1 » CLASSIFIED I 1_ '° 1Y IJND U'i' 4t2 _ ----- DEPARTMENT OF STATE Waahinaton o c 20520 SECRET MEMORANDUM TO G PM - FROM G PM - Rober Fulton SUBJECI' Briefing on Nth Country Study Mr Farley Arrangements have been made for personnel fr the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Livermore to br L____ interested State and ACDA people on a research project which sought to evaluate whether an Nth Country which undertook _ develop nuclear weapons would receive substantial be1 p· from in c s in the open literature The briefing will be held in Room 5941 between 9 30 and 11 00 a m on Wednesday December 13 The results of the study have some fairly sertou1 eXII control implications In brief three young PhD physt cists wotklug pert-time succeeded in achieving a workable nuclear weapons design in a period of about three years They had no access to classified information However they were permitted to have calculations made on the LIU computers I sat in on this briefing at AEC a couple of weeks ago and believe it is worthy of your time if you have the opportunity to attend Our office is working with ACDA on the arrangements for the briefing SEmET GROUP 3 Downgraded at 12 year intervals not automatically declassified r ' 7' I DECLASSIPJE D uthority · - ·- NNO-'fk9@ -- · • - - - - -- - - - SECRET 2 In addition to G 'PM we expect EUR INR SCI and possibly some additional offices to have representatives there The briefing will involve internal weapons design information so it will be necessary that all who attend have appropriate AEC clearances cc Mr Ausland Mr Garthoff Mr Wolf G PM REFulton mlm 12 5 67 SECRET I
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