MORI DocID 612425 RELmsE IN PART EXEMPTIONS bH1J lb113J DATE JUL 2001 The National lnte Hgence Daily Copy No 133 TCS -10 1 VOLUME I NUMBER 20 TUESO- 'V SEPTE AllER ID 1'74 Guerrillas Are Nuisance to Mexican Government 111111 had Muian 1«11n1y raras rod • major rt• pn-m mc nt agc cia •nd they an • rul nui - Sp orYiote a • likely to continue for 1arne lime iu1mucb I the IOYctnmcnt'1 reapon e lo lhc problcm-inCTe • M d s«urily crron public 1pendin1 10 lmproYII IOC 1I and economic eondlllou and polillc • I lhe1of'ic-llaY11 to date baon laqcly Ii rlTealff • - •11iMt t•ffl rists thi• end but they are J1111 • 10111 •11 from elimina1in1 the e -riTiu apability to barrua the IOYffllnxnt St- luor Rub n Fltuetm1 •hohdbecn held capll •I- May •-• ICICIH J on Sunday •Rff • 1•111 bani• In witldt ooldlen 'nded a number armemben ar lade c•i Lucio-cnann• pnrll1a·p ·-riict-- -TllefflMlal th-e'lfWllicn thcLudo arreot d - n l 01hcn The prcriou dar Caba u band and Ille 231 1 or September al Olltcr •n ip of1 m risu freed Pl Clloeltl Comm1111l11 t ea111e Caba11u Mesi '• Echncrria'• ratbcr•i11-law Jou besC known lllfflilla open C9 monly in GH•ldupe Z no wk bd bca kldalp d the mountains not far from Aeapi lco in on Au1v11 21 Tht 1-11mc it had rutthe IDl lt lwatcrn 1 atc or OUCTfCl'o He t 10 lalk wllh thl kiduucrs allotil lmfll t11joys wida read l pPOrt and tympathy for 1h1 frwdom or d11M r bul It i aeolb141 amons lht pnunll Iha Zurio'a family -1 ' mill Olll'Uhl or Hll 1roup llu IUJtd numctau • thl nuom demancb rabbcriN lldntpln11 and 11 lct1L thrM I I l NtMNC dartn1 and profes1lon1I 11t1ch on ' Ri1111eadon of botJi lm rilt lfll'IP at1 ltolated army 11nitJ H1 ha1 p rhapt 50 10 slill at l•rp and ue 1111likd1 1a be 15 bnl- lOrc rollowen b21 can probably dcl 1'1 d in their camp ip qaimt 1111 • i 1e I' to 150 ror • partlallar open• porn lion Sec rity amc1111 belle-re that th• The 23rd $Ep t 111btt sroup unllh R tlou ry Anneid F - of UM homo i ar the Olhua openlcl in _ pie • Jl'OUP 11111 clalmm CNK lt ror l Jd ' or Maico and aboorb• racrrlllu n1pln1 rar1 1r US con • al enu1I lrom othff lf'O'lpt ill tht eo11n1ry Foundlzofthardy h1 May 197J wu re ponm bl ild I• 1973 It 11 11rt 1a-bued and ii rar Zuno'• • bduetlat1 illrec or i11 orpni In 1111an o 11• In •hiclt cac h mcm 1 a bCICl'I -ad U1 Je It m nber l llO'III only a re- 01hm II• kno- or thh lft'IIP bat II 11117 1MI ine111bcrs m Ind or In•• • aooclatld wllh lhl 23rd ar Sq lemblr Comm1111 1t i i MI aaothel -uunllt 1ro11p hat hu 11 id • apcd Mnlc • n ot•bln In tilt - 1 pad and wtu I backlfOtlnd-l'rom political appotlllon ID crlminal • c11Yi17 A number an 11uden11 Of fan - 11vdcnta • 'llrllh dq - In •• Ind mildlc M ht lltlllllh II repDl'1ld to be Nllllhly 500 bu It could be latter Ou•dall • ra Fla ro• had lMetl a pri- ar l -clo Cab• ftll' lrD IP fo U - • 1111 I half monllls daplt1 • m aarcil 10 local All of i i - 1roup1 ttpouM IOll e farm of M1ulsl ooc1 111m All 111 dedlcattd lo dlal JlnJ the MIik • J0Vfl11me111 and IOCi1I 1 '11 ' by wlcl•nl mea111 All luh DU 11 i111perilli1m and 1 1pi11li m and claim lo speall or the •poor and radk • I 1tildffll arpsll alloe bHad t hirn Unlil Eet cwm1 becun1 l'rtsldcnl ht 1910 polltlcal1ymatintahiobcJoftlris 10n hd bcell 11 Kn1 from Malco sinca the late 1921k llut al'ler hit b agpratlon Maico bepa 0 e l l the PIM kind or urll• and raral SUCfrilla cri that isc ommon in IGIIIC ol et LIiia Amcrii 111 QoUnlria In 1911 Iha me111 imeovcrcd I lf'QVPWI had recd lralnl111 hi North K orm A • i N _ About 15 suerrilla srow h I' _ 1911 bu only a lludful at-a JIOW ICliYe- TIie 1rovpo ar-s IIMII and an not wa1inr • nll-orpnlud ftllalned or motdinated conmct wllll u ao-'linml T1 q do nae thre• al tlMi stabilh - or lhc EchC 'errla admlnimation The ' do · h•ve the captbillly to cart oat q eetac11l11 ac11 ohlo11D0e and lcn Orilnl rpn 1 1 1 Mesioo EJLecpl far Ille North Koiun lnvo wematt In 1971 lhfre It no 10lid evlde1K11 or fc Nlp sappart for any ol lht -oupt A _ l oolldoM Ill 111on1l11 Ille IOYCfflmelll hu dealt Mriov hi° Lo 10111c oflhe groape •lly lo thl Did of ffllbff Com• hca y eopnoo that II had 10 diw rt rund1 rram other Pcmapi mOR omiaou• r« M im'• ari y litu1io11 wu tbe • ttcmpl Juu - 1974 by the 13rd of Septctnbef Jro p and radical 1 11CX11 0 •• lhe Uni-• 1hy or 5 1oa 1o llap M1methi111 apP1'0 chin1111 •tmcd upri1in1 In the street orcu1iacan capital ohhc wcaem tatur Slnaloa The 1 1 rna I con idend tM 1lu a1lo11 crioH •no 1h oc i i • pant o p n rrom iN eapiul 10 re 1h 1 ordot-•u tc• torod Thc Cul n ¥ialcn e kill4 of m uo ac1ioll 1ha1 u e 23rd of Septffllber 1roui adwoc otu Th 1ov•rnmrn1 ·• 1ucccu al qucllin1 It h1dleate1 lhot II m11 bi ll mc llm• kforo thl• Jf IUI' or aor other 1uerrill• oqo11lution I• •1ai11 ill 1 po llion 10 cry som¢1hln1 on the 1 or Culiocan b111 there _ lillle rcston 10 doubl lhal the inlenl u 1nd 1h11 he same type or action will be 111ecnp1ed •pin In lhc unlitdy cmtl that uempeo 1t amicd uprisi an m•dc in _ 1 a u1 at 11 c um• llme the - immt COllld be hard preaocd lo ll ondle lhem n c - 11 - The cumulaiiTe weisbt oC LCl'l'Orisl lr i idents in 1 c pest yest or so has produced • climate ar •n•ii ty particularly fflOIII bu1illeilmen and the wealthy who tider chi mld'ta pouiblc t aram of kidn•11 allcmpu BmlllCUlllen w-rrc 1n l lely biller • l lhe Edincrria adnmnistnliot1 lul rall ancr 111 lnRIICffllal lnduitrialisl m•rdered ' lctTOriatl I IIM 110 hcrft cily of Mantam7 The 1o••r11mu1'1 pollcy o 1101 l'ICIOli11ln1 -Ith kld11apen • nnou -d In Oclobor 1973 It IIOl 1loppln1 the polhieal 1bductlo110 A lar1e par or lhe 10 rnmen1'1 mpan•e 10 political 0 1cn Cl llloim or lntenlivc police work and •s i11 lhe C1lla11 1 cax the m i 1ppl ca1iot1 of ml ilary manpower Tlllt reot of the mponoe It I mixtats of public • p r d· 1111-nd palitlc• l rhetMic The Fip kidnapln1 f« u unple bl-ooghl ro 1h I hv1c pa bl hilly effort to dem01latratc ho• md the mantst La - Still Meslcan MC11rity 1Dm'llmct1l hli done f0t Ouen-cto •1c11cl11 have reHaltd 111perational dcficie ndoo The operalloct lo free ktlator Ruben Fipet-a lhtl ln1 pany's c ir dldate Althou1h tllc - irity ma - Im• none or the other - - IH ld much hope or _ ti - TIie 10 ernmcnl •• tocial and economic ror - r or G lenero bc •ii on JUM PfOlr•m• cannol be upcetcd 1111bc near 2$ - lerm lo amdlllt JH IIMl OOftlfitions lllal UC lo lhe lctronsl the aue rilla And tlM alter too bull' llsteai111 to 1helt own rheloric 111 li11a1 to tll• pwen m 1'•·- lhree -Ito after Fialmoa dlsIn •II the JOWffllffll llt u-1 upof 10 000 anny UOOPl-ftNrl - OM - ith or Ille armft total llra sth-ln 111c -rc11 rar C t w • lid illCllm d 111c h •we-nd- ••rd T ET 1 - cw- a o