1EeflEf UNITED STATES Tl is document consists of ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION No WASHINGTON 211 o c --L- of fl e2 ------ pagei - --- copies Series _ f _ December 13 1960 EOS0xl CI l EO50x2 CIA MEMORANDUM FOR CHAIRMAN McCONE Cet1MISSIONER GRAHAM C SSIONER OLSON C l IMISSIONBR WILSON SUBJECT I_____________ BRIEFING OF JCAE Friday December 9 the JCAE met in executive session to hear testimony from representatives of the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of State Representatives of the ABC Messrs Bloch Kratzer Staebler Ohlke and the writer were alao present at the Joint Committee•s invitation On The hearing was called by Senator Anderson after JCAE staff members infermed him a£ aimificant infonnation recentlv rcce1vcd frgm the IJCAE members present were Senators Anderson Pastore and Gore and Representatives Van Zandt Bates and Durham a surprising turnout in view of the time of y ar and the current European trip I peclassified Case NWt k0964 Date 06-ll-2018 SANITIZED COPY SDtSmvt INFORMATION OELETf'' NW# 40964 -sEOREl- Docid 3260902 - ----------- - EGREfChairman McCone - 2 - December 13 1960 - -tEOSOxl CIA EO50x2 CIA Phil Parley indicated that the analysis of the evidence was such that Secretary Herter was calling in the Israeli Ambassador that afternoon December 9 to ask for an explanation Sen Anderson lked Parley what authority the u s had to demand an explanation Farley replied that nothing would be demanded but that the security of the u s is sufficiently involved to warranlo 1W Al1W1 1r lLti1 1J 1n of our He said that if Israel indicated that as for e purposes then Herter would state that _------ - --- was creating needless auspicion and riak an Israeli reply then Herter wou express the grave concern of our g eroment over the effect of this program on the security of the Middle Eaet and the world I Sen Pastore showed agitation that we should be snooping around11 supposed friends and thought it would have been more proper to have confronted Israel directly when the first evidence was receiv _ liLl- l liLW 1 a a 111 1L 1r 1 111i l 1 m m a a1Urt'ended the subterfu e but blamed Both for different reasons blamed CIA and State Department for tardy action our AEC was not involved in the discussion except to provide brief informa tion on the extent of our cooperation and aaaistance to Israel under our bilateral rogram The JCAE seemed much concerned that if the ecome public knowledge the O s wouid beiamed because of its ciose economic ties to that country The members were therefore apprehensive lest it become known that the U S had knowledge of the program before it was made public I The meeting terminated without any firm conclusions further action appearing to hinge on the outcome of Herter'• diplomatic step ✓- · ·' - --·---·---···- - - chard X pecial As o the General Mana'ger Congressional cc General Manager 8EGRET NW# 40964 Docid 32609027
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