Archive News Alerts
Check here for press releases and notices about the National Security Archive, plus public announcements about major document declassifications, government policy shifts, court decisions, or congressional legislation.
Washington D.C., September 8, 2020 – Now that the Republican and Democratic parties have officially confirmed President Donald J. Trump and former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr as their…
Washington, D.C., July 21, 2020 - The National Security Archive is grievously saddened by the sudden passing of Bruce G. Blair on July 19, 2020. A co-founder of Global Zero and a research…
Washington, D.C., June 19, 2020 – As President Trump escalates attempts to quash publication of former National Security Adviser John Bolton’s book, The Room Where it Happened, on the grounds that it…
Washington, D.C., May 18, 2020 – The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals today ruled against the National Security Archive’s lawsuit to restore the routine disclosure, under the Freedom of Information Act (…
Washington D.C., May 11, 2020 – For the past few years the National Security Archive Cyber Vault project has been identifying and collecting records on USCYBERCOM through several methods including…
The COVID-19 public health crisis is having an unprecedented impact on the American work force, including the federal government and its FOIA and MDR offices.
Some agencies are making submitting…
A USCYBERCOM Fusion Cell assigned to evaluate the impact of the 2010 WikiLeaks release of classified Department of State cables determined that information in the cables revealed U.S. intelligence on…
Washington, D.C. February 11, 2020 - U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson made clear yesterday that her ruling in the Archive’s lawsuit seeking to compel the White House to preserve…
Washington D.C., January 13, 2020 - Ten years ago, the National Security Archive was deeply saddened to learn that our friend and former colleague, Lisa Mbele-Mbong, was killed in the collapse of the…
Washington, D.C., December 16, 2019 – A US Navy office involved with drone warfare raised a series of concerns in 2017 about Defense Department use of drones sold commercially by the Chinese…
Washington D.C., December 13, 2019 – After several massive multi-agency federal law enforcement investigations, the shutdown of the “Silk Road” online black-market site and its immediate…
Washington, D.C., December 6, 2019 – The GridEx Exercises are a series of biennial grid security exercises designed to evaluate the response of the electricity sector to a cyber incident, strengthen…
Washington D.C., November 26, 2019 – In September 2018 the National Security Archive filed a FOIA request with the United States Cyber Command for a 2016 briefing on operational strategy given to the…
Washington D.C., November 21, 2019 – Hours before a shutdown deadline, President Trump today signed a short-term spending bill that will keep the government open until the end of December 2019. The…
Washington, D.C., November 18, 2019 – The Historical Archive of the National Police of Guatemala (AHPN) is in trouble. This unparalleled collection of Guatemalan police records, renowned throughout…
Over the past few years surveillance using IMSI-catchers has become a significant issue for law enforcement and counter-intelligence. The International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) serves as the…
Washington, D.C., November 11, 2019 – A military judge presiding over the Guantanamo trial of alleged USS Cole bomber Abd al Rahim al-Nashiri cited a cable released to the National Security…
Washington D.C., November 5, 2019 - The National Security Archive, together with Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) and the Society for Historians of American Foreign…
A May 2019 report by Blake Sobczak at E&E news revealed that a Western power utility company was hit with a denial of service attack on March 5 2019. The report stated that the attack did not…
A new documentary film offers fresh historical material and perspectives on the 1953 coup in Iran. COUP 53, directed by award-winning Iranian-born film-maker Taghi Amirani, is an…