• THE WHITE HOUSE WASHIHOT ON March 15 1977 _ Prealdenttal DJ rectlvo NSC-6 _ _ · Tho Vlce President Tho Socrctary 0£ State Tho Secretary of Dolense ALSO stJBJECTs Cub Tho Secretary of the Treasury The Attorney O• er The Sec - tary ofcc inmerce Tho ·Unlt d State• Ro'presenta tlve to the United Nations 'the of Central Intelllience Dlre tor ' i • ' • • · ' After revlewJng tho ioeult of the mc_c_tµig of the Policy Rc 'icw ·- co held nJV'ednosday March 9 1977 to dlacuas U S policy · -· · 1 to Cubai I have _concluded·that _we should attempt to achieve normal batlon our· r _lati s wS th Cuba of To thla end w ' ibould be'gln clirect and c cmftde tta 1 talks In a meaaur d· and care ul -fashion with roprcaentatlves of the Covcrnmcmt · o Cublt · Our_ objoc tive 1 to sat ln nioth ·procoas whlch wJ 11 lead io th_e ·ro stabllshment of d plomatic relattops between the United State•· and ·cu and which will advance tho Interests 0£ the Unltcc '°States· with respect to •-• CombaUng terror lam •- Human rights -- Cuba's orelgn nterventlon -- Compensation or American expropriated property and • · Rc lucUon of the Cuban rclationsMp polttical and military with tho Sc vlct Unlun ' Df • •-••r•n111rr11211111m illa11·11· ·111r•·11r•r11111r111m1111111•n•rmiam11wlliiltttWMfAilt11sr11m11· •n w•1r1x111· 111 -r- - - - ---- -------- '' • ·r •i il ✓' ESlfltU 111 1 t ·• -2- • The laeue1 wo ahould raise ln the C '---ploratory taiks include ·11sherics alld marltlma boundaries the antl-hijacklng agreement human rights condltlona ln Cuba lncluding release of American citizens in Cuban Jana vlaltatlon rights and cmlsration rights C ba's external a cth·i Jcs Jo Angola and elsewhere Cuba's ctivltlos with rega -d to P 1erto Rico aporta cultural and sciontiflc tccb nlcal exchan es compensation £or Amorlcan property which was exp1·opriated br tho Cubttn Cio ernme the po11lbllltt of tr·acte reb tiona and the establishment of an American _________ I lntareat Section ln the Swiss Embae sy • I • To Jmpie ent this- new pollc y and to negotta te Jn pursuit o these c bjectlveo the Secretary of State shoul-i designate oi lcials to begin exploratory talks wlth Cuba wlt tbe lntc-ntlon th2 t they will lead to approp rla te reciprocal and aequon tlal steps looking_ toward normallsatlon of rolattons bet y en our cou triea Followlng an exploratory zoun4 o dlecus•lons Na tl nal Sec-u ity Council shoulcl make ecommand11 tlons to me on how we should proceed the two 'Tbe ·Socl' t ltary of State should insure that tho NATO Oovernme it tapan-ancl va rlous Latin American Ciovcrnments are in ormed of U s lnltl tlves toward Cuba ·as appfopria te · Tile Attorney Oencral should take all necessary steps permitted by Jaw to prevent terrorlat or any Jllega 1 actlona launched from within the Un1ted_Statea ag lnsl Cuba and against U S citizens and to apprehend and prosecute perpetrators of such actions• UUSIREO •· ·•11 i ·· · •i ·• ··· l National Security Archive Suite 701 Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street NW Washington D C 20037 Phone 202 994‐7000 Fax 202 994‐7005 nsarchiv@gwu edu
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