Archive News Alerts
Check here for press releases and notices about the National Security Archive, plus public announcements about major document declassifications, government policy shifts, court decisions, or congressional legislation.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology has released its newest iteration of critical infrastructure cybersecurity framework. Today’s brief includes this document (Version 1.1), two…
In March of 2018 the Inspector General for the Department of Justice issued a report on the FBI’s statements on its ability to break into the iPhone of Syed Rizwan Farook, one of the attackers killed…
Omnipresent in discussions of military use of cyber is how cyberspace fits in with the other warfighting “domains” of land, air, sea, and space. This question is vital to several issues facing future…
The Cyber Vault has gathered below a compendium of basic documents from certain key cyber-related court cases. Court documents are often crucial to understanding the judicial history of legal…
President Trump signed the CLOUD Act into law on March 23, 2018, after the act passed through Congress – without a hearing or even a committee review – attached to an omnibus spending bill. As the…
The United States Department of Justice recently announced the indictment of nine Iranian citizens for actions related to cyber-enabled theft of research, data, and intellectual property, a constant…
USCYBERCOM has put flesh on the bones of its skeletal strategy declaration initially released in February 2018. A month later, on March 23, the Command made public a new, 12-page “Command…
High-profile U.S. government personnel changes are dominating the news this week. Possibly slipping under the radar for many is the pivotal, pending nomination of Lt. Gen. Paul Nakasone to head…
Washington, D.C., March 12, 2018 - The Secret Service and the White House have emerged as the dubious winners from the hard-fought competition for the National Security Archive’s infamous Rosemary…
Washington, DC, March 8, 2018 – Two out of five federal agencies claimed that they were either unable or not required to respond to a targeted Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for…
The encryption debate pitting concerns of privacy and civil rights against concerns of law enforcement and national security has grown in significance in recent years. Today’s posting provides a…
While election interference using the information space continues to demand attention, today’s posting examines questions related to the security of election systems themselves.
New to the Cyber…
On Friday February 16th, 2018 the United States Justice Department indicted three organizations and thirteen Russian individuals for Conspiracy to Defraud the United States and Conspiracy to Commit…
With Russian election hacking still in the news, today’s posting features a recent Estonian Foreign Intelligence Service publication that includes an in-depth analysis of Russia's strategy for using…
The January 2018 publication of a draft of the Trump administration’s Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) has raised questions about modern concepts of deterrence and the potential link between cyber and…
After a six-year fight with the Department of Defense, the researchers at the National Security Archive obtained thousands of memos written by former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. NPR's Kelly…
This report assesses the impact of multiple emerging technologies including advanced networking, quantum computing, autonomous learning, virtual/augmented reality, biometric identification and…
Cyberspace strategy for Strategic Command
Washington, D.C., January 11, 2018 - A new book by long-time colleagues of the National Security Archive, James G. Blight and janet M. Lang, offers a fresh exploration of the 1962 Cuban missile…