ORIGIN A CT ION RM R Reproduced at the Nabonal Arch1Ves DEPARTMENT OF STATE REP I - z '- - llIJl@I li M AF I 6 • ARA EUR FE NE cu INR J -3 5 3 E p L FBO 't1 l f - V _ • • 'l - 1 I lD1 FOR RM USE ONLY CCliF NO TO 10 J -AID Di10 • RTMEt' T f STA BUREAU OF IN f-AMERIC°'N AFFI 1 AGR COM FRB INT LAB TAR TR KMB AIR N· V 1 5 1967 6 19 7 FROM lmconsul JIONTERBEY SUBJECT Training for NUffO Leon State Security Official• REF Monterrey 47 of August 12 1967 and State 21559 of August 16 1967 DATE r lfovember A A-c - 5' 1 7 le The Consulate General baa now received complete and detailed confirmation of the appreciation of the new Admini•tration of the State of Buevo for the program of training orientation and Visits arranged through the auspices of AID for the new Director of Security of the State Lie Guillermo Urquijo A and two of the officials who are working most closely with him Lie Ramon Ruiz and Lie Carlo• Trffiffo Thia hae come in priTate con versationa with Governor Eduardo A Elizondo and Lie Urquijo and in a dinner meeting at which officers of the Consulate General and officials of the Department of Justice stationed in Monterrey were guests of Lie Urquijo a meeting which was also attended by practically the entire directorate of the State's new public security organization Thi• meeting which Lie Urquijo informed us he had wished to arrange soon after the return of the three officials from the United States was delayed only because the men concerned have been completely immersed since their return in the task of getting the new security organization established Leon - t X er a ' ' C c_ f J L ' The Ga ernor's thanks for the arrangements made for his three official • warmly expressed during my call on him after his inauguration That of Lie Urquijo was made known to us at one or two chance personal encounters after his return and in greater detail when he came to the Consulate General to invite us to the dinner meeting It was renewed in full and at times elaborate and amusing detail by all three of the officials at the dinner meeting 2 1il D 3 Beginning with their being met at the airport by AlD officer Mr Desiderio Crisosto110 and their initial visit to the International Police Aoade where they were greeted by Program Branch Chief Robert D Thurston the men were full of praise and gratitude for the efficient manner in which L FORM 4 • 02 OOHFIDlltiTIAL OS-323 pprov CGsE Tamieon or Clraraocrs Reproduced at the Na onal Archives Monterrey A - 3 2 arrangements were made for them and the attentions they received This included their visits to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Intemational Police Academy and the helpful ad Tice and assistance they received in Philadelphia Harrisburg San Franciaco Long Beach Phoenix and San Antonio he officers were quite concerned that their failure to have expreased appreciation earlier resulting from their ertreae preoccupation with their reorganization task•• would be interpreted as lack of gratitude on their part 4• Lie Urquijo and his companions seemed particularly impreaaed with the efficiency and modemity of the public security installation• and procedures they obaened the training facilitiee or the International Police Acad 91111 and the cooperative arrangement • among the various • ecurity organizations - Federal State and local They were also impressed with the scope and aeriousne• or the law enforcement problem in the U S heir comparison of the resources at- ilable in the u s with the extremely 11 11lited resource • available in Nuevo Leon was accompanied by a degree of comfort in their aa• ertion that the problems here are not aa intenee as they are in the U S -• an obsenation which at least for the moment aeema warranted 5 In diaoussing the ucellent treatment they received at the Intemational Police J cadeay the officials stated that with regard to follew-up training for apecialiata they had been told that the officer• they might choose to send to specific courses would receive the corresponding training without coat and that should it be necessary to do so the cost of transportation would aleo be provided The Consulate General would appreciate confirmation of this offer if it wa• actually made since it seem a likely that we will be approached in the first instance when any specific requests are forthoomi Dg 6 The Coaaulate General hereby adds its warm thanks to that of the Nuevo Le officials to all of those in Washington and elsewhere who contributed to the success of the visit of the Nuevo Le Security officials• la indicated in our first message on this aubject we believe that in addition to the practical benefits which are certain to be reaped the fact that the u s Government was requested by the Governor of the State of Nuevo Leon to assist in this project baa considerable significance in an area where the degree of confidence demonstrated has not alw qs been present on either aide CCllFID»iTliL