4uced from the Unclassified Declassilied Holdings of the National Archives D CLASSU'J D AuthorityiJN IJ q S-C 2dl ------ ---- --- FOTO-BtZ 182218 U AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVi RNMENT OF TRE KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLAl' DS AND TRE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOR COOPERATION ON THE USES OF ATOMIC ENERGY FOR MurrUAL DEF 'iSEPURPOSES The GJvernment Government of the United Considering Agreement wit to wnich materials they be prepared Considering that pur uant services advanced by the transfer that risk to the defense Taking 1954 Hav types and security andall or prepared agreed and defense of atomic in require that warfare together in an international substantial defense and security concerning and transfer of either atomic and material will be energy and can be undeltaken country and States Atomic the Dnited applicable with assistance of equipment sUCh exchange into consideration as amended were enacted common to the available and securi ty of information of certain Believing security defense Assistance as may be agreed they are making that their by the exc ange will make they are participating to which Defense or other milita y tue contingencies con tz-Lbu t Lons to their mutual Recognizing a Mutua2 each Government that their mutual to meet and the of America such terms and conaitions Considering arrangement States of tl1e Netherlands that they have concluded pursuant other equipment accordance of the Kingdom statutes these purposes nergy of the Netherlands without Act of which in mind as follows ARTICLE I GENERAL PROVISION While the United States and the Netherlands are participating in an L - ---- -- international making arrangement substantial for their mutual and material c9llilll nicate to and excha ge transfe non-nuclcar Restricted contributions witn of atomic provid d an unreasonable risk weapons systems in accordanc6 will promote to its defense and each Party information will and involving with that the communicating that such cooperation and security thereto the other Party Data to the otner Party of this Agreement determines parts defens8 the provisions or transferring Party and will not constitute and security ARTICLE 11 EXCHJI J iGE OF INFOIi MA' nON Party Each Party will communicate to or exchanbe such classified information as is jointly necessary witn the other determined to be to Ä the development B the training against atomic of defense of personnel weapons plans in the emploYIDent of and defense and other military applications of atomic energy C the evaluation of the capabilities cmploYIDent of atomic atomic D and other military weapons of delivery whicn systems TRANSFER The Government of the Netherlands OF NON-NUCLEAR of the United subject such parts are jointly compatible of with the determined the Netherlands'state 111 PARTS OF ATOIv'IIC WEAPOK3 SYSTEMS StateR will to terms par t svof a t onu c weapons improving applications in the they carry ARTICLE nuclear ene ies eriergy and the development atomic weapons of potential transfer and conditions systems tothe to be agreed invol ving Restricted to be necessdry of training ARTICLE IV - non- Data as lor the purpose and operational - Government of readiness - 3 - aRTICIE IV CONDITIONS A Cooperation of the Partie3 B Par y under in accor ance Under with this Agreemen of atoffiicweapons nuclear this Agreement will be carried its applicable there will non-nuclear laws be no transfer parts out byeach of atomic by either weapons or special materiais C The information parts of atomic weapons to tuis Agreement the preparation interests D or exchanged systems transferred be used by the recipient or implementation or non-nuclear by either of defense Party Party plans pursuant exclusively for in the mutual of tne two countries Nothing exchange shall communicated in this Agreement of classified arrangements between information shall preclude which the communication is transffiissible under or other the Parties ART2 CLE V GUARANTEES A weapons Classified systems communicated shall be accorded arrangements information full between -nuclear Agreement parts protection the Parties under ar dapplicable In no case shal less restrictive security arrangements weapons systems than those in effect of atomic to this Agreement applicable national either for s feguarding classified of atomic parts or trél r sferred pursuant security regulations 'of the Parties securi ty standards and non-nuclear legislation Party available set forth and maintain information made security and non- pursuant to this in the applicable on the date this Agreement comes into force B 'Jlassified information to this Agreement will be made communicated available or exchanged through channels I hereaf pursuant existing or I ' 1 # tr l ' • - f 1t ' 11· - for the commun Lc a t i o n or exchange hereafter agreed of such information between the Parties C Classified non-nuclear parts information of atomic communica ed weapons Agraement shall not be communicated recipient Party persons or persons or except the jurisdiction under as p ovided systems transferred exchanged commuuicated exchanged its jurisdiction pursuant distributed specify m y ach Party may to SJch information may impose to this Agreement or non-nuclear such other of such information restrictions or non-nuclear stipulate beyond under may be disseminated or who may have of atomic weapons of atomic to weapons by it or persons on the dissemination parts by the the degree of atomic of persons parts to his to any unauthorized parts or transferred the categories pursuant VI of this Agreement wnieh any of the infoTIilation and non-nuclear systems and any or transferred i jurisdiction in rticle of that Party or exchanged access systems and or distributlon weapons systems as it deerns necessary AFTICLE VI DISSEMINATION Nothing in this Agreement a bar or restriction by either Party Neicher Party ransfer weapons systems Agreement A provisions including to consultation with 0ther however or permit shall shall aCC3ss made nations be interpreted or international available by the other Party of defense organizationa classified to or use of n0n-nuclear as in any field or cooperation so communicate or operate parts inforrnation or of atomic pursuant to this unless It is notified by the orig nating and requirernen of autnorization tne originating by competent bodies P rtj that ll appropriate Party's applicable of the originating have been - laws Party - I' - 5 f have been complied originating Party witn N icn would directly so to communicate access to or use by such o her and further nation to transfer or international B Party to or use has 80 all classified by such other tn recipient or international Party th at to permitted organizatlon VII POLICIES policies information t o or use Party or CLASSIFICATION classification to permit organization cornmunicated to transferred by ucn other ation the the recipient access has informed ARTICLE Agreed to transfer authorizes to permit Party to authorize or international Party organization The originating the originating access nation that the originating so to communicate be necessary shall and non-nuclear be flaiütained with respe0t parts sys t euis c ommun i ca t ed e xc hang ed or transferred ARTICLE of atomic to weapons un der t n i a Agreement VIII RESPONSIBI1ITY POR U3E OF rrfb' Rl'I1ATION Al l D NON-NUCLl jAR PART OF A rOiÜC WEAPON S SYSTElVlS The application drawings systems or use of any information and specifications communicated be tne responsibility not provide or non-nuclea parts excha nged or transferred of tne Party any indemnity receiving or warranty with including design of atomic under weapons this Agreement shall it and the otner Party respect does to such application or use ARTICLE IX PATENTS The recipient ed or revealed specified possession herein Party shall use tne classified by equipment transferred only Any inventions of such information information hereunder or discoveries communicat- for the purposes resulting on the part of the recipient from Party - persons or - - 6 persons under its jurisdiction for all purposes ma Oe agreed of Article witnout shall charge and shall be made available in accordance be safeguard d with to tue otner Party such arrangements in accordance witn as the provisions V of this Agreement A ttTICLE X DEFIN I'rIONS For the purposes A Atomic exclusive suCh means principal weapon services means purpose any device utilizing for transporting is a separable and divisible of whicn or any other matter witn or hiï'Sherapplied as 11 Data ne device part of the device or a weapon States information the security ths and that designdted of a data materials desi6nation or the Netnerlands Sta es where test device ullder tne legislation by tne Îovernrnent of tne United Restricted energy is for use as or for development prototype the United atomic or propelling Classif Led inforrnation means Confidential of ei her weapon of the means a weapon B of this Agreement or regulations including as Bestricted of that designated Data or Formerly by the G-overnment of the Netherlands Atomic C Non-nuclear weapons whicn parts are specially in other end produets special Luclear of atomic designed and whicn materialj weapons means of atomic for them and are not in general are not made and non-nuclear of in whole parts 3ystems 1-nvo1ving Restricted Data mèans other than non-nuc1ear of atoillicweapons parts parts atornic Lnf orma c i on and wru c n are not made parts or in part of atomic cf atomic which use weapons weapons contain systems or reveal of in wno le or in pa r t s special nuc1ear material D As used 1 in tnis Agreement So far as concerns of the United the term iuformation States atomic pr0vided information wnich information means by the Government is designated - Hestricted Data - ------- ' ------------------ ---- ---- --------------------------- oucec lrom the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings ol the National Archives D l CLA lfi'l l D I I I AuthoritytJN IJ q s 12t ll L - 7 - Restricted 2 Data and Formerly So far as ooncerns of the Netherlands information rtestricted Data provided infonnation which by the Government is desi6nated UAtomic ARTICLE XI DU RAT10N This Agreement vernment shall enter snall have rece1ved catiotl tuat it has complied i of both Parties it3 cooperation Nortn Atlêutic under from on ehe date on whicn the other uovernment with all legal requirements n t o forc e of thi 3 Agr eemen t oy agreement into orce written eacn notifi- f0r the entry an d s h a Ll r ema i n in force un til termina ted except Ar icles that either 11 or 111 upon Party may terminate tne expiration of the Trcaty IN WITNES 3 WH c R30F tne un der s i gn ed duly au tnori z ed have s i gn ed tnis Agreement DONE at The Hague sixth day of May in dupli ate in the English language tnis 1959 FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE KING-DOM OF 'rHE N2THLRLA hDS Sd FOR THr G0VBRl lN1 N'1'OF TH ûNIl'i DSTAT3S J LlJNS OF A MBRICA Sd PIELIP YOUlTG This document is from the holdings of The National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994-7000 Fax 202 994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu Read related article US Nuclear Weapons in the Netherlands A First Appraisal 2021-01-08
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