UNCLASSIFIED U S Department of State Case No F-2010-06143 Doc No C17528518 Date 01 15 2014 UC Q n LJ n r 11 U- JJ'L- '- ' VI I - I I L U L J '5 - a RELEASED IN FULLJ notes by Sharon Saile ow QELROs N gotiations Friday December 5 morning session lOpm-lpm We discussed the SBSTA decision which included recommendations on measurement methods a paragraph on bunker fuels and the paragraph for the military exemption for UN international peacekeeping activities This discussion did not go smoothly - on the military exemption although support was expressed by several Parties the UK intervened to indicate that it had a problem with the language which required the US UK to work together on a language fix Japan offered an additional paragraph to require all Parties to use their preferred approach for measuring HFCs PFCs and SF6 which we would normally have objected except for the importance of the military exemption The UK interve7 -ed and so the UK US and Japan were asked to develop language This suggestion from Japan spawned another suggestion from New Zealand to develop decisions on the sink methodologies BasicaHy the whole decision was bogged down by unresolved issues and Estrada agreed to allow Parties more time to work out text and Bo Jellen indicated progress but no real conclusion on his consultations on Article 13 Chair of Policies and measures also indicated progress but no real conclusion either Canada read a general statement asking for special consideration due to its high exports of clean power Tanzania concluded with a statement berating the Parties for not making enough progress on the core QELROs issues of targets and timetables REVIEW AUTHORITY Alan Flanigan Senior ReviewerJ UNCLASSIFIED U S Department of State Case No F-2010-06143 Doc No C17528518 Date 01 15 2014
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