IIOTa1 T '• • _ _ _ ela c11q I '-'•••I•• U 'c •d ' ' -' WffAi t r le•- nd• If U LC s - 111 _ w IA • o •• • _ ht _ -- t -rl •M 1Wa4 f• fl •• CO UNTll'I' I- W • Jl c T • • lllf O IIT NUIIIHII A rnzy- Operations in Campaign A gainst Lucio CABA l'iAS u t OAU g - IIE OIIT 23 Apr 75 1 tO HO 01' AOl I 11 i b 3 1o - -u- c s - c - 4- 2- 4--l u r11 cu b 3 10 •· OAT I 01' I N l'OIIMA TI O MI Fall 1974 I ---- l b 3 1 0 USC 424 MEXICO use 424 1 1 1 OIUG I NATOII b 6 a l' L Ac E ANO oAn o - ACOt Mexico City 22 Apr 75 11 ' 1111 0 • Y IV '-U ATJON b 3 10 US - C 4-24 - - - - - - - l A1 PIIOVIN0 10u11c 11 l b 1 b 3 10 USC 424 14 I l c H r ·n AU - - b 3 10 USC 424 b 6 _ - u -40I 2 MA 75 J ' _ 1 b 3 10 USC 424 1 - t - - talked to COL Lazaro DE IA VEGA Mexican Army paratrooper who was plit- i ncliarge of the paratroop battalion searching the state of Guerrero for Lucio CABANAS in the fall of 1974 DE IA VEGA is u trained and also received training in Central America Gu aternala a nd Costa Rica perhaps He was al so sent to Costa Rica several years ago to provide intelligence information on the El Salvador-Honduras dispute L 2 0 -€81• DE IA VEGA says CABANAS made tape recordings of many of his speeches to the peasants the speeches were communist-inclined Some tapes were captured when CABANAS abe ndoned hideouts hurriedly under pressure from government troops In the tapes CABANAS told his troops he 1 d pay them 2 000 pesos each per month In fact they received 60 - 80 pesos which caused widespread desertions er 3 CABANAS ma de a grave tactical error in the selection of terrain in which he tried to bide out according t o DE I A VEGA The terrain in which be tried tc hide out is the best marijuana growing c ountry in t he state of Guerrero and the le st thing the farmers wanted was government troops discovering their c x ops __ So - wb ene 'l e c_ the troa ps tbe t arme _ga l C_tlJem_t h t - - - -- ___ 1- - - - 1 available in formation on CABANAS I whereabouts so that the troops would leave the b 3 10 area e s soon as possible USC 424 -Ee - 4 CABAirA S was killed in an ambush by a 2LT in DE IA VEGAS I battalion He and others saw the bandits cOllling tbru the underbrush all armed The lieutenant put three M-l bu llets into C ABA liA S from BJnbwih He didn't know who had killed CABANAS until after the fight when DE LA VEGA identified the body DE IA VEGA was promoted t c full colonel as a result of killing CABAL1AS I 5 - l b 3 10 USC 424 CMtt •ue UTI O H • Ot11t• I NA T0 11b N0ne None l b 3 10 USC 424 Clt sit 1 bJ -- - -- ___ _ ·- -- II··•--- •- -- • DD - 1396 a _ _ -• I 69trlBfNTJAt __ __ i 9 I 1 _ _ __ _