I UNCLASSIFIED fp-J1- 3 ' ' · • 1 EGc G ENERGY MEASUREMENTS Las Vegas Area Operaliona EG G ENEAGY MEASUREMENTS INC p O BOX 1912 LAS VEGAS NEVADA 89125 13 January 1987 NRD-87-010 Uilliam H Chambers 336 Andanada Los Alamos NH 87554 Subject Carl Henry University of California Lavrence Livermore Nat'l Lab P O Box 1663 Los Alamos NH 87554 TEL1702 Norm 1 d i 1 University of California Lavrence Livermore Nat'l Lab P O Box 808 - L-125 Livermore CA 94550 MIGHTY DERRINGER OBSERVATIONS Hy overall reaction to the exercise is quite positive and discussions vith my colleagues at EG G indicate that everyone involved came avay vith a net positive impression Even though my primary involvement vas at the CONUS site I vould like to express some overall thoughts as a result of observing the NV EOC and some player discussions EOC The first thing I discovered vas that there vas no controller assigned to the EOC-therefore I inherited the job It seems important to me that in any exercise a controller be assigned to every location vhere there is major play anticipated In this case the initial phases of the entire exercise vould have been conducted by the players vith no observation The play in the alert stages proceeded smoothly and previous experience vith emergencies exercises vas evident The confusion came about after the advance party vas deployed Hy observation vas that the players did not comprehend the complexity of an OCONUS deployment-sped fically hov the State Department controls the matter Maybe ve should recommend some more detailed briefings on the logistics of an OCONUS deployment CONUS Search - The players proceeded to set up and deploy in an expeditious manner The FBI liaison in the TOC remained until about noon and then vasn' t seen again This did not effect the conduct of the search _gr_eatly since the reportiQi' ya s directly into the FllL il the CP I I I b 1 There vas some concern expressed about alvays searching high risk areas ala Equus Red Ue should keep this in mind in futu_r exercises ··------- __ UNCLASSIFIED '· _' - 2 J U'- 66 · c ·· •h t ' h ' ' 1 t f rnmmnnir tinn VP had personnel responsible for source surveillance should understand clearly any directions given them 'Ile should also consider assigning a roving controller to the search area vhen ve have the physical separation experienced in this exercise The direct reporting to the FBI vorked so vell it should be implemented in the future HRT TOC-The HRT TOC play proceeded quite vell vi th the DOE players providing needed technical information The HRT cooperated very vell in helping vith the r o problem Ye need to stress equipment reliability of the portable I D systems Consequence Phase - Zolin Burson' s comments to Carl are quite vell taken and provide a good summary of the play in the FRC I think it became apparent that there vas better FEMA play from the 'llashington people at Atterbury than vas expected The State and Local participants played their emergency roles vith vigor but learned that an emergency takes on a nev dimension vhen one has to vorry about nuclear aspects Future interaction vith FEMA and State and Local emergency action personnel should continue to emphasize the free play nature of NEST exercises GENERAL COHKEN'TS I believe a fev more joint OCONUS CONUS planning sessions may have been vorthvhile This is espec ally true vhen trying to keep the total scenario in mind vhen transitioning from one venue to another This also can help the players better understand their involvement and hov it came about The use of cellular phones vas a great asset vhen ve had coverage I recommend ve continue their use and have the commo group be prepared to issue cellulars like radios vhen necessary Another lesson learned on this exercise vas that commo links vill not be instantaneous and must come in stages The search vill have to commence vith vhatever assets can be first established and then use more as they become available u -- I I I UN CLf SSIFI E - 3 - The FBI comments were very positive and although I was not present at Red it appears we have made a positive step in establishing a better working relationship with the bureau Since5ely Thomas S Dahlstrom TSD em cc H V Clark EG G EM J F Doyle EG G EM L G Sasso EG G EM V J Tipton EG G EM UNCLASSIFIZD The CONUS search planning phase of Mighty Derringer consisted of five the scenario 3 FBI Liaison 4 Survey of local area 5 Local Liaison This was all done with the overall exercise search objectives in mind-namely command and control and close liaison with the FBI Since some key planners are quite familiar with the search problem the second category was essentially written into the scenario and any further refinement consisted of slight variations in the time line and structuring the search locations to fit the scenario Initial FBI liaison was made at the headquarters level followed by an introduction to the local FBI at site city Following the initial FBI contact in site city a survey was made of the local area to determine likely locations for search and an actual source location that would meet the overall scenario While planning the search phase and picking locations one must keep in mind the logic of the scenario and what areas would most likely fit this logic in the terrorists minds The locations were picked based upon device knowledge assuming the terrorists knew how to achieve maximum effect and then tailored to the W1folding scenario Close liaison was needed with the FBI cONtis· scenario writers to assure realism j • I I I • Once the search locations were picked a meeting was set up with local officials i e Public Safety Fire and Law Enforcement and the overall plan descri d b 1 Following this meeting the local FBI representative made initial contacts by phone with each hand-held search location and a follow-up meeting was planned where we met with these contacts in company with the FBI At each site we described in general what we intended to do and what was required of the local contact excellent Without exception cooperation was No building plans were acquired before hand this was left as free play Local law enforcement was also asked for players to be navigators for mobile search In addition escorts were requested for hand- held searchers who might be used in verifying the hit in the source location This was also a real world requirement In addition to identifying the search locations we needed to locate a TOC separated from the CP by some distance since the CP was located approximately 40 miles from the search scene •· We located a site about midway between the CP and site city and were able to obtain permission to use it from the local police Two telephone lines were prestaged at this location UNCLASSIFIED - - - - - -- - -- -· - -- UNCLASSTFTF fl j Once these arrangements were made it was just a matter of checking with the local contacts the week previous to the exercise to ensure that everything was still on schedule and they were prepared to receive us Once the exercise started the players were given the contacts of the search locations as part of the search priority inject and free play ensued The 'l'OC location was given as an advanced party selection based upon interaction with the FBI From this point on the search play proceeded rather smoothly and the players responsed well i I '
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