TH8 PRESIDENT CyrUl l n V ncc 'lour subject ' ith Po nJ mlcil1 Repr eseill- tl tivcLi July 29 it 91'30 O m Pl H 'XCrPANTS c ___ _- --_ _ _ us secretary Vance 111 tbilEEador tCi 'i S I'Hnir ter Ambassador Dunker il ' lbn saco Linowitz Dr Drzez inGid Robert I PURPOSE Pl1stor 1 0 '0 Jr J u acor Escob 3lr BACKGnOUND In response to my memorandum to you of July 25 you l grccd to receive the 11an 1ii1 lnian repre6cnlutivca in on1cr to request them to deliver d letter to General Torrijos outlining the approuch -thich the United SUlLo will be taking in the negotiations on the issues of economic arrangements und lands and You will wilnt to usc thiB meeting to impresn on the Punamanians the GcriouanCGS with w lich the Unitcd SLll tc6 Bide has studied t hcsc iG6UC6 and to cmpba5ize that the orfers which our ncgotialors will table rcptcscnl thc limits of United Slates flexibility The Panamanian repr esentatives expect that you -Jill have a for them to deliver to General Torrijos They all enjoy the personal confidence of the General and a re tou9h ncgotiutorfl St C LU 'll • XGDS-l ' ' •• ' • • PER DV N 'If S 0' 1 - 1 '32 I YoUr' co ·C'r ' ltion Hith him then h' l friendly tbc in reccl1t i f fraF1c rnind the ncgotii tions which ensued K1Y 16 Note your plcanure nt being qble again to meet J' J1 UU a a dCH Lc w L s with Extend best wishes to 86n a ·Georgetown Uni vend t y atudcnt lr ho will he marr ieo laler July 29 Nelc fOc Nj nistcr noting that Ambu 6AildoJ s DCEpi le aome C ij'O in Pan0ma and Arilbafisaoor Escobar h 1vC heard 1houL them from Dunker nnd Linmd tz yO l d1 f f icu 1 tics the negotia Uon8 hQvc I nac1e con iccri blc progress during the p Jsl two mont Only two mC'ljor issuer I economic arrenCjCiTlC '1 ts l1nd li1ncis 3nd • waters remain unresolved in principle haG not J'et corruncnccd • Trcnt¥ drafting YOUR TALKING POINTS ExpreS8 your sdtiH action with the major progre is that hac been achieved Note your strong advocacy or D new and air treaty your hope that such a treaty and the sense of parttlcrr hip - hich will fo110 -I CQuld £lct an CXDffi l1 for the world Express your intention to give the tra3ty your ntrongc81 pcrson ll supper t to mobilize grcAsionnl and public opinion behind it 6ECRB I hee'i on lhe United Slates £ idc' pOGiLio 1 iii t hc p J l i' lS c ho ' developed our CI lt t nf Ung Sta tc lh l t the Un i ted S tcz lihldc ever ' rcaGonoblc e ort to deal 3 th thG important matter of economic payments generously HCiltton thr t lhe c an very pm cl ful rcst -aintl'i under W 1 ic h the whc11c trt' c1ly problem h l6 to be approilchcd in the United StJ tes EmplvlSi7 C' thaI in de ling lith ooth econoil1i c rle lunas ind ' 1lc1 'o the Untt cd l1rriHl J i71enl s States has to keep in mind that a ratifi- able trc Jl y I 1UGt allml thc United StatcG to llSSUI i Uwt the CanDl will remain open cf-· ficicnt secure and neuLral At t l c hmcn t i 1 2 Draft lclter for Torrljos Diographic sketches • and nrc now movins to the threshold 0f - -- york togethc - or m iLual adVa i H C conclusion 7hi6 nd tor the benefiL of r the ' Iorld If we it will represent a new ccmplete our llnd impOrUH L page tn the of our time You will be able to tuke grctit F uUG action in wQHing that thl 'ou'Jh yotlt- pcrsoni ll leadcrshiu 1 '01' new LrculY has been achif v d 4' ' my pi lrL I willit you to r nov ' that I am dctdicutcd to 116SUl ing I hnt a fair thul the two IT ost ilOpol'tar t I mil ifiGUC fi just t rculy 'is ll grccd in thc GC ncgotiations arc lands ilnd walers and economic arrangements Hlh regard to the 1 ondE dnd waters iSGue the Unit ed Statea h i3 lOode a number of major conccfJsiono in thic Driguoicr Gcnct t'll Omor TorrijoB Herr eruf Chief of llw Covcnm cnt and ComrnunJcr or the tJatio aal GOard l'anaml • 'SROHS • gl vil19 this i13f llC L grcut dCi ll of thought Jnel lXC soon will be wilh your considered under the new treaty and in il our on linnunl pi1yrilcnLr to P 3tHlf t i He will arrive al it afLer intcD£ivc dclcrmtilcc1 to present which we trul y believe Lo be fa ir and jus L rcpt'cficnlillivcs Jill be t cccivin9 f rom iI solotion In add iLion your DC h'lrLr cnls of State Dnd Treasury responscs to your request or cconomic' help These will also be the result thoughtful or very careful and analysiG I can well understand that these proposals will be less than you had expected or wished I want you to know that tlley will be in my bcst jU dgmcnt u lQ ap l 'opr i 1tC and based on our consultation wi til the Congress t hey Jill reprcGcnt the mosL that we could undcrttikc to do I tileo 'want you to know hOHcvcr that once a treaty becn ncsotialcd we will be looking forward to cooperating Jth in every v c ¥ we SS€REq · t ' can to help in the we fully intend to do so I om confident lh t you undersland the problems I ond the difficulti es that lie ahead be th lt 13y the f 1ce toh-en I am ully I ensiti vo to the problcmG ood thilt confront YOIl Wi th unders tanding ilnd patience I I be U evc Ie can move quickly forward and achieve the goal thaL has eluded past und leaders in both our countries welcome the fc and Ollr I o a new era in our n l 1tions in vlhlch people woddn9 Lose Lhcr Dnd coopera Ling fully in civilian endeavors in military affairs and I-look forw 1rd with great anticipation to aigning with you a grcul histOl ic document that will l11ilkc our countricG und our peoples real partners in the adventurous years '1head with warm Most sincerely Jimrny Cart cr ' ' - -- _ ' '
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