Archive News Alerts
Check here for press releases and notices about the National Security Archive, plus public announcements about major document declassifications, government policy shifts, court decisions, or congressional legislation.
Recent years have seen increased interest in data privacy and answering the question of what sort of data collection, by whom and for what purpose, is legitimate. The U.S.’s Federal Trade Commission…
A FOIA request by the National Security Archive Cyber Vault has produced the original Operations Order (OPORD) outlining USCYBERCOM support to Operation Inherent Resolve. This document, referenced in…
In February of 2016 thirty five fraudulent orders were sent over the SWIFT network, a telecommunications system linking financial institutions used to exchange information on transactions, to…
A Cyber Vault study of social media activity by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) during the violent Charlottesville protests in August 2017 demonstrates how the controversial Russia-based…
The Cyber Vault has gathered witness testimony and transcripts for hearings held by the 115th Congress during 2018. These documents are reflective of the scope of the legislative challenges and…
Election security has been a pressing issue since the 2016 elections due to concern over foreign interference in the election and possible cybersecurity risks.
According to the U.S. Election…
On January 17, 2019, the Democratic National Committee filed an amendment to their original lawsuit against the Russian Federation, the GRU, Wikileaks, the Trump Campaign, and several…
On January 15, 2019, the US Defense Intelligence Agency released its latest edition of the China Military Power report. Among other points, the report discussed China’s reformed command-and-control…
Washington, D.C., January 8, 2019 - The National Security Archive, together with the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University and the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in…
Washington, D.C., January 7, 2019 – Choice Magazine, the publishing arm of the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL), has named the Digital National Security Archive an “…
Washington, D.C., December 10, 2018 – The National Security Archive mourns the passing of Lyudmila Mikhailovna Alexeyeva, our dear friend, colleague and inspiration for all our work documenting human…
The Cyber Vault has gathered a selection of presidential orders related to communication and cyber policy. They are a complement to other compilations on our site consisting of cyber-related…
Earlier today Zach Dorfman and Jenna McLaughlin reported on a "catastrophic" failure of a CIA communications system which resulted in the potential compromise of "close to 70 percent of operations"…
The Cyber Vault has gathered below selections from the US Code related to cyber security. These selections are key to understanding the complex delegation of legal authorities governing the actions…
From 1949 until the late 1960s the Office of Naval Research (ONR) published the Digital Computer Newsletter to “provide a medium for the interchange among interested persons of information…
The United States Government Accountability Office has issued a report finding that the Department of Defense’s early adoption of computers and information technology but late prioritization of…
Several recent attacks targeting major sea port operations have demonstrated the ability of a cyber-attack to stall maritime shipping:
Washington D.C., October 2, 2018—Today marks the fiftieth anniversary of the notorious Tlatelolco massacre, when the Mexican government killed dozens of students and bystanders protesting the…
Last week the White House and the Defense Department issued new documents on cyberspace strategy. This posting includes the new issuances and presents them with current national security and strategy…
The Cyber Glossary is a compilation of specialized terms to help experts and the public alike navigate the complex field of cybersecurity. This resource combines definitions from a variety of…