-- EGc G ENERGY MEASUREMENTS La• V •• Are• Operation• EG G ENERGY MEASUAEMENTS INC P O aox 1912 LAS VEGAS NEVADA 8912 TEL47021 29 December 1986 NRD-86-349 or Carl Henry University of California ' Los Alamos National Laboratory P O Box 1663 Los Alamos NH 87545 Dear Carl Norm Bailey asked me to summarize my observations of the working relationships within the FRC and State locations during the recent Highty ' Derringer Exercise I was the DOE NEST FRHAC liaison to the FRC during the consequence phase The federal players seemed to be quite versed in their roles and appeared to coordinate vell vith each other I vas particularly impressed vith the FEHA officials Contrary to my past experiences these FEMA officials seemed to have a good grasp of the situation and managed the operation quite well Host of DOE's requests came from the State and not the CFA FEHA This vas different than in a reactor accident vhere the NRC is the CFA and usually makes many requests from a FRHAC Hovever since FEHA is not a technical agency the lack of requests is understandable This brings up a good point that if a radiological accident occurs in a state that has very little expertise and FEMA is the CFA the DOE · vith EPA assistance vill ·have to supply most if not all of the technical expertise in all phases •of the assessment and recovery Hy observation of the State and Local players vere tvo fold 1 2 If the real Governor and Mayor vould have been present they vould have had a mucb stronger influence on hov things vere handled and the decisions made particularly during the time period before the consequence phase j The State and Local participants did not seem to ask enough information from the FRHAC This could be because of the lack of ' knovledge of vhat the FRHAC vas doing the compressed time the artificiality of the exercise or the inexperience of the players I helped generate much of the requests from the FRC State to the FRHAC by suggesting to the State that ve could help them in certain tasks For example Notionally there vere about 1000 injured people assumed to be contaminated that the State and local officials had to deal vith I suggested that the FRHAC could provide some radiation monitors and instruments to help assess the personnel contamination problems They had not thought about the problem or about asking for help in this regard I UNCLAS 1 ·1ED l' N' JtJ-t1--J CARL HENRY Page 2 r The DOE should alvays be prepared to provide technical support to t h 1 State and the CFA in anticipation of their needs even before they ask for assistance or information The assistance hovever should alvays be in a supporting role and be provided in a format such that reliable decisions can be made from it For instance a table of isotopic concentrations in pCi g would be more useful if it vere accompanied vith a translation to projected health effects related to protection action guides rather than accompanied by recommendations for action Sincerely · ZB em cc N Bailey LLNL