I I I DECLASSIFIED Authority J r NO q Cp O Utiacc a INCOMING Ameri fhta docun'ant oonsiats of 2 pagea Jopy # I of 18 oopiea Series A p 1- _ a1Go1 v• l Y C 'J 0 0 SiQRKT --C x l-al lu'-1 l ca - 0-11- - - C'l'ION MDA-3 NFO flJ P MB MIN POL-2 PRCM Seoatate Washington Ac-rION Paris A4 INFO Rome 1564 February 15 -- 6 p m 0 ACTION PARIS PRITY TOPOL 1150 INFO ANKARA 725 R tsN-2 EC PARIS PASS STOESSEL USIS POLIT TOPOL 1114 waN 8 nm 1 0 MAA0-2 A'l l'S USRO RSO - 0 0 and POLTO 981 You should coordinate with your Italian and Turkish colleagues with viow to getting agreement on text following memorandum for NAC which they will no doubt wiah refer their govemments this weekend BEGIN VERBATIM TEXT Memorandum For The North Atlantic Council The Permanent Representatives of Italy Turkey and The United States on behalf of their govemmenta have the honor to inform tha North Atlanti a Council 1n accordance with the provisions of C-M 55 82 of changes proposed in their force contributions to the North Atlantica Treaty Organization The Military Committee Standing GrouP through the Supreme Allied Conznnnder Europe are being notified of tho contemplated change 1n order that they may provide for the Council an estimnte of the mll1tal-y effects as provided for by C-M 55 82 The Governments of Italy Turkey and the United States pursuant to the discussions of which the North At lantic Council bas been advised have agreed to certain steps for the purpose of strengthening and modemizing the over-all NATO nuclear capability These discussions have resulted 1n agreement to assign a force of three U S POI ARIS SUbmarines to SACBUR and to retire the JUPl'l'ER systems now sited 1n Italy and Turkey from the SAC JR weapona inventory In accordance with these plans it 1a anticipated that the first POIARIS submarine will enter the Mediterranean on March 28 the aecond on April 10 and tbe third at a subsequent dateo These weapons would be deployed 1n the Mediterranean under SACEUR control and would be targeted by SACELJR in acoordance w1th Allied Coamand Europe ati'Slle plan terma of the aaaignment and the manner of deployment and operation would be set forth IO f S 101 141 11 SECRET ClassiJ ica ti on lfNODUCTION flOIA 1IUS COPY IS PaOHWfED llll£SS 'V40 l SS1RED - SE C RE ' PAOB NO CONTROL 593 1n rral'll emanta to be agreed upon 1n subsequent con sultation with SACBUR It is planned that the JUPITER miuUea will be removed from their launching pada and the warheads retumed to the United States at abOl lt the same time that tho POIARIS submarines are uaigned Removal will not begm before t he fi ·st submarine is on station The m1111 ary etteotL ot tb1a modernization have been carefully considered and analyzedo In 1957 r when the NATO decision waa made to install these missiles they along with tbe THO • were the only suitable bal1stio missiles the alliance had ready for operation and they helped greatly to build up our baliat1c missile strength however 1n light of id aa anoes 1n technology and the accelerating growth of missile forces tbeyr are no lcmger f maJor part of the total military strength available to the alliance The relativt• vulnerability ot the JUPITER miuile makes it a high priority target for an enemy fi 1 st strike In contrast the POIARIS missile system is far less vulnerabl1t and 1n additJ on has an appreciably higber operat1 onal reliability tactor The repl c 3Dent ot the 4UPl'l'JsRS by the POLARIS missile syatom will provide the NA TO alliance with a more secure n ore effective nuclear force with a sigalifioant potential The over-ell retarget tag acool l anying the substitution ot the POLARIS system for tmj Jupl'l'ER misaile ayatem - i 11 ensure that the targets unooverod by the inactivation ot the JOPITERS are prognum e l tor miaaile attaoko Further there will be no reduction 1n the present elQ eotat1on of time damage to the aoe setsVPreaently oover@ i b7 ITERSo 1 · o-0 The three governments consider that the replacement ot the JUPffBR miasile system by the POLAIHS misaile system will constitute a Eignitioant step forward 1n the moderniza• t1on ot N TO'a weapons 81'81ieJDS and will create a more formidable military pc sture f or tbe a111a 'lOe o BND VBRB l'D1 'l'BXT • Above mall randum abould be Jointly sent to SACIMl with following aubstitut d tor f rst and S8C01l i parag APba ' rhe Per JI ment Representatives ot Italy• •Y and tho United States on behal1' oi' their go11 mmants have the honor to 1nfo1 n t be Supreme Allied CCDDIUlder Europe and through 1 tsn the M111taey Connittee Standing Group in aooordanoe with the provisions of c- 1 55 32 ot ohanpa proposed 1n their tores contributions to the North Atlanti c Treaty O tiono The North Atlantic Council is also being notified ot the oontempl1 ed obangeo Request l _ provide information copies these texta to SGRBP o llJSK DECLASSIFIED Authority 16 0411 m rJ f JO q 2 9d 0 1