaining concessions from the Soviet leaders has kept th situatiOn from worsening HoweverJ entiHSovi demonstra tions occurred in Wroclaw on October 2c and in Narsaw LngnicaJ Gdansk and Bialystok on October 24 following the outbreak in Hungaryu Student led demonstrations also occurred in Poznan on October 31 and in Krakow on November 5 but broke up without violenceo During the early yhase of the Hungarian revolt the Polish regime exposes holiderlty'with the Hungarian peoplefs aims But as violence cortinuo it became apprehensive lest similar develoorents sodsnger its control in Poland and shifted its wropegan a stress to earnings and appeals ior calm The news of the new oviet attack on Hungary and reports of mortm of Soviet reinforcements to East Germany across Poland in- creased tension which was reflected in panic toying of food and other CCneuner I goods The regxne acted on November 2 to prevent further troublc by issuing a tarnirg to reactionary elements demanding with drowel of Soviet troops from Poland and Gorulkay seconded by newly'fr - 1FFECE REPURI AND NOT A DEFAETHENTM POLICY ' sesooucsu nT THE HAF OHAL anz lv s 2 derdinal on November A called for iron discipline for the good of the countryo A workersT militia set up last week in Warsaw factories to maintain order has now been copied in other cities g g ign In Rumania the regime is attempting to keep potentially dangerous unrest from erupting into disordersc Student discontent with the teaching of Harxism Lsninism and eXpressions of pro Hungarian sympathies at schools in major cities beginning On October 23 reportedly led to numerous arrests at two leading universities with large Hungarian enrollments and to the reported closing of a Hungarian university in Targu Mares the capital of the Hungarian Autonomous Region lbrhers meetings have sympathy with Hungary signs of dissatisfaction have appeared among the Hungarian minor ty of 1 5 million Uhessiness has led the populace to a food purchasing spreeD Tho regime has taken a nurber of extraordinary precautionary steps including the reported diapatch of army units to minority areasJ increased police vigilante the closing of four regions on the Hungarian border to Western diplomats on October 31 and the sharp curtailment of travel by foreigners since then Party leaders returned early from talks with Tito and almost immediately announced wage increases and President Gross was suddenly recalled to Bucharest from a long convalescencei The East German reg re is attempting to calm students of Humboldt Dresden and other Universities who have spoken out against ideological and Russianwlanguage courseso Ulbricht and other German leaders met with students on November 23 promising them some concessions but warning that the government would centinua to determine the curriculump NUmsrous East German students appear to have participated in anti-Soviet demonstrations in West Berlin workers have expressed sympathy for the Hungarian people but have refrained from demonstrating because of increa ed police alertness as well as recollections probably of the Soviet sup pressicn of their 1953 uprisingc There has he n no evidence of open anti Sovict manifestations in Gaechoslcvakia or Bulgaria although the gonernments of both countries hare said vigilance would be increased Some panic buying has been virtually the only evidence of popular restiveness in Czechoslovaria heightened police activities during October against enemy agents and reported quiet arrests of some students may have side tracked any potential organised demenstritions 'navnonLctu AT THE NATIONAL ARC lvas 4-H 3 n In Bulgaria on November 5 the press and radio warned that hostile elenents who were becoming more active would be smashed with an iron fist if they attempted to weaken friendship with the Soviet Union These warnings may signify that some unrest has come to the surface or they may have been sounded to justify repressive government actionu One scarce reported on November 6 that the borders had been closed to all Bulgarians and that known nationalists had been detained by policeD In Albania a protest strike against hunger wages was reported to have occurred at a factory in the northern part of the country and to have turned into an entiuSoviet demnostration An official Albanian source denied any disturbance OFFICIAL USE State FD Wash c
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