i ' reg 8241559 i-' ''i ' 8535 20 THE SECRETARY OF STATE COPIES Tor S WAS H N G TO N D '85 P E DEC -4 A5 51 December M S S S S-S TMA TMB TNC S S-C ARA S P RF J I 9 cable sent 12 3 85 Uii ai' rs 3 1985 WC 0 Dear Mr Ambassador as Chief of Ni ion up your responsibilities I want to discuss our objectives in Chile and outline some specific areas for priority attention You will receive specific issue-related instructions as required I hope you will find this guidance useful in directing the efforts ot all United States government elements in Chile As you in Santiago take with the present government of Chile are correct be maintained while we also seek to advance V S interests looking beyono that government Recognizing that chile has deviated sharply from its own democratic traditions that the U S has to remain true to its democratic values anger U s interests are best served by 1 the orderly restoration of democracy as speedily as possible and 2 limitation of the influence of the Chilean Communist Party U S interests in the long term stability of Chile require working with the present government in such basic areas as supporting the financial package negotiated this year with the World Bank INF structural adjustment efforts and commercial banks encouraging aimea 'at reneweo economic growth as well as cooperating on Relations and should regional It security to the extent practicable appears likely that President Pinochet will try to remain in office beyond 1989 and will not negotiate willingly with the democratic opposition Despite the effort of the catholic church and the democratic opposition to pursue a peaceful transition to democracy the government and the communists will both keep resorting to violence justifying these actions by the actions of the other party The Chilean will recover at best only gradually thereby offering hope to much of the populace principal United States objectives in Chile are 1 to seek to convince president pinochet that the U S takes very seriously the need for a prompt return to democracy and therefore expects political dialogue 2 co convince the democratic opposition of U S commitment to the return to economy little immediate The Honorable Harry G Barnes Jr American Ambassador Santiago Chile Chr e Pro ect ¹S199900030 U S Department of State Release Excise Deny Declassify In Part In Full Exempdonfs while stressing the essentiality of non-violent ano behavior on their part 3 to continue support for chile's debt relief and economic growth efforts but be prepared as in early 1985 to use economic influence to press the political process forward 4 to promote improved human rights performance insisting especially upon the cessation of torture and 5 to revive within existing legal constraints U S influence with the Chilean Armed Forces which will have a process Since the ultimate key role in the transition responsibility for the success of the transition process must be assumed by the Chileans your role will be to encourage without becoming engaged in the dialogue and consensus-building denocracy responsible struggle power If the Chilean government significantly improves its human rights performance you shoula recommend ways to enhance cooperation with the Armed Forces including setting forth for our consideration proposals to modify current legal In this context you will want to also constraints investigate whether there is any willingness within the Chilean to even consider cooperation on the Letelier case government In addition to carrying out specific objectives set forth above we expect that you will 'seek to reinforce existing ways of maintaining links to ordinary Chileans ana to develop new Your means of reaching a broader range of Chileans preparation of a long-term plan for the use of Section 416 surplus agricultural commoaities with development as well as relief aspects will be important to this effort as will your study of a U S contribution to the alleviation ot the serious air pollution problem affecting Santiagog perhaps in conjunction with the HDB's Actively encouraging visits to Chile by congressional delegations from a variety of committees will provide valuable opportunities to underline U S concerns and reinforce U S interests priority management concerns within the Nission those dictated directly by major policy objectives The construction of a new Chancery and the transfer of the Nission to the new facility will severely tax the post's administrative resources over the next few years requiring effective to maintain the maximum level of productivity during management this period The increased security threat to Americans official and unofficial heightens the need to maintain positive post morale Good security is a management goal which cannot be delegated and steps should be taken to insure that all personnel are security conscious It will be necessary to There are beyond SECRET i 9 carefully existing mission procedures and internal controls and to implement changes as appropriate before the move to the new facility is completed review As Ambassaaor your authority flows from the President me ana from me through the Assistant Secretary for I Inter-Amerrcan Affairs to you Secretary to issue instructions in to look to the Assistant my name and to serve as the primary communications link between us You should channel all messages dealing with policy proposals policy implementation program activities and post operations to or through him with the understanding that for extraorainary situations there are cnannels of airect communication with me that are available for use I look forward to reviewing the goals and objectives for your Nission I am asking the Assistant Secretary for Inter-American Affairs to work with you on this statement which will be forwarded to my office through the statement bureau I wish you well challenging wishes on the assumption assignment You have my of your important full confidence Sincerely yours George P Shultz Dr a 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