C05453674 b 1 ------------------------ b 3 ---- EO 12958 1 4 c 25Yrs EO 12958 3 5 c ·r ___ 1 • SENIOR EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE BRIEF 25July2001 Terrorism One in Ladin Operation Delayed Others Ongoing - indicates that an Usama Bin '- L -a---- d _n--sp-on_s_'O_re--- d _ -r - o-r - --'is-to _tp_e_r® ·on h-as--- b e-en_p_o_$_on___Je r '----- --- --- -------- --- ---- ---- --- ------------- ---- --__J planned but had been delayed a few months · c _ l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _l-' 'r esul ts-s-ti ll-w-·ou1-- -d-- -cb -e-____J forthcomin L---------------'f Prenarations for other attacks remain in train Suspicious activity continued late last week • • - APPROVED FOR RELEASEL DATE 25-April-2012· ______J _ _ _ I
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