DECLASSHHED AuthorityNM S L NUCLEAR EXPLOSION PANEL I gHARng Purpose The Panel should conduct a technical evaluation of whether or not a nuclear explosion occurred in the South Atlantic on September 22 1979 Specifically the Panel should 1 Investigate the possibility that the signal recorded by on VELA satellite was 0 natural origin possibly resulting from the coincidence of two or more natural phenomena and should attempt to establish quan- titative limits on the probability 0' such an occnrence- 2 Evaluate the possibility that the signal in question was a false alarm rcsultihq from technical malfunction such d5 intelference from other electrical components on the VNLA platform 3 Review all available data from both classified and unclassified sourCos that could help corroborate the VELA signal and suqqost any additional sources of data that might be helpful in this regard 4 Prepare a brief interim report of its findings at the conclusion of the November 1-2 meeting and perhaps a month or two late a final report following evaluation of any additional data that may be obtained which bears on the three tasks Specitied above CONFIDENTIAL Rev1ew on November 1 1985