ED n silks- l I I 9 55 MEMORANDUM iAm M30061 2 Vii- il By - NARA 0mm uni WASHINGTON MEMORAND UM OF CONVERSA TION PARTICIPANTS Allan Mac Eachen Secretary of State for External Affairs Canada One Aide Dr Henry A Kissinger Secretary of State Helmut Sonnenfeldt Counselor for the Department of State Peter W Rodma1 National Security Council Staff DATE AND TIME Saturday January 24 1976 a nn PLACE Secretary's Suite Brussels Hilton Brussels SUBJECTS Middle East ROK Nuclear Reactor - 17 Taiwan 5 i7 Mac Eachen Thank you very muCh I eal gN Sv fncr so I 1852 Middle East inn-email Claw Umn' Kissin er What countries did you visit Ii i'l n e ALS AJD DBL o n DECEMBER 33 Mac Eachen Saudi Arabia Iraq Jordan and Israel It was my first visit to the Middle East 3 c-f- 1'5 352% Kissmger Pretty bleak isn 3me p5 Mac Eachen Yes Kissinger The Israelis might as well live on the moon They have no idea of what's happening 50 miles away CLASSIFIED BY SCOWCROFT EXEIUPT FROIW GENERAL DECLASSIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER li657 CATEGORY 5 b2 QUT I 0 0 vi J to det - -- Reproduced at the National Archivt I'llAum ity 0051023 Mew 33 WW Mac Eachen Exactly After seeing it I take my hat off to you for going in to that -- I won't say jungle -- but that is a difficult area I had a long talk with Rabin I d say he'd be pretty difficult to negotiate with Kissinger Totally rigid Mac Eachen He's given to detail Kissinger And he's the best of them Peres talks with the most eloquence but I I Mac Eachen What about Allon Kissinger He's well meaning but incompetent Mac Eachen He seems the most willing to give Kissinger But he can't do anything Mac Eachen My impression was that the Arab leaders were keen on doing something to settle Kissinger Oh yes Though not the Iraq is That's the tragedy Mac Eachen They see it as a propitious moment Kissinger Sadat would settle for any halfway honorable answer And Hussein That would bring the Syrians along We'll see Rabin this week Mac Eachen On the PLO there was no give there On withdrawal they were pretty tough Maybe it's a negotiating position I said to them I had heard on my trip that the U S Government would be initiating a dialogue with the Palestinians Kissinger You said that to Rabin Mac Eachen Yes Kissinger I appreciate that You've just unleashed the American Jewish Community 1mmHaw v Reproduced at the National Archive hum mwoomozg EBy t NARA Balsam as I - Mac Eachen He said But you know something that I don't know Then he reiterated what you said yesterday Kissinger Where did you hear it Mac Eachen In Egypt Kissinger They're very eloquent on that in Egypt ROK Nuclear Reactor Mac Eachen' I wanted to talk briefly about the ROK and the nuclear business Thank you for giving us the information you said you would in Paris and also for your reply to my message 0 We are working with the ROK to soften them up but I don't know if we can deliver a knockout blow - _fr - n- ggnrurg g n Kissinger They've made it conditional on some cooperation which is face- saving for them I think it's safe to say we've delivered the knockout blow Mac Eachen We'll be signing our nuclear cooperation agreement on Monday If we don't sign by Monday the financial arrangements and therefore the SJ whole deal will be off We said we would sign if they state publicly that they 2 won't build a reprocessing plant and that they will shelve it They haven't g - said this is gone forever and ever When- we proposed this to the Foreign Minister he had to go the Cabinet We have no answer yet'from him If we get a yes to both questions we'll Sign Eta This is going to be tough presentationally in Canada but I have some words here that I might say in the House of Commons regarding the U S He reads i from a prepared statement We have reason to believe the United States shares with us the long-term objective of making available to developing countries such as the ROK the benefits of nuclear energy to be used only for peaceful purposes and that the United States will continue to use their influence for this objective Kissinger That's fine Mac Eachen If they say yes and we sign we'll tell them if there is any evidence that they are proceeding to acquire a reprocessing plant we will review our participation in the project - - t mega-rugnr A 1 an 4 33 51 dl LIN Al t 00510 23 BY LNARA Dategt iq 11 n 111-1 Kissinger I think that's a good solution Mac Eachen I'm glad to hear your confidence that you've delivered a knock- cut blow Kissinger I think we have Somienfeldt They won't use the word cancel but it amounts to the sanue thing Kissinger But the end result is there will be no reprocessing plant Mac Eachen Yes In the short-term we've taken care of it So I can say that Kissinger That' 5 fine Mac Eachen I won't go beyond that The Foreign Secretary and the Secretary got up to the door Mac Eachen It was encouraging to hear your report to the North Atlantic Council You should know you have many supporters in Canada Kissinger Thank you very much tats-bfr- Lo Get my - National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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