Janu ary 10 1992 o o o Welcome this oppo rtun ity to meet with you as an inde pend ent stat e it many We reco gniz e that your new statu s brin gs with omic chal leng es part icul arly the need for econ shipandwith the poli tica l refor m and to forg e a new rela tion natio ns of the west two impo rtant In late Dece mber Pres iden t Bush sent ck Shus hkev ich vchu Kra sin Yelt lette rs to Pres iden t gniti on of reco al form ded exten t firs The Naza rbay ev deal t seco your coun try as an inde pend ent stat e The iled nd da for agen deta with secu rity matt ers and inclu ded a of the all gh throu go our meet ing toda y Prop ose that we on eing agre of e ctiv obje the item s on that agen da with of rity secu the nce enha ly rapid prac tical step s that can your coun try and mine and indee d all nati ons Information on o us implementation and us forc es US has taken to This firs t char t desc ribes the step s the unce d by Pres iden t anno e ativ impl emen t the unil ater al initi Bush on Sept embe r 27 Walk throu gh pape r o ed stat es has The seco nd char t show s the step s the Unition of the new gnit reco in s taken to down size our force of the Sovi et end the arly icul part d situa tion in the worl Unio n Walk throu gh pape r o o maki ng majo r As you see the US is in the proc ess ofthe new situa tion we ct refle that es forc redu ction s in its own forc es down are in We urge you as well to brin g your rity secu al actu to a leve l that corre spon ds to the s situa tion that your coun try face ted to your It is impo rtant that the resou rces devo r leve l We lowe much a to move t men mili tary esta blish is perc eived it if will not be able to just ify assis tanc e out of es forc tary that the resu lt is to subs idize mili risk rity prop ortio n to the real secu DECLASSIFIED PER E O 12958 AS AMENDED C · 03o1- Fl'2 JI f ' v 0 tt From the Nunn-Lugar collection of the National Security Archive Poin ts for January 1s-2 1 Meetings nes t -2- It is also in our mutual interes t to have as r c transpa rency as possibl e in the plans and budge ts your militar y forces We urge you to make public the sort of informa tion on forces and plans and budgets that the US makes public annual ly o o o o o o o Would like to turn to the agenda that was attache d to the Presid ent's December 28 letter As you know the United States believe s it is essent ial that all the nuclear weapons of the former Soviet Union remain under single contro l This is without prejud ice to the politic al relatio nships that develop among the indepen dent states that is for them to decide We do not want to see as a result of the breakup of the former Soviet Union the prolife ration of additio nal nuclear states We note the importa nt progres s that was made in Alma Ata and subsequ ently in Minsk toward the establis hment of a single author ity for control of all the nuclear weapon s of the former Soviet Union We want to hear from you how this command and contro l system works and hear about your plans for implem enting this approac h We have also noticed your efforts to work out the questio n of control of other militar y units of the former Soviet Union The whole questio n of militar y relatio nships among the newly indepen dent states is of course for you to decide o We note with satisfa ction that a great many issues were resolve d at the meeting in Alma Ata and the follow- up meeting in Minsk and we want to see this issue of control of forces resolve d through negotia tion as well and not drag on as a point of dispute o We expect that these matters will be worked out in a way that is consist ent with the CSCE princip les and other interna tional obligat ions such as the CFE treaty o Finally resolut ion of this questio n and getting it behind you would contrib ute to stabili ty and to the common interes ts of the states in pursuin g respons ible securit y policie s and in buildin g democr atic and free market system s As you move to settle the questio n of contro l you should at the same time substa ntially reduce the overal l size of militat y establi shment s as it will be very difficu lt to justify assista nce that appears to subsidi ze militar y forces out of proport ion to the real securit y risk From the Nunn-Lugar collection of the National Security Archive command and contro l 2€8 t -3- o A number of steps can be taken to rapidly enhance the security of tactical nuclear weapons o Nuclear weapons can be disabled by removing critical components such as fuzes neutron generators and tritium reservoirs There may be other disabling steps as well for particular weapons o This would reduce substantially the danger if such weapons fall into unauthorized hands Technical ezperts on both sides agree that this can be done quickly o We understand that action is already underway to disable tactical nuclear weapons We would like to hear from you a report on your plans and on actions underway to disable tactical nuclear weapons We could then consider whether and how the United States could be of assistance in expanding or accelerating this effort o Physical protection of sites where nuclear weapons are stored needs to be maintained at a high level and weapons can be consolidated in sites that are most secure We understand that a major effort to consolidate tactical nuclear weapons is underway including moving to Russia all tactical nuclear weapons now outside Russia for dismantling by the middle of 1992 o We would like to hear from you a report on your plans and actions underway to move and consolidate tactical nuclear weapons We could then consider whether and how the United States would be of assistance in expanding or accelerating this effort as w ll o In November we formed an ezperts group on safety security and dismantling of nuclear weapons chaired on our side by Amb Courtney with Dr Barker and Dr Turner Once you and I have taken this issue as far as we can propose that these experts meet to continue in greater detail The US team is prepared to remain in Moscow and meet into next week o In Washington the US team provided detailed briefings on US procedures for ensuring the safety and physical security of nuclear weapons for dismantling them and for responding to accidents We followed up by providing a detailed list of questions that we would like your experts to address at the next meeting Propose that when you and I are finished with this subject the experts meet and begin by addressing the questions we have provided o First I would like to hear what you can tell me about disabling and consolidation of tactical nuclear weapons -neerr From the Nunn-Lugar collection of the National Security Archive Safety security and disabling of tactical nuclear weapon 'M SPET -4- o o o o itment to Gorb achev 's Octob er 5 state ment inclu ded a convnns weapo destr oy large numb ers of tacti cal nucle ar warhe ads for shor t - range miss iles nava l weap ons air-d efen se weap ons land mine s ng We would like to unde rstan d your plan for elim inati the ule sched s ritie these weap ons inclu ding prio locat ions where this dism antli ng will take place and trans porta tion plans we are Once we unde rstan d your plans for dism antli ng to help can we prepa red to cons ider whet her and how ess faci litat e and acce lerat e this proc far as you gain would like to take this discu ssion as safet y the in rts expe the have then and I can and deta il more in secu rity and dism antlin g group cont inue If asked about the $400 milli on o o o o for As I have said once we unde rstan d your plans rity and secu the ncing enha and ting disab ling and cons olida ider cons red to dism antli ng nucle ar weap ons we are prepa of tance assis whet her and how the Unite d State s can be nucle ar We do not have a US plan for dism antli ng Sovi et we can where on ideas ed nceiv weap ons nor do we have preco for sense make would it what d rstan help But once we unde plan e your the US to do to help imple ment and acce lerat tance assis with ly quick move to red prepa we are on for this The Cong ress has alrea dy autho rized $400 millithat certa in ment agree reach can I purpo se so if you and to red spec ific steps would make sense the US is prepa move quick ly has impos ed You shou ld also be aware that the Cong ress this act r unde e tanc seve ral cond ition s on US assis the on milli $400 the of any Befo re the US expen ds itted to comm is ient recip the that fy certi Presi dent must Making a subs tanti al inves tmen t of its own in weapo ns destr uctio n Forgo ing any milit ary mode rniza tion progr am that excee ds legit imat e defen se requi reme nts and forgo ing the repla ceme nt of destr oyed weap ons of mass destr uctio n ' Forgo ing any use of comp onent s of destr oyed nucle ar weapo ns in new nucle ar weap ons From the Nunn-Lugar collection of the National Security Archive le rate d destr uctio n of tacti cal nucl ear weapons 1ffiCPfT -5Facilitating US verification of weapons destruction that is carried out with US financial assistance Complying with all relevant arms control agreements Observing internationally recognized human rights o At the outset I pointed out the steps the US is already taking to deactivate now missiles scheduled for elimination under START This implements one element of President Bush's September 27 initiative o Let me urge you to move quickly to deactivate now strategic forces scheduled for elimination under START by removing and disabling their warheads and removing missiles from their launchers as President Bush called for in his December 28 letter o This would be seen in the United States as an important political indication that the new independent states are moving to quickly reduce the number of missiles targeted on the United States o Full implementation of START can be spread over 7 years But the steps I am talking about can be done very quickly in a matter of weeks We are already doing them ourselves o Simply identify the missiles that will be eliminated from your forces to meet the START levels remove and disable the warheads and remove the missiles from the launchers o We would like to be in a position to announce at the end of my meetings here that you have agreed to do this Urge you to consider a prompt and positive response 1orce structure and modernization plans o On the margins of earlier meetings in Moscow and Washington Mr Hadley and Gen Shalikashvili began a discussion of strategic nuclear force structures and modernization plans o We continue to believe that such a candid discussion of programs and plans can lead to a shared view of how to improve stability and will facilitate subsequent discussion of further steps such as our proposal to eliminate MIRVed ICBMs and your proposal to further reduce the levels of strategic weapons -neeer r From the Nunn-Lugar collection of the National Security Archive Accelerated deactivation of strategic forces -S EBU -6- 0 START follow-on o o o o the syste ms we Pres iden t Bush has prop osed elim inat ing warh ead ICBMs view as the most dest abil izin g -- mul tiple in the ns Your side has focu ssed on furt her redu ctio ove rall leve ls of stra tegi c forc es Bake r sugg este d Duri ng his visi t in Dece mbe r Sec reta ry s in the cont ext of doin g both -- elim inat ing MIRVed ICBMside s moving to lowe r forc e leve ls on both text the US is prep ared He also made clea r that in this con as well s SLBM to take a sign ific ant step on d on START to This appr oach wou ld enha nce stab ility buil side s and furt her redu ce stra tegi c forc es on both cess ary prog rams unne and e nsiv expe of ber elim inat e a num furt her for Urge you to acce pt this as the basi s redu ctio ns beyo nd START START CFE NPT o o cw and BW agreements Ata decl arat ion to We welcome the com mitm ent in the Alma ming from the fulf ill inte rnat iona l obli gati ons stem Unio n iet Sov er form trea ties and agre eme nts of the nting this We have spec ific prop osal s for impl eme eme nts agre trol con arms ral seve commitment for START o Sena te for cons ent to We have sent the START trea ty to the will begi n soon The rati fica tion and expe ct that acti on ange call ed for by redu ctio ns veri fica tion and data exch we want to brin g and START will con trib ute to stab ility ible poss as the trea ty into forc e as soon --seePEI From the Nunn-Lugar collection of the National Security Archive approaw we can We beli eve that in the new situ atio n ness and tran sp ncy open of it thes e issu es in a new spir lera te disc ssio ns and this wou ld grea tly sim plif y and e acce that at the same time of furt her step s We also reco gniz prop that thes e ther e are sen siti viti es here and we grou p ose exch ange s be carr ied out in a sma ll ared to meet Mr Hadl ey and Gen Sha lika shv ili are prep tegi c forc e stra the ess addr with a few cou nter part s to n prog rams stru ctur es on both side s mod erni zatio on of the START ntati eme impl g win proj ecte d forc es follo the elim inat ion redu ctio ns and pos sibl e forc es follo wing peop le you want e the of ICBM MIRVs If you can desi gnatarra t mee to nge to addr ess this sub ject they can 0 eees -7- o and START is a bilat eral treat y but strat egic force s enden t indep newly the of four faci litie s are locat ed on be will it t effec into come can state s Befo re START bilit y for nece ssary to resol ve the ques tion of resp onsi r the START oblig ation s which were assum ed by the forme Sovi et Unio n our Let me begin with seve ral princ iples that guide ies treat ol contr arms appro ach to the imple ment ation of r cula parti gene rally and to START in legal We do not cons ider it nece ssary to use the same the appro ach for all treat ies We shou ld cons ider best appro ach on a treat y-by -trea ty basis We do not wish to depen d on legal theo ries of state suce ssion We want inste ad to codif y in legal docum ents our appro ach to START and inclu de all the relev ant state s Our appro ach to ratif icati on and imple ment ation of as our START shoul d advan ce other obje ctive s such nucle ar of rol cont e share d desir e to ensu re singl d share our and Union et force s of the forme r Sovi newly the all of sion acces the desir e to faci litat e indep enden t state s exce pt Russ ia to the NPT as non-n uclea r weapo ns state s The treat y must be imple mente d in a unifo rm mann er throu ghou t all the relev ant terri tory START must be imple mente d in a mann er which allow s us to deal with a sing le entit y for treat y imple ment ation It was desig ned as a bilat eral treat y and must be imple mente d on that basis o 0 o into force We have cons idere d seve ral ways to bring START to you ribe desc me Let iples princ these cons isten t with it ded what we cons ider the prefe rred appro ach provi and prov es accep table to Russ ia Ukra ine Bela rus Kaza khsta n party to Unde r this appro ach Russ ia would become thewould make hstan iazak and rus Bela ine START and Ukra ol of contr nce renou comm itmen ts to over a perio d of time nucle ar weap ons ed We belie ve this is cons isten t with the agree ment s reach k at Alma Ata and Mins From the Nunn-Lugar collection of the National Security Archive o 3EG8KI -8- o o o o o o 0 o Russ ia To imple ment this appro ach the Unite d State s and rm that confi would would conc lude a brief agree ment which Union et Sovi r forme Russ ia assum es the oblig ation s of the treat y to unde r START and makes seve ral amendments to the egic strat of nce prese orary take into accou nt the temp exten d force s locat ed outsi de the terri tory of Russ ia and verif icati on and inspe ction prov ision s to facil ities outsi de Russ ia the In addi tion there would be anoth er agree ment to n khsta Kaza and Unite d State s Russ ia Ukra ine Bela rus such T STAR ing ment provi de for their coop erati on in imple as allow ing inspe ction s of faci litie s on their terri tory es Othe r newly indep enden t state s could become parti egic as well but at a minimum all four with strat force s wo uld need to parti cipa te I - l' Ow o -rn'-1 -t-c rn-'fO 'J we Let me give you draft texts of the sort of agree ment s propo se addre ss I have with me legal expe rts who are prepa redandto pursu e any ques tions you or your expe rts may have this in grea ter deta il confo rm to Let me repea t that this appro ach seem s to us Weto plan to k Mins and Ata Alma in the acco rds reach ed to like Would tal capi each at texts sed offe r these propo may we that have your respo nse as soon as poss ible so date bring this treat y into force at an early which START We have also cons idere d a secon d appro ach s inand a State d Unite the en betwe y woul d be a treat colle ctive group of state s and at least To imple ment this appro ach the Unite d State s would sign an hstan azak and the Russ ia Ukra ine Belar us ly ctive colle to s torie signa the agree ment comm itting r assum e the oblig ation s of the forme r Sovi et Union unde the START treat y Each of the signa torie s would ratif y START in accor danc e with lo wn proce dures 1-l-5 1s lega lly accep table The ach appro r eithe In our view d choic e betwe en them is a polic y decis ion and would depen ved on the prefe rence of the state s invol that the Let me fina lly say that we proce ed on the basis adher ence nued conti e ensur will s newly indep ende nt state but Union et Sovi r forme the of ns gatio not only with fobli also the poli fical convn itmen ts e d - CA t I i eesu From the Nunn-Lugar collection of the National Security Archive o flfPEt -9 - ff r l 5pagifiaa 11 to t t o The United States has ratified the CFE treaty as have many other particip ants This treaty will also make a major contribu tion to security and stabilit y in Europe and in fact represen ts the foundati on for a security structur e in the new Europe We want to bring it into force as soon as possible o We welcome the construc tive meeting held in Brussels on January 10 and feel that we are well on the way to bringing the newly independ ent states with territory in the ATTU into the CFE treaty o The basic steps are The new states should among themselv es divide up the allowanc es for treaty-li mited equipmen t to which the former Soviet Union was entitled including equipmen t entitlem ents reductio n obligati ons and data Each state with territor y in the ATTU zone should ratify the treaty All CFE particip ants can then meet in Vienna to express consensu s for the particip ation of the newly independ ent states o The January 10 meeting represen ts a first step toward this goal We look to you to work together to realloca te the former Soviet Union•s entitlem ents and to ratify the treaty o By joining CFE you will become part of the basic security structur e of Europe o The Non-pro liferatio n treaty also includes fundamen tal obligati ons that have been undertak en by the former Soviet Union and many other nations o We call on all of the newly independ ent states to join the NPT by ratifying the treaty and submitti ng an instrume nt of accessio n to a deposita ry Ukraine Belarus Kazakhst an and all other states except Russia should join as non-nucl ear weapons states and take all steps necessar y to fulfill their obligati ons under the treaty includin g acceptin g full-scop e safeguar ds on all peaceful nuclear facilitie s this requires that they renounce control over nuclear weapons From the Nunn-Lugar collection of the National Security Archive the politica lly-bind ing I refer and sea-laun ched cruise Backfire on ions declarat te confirma tion that our apprecia would I missiles assumpti on is correct
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